115 research outputs found

    Pendekatan Positivistik dalam Studi Hukum Adat

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    Adat Positive Legal Science was initiated to simplify Western People (officer, legal enforcer, scholar) to understand adat or adat law. There are two important process to produce and to formulate substance of Adat Positive Legal Science. First, introduction of positivism legal approach creates perspective seeing adat law as jurisprudence because it has elements supporting adat law as system. This approach differenciates Adat Positive Legal Science from adat law study based on social approach. Adat law social approach does not imagine universal elements which represent reality of adat and adat law diversity because its own uniqueness. This different dissociate Adat Positive Legal Science from social studies as initial references. Second, introduction of positivism approach is action to apply western legal thoughts to explain adat law. The result is bias explanation regarding adat law. It is argued that positivism approach in Adat Positive Legal Science sets apart nature of adat law which following dynamics social relation. This paper doesn not only elaborate the birth of Adat Positive Legal Science history, but also how Adat Positive Legal Science does not able to response dynamic adat law by looking back to the existing concepts and definitions. IntisariIlmu Hukum Adat Positif pada awalnya digagas untuk keperluan memudahkan Orang Barat (pejabat, penegak hukum, ilmuan) untuk memahami adat atau hukum adat. Ada dua hal penting dari proses melahirkan dan merumuskan muatan Ilmu Hukum Adat Positif ini. Pertama, introduksi pendekatan positivisme menghasilkan pandangan yang melihat hukum adat sebagai jurisprudence dan karena itu memiliki unsur-unsur yang menjadi penopang hukum adat sebagai sistem. Pendekatan ini mengakibatkan Ilmu Hukum Adat Positif menjadi berbeda dari studi-studi hukum adat yang menggunakan pendekatan sosial. Kajian sosial hukum adat tidak membayangkan ada unsur-unsur universal yang bisa merepresentasikan adat atau hukum adat, yang dalam Kenyataanya beragam karena memiliki keunikan-keunikan. Perbedaan ini sekaligus menjauhkan Ilmu Hukum Adat Positif dari studi-studi sosial, yang dijadikannya sebagai rujukan awal. Kedua, introduksi pendekatan positivisme sekaligus merupakan tindakan menerapkan pemikiran-pemikiran Hukum Barat (western legal thoughts) dalam menggambarkan hukum adat. Hasilnya, sebagian gambaran mengenai hukum adat yang dihasilkan dari pendekatan ini, bersifat bias. Tulisan ini berargumen bahwa pendekatan posivistik dalam Ilmu Hukum Adat Positif telah membuat disiplin ini menjauh dari sifat alamiah hukum adat yaitu yang terus berkembang mengikuti proses dinamik relasi-relasi sosial. Tulisan ini, selain memaparkan sejarah kelahiran Ilmu Hukum Adat Positif, juga memperlihatkan bagaimana Ilmu Hukum Adat Positif tidak mampu merespon dinamika pada hukum adat dengan cara melihat ulang istilah dan konsep-konsep yang digunakan beserta pengertiannya

    Gejala Informalitas pada Tanah Garapan

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    Penanganan Overdispersi Pada Model Regresi Poisson Menggunakan Model Regresi Binomial Negatif

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    Poisson regression is the most popular tool for modeling the relationship between a discrete data in the response variable and a set of predictors with continue, discrete, categoric or mix data. Response variable with discrete data, however, may overdispersed or underdispersed, not conductive to Poisson regression which assumed that the mean value equals to variance (equidispersed). One of the model that be used to overdispersed the discrete data is a regression model based on mixture distribution namely Poisson-gamma mixture which result negative binomial distribution. This regression model usually known as binomial negative regression. Using Generalized Linier Model (GLM) approach, the given model, parameter estimate, diagnostics, and interpretation of negative binomial regression can be determined

    Indonesian law and leality in the Delta : a socio-legal inquiry into laws, local bureaucrats and natural resources management in the Mahakam Delta, East Kalimantan

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    This book provides a socio-legal inquiry into the legal and administrative management of the natural resources of the Mahakam Delta, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. This book argues that due to a combination of complex legal and non-legal factors, laws and regulations on natural resources management of the Mahakam Delta have – bar a few exceptions – not been effectively implemented. As for the legal factor, one can observe that the laws and regulations on resource use are neither consistent nor coherent with one another. In practice, the inconsistency and incoherence have diminished the rights security of the resource users, and have led to confusion about the level of authority and legality of the regional and local government officials. Meanwhile, the non-legal factors concern factors internal and external to the government institutions. This book argues that due to factors external to the government institution s local officials have tried to justify resource use by putting social legitimacy ahead of legal legitimacy, when deciding whether the local users had resource rights or not. A sense of social concern and fairness led the local officials to establish legal interpretations that supported their conclusion that the actual resource use was not only legitimate but also legal.LEI Universiteit LeidenThe Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)Effective Protection of Fundamental Rights in a pluralist worl

    Kedudukan Hukum dan Peluang Pengakuan Surat Keterangan Tanah Adat

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    Laporan penelitian ini merupakan bagian dari agenda besar yaitu advokasi pengakuan hak-hak adat atas tanah. Secara spesifik laporan ini mencermati efektivitas dan problem-problem yang dihadapi oleh Surat Keterangan Tanah Adat (SKTA), yang saat ini menjadi instrumen formal pengakuan hak-hak masyarakat Dayak di Kalimantan Tengah. Pengetahuan mengenai gambaran keberlakuan dan rekomendasi-rekomendasi untuk keperluan menjadikan SKTA efektif, diharapkan bisa menjadi amunisi untuk meningkatkan signifikansi sosial SKTA

    Analisis Sumberdaya Ikan Tembang (Sardinella Fimbriata) Di Perairan Selat Sunda Yang Didaratkan Di Ppp Labuan, Banten (Analysis of Fringescale Sardinella (Sardinella Fimbriata) Resources in Sunda Strait That Landed on Ppp Labuan, Banten)

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    Fringescale sardinella (Sardinella fimbriata) is one of the economically important fish resources found in Sunda Strait waters. High economic value with the increasing demand of fish makes it as one of the main targets of capture. Intensive utilization on fringescale sardinella resulted in overfishing. The aim of this research is to identify production pattern, fishing ground, fishing season pattern and appropriate alternative management. This research carried out on April to June 2014. The results show that fringescale sardinella has a fluctuated production pattern. Fishing season for fringescale sardinella is on May-October, while the fringescale sardinella bad season (low catches) is on March. Fishing ground for fringescale sardinella in Sunda Strait waters are Labuan Bay, Tanjung Lesung, Sumur, Panaitan Strait, Rakata Island, Ujung Kulon, Sebesi Island, Tanjung Alang-alang, and Peucang Island. Management for fringescale sardinella can be accomplished by increase the mesh size, management fishing season (open-close system) and fishing areas

    Kedudukan Hukum dan Peluang Pengakuan Surat Keterangan Tanah Adat

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    Merupakan hasil kajian secara lengkap mengenai gambaran, peluang dan tantangan serta sejauhmana capaian dan dampak dari implementasi program pemberian SKTA terutama dibandingkan dengan kedudukan hukum nasional. Dengan mengambil studi implementasi program pemberian SKTA dari Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah. Secara spesifik laporan ini mencermati efektivitas dan problem-problem yang dihadapi oleh SKTA, pengetahuan mengenai gambaran keberlakuan dan rekomendasi-rekomendasi untuk keperluan menjadikan SKTA efektif. Diharapkan bisa menjadi amunisi untuk untuk meningkatkan signifikansi sosial SKTA

    Water Condition of Salo River Based on Physical-Chemical Parameters

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    Salo River is one of the Kampar River's tributaries. Several activities conducted along the river produced pollutant that affects the water quality of the river in general. A research aims to understand the water condition in the Salo River based on physical-chemical parameters was conducted from April to May 2015. There were three stations (St1, St2 and St3) and water samples were taken once/week for a 4 weeks period. Water quality parameters measured were current speed, depths, temperature, transparency, turbidity, pH, DO , CO2, BOD5, nitrate and phosphate content. Results shown that the current speed was 17.5-38 cm/second, depths 29-36.3 cm, temperature 28-28.5 ºC, turbidity 3.34-5.36 FTU, pH 5, DO 6.89- 8.23 mg/L, CO2 7.99-8.99 mg/L, BOD5 2.39-7.29 mg/L, nitrate : 0.0275-0.0555 mg/L, and phosphate 0.0375-0.0525 mg/L. Nitrate and phosphate concentration indicate that the Salo River is in oligotrophic condition
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