66 research outputs found

    Roadmap and strategy for overcoming infusion reactions to nanomedicines

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    Infusion reactions (IRs) are complex, immune-mediated side effects that mainly occur within minutes to hours of receiving a therapeutic dose of intravenously administered pharmaceutical products. These products are diverse and include both traditional pharmaceuticals (for example biological agents and small molecules) and new ones (for example nanotechnology-based products). Although IRs are not unique to nanomedicines, they represent a hurdle for the translation of nanotechnology-based drug products. This Perspective offers a big picture of the pharmaceutical field and examines current understanding of mechanisms responsible for IRs to nanomedicines. We outline outstanding questions, review currently available experimental evidence to provide some answers and highlight the gaps. We review advantages and limitations of the in vitro tests and animal models used for studying IRs to nanomedicines. Finally, we propose a roadmap to improve current understanding, and we recommend a strategy for overcoming the problem.National Cancer InstituteNational Institutes of Health | Ref. CA194058National Institutes of Health | Ref. EB022040Miskolc University. Applied Materials and Nanotechnology Center of ExcellenceXunta de Galicia | Ref. Xunta de Galici

    Activation of Human Complement System by Dextran-Coated Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Is Not Affected by Dextran/Fe Ratio, Hydroxyl Modifications, and Crosslinking

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    While having tremendous potential as therapeutic and imaging tools, the clinical use of engineered nanoparticles has been associated with serious safety concerns. Activation of the complement cascade and release of proinflammatory factors C3a and C5a may contribute to infusion-related reactions, whereas opsonization with C3 fragments promotes rapid recognition and clearance of nanomaterials by mononuclear phagocytes. We used dextran-coated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIO), which are potent activators of the complement system, to study the role of nanoparticle surface chemistry in inciting complement in human serum. Using complement inhibitors and measuring levels of fluid phase markers (sC5b-9, C5a and Bb), we found that the majority of human complement activation by SPIO is through the alternative pathway (AP). SPIO prepared with high dextran/iron ratio showed some complement activation via calcium-sensitive pathways, but the AP was responsible for the bulk of complement activation and amplification. Activation via the AP required properdin, the positive regulator of the alternative C3bBb convertase. Modification of sugar alcohols of dextran with alkylating, acylating, or crosslinking agents did not overcome complement activation and C3 opsonization. These data demonstrate that human complement activation is independent of dextran modification of SPIO and suggest a crucial role of the AP in immune recognition of nano-assemblies in human serum

    Differential proteomics analysis of the surface heterogeneity of dextran iron oxide nanoparticles and the implications for their in vivo clearance

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    In order to understand the role of plasma proteins in the rapid liver clearance of dextran-coated superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) in vivo, we analyzed the full repertoire of SPIO-binding blood proteins using novel two-dimensional differential mass spectrometry approach. The identified proteins showed specificity for surface domains of the nanoparticles: mannan-binding lectins bound to the dextran coating, histidine-rich glycoprotein and kininogen bound to the iron oxide part, and the complement lectin and contact clotting factors were secondary binders. Nanoparticle clearance studies in knockout mice suggested that these proteins, as well as several previously identified opsonins, do not play a significant role in the SPIO clearance. However, both the dextran coat and the iron oxide core remained accessible to specific probes after incubation of SPIO in plasma, suggesting that the nanoparticle surface could be available for recognition by macrophages, regardless of protein coating. These data provide guidance to rational design of bioinert, long-circulating nanoparticles.National Cancer Institute (U.S.) (Grant CA119335)National Cancer Institute (U.S.) (Grant CA124427

