41 research outputs found

    Papel do Autocriticismo e da Autocompaixão na Ocorrência de Insónia em Estudantes Universitários

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    Até ao momento, nenhum estudo se dedicou a explorar construtos como o autocriticismo, a autocompaixão e a insónia. Este estudo tem como objetivos estudar estas associações em estudantes universitários, assim como analisar as diferenças destas associações em dois momentos – janeiro (em plena época de exames) e março (época sem exames) –, que nos permitirá perceber se o stresse e a pressão da época de exames têm impacto no sono dos estudantes. Pretendemos, também, verificar se existem associações significativas com algumas variáveis sociodemográficas (idade, sexo). Em virtude das associações encontradas, pretendemos realizar análises preditivas, controlando a influência de sintomas de depressão, ansiedade e stresse. A amostra ficou constituída por 268 estudantes universitários, dos quais 160 participaram no primeiro momento da investigação e 108 participaram no segundo momento com idades compreendidas entre os 19 e 54 anos (M = 26,45, DP = 7,982; M = 26,34, DP = 0,427). Os participantes preencheram um protocolo composto por um questionário sociodemográfico, a Escala de Autocriticismo e Autotranquilização (FSCRS), a Escala da Autocompaixão (SELFCS), a Escala de Ativação Pré-Sono (PSAS), o Questionário de Avaliação do Sono (QAS) e as Escalas de Ansiedade, Depressão e Stress (DASS-21). Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que, tanto no primeiro como no segundo momento do estudo, foram os estudantes mais velhos (30 - 54 anos) que tendiam a ser mais compassivos e tolerantes consigo próprios, tal como menos autocríticos e punitivos perante situações difíceis e fracassadas. No primeiro momento, em época de exames, os estudantes mais jovens (19-29 anos) foram quem mais manifestou níveis elevados de autocriticismo e ativação cognitiva e somática antes de adormecer, bem como foram quem, em maior proporção, pertenceu aos grupos de insones e sintomas de insónia, comparativamente com os mais velhos. Verificaram-se, ainda, correlações significativas entre a ativação cognitiva e somática e a depressão, ansiedade e stresse. Pode-se concluir, neste estudo, que em plena época de exames, os estudantes mais novos são mais autocríticos e menos autocompassivos o que poderá gerar uma maior ativação cognitiva e somática antes de adormecer e, consequentemente, sintomas de insónia e em insónia propriamente dita. / At the moment, no study is dedicated to explore constructs such as self-criticism, self-compassion and insomnia. This study aims to study these associations on university students, as well as analyze the differences of these associations on two moments - January (examination period) and March (without examination period) - that will allow us to understand if stress and the pressure of the examination period have an impact on sleep of students. We also wanted to see if there are significant associations with some sociodemographic variables (age, gender). With these associations, we will perform predictive analysis, controlling for the influence of symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress. The sample was composed of 268 university students, 160 participated in the first moment of the research, and 108 participated in the second moment, aged between 19 and 54 years (M = 26,45, SD = 7,982; M = 26,34, SD = 0,427). Participants filled a protocol composed of a sociodemographic questionnaire, The Self-Criticism and Self-Reassurance Scale (FSCRS), Self-Compassion Scale (SELFCS), Pre-Activation Sleep Scale (PSAS), Sleep Evaluation Questionnaire (SAQ) and Anxiety, Depression and Stress Scales (DASS-21). The results showed that both in the first and second moment of the study are older students (30-54 years) who tend to be more compassionate and tolerant with themselves, such as less self-critical and punitive before difficult and failed situations. At first moment, in examination period, younger students (19-29 years) showed more high levels of self-criticism and cognitive and somatic activation before falling asleep, and they also were those who, in a great proportion, belonged insomnia and insomnia symptoms groups, compared with the older ones. There were also significant correlations between cognitive and somatic activation and the depression, anxiety and stress. So we can concluded from this study that in examination period, the youngest students are more-critical and less compassionate, what might lead to greater cognitive and somatic activation before sleep, and consequently to insomnia symptoms and insomnia itself

    LeishVet update and recommendations on feline leishmaniosis

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    Limited data is available on feline leishmaniosis (FeL) caused by Leishmania infantum worldwide. The LeishVet group presents in this report a review of the current knowledge on FeL, the epidemiological role of the cat in L. infantum infection, clinical manifestations, and recommendations on diagnosis, treatment and monitoring, prognosis and prevention of infection, in order to standardize the management of this disease in cats. The consensus of opinions and recommendations was formulated by combining a comprehensive review of evidence-based studies and case reports, clinical experience and critical consensus discussions. While subclinical feline infections are common in areas endemic for canine leishmaniosis, clinical illness due to L. infantum in cats is rare. The prevalence rates of feline infection with L. infantum in serological or molecular-based surveys range from 0 % to more than 60 %. Cats are able to infect sand flies and, therefore, they may act as a secondary reservoir, with dogs being the primary natural reservoir. The most common clinical signs and clinicopathological abnormalities compatible with FeL include lymph node enlargement and skin lesions such as ulcerative, exfoliative, crusting or nodular dermatitis (mainly on the head or distal limbs), ocular lesions (mainly uveitis), feline chronic gingivostomatitis syndrome, mucocutaneous ulcerative or nodular lesions, hypergammaglobulinaemia and mild normocytic normochromic anaemia. Clinical illness is frequently associated with impaired immunocompetence, as in case of retroviral coinfections or immunosuppressive therapy. Diagnosis is based on serology, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), cytology, histology, immunohistochemistry (IHC) or culture. If serological testing is negative or low positive in a cat with clinical signs compatible with FeL, the diagnosis of leishmaniosis should not be excluded and additional diagnostic methods (cytology, histology with IHC, PCR, culture) should be employed. The most common treatment used is allopurinol. Meglumine antimoniate has been administered in very few reported cases. Both drugs are administered alone and most cats recover clinically after therapy. Follow-up of treated cats with routine laboratory tests, serology and PCR is essential for prevention of clinical relapses. Specific preventative measures for this infection in cats are currently not available