8 research outputs found

    Cultural and Educational Practices in the Museum Environment: Transmission of Cultural Heritage

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    Received 4 June 2020. Accepted 20 November 2020. Published online 29 December 2020.In the age of digitalisation and globalisation, one of the essential tasks addressed at the level of cultural policy, having relevance for all generations, consists in the preservation of cultural heritage. Cultural and educational practices, integrated in the preschool-, school- and higher education environments and aimed at the formation of the worldview and identity of the younger generation, are considered by the authors as effective and relevant mechanisms for transmitting the memory of values, meanings, places, cultural artefacts, etc. Therefore, it seems advisable for the organisers of multi-level projects to address the potential of the museum as a cultural institute. Today, museums are oriented towards a wide variety of visitors, including professionals and creative audiences of all ages, in the presented activities and services. The transmission of cultural memory in the museum environment is implemented not only in traditional ways, but also through contemporary information and media technologies. The introduction of the younger generation to cultural heritage provides them with an opportunity to experience significant values and meanings of the cultural space and time of the city, region, or country at the personal level.The work was supported by the grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, (No. 17-29-09136/18)

    2,6-Dicyano-4-pyrone as a Novel and Multifarious Building Block for the Synthesis of 2,6-Bis(hetaryl)-4-pyrones and 2,6-Bis(hetaryl)-4-pyridinols

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    In this work, a three-stage and easily scalable synthesis of 2,6-dicyano-4-pyrone (overall yield of 45%) as a new convenient building block has been developed from diethyl acetonedioxalate. It was shown that the transformation with hydroxylamine and [3 + 2]-cycloaddition, in contrast to the reactions with hydrazines, selectively proceed through the attack at the cyano groups without the pyrone ring-opening to give symmetrical and unsymmetrical pyrone-bearing heterocyclic triads containing 1,2,4- and 1,3,4-oxadiazoles as well as tetrazole moieties. The reaction of 2,6-bis(hetaryl)-4-pyrones with ammonia afforded 2,6-bis(hetaryl)pyridines in 63-87% yields. The 4-pyridone/4-pyridinol tautomerism of 2,6-bis(hetaryl)pyridinols and the influence of the nature of adjacent azolyl moieties on this equilibrium have been discussed. © 2020 The Authors. Published by American Chemical Society.This work was financially supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant 18-13-00186). Analytical studies were carried out using equipment of the Center for Joint Use “Spectroscopy and Analysis of Organic Compounds” at the Postovsky Institute of Organic Synthesis of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Ural Branch) and the Laboratory of Complex Investigations and Expert Evaluation of Organic Materials of the Center for Joint Use at the Ural Federal University (UrFU). The authors would like to thank Suslova A.I. and Morozova A.P. for their help in this work

    Inclusive Practices of Multicultural Environment: Ways to Achieve a Dialogue

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    Статья поступила в редакцию 05.11.2021 г.Практики поликультурного взаимодействия XXI в. достаточно насыщенны и интенсивны. Острым становится вопрос адаптации детей- инофонов (детей мигрантов из стран Ближнего Зарубежья). Ключевая проблема для педагога, родителя и ребенка — готовность к диалогу, в основе которого лежит принятие другого и чужого в соответствии с принципами толерантного и уважительного отношения людей друг к другу. Объектом статьи стала поликультурная образовательная среда. Для описания способов взаимодействия субъектов внутри нее введено понятие «культурная инклюзия». Авторами предложена логика образовательных действий в работе с детьми-инофонами в условиях психологической, социальной и социокультурной адаптации.The practices of multicultural interaction of the 21st century are quite rich and intense. The issue of adaptation in relation to foreign-speaking children (children of migrants from C.I.S.) becomes acute. The key problem for the teacher, parent and child is the readiness for dialogue, which is based on the acceptance of the other and the stranger in accordance with the principles of tolerant and respectful attitude of people to each other. The object of this article is a multicultural educational environment. To describe the ways of interaction of subjects within it, the concept of “cultural inclusion” is introduced. The authors propose the logic of educational actions in working with foreign-speaking children in conditions of psychological, social and socio-cultural adaptation