    Cyanine lipids promote shedding of extracellular vesicles from cell membranes

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    Extracellular vesicles (EV) have garnered significant attention in the fields of drug delivery, imaging, and immunotherapy. There is a need in methods to enhance release of EVs from cells. We found that at high labeling concentrations (100µM), indocarbocyanine lipids DiD and DiR that are commonly used for labeling cells, nanoparticles and EVs, promoted shedding of cell membrane tetraspanins with concomitant release of EVs in the medium. To further investigate this phenomenon, we screened a library of lipids and liposomal formulations for the release of membrane marker CD63 from THP-1 cells, and membrane red nanolantern (RNL) from 4T1 cells. We found a strong dependency of the EV release on lipid structure. In general, lipids that had a cyanine headgroup were more efficient than PEGylated phospholipids, neutral and cationic liposomes, with some lipids enhancing the release of CD63 up to 4-fold, and of RNL up to 8-fold, over vehicle treated control. A side-by-side comparison of cyanine lipid derivatives and corresponding precursor lipids confirmed that the cyanine headgroup significantly promoted shedding of RNL. Mutation of an exosome biogenesis regulator UNC13D did not hinder the release. Lipid-released EV could be modified with anti-interleukin 13 receptor alpha 2 antibody and targeted to glioma cells, suggesting potential utility in drug delivery. Furthermore, the impact of extraneously added lipids on cell membrane integrity should be carefully considered in cell labeling and drug delivery applications

    C1q-Mediated Complement Activation and C3 Opsonization Trigger Recognition of Stealth Poly(2-methyl-2-oxazoline)-Coated Silica Nanoparticles by Human Phagocytes

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    Poly(2-methyl-2-oxazoline) (PMOXA) is an alternative promising polymer to poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) for design and engineering of macrophage-evading nanoparticles (NPs). Although PMOXA-engineered NPs have shown comparable pharmacokinetics and in vivo performance to PEGylated stealth NPs in the murine model, its interaction with elements of the human innate immune system has not been studied. From a translational angle, we studied the interaction of fully characterized PMOXA-coated vinyltriethoxysilane-derived organically modified silica NPs (PMOXA-coated NPs) of approximately 100 nm in diameter with human complement system, blood leukocytes, and macrophages and compared their performance with PEGylated and uncoated NP counterparts. Through detailed immunological and proteomic profiling, we show that PMOXA-coated NPs extensively trigger complement activation in human sera exclusively through the classical pathway. Complement activation is initiated by the sensing molecule C1q, where C1q binds with high affinity (Kd = 11 \ub1 1 nM) to NP surfaces independent of immunoglobulin binding. C1q-mediated complement activation accelerates PMOXA opsonization with the third complement protein (C3) through the amplification loop of the alternative pathway. This promoted NP recognition by human blood leukocytes and monocyte-derived macrophages. The macrophage capture of PMOXA-coated NPs correlates with sera donor variability in complement activation and opsonization but not with other major corona proteins, including clusterin and a wide range of apolipoproteins. In contrast to these observations, PMOXA-coated NPs poorly activated the murine complement system and were marginally recognized by mouse macrophages. These studies provide important insights into compatibility of engineered NPs with elements of the human innate immune system for translational steps

    New FTY720-docetaxel nanoparticle therapy overcomes FTY720-induced lymphopenia and inhibits metastatic breast tumour growth

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    Purpose: Combining molecular therapies with chemotherapy may offer an improved clinical outcome for chemoresistant tumours. Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) receptor antagonist and sphingosine kinase 1 (SK1) inhibitor FTY720 (FTY) has promising anticancer properties, however, it causes systemic lymphopenia which impairs its use in cancer patients. In this study, we developed a nanoparticle (NP) combining docetaxel (DTX) and FTY for enhanced anticancer effect, targeted tumour delivery and reduced systemic toxicity. Methods: Docetaxel, FTY and glucosamine were covalently conjugated to poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA). NPs were characterised by dynamic light scattering and electron microscopy. The cellular uptake, cytotoxicity and in vivo antitumor efficacy of CNPs were evaluated. Results: We show for the first time that in triple negative breast cancer cells FTY provides chemosensitisation to DTX, allowing a four-fold reduction in the effective dose. We have encapsulated both drugs in PLGA complex NPs (CNPs), with narrow size distribution of ~ 100 nm and excellent cancer cell uptake providing sequential, sustained release of FTY and DTX. In triple negative breast cancer cells and mouse breast cancer models, CNPs had similar efficacy to systemic free therapies, but allowed an effective drug dose reduction. Application of CNPs has significantly reversed chemotherapy side effects such as weight loss, liver toxicity and, most notably, lymphopenia. Conclusions: We show for the first time the DTX chemosensitising effects of FTY in triple negative breast cancer. We further demonstrate that encapsulation of free drugs in CNPs can improve targeting, provide low off-target toxicity and most importantly reduce FTY-induced lymphopenia, offering potential therapeutic use of FTY in clinical cancer treatment
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