20 research outputs found

    The Economic Pressure and Coping Strategy of the Family of Cash Conditional Transfer Recipients

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    Cash Conditional Transfer (CCT) or Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) is one of the attempts of Indonesian government to alleviate poverty. This study conducted in eight villages in Dramaga District, Bogor Regency for six months. This study aimed to analyze the difference of economic pressure and families coping strategies of economic functions between pre and post the family got CCT\u27s funds and to analyze the relationship of socioeconomic and demographic characteristics, economic pressure and coping strategies of economic functions. By using systematic random sampling, this study produced 150 samples. Family size, amount of debt, the ratio of debt and assets, and economic pressure significantly and positively correlated with the total coping strategies both in pre and post-CCT. On the other hand, the total coping strategies both in the pre and post-CCT also significantly and negatively correlated with the level education of wives. In addition, the husbands and wives age significantly and positively related to the coping strategies during post CCT, while the total family income correlated significantly and negatively

    Allocation Of Expenditure Of Poor Family AS Arecipient Of Program Keluarga Harapan (Pkh)

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    The aim of this article is to examine the allocation of expenditure for low-incomefamilies after receiving the Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) or ConditionalCash Transfer (CCT). Combination of cross-sectional and retrospective designswere applied in this research. Data collection locations were carried out in eightvillages in Dramaga District, Bogor Regency. The research sample wasdetermined randomly (probability sampling) used a systematic method andobtained a study sample of 150 CCT recipient families. Data was processing useddescriptive statistics. The CCT funding eligible for the family who has school-agechildren, toddlers, nursing mother, and pregnant woman. The CCT funds are spentby families with an average range of two weeks. The beneficiary of PKHsignificantly improving the quality of education and health, increasing the amountof family savings, and family income. The allocation of CCT funds more than halfis used for human investment. However, in the allocation of CCT funds, there arestill families who use PKH funds for non-educational activities such asfood/household needs, pay-off debt, saving, electricity payment, and businesscapital

    Effect of Brand Equity Dimension on Purchasing Behavior (Case Study: Aroma Bakery and Cake Shop in Medan)

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    Many of the entrepreneurs of small enterprise continuously strive to overcome their difficulties to grow the business. Out of many entrepreneurs who run the small enterprise, only a few is capable of sustaining and successfully growing their business into medium or even large scale. One of the common pitfalls occur during their business is their incapability of building the brand equity as one of the most important capital to align with their business growth. This strategy, however, is perceived as important because a brand equity represents the value of customer’s trust toward the entrepreneurs and the company’s brands.Aroma Bakery and Cake Shop is taken as a case study of this research which known as a foremost brand of bakery and cake that has been successfully expanding the business from the micro scale to small and become medium and even large scale. They have impressively built their brand equity and strength in a brief time, thus widely accepted by their customers. From only first outlet opened in one of permanent store at a home store (rumah toko) in 2009 to successfully opened 30 outlets in 2015.This research analyzed the influences of the four dimensions of brand equity, which are brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality, and brand loyalty over the purchasing behavior. Moreover, 245 respondents’ data were analyzed by utilizing Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) program as an analytical tool for the sample of this research.This research will test ten hypothesis those have been contributed from the past researches. Eventually, the result of the research suggests that brand awareness significantly influenced brand association, perceived quality, brand loyalty and purchasing behavior. Thus, it is strengthened by the result that brand association has significant influence over the perceived quality and brand loyalty as well as brand loyalty influenced significantly the purchasing behavior. On the other side, consecutively, the research indicates that perceived quality have no influence over or negatively influenced the brand loyalty, and brand association have no influence over or negatively influenced purchasing behavior Keywords: brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality, brand loyalty, purchasing behavior.

    Self-esteem, Money Attitude, Credit Card USAge, and Compulsive Buying Behaviour

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    The study aims to analyze the impact of self-esteem, money attitude, and credit card USAge behaviour on compulsive buying behaviour of working women. The study usescross sectional design with electronic survey methods (e-survey) involves 60 working women that use credit card. The Pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis are used as statistical tools. The result indicates that power prestige, anxiety, retention-time, and credit card USAge behaviour significantly correlate to compulsive buying behaviour. Furthermore, compulsive buying behaviour is positively influenced by credit card USAge behaviour. This paper suggests the Indonesian government to provide consumers education on aspects of financial planning and using credit card properly

    Strategy for Increasing Consumer Satisfaction of Hospital Services Using Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) Approach

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    The Covid 19 Pandemic further sharpened hospital competition that required the improvement of customers satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to analyze the level of satisfaction, the difference in service satisfaction between BPJS and Non-BPJS patients, and to formulate a strategy to improve patient satisfaction. The research used quantitative descriptive using an online survey and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The number of respondents was 764, including 248 BPJS and 516 Non-BPJS respondents. The variables used in this study consist of reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and physical evidence. Data analysis used Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI), independent t-test, and Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA). The Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) is 80.39% (BPJS 80.35% and Non-BPJS 80.40%), meaning patient satisfaction toward UMMI Bogor Hospital belongs to satisfy. There was no significant difference in the level of satisfaction of Non-BPJS patients and BPJS patients. The attributes that belonged to the main priority in repairs is the waiting time of polyclinic services, the timely presence of doctors in polyclinics, the friendliness and decency of pharmacy officers, the comfort of the waiting room, the cleanliness of the waiting room, and the neatness of building facilities, the safety of the hospital environment, the availability of medical devices, and the ease of complaining. Keywords: customer satisfaction index, importance-performance analysis, non-BPJS, satisfaction, social security organizing agency (BPJS


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    Saat ini perkembangan pasar semakin kompleks, namun apabila hal ini tidak diimbangi dengan kemampuan konsumen untuk mengelola pembeliannya dapat menyebabkan munculnya pembelian impulsif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh nilai, kontrol diri, dan sikap terhadap pembelian impulsif generasi Baby Boomer, generasi X, dan generasi Y. Penelitian ini adalah studi kuantitatif dengan menggunakan desain cross-sectional study. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner di lima komplek perumahan di Surabaya, Jawa Timur. Responden adalah ibu rumah tangga sebanyak 90 orang yang terbagi dalam tiga generasi yang dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik penarikan contoh non-probability secara quota sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada variabel kontrol diri, sikap, dan pembelian impulsif terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antargenerasi. Uji pengaruh variabel nilai, kontrol diri, dan sikap terhadap perilaku pembelian impulsif menggunakan metode Stuctural Equation Modelling (SEM). Hasil menunjukkan variabel kontrol diri memengaruhi sikap dan pembelian impulsif secara signifikan. Kontrol diri berpengaruh positif terhadap sikap dan berpengaruh negatif terhadap pembelian impulsif.Saat ini perkembangan pasar semakin kompleks, namun apabila hal ini tidak diimbangi dengan kemampuan konsumen untuk mengelola pembeliannya dapat menyebabkan munculnya pembelian impulsif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh nilai, kontrol diri, dan sikap terhadap pembelian impulsif generasi Baby Boomer, generasi X, dan generasi Y. Penelitian ini adalah studi kuantitatif dengan menggunakan desain cross-sectional study. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner di lima komplek perumahan di Surabaya, Jawa Timur. Responden adalah ibu rumah tangga sebanyak 90 orang yang terbagi dalam tiga generasi yang dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik penarikan contoh non-probability secara quota sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada variabel kontrol diri, sikap, dan pembelian impulsif terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antargenerasi. Uji pengaruh variabel nilai, kontrol diri, dan sikap terhadap perilaku pembelian impulsif menggunakan metode Stuctural Equation Modelling (SEM). Hasil menunjukkan variabel kontrol diri memengaruhi sikap dan pembelian impulsif secara signifikan. Kontrol diri berpengaruh positif terhadap sikap dan berpengaruh negatif terhadap pembelian impulsif

    Analysis on Intention of Purchasing Organic Foods by the Undergraduate Students of IPB Using the Theory of Planned Behavior Approach

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    This study aims to identify factors that can increase the intention of buying organic foods and its implications in the design of organic food marketing strategy. The main model adopts Theory of Planned Behavior. Six variables were used in this study, namely, health awareness, environmental awareness, attitudes toward organic foods, subjective norms, perceptions of behavior control and organic food purchase intentions. The data to test the research model were collected from 140 respondents and were analyzed using statistical structural equation modeling method. The results of the study indicate that health awareness, environmental awareness, attitudes on organic foods, subjective norms and behavior control perceptions significantly influence the intention of buying organic foods. Furthermore, health awareness and environmental awareness have no significant effects on organic food purchase intention. The results of this study then become the basis in designing strategies to build a positive attitude on organic foods, subjective norms, and perceptions of consumer behavior control of organic foods that is by promoting organic foods through online or on certain events, creating new innovations so that the foods look attractive, and broadening market reach for organic food products to be more easily available

    Meta-Analysis Study: Reading Behavior of Food Products Label

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    Labels are an integral part of a product. Observing the labels on the packaging, especially food products is considered very important to do. However, the label of food packaging products receives less attention from consumers. Therefore, the public is required to be more ingenious in observing the label of food packaging products to avoid food security problems which have adverse health effects. The purpose of this study was to map the results of research on label reading behavior. The design of this study was a literature study of research results that can be accessed via the internet. The results showed that the behavior of reading food product labels was done before buying the product (Aulawi 2005; Susanto 2008; Kumalasari and Sjafei 2012). From the frequency of reading nutrition labels, it could be found out that 42.5 percent of consumers sometimes read and 30.2 percent often read food packaging labels (Andrias 2016). Of the 52 studies, 17 studies have shown that women often read more and notice label attributes on food product packaging. The most commonly read consumer label (Figure 3) was the kosher logo and nutritional value. Food products that are usually labeled are packaged foods. Nutrition and health claims are considered as a means of education for consumers - 14 percent to know new information and 86 percent of consumers decided to read the labels because of the outside factors, such as advertising, internet, or at school