27 research outputs found


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    Adanya hubungan antara proses sosial, ekonomi dan politik dan produksi ruang publik telah dinyatakan pada studi-studi ruang perkotaan. Namun demikian hubungan ini tetap abstrak dan jarang diilustrasikan dalam studi empiris. Tulisan ini ingin melihat bagaimana structuring forces dan para aktor mempengaruhi perencanaan dan perancangan ruang publik dalam kasus proyek RPTRA di kawasan Kalojodo di Jakarta. Hasil studi menunjukan bahwa adanya structuring forces dan aktor yang berbeda beroperasi dalam proyek dan mempengaruhi perencanaan dan perancangan proyek


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    The outdoor advertisements that increasingly occupy the streets and roads affect the level of publicness of the public spaces. The level of streets or roads publicness is likely to decrease due to an uncontrolled outdoor advertisements, not from the aspect of accessibility but the aspect of the quality of the public space that should be enjoyed and meaned by the community. The frameworks for analyzing public space publicity have been developed by experts. The frameworks analyze based on parameters related to the freedom of the public to access public spaces. Jeremy Németh adapts Lawrence Lessig's framework which has been reconceptualized to a material context, namely a park. This paper discusses the use of the Lawrence Lessig framework for analyzing streets or roads publicness associated with outdoor advertisements and analyzing the control of streets or roads by the central and regional governments in relation to advertisements in Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia. Control of this public space in this case is in the form of laws issued by the central and local governments. Keywords: outdoor advertising, public space, commons, control, law


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    Pendekatan yang diambil dalam konsep-konsep pengembangan permukiman perkotaan pada umumnya adalah pendekatan eco-technic atau ecological modernization untuk memecahkan masalah sosial dan lingkungan di perkotaan. Pendekatan-pendekatan lain juga telah diusulkan untuk menandingi pendekatan di atas yang dianggap tidak sepenuhnya dapat memecahkan masalah sosial dan lingkunganperkotaan. Tulisan ini mendiskusikan tentang pendekatan eco-imaginary dalam pengembangan perkotaan yang berkelanjutan. Pendekatan ini berangkat dari pemahaman bahwa penyebab utama dari masalah sosial dan lingkungan di perkotaan adalah masyarakat itu sendiri yang mempunyai imanginary tentang ruang perkotaan yang telah diproduksi dengan cara produksi yang dipengaruhi oleh kapitalisme

    Mata Kuliah : Menggambar Arsitektur I

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    Konsep smart city telah menjadi ide sentral yang kepadanya sekarang kota-kota di dunia sedang berpaling untuk mengatasi masalah-masalahnya. Berbagai konsep smart city telah diusulkan.Tulisan ini mendiskusikan konsep smart city dan hubungannya dengan konsep kota berkelanjutan. Dimensi konsep smart city tidak dapat dipisahkan dari dimensi keberlanjutan kota. Kerangka konseptual smart city yang mengacu kepada kota berkelanjutan diusulkan pada tulisan ini

    Mata Kuliah : Arsitektur Berkelanjutan

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    Identifikasi Kerusakan pada Gedung Gereja Suara Kebenaran Injil (GSKI Perdatam) di Perdatam, Jakarta Selatan

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    Abstract The potential for damage to a building, whether old or relatively new, is very large. Generally, the appearance of the damage that occurs is visible after the building starts operating. This community service aims to predict the value of the construction conditions of the GSKI Perdatam building on Jl. Pengadegan Utara Raya No. 29, Pancoran, South Jakarta. In addition, this PKM is also useful for knowing the cause of the damage to the building components, so that it can help the management of the GSKI Perdatam Building in its maintenance aspects. The method used is to identify the type of damage, both in terms of architecture, construction management and maintenance. Damage to the GSKI Perdatam building occurred in the roof, ceiling, walls, floors, utilities and sanitation components. Damage weight ranges from 10 - 75 percent for each of the damaged components. Most of the damage caused by rainwater seepage. The smallest damage was found in the floor components (10 percent) caused by popping; and the largest in the wall component (75 percent). Keywords:       damage identification; building components

    Pattern of statin use in several Hospitals in Jakarta. A cross sectional study

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    A preliminary, cross-sectional study on the pattern of statins use in three hospitals in Jakarta was conducted to see the responder rate of the patients who took statins. Data were taken from the Medical Records from May-July 2004 of each hospital. The inclusion criteria were outpatients diagnosed with dyslipidemia treated with statins either as first choice or add-on therapy to the other lipid-lowering drugs given. Two hundred and forty three cases were recorded during the 3-month period of examination, 127 male and 116 female. The average age of both group of patients were 56 ± 12 years (male) and 55 ± 12 years (female). The most commonly used statins as first choice and as add-on was atorvastatin (38.1%, and 1.6%, respectively), followed by rosuvastatin (20.5%), fluvastatin (11.5%), pravastatin (10.7%); whereas lovastatin (0.4%) and simvastatin (3.7%) were least prescribed. Patients’ total cholesterol levels were reduced significantly (241 ± 57 vs 207 ± 38 mg/dL, p less than 0.0001), whereas triglyceride levels were not significantly reduced (174 ± 86 vs 160 ± 71 mg/dL). Around 46% cases (72 out of 243 cases) met the NCEP ATP III goals on total cholesterol level. The most common combinations used, with respect to atorvastatin, were fenofibrate (11.3%), pravastatin (9.3%), rosuvastatin (3%), gemfibrozil (2%), whereas, with regard to rosuvastati, were gemfibrozil (9%), ciprofibrate (5%), and atorvastatin (3%). Large numbers of patients were not regularly checked up or low in compliance. In conclusion, statins usage in some hospitals in Jakarta had been inappropriately used, due to multiple factors, such as, prescribers, patients’ aspects, and the national health system. Therefore, in order to observe the efficacy of statins in clinical setting, a large scale study on the pattern of statin use should be conducted