25 research outputs found

    Evolution of spontaneous portosystemic shunts over time and following aetiological intervention in patients with cirrhosis

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Spontaneous portosystemic shunts (SPSS) develop frequently in cirrhosis. Changes over time and the effect of aetiological interventions on SPSS are unknown, so we aimed to explore the effect of these variables on SPSS evolution. METHODS: Patients with cirrhosis from the Baveno VI-SPSS cohort were selected provided a follow-up abdominal CT or MRI scan was available. Clinical and laboratory data were collected at baseline and follow-up. Imaging tests were reviewed to evaluate changes in the presence and size of SPSS (large (L)-SPSS was ≥8 mm) over time. Regarding alcohol- or HCV-related cirrhosis, two populations were defined: cured patients (abstinent from alcohol or successful HCV therapy), and non-cured patients. RESULTS: A total of 617 patients were included. At baseline SPSS distribution was 22% L-SPSS, 30% small (S)-SPSS, and 48% without (W)-SPSS. During follow-up (median follow-up of 63 months), SPSS distribution worsened: L-SPSS 26%, S-SPSS 32%, and W-SPSS 42% (p <0.001). Patients with worse liver function during follow-up showed a simultaneous aggravation in SPSS distribution. Non-cured patients (n = 191) experienced a significant worsening in liver function, more episodes of liver decompensation and lower transplant-free survival compared to cured patients (n = 191). However, no differences were observed regarding SPSS distribution at inclusion and at follow-up, with both groups showing a trend to worsening. Total shunt diameter increased more in non-cured (52%) than in cured patients (28%). However, total shunt area (TSA) significantly increased only in non-cured patients (74 to 122 mm2, p <0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The presence of SPSS in cirrhosis increases over time and parallels liver function deterioration. Aetiological intervention in these patients reduces liver-related complications, but SPSS persist although progression is decreased

    Demographic and clinical profile of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis patients in Spain: the SEPAR National Registry

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    BackgroundLittle is known on the characteristics of patients diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) in Spain. We aimed to characterize the demographic and clinical profile of IPF patients included in the IPF National Registry of the Spanish Respiratory Society (SEPAR).MethodsThis is a prospective, observational, multicentre and nationwide study that involved 608 IPF patients included in the SEPAR IPF Registry up to June 27th, 2017, and who received any treatment for their disease. IPF patients were predominantly males, ex-smokers, and aged in their 70s, similar to other registries.ResultsUpon inclusion, meanSD predicted forced vital capacity was 77.6%+/- 19.4, diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide was 48.5%+/- 17.7, and the 6-min walk distance was 423.5m +/- 110.4. The diagnosis was mainly established on results from the high-resolution computed tomography in the proper clinical context (55.0% of patients), while 21.2% of patients required invasive procedures (surgical lung biopsy) for definitive diagnosis. Anti-fibrotic treatment was prescribed in 69.4% of cases, 51.5% pirfenidone and 17.9% nintedanib, overall with a good safety profile.Conclusions The SEPAR IPF Registry should help to further characterize current characteristics and future trends of IPF patients in Spain and compare/pool them with other registries and cohorts

    Total area of spontaneous portosystemic shunts independently predicts hepatic encephalopathy and mortality in liver cirrhosis

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    BACKGROUND: Spontaneous portosystemic shunts (SPSS) frequently develop in liver cirrhosis. Recent data suggested that presence of a single large SPSS is associated with complications, especially overt hepatic encephalopathy (oHE). However, presence of >1 SPSS is common. This study evaluates the impact of total cross-sectional SPSS area (TSA) on outcome of patients with liver cirrhosis. METHODS: In this retrospective international multicentric study, computed tomography (CT) scans of 908 cirrhotic patients with SPSS were evaluated for TSA. Clinical and laboratory data were recorded. Each detected SPSS radius was measured and TSA calculated. 1-year survival was primary and acute decompensation (oHE, variceal bleeding, ascites) secondary endpoint. RESULTS: 301 patients (169 male) were included in the training cohort. 30% of all patients presented >1 SPSS. TSA cut-off of 83 mm2 was determined to classify patients with small or large TSA (S-/L-TSA). L-TSA patients presented higher MELD (11 vs. 14) and more commonly history of oHE (12% vs. 21%, p83mm2 increases the risk for oHE and mortality in liver cirrhosis. Our results may have impact on clinical use of TSA/SPSS for risk stratification and clinical decision-making considering management of SPSS

    Contribución del tablero y de la subestructura frente al pandeo global de pilas esbeltas de hormigón armado : determinación simplificada de una "coacción equivalente"

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    Las pilas de los puentes son elementos habitualmente verticales que, generalmente, se encuentran sometidos a un estado de flexión compuesta. Su altura significativa en muchas ocasiones y la gran resistencia de los materiales constituyentes de estos elementos – hormigón y acero – hace que se encuentren pilas de cierta esbeltez en la que los problemas de inestabilidad asociados al cálculo en segundo orden debido a la no linealidad geométrica deben ser considerados. Además, la mayoría de las pilas de nuestros puentes y viaductos están hechas de hormigón armado por lo que se debe considerar la fisuración del hormigón en las zonas en que esté traccionado. Es decir, el estudio del pandeo de pilas esbeltas de puentes requiere también la consideración de un cálculo en segundo orden mecánico, y no solo geométrico. Por otra parte, una pila de un viaducto no es un elemento que pueda considerarse como aislado; al contrario, su conexión con el tablero hace que aparezca una interacción entre la propia pila y aquél que, en cierta medida, supone una cierta coacción al movimiento de la propia cabeza de pila. Esto hace que el estudio de la inestabilidad de una pila esbelta de un puente no puede ser resuelto con la “teoría del pandeo de la pieza aislada”. Se plantea, entonces, la cuestión de intentar definir un procedimiento que permita abordar el problema complicado del pandeo de pilas esbeltas de puentes pero empleando herramientas de cálculo no tan complejas como las que resuelven “el pandeo global de una estructura multibarra, teniendo en cuenta todas las no linealidades, incluidas las de las coacciones”. Es decir, se trata de encontrar un procedimiento, que resulta ser iterativo, que resuelva el problema planteado de forma aproximada, pero suficientemente ajustada al resultado real, pero empleando programas “convencionales” de cálculo que sean capaces de : - por una parte, en la estructura completa: o calcular en régimen elástico lineal una estructura plana o espacial multibarra compleja; - por otra, en un modelo de una sola barra aislada: o considerar las no linealidades geométricas y mecánicas a nivel tensodeformacional, o considerar la no linealidad producida por la fisuración del hormigón, o considerar una coacción “elástica” en el extremo de la pieza. El objeto de este trabajo es precisamente la definición de ese procedimiento iterativo aproximado, la justificación de su validez, mediante su aplicación a diversos casos paramétricos, y la presentación de sus condicionantes y limitaciones. Además, para conseguir estos objetivos se han elaborado unos ábacos de nueva creación que permiten estimar la reducción de rigidez que supone la fisuración del hormigón en secciones huecas monocajón de hormigón armado. También se han creado unos novedosos diagramas de interacción axil-flector válidos para este tipo de secciones en flexión biaxial. Por último, hay que reseñar que otro de los objetivos de este trabajo – que, además, le da título - era cuantificar el valor de la coacción que existe en la cabeza de una pila debido a que el tablero transmite las cargas de una pila al resto de los integrantes de la subestructura y ésta, por tanto, colabora a reducir los movimientos de la cabeza de pila en cuestión. Es decir, la cabeza de una pila no está exenta lo cual mejora su comportamiento frente al pandeo. El régimen de trabajo de esta coacción es claