89 research outputs found

    Effect of Problem Based Learning (Pbl) Model on Student Learning Outcomes in Geometric Optics Submatter

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    The study was aimed to determine the effect of Problem Based Learning (PBL) model towards student outcomes and learning activity in optica Geometric material. The type of this research was quasy experiment. The population of this research was all of the students class X SMA Negeri 5 Medan A.Y 2014/2015 which was consist of 5 classes. X MIA 5 was choosen as experimental group and X MIA 3 as Control group by using cluster random sampling. The Instrument used was learning outcomes and student\u27 activity observation sheet. Based on the hypothesis of the average value, pretest shows that both of the class had the same early abilities. After the treatment, found that the average value of post-test in experimental class by using problem-based learning was 76,34 and control class by using conventional learning was 72,56. The result of test showed that data normally distribution and homegeneous. Then, was made a hypothesis experiment that giving t count (1,83)> t table(1,67), so Ha was accepted. Later, from the observation data showed that the students learning activity in experimental group was belong to the active category. Finally, it could be concluded that there was an effect of Problem based learning model towards the learning outcames and learning activity in optical geometric material

    The Aplication of Problem Based Learning Model on Heat and Temperature

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    This study aims to determine the effect of Problem Based Learning model to student learning outcomes on subject of Heat and Temperature. This research is quasi-experimental. Techniques that used to gain a sample is random-cluster-sampling technique that was chosen two classes as experimental and control classes. Instruments in the form of essays tests and observation sheets to measure affectivepsychomotor of students. Pretest data on both classes showed that both classes have the same ability. Then be given treatment which experimental class with Problem Based Learning and control class with Conventional Learning. From the t-test results there is effect of Problem Based Learning model to student learning outcomes

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Dwelling TIME Dan Billing System Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan (Studi Pada Jakarta International Container Terminal)

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    This study aims to determine and explain the simultaneous and partial effects of service quality components consisting of reliability, responsiveness, assurance to customer satisfaction in Jakarta International Container Terminаl, аnd to know аnd explаin which between The three service quаlity vаriаbles thаt hаve а dominаnt effect on customer sаtisfаction. The type of reseаrch used is explаnаtory reseаrch with populаtion or census method with quаntitаtive аpproаch. Sаmples totаling 35 billing service users in Jаkаrtа Internаtionаl Contаiner Terminаl. Dаtа collection method used is questionnаire. The result of multiple lineаr regression аnаlysis shows thаt the three independent vаriаbles reliability, responsiveness, аssurаnce hаve significаnt influence on the dependent vаriаble thаt is customer sаtisfаction

    Pemodelan Persentase Kriminalitas dan Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi di Jawa Timur dengan Pendekatan Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR)

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    Kejahatan atau kriminalitas merupakan perbuatan seseorang yang dapat diancam hukuman berdasarkan KUHP atau undang-undang serta peraturan lainnya di Indonesia. Pada tahun 2010 Polda Jawa Timur menduduki peringkat keempat jumlah kriminalitas tertinggi di Indonesia setelah Polda Metro Jaya, Polda Sumatera Utara dan Polda Jawa Barat. Perbedaan karakteristik geografis menyebabkan perbedaan atau keterikatan faktor ekonomi, sosial, budaya yang juga berpengaruh pada tindakan kriminalitas di setiap daerah. Karena itu penelitian ini akan memodelkan persentase kriminalitas dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya di Provinsi Jawa Timur dengan pendekatan Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR). Dari hasil penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa adanya pengaruh spasial dalam pemodelan persentase kriminalitas di Jawa Timur. Pemilihan pembobot dilakukan dengan cara memilih pembobot yang memiliki nilai AIC terkecil yaitu fix gaussian. Wilayah yang berdekatan cenderung memiliki kesamaan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi persentase kriminalitas di Jawa Timur. Variabel kepadatan penduduk dan persentase penduduk migran berpengaruh signifikan pada sebagian besar kabupaten/kota di Jawa Timur. Model GWR menghasilkan R2 sebesar 86,95 persen lebih besar dari model OLS yaitu 54,1 persen.

    Hubungan Pengetahuan, Pendapatan Dan Makanan Pantangan Dengan Pola Makan Pada Ibu Nifas

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    Latar Belakang:Secara umum terjadi penurunan kematian ibu selama periode 1991-2015 dari 390 menjadi 305 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup. Walaupun terjadi kecenderungan penurunan angka kematian ibu, namun tidak berhasil mencapai target MDGs yang harus dicapai yaitu sebesar 102 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup pada tahun 2015. Hasil supas tahun 2015 memperlihatkan angka kematian ibu tiga kali lipat dibandingkan target MDGs. Kekurangan gizi pada ibu nifas atau ibu menyusui menimbulkan gangguan kesehatan pada ibu dan bayinya.Gangguan pada bayi mudah sakit, mudah terkena infeksi, kekurangan zat-zat esensial menimbulkan gangguan mata, tulang dan pertumbuhan dan pada ibu nifas akan memperlambat proses penyembuhan luka perineum. Bila ibu tidak memperoleh makanan dengan gizi yang seimbang dapat mengakibatkan ibu kekurangan gizi dan kekurangan darah dan ibu akan memberikan ASI dengan jumlah yang sedikit kurangnya pemenuhan gizi ibu nifas atau menyusui di sebabkan banyak faktor diantaranya adanya pantangan makan pada ibu nifas. Tujuan: Menganalisis hubungan Pengetahuan, Pendapatan dan Makanan Pantangan ibu dengan Pola makan pada Ibu Nifas. Metode: observasional kuantitatif kepada seluruh ibu nifas yang berkunjung di klinik bersalin Citra sebanyak 32 orang, Tekhnik sampel yang digunakan adalah total sampling.  Hasil:ada  hubungan  pengetahuan  dengan pola makan (p=0,019), ada hubungan pendapatan dengan pola makan ibu nifas (p=0,017), tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara dukungan keluarga dengan pola makan (p = 0,3811). Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan pengetahuan dan pendapatan dengan pola makan ibu nifas, sementara  dukungan keluarga tidak berhubungan dengan pola makan ibu nifas. Background: In general, there was a decrease in maternal mortality during the period 1991-2015 from 390 to 305 per 100,000 live births. Although there is a tendency to decrease maternal mortality, the MDGs target that must be achieved is 102 per 100,000 live births in 2015. The results of the 2015 SUPAS show that the maternal mortality rate is three times higher than the MDGs target. Malnutrition in postpartum mothers or breastfeeding mothers causes health problems for mothers and their babies. Disturbances in babies are easy to get sick, susceptible to infection, lack of essential substances causes eye, bone and growth disorders and in postpartum mothers it will slow down the healing process of perineal wounds. If the mother does not get food with balanced nutrition, it can result in the mother being malnourished and lacking in blood and the mother will give breast milk in a small amount, the lack of fulfillment of nutrition for postpartum or breastfeeding mothers is caused by many factors, including dietary restrictions in postpartum mothers. Purpose: Analyzing the relationship between Knowledge, Income and Food Abstinence of Mothers with Diet in Postpartum Mothers. Methods: there is a relationship between knowledge and diet (p = 0.019), there is a relationship between income and postpartum mother's diet (p = 0.017), there is no significant relationship between family support and diet (p = 0.3811). Conclusion: There is a relationship between knowledge and income with the postpartum mother's diet, while family support is not related to the postpartum mother's diet. &nbsp

    Penentuan Jenis Mineral Liat Alofan Tanah Andisol Di Desa Dolat Rakyat Kecamatan Tiga Panah Kabupaten Karo

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    The aim of the research was to determinate type of Allophane minerals by means of Thermogram and to know type of Allophane minerals with Allophane–Organic Matter relations. The research was done in Dolat Rakyat villages, District of Tiga Panah Karo Regency, In Soil Fertility Laboratory University of North Sumatera, and College of Chemical Industry (PTKI), Medan in June - October 2014. Soil type is Andisol. The result of the research in Dolat Rakyat Village Tiga Panah District, Regency of Karo Thermogram interpretation showed that type of Allophane minerals Andisol that is Allophane B. Allophane-Organic Matter relations showed that type of Allophane minerals is Allophane B with positive relations between Allophane-Humic Acid; negative relations between Allophane-Fulvic Acid, and Allophane-Humic Acid+Fulvic Acid


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    PT Tridaya Sinergi Indonesia is a Direct Selling and Network Marketing Company that has an official license based on quality cigarette products and a support system that all partners can follow. A company in Bandung which is engaged in the distribution of goods, especially herbal cigarettes, the head office is located in the city of Bandung. There is no Network Monitoring System yet, so monitoring each branch is difficult and the impact on distribution is not well controlled. Attention to the condition of the performance of the gadget becomes an obstacle for a server head in surveying the condition of the gadget so that the transfer speed designation to be streamed must be successfully conveyed. Without the data transfer capacity of the executives, the host can take advantage of the largest data transfer capacity, rendering the data transfer capacity assignment of various hosts unusable. Checks are carried out by logging into the Zabbix Network Monitoring System dashboard and sending a message notification in case of an intrusion on the observed host. The Zabbix administration check framework is CPU, Memory, PING and Traffic Bandwidth in network, state and cycle units. The results of the Zabbix NMS setting can produce speed in indicating problems in the company's data center, especially Administrators and IT Managers with Zabbix being able to send notification messages via Telegram to administrator supervisors and Bandwidth Optimization with Network Development Life cycle (NDLC) techniques

    Penentuan Jenis Mineral Liat Alofan Tanah Andisol Di Desa Dolat Rakyat Kecamatan Tiga Panah Kabupaten Karo

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    The aim of the research was to determinate type of Allophane minerals by means of Thermogram and to know type of Allophane minerals with Allophane–Organic Matter relations. The research was done in Dolat Rakyat villages, District of Tiga Panah Karo Regency, In Soil Fertility Laboratory University of North Sumatera, and College of Chemical Industry (PTKI), Medan in June - October 2014. Soil type is Andisol. The result of the research in Dolat Rakyat Village Tiga Panah District, Regency of Karo Thermogram interpretation showed that type of Allophane minerals Andisol that is Allophane B. Allophane-Organic Matter relations showed that type of Allophane minerals is Allophane B with positive relations between Allophane-Humic Acid; negative relations between Allophane-Fulvic Acid, and Allophane-Humic Acid+Fulvic Acid

    Studi Penggunaan Lahan (Land Use) Di Kecamatan Singkohor Kabupaten Aceh Singkil Tahun 2015

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    His study aimed to analyze the function of land uses contained in Singkohor Sub District 2015. This research was located in Singkohor Sub District,of Aceh Singkil Regency by using satellite images of landsat 8. The research method was a supervised classification. Analysis of the data for the image interpretation by using monogram of Sumatera and ground check. The results showed that land cover in the District Singkohor include forests, plantations, open land, settlements, water bodies, bush, and farm. The largest land use at the location of the research is the type of open land area of 5491.57 Ha and forest area of 4046.67 Ha was expected to be on the wane due to the conversion of land use into other uses such as plantations. In addition, 14 species of plants obtained MPTS (Multi Purpose Tree Species) among the sites that have the advantage among others, have been tested and able to adapt to the environment so that these types of MPTS plants are more prospective in rehabilitation activities