    Artistic Universality of the Comic: Educational Potential

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    Авторы обращаются к анализу зарубежных и отечественных исследований в области комикса и природы его создания. Метод систематизации информации используется в качестве основного и необходим для обоснования целесообразности использования актуальных форм визуального текста в образовательном процессе. В тексте авторы сосредоточивают свое внимание на структурно-содержательном потенциале комикса, который в западноевропейской традиции уже на протяжении нескольких десятилетий используется как средство обучения. В отечественной традиции комикс приобрел популярность особенно среди молодого поколения как форма и практика современного чтения.The authors turn to the analysis of foreign and domestic research in the field of comics and the nature of its creation. The method of systematizing information is used as the main one and is necessary to substantiate the expediency of using actual forms of visual text in the educational process. In the text, the authors focus their attention on the structural and content potential of comics, which have been used as a teaching tool in the Western European tradition for several decades. In the Russian tradition, comics have gained popularity, especially among the younger generation, as a form and practice of modern reading

    Communication Trends in the Post-literacy Era: from Human Creativity to the Creativity of Artifi cial Intelligence and Human-machine Hybrids

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    Статья поступила в редакцию 10.02.2021 г.На основе материалов Пятой Международной научно-теоретической конференции «Коммуникационные тренды в эпоху постграмотности: полилингвизм, мультимодальность и поликультурность как предпосылки новой креативности», прошедшей в Уральском гуманитарном институте УрФУ 26–28 ноября 2020 г., анализируются основные коммуникационные тренды, сложившиеся под влиянием пандемии COVID-19 в сфере информационно-коммуникативного взаимодействия в пространстве социокультуры в течение 2020 г. В качестве основного тренда рассматривается использование искусственного интеллекта в таких сферах социокультуры, как коммуникации, медиа, образование. Уточняется понятие креативности, выясняются креативные возможности и пределы человеческого и искусственного интеллекта, анализируются угрозы и опасности, связанные с развитием искусственного интеллекта и внедрением его в разные сферы человеческой жизни — в образование и воспитание, журналистику и массовое информирование, современное искусство и музейно-выставочную деятельность. Делается вывод о необходимости дальнейших междисциплинарных исследований искусственного интеллекта в гуманитарной сфере.The article is based on the materials of the Fifth International Theoretical Scientifi c Conference “Communication trends in the post-literacy era: polylingualism, multimodality and polyculturalism as preconditions for new creativity”, which took place at the Institute of Humanities in November 26–28, 2020. The authors analyze the main communication trends that have developed under the infl uence of the Covid-2019 pandemic in the sociocultural space in 2020. The main trend is the use of artifi cial intelligence in such areas of socioculture as communication, media, education. The concept of creativity is clarifi ed, the creative possibilities and limits of human and artifi cial intelligence are considered, the threats and dangers of the artifi cial intelligence‘s development and its implementation in various spheres of human life are analyzed, such as education, socialization and inculturation, journalism and mass information, contemporary art, museum and exhibition activity. The conclusion is made about the need for further interdisciplinary research of artifi cial intelligence in the humanitarian sphere.Статья подготовлена при финансовой поддержке гранта РФФИ №17-29-09136/20 «Полилингвизм в эпоху постграмотности: философско-культурологические предпосылки и методико-педагогические основания модели полилингвального образования».This research was financially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Grant No. 17-29-09136/20 “Multilingualism in the Era of Post-literacy: Philosophical and Cultural Studies and Methodological and Pedagogical Development of a Multilingual Education Model”)

    2-(2-(Dimethylamino)vinyl)-4H-pyran-4-ones as Novel and Convenient Building-Blocks for the Synthesis of Conjugated 4-Pyrone Derivatives

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    A straightforward approach for the construction of the new class of conjugated pyrans based on enamination of 2-methyl-4-pyrones with DMF-DMA was developed. 2-(2-(Dimethylamino)vinyl)-4-pyrones are highly reactive substrates that undergo 1,6-conjugate addition/elimination or 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition/elimination followed by substitution of the dimethylamino group without ring opening. This strategy includes selective transformations leading to conjugated and isoxazolyl-substituted 4-pyrone structures. The photophysical properties of the prepared 4-pyrones were determined in view of further design of novel merocyanine fluorophores. A solvatochromism was found for enamino-substituted 4-pyrones accompanied by a strong increase in fluorescence intensity in alcohols. The prepared conjugated structures demonstrated valuable photophysical properties, such as a large Stokes shift (up to 204 nm) and a good quantum yield (up to 28%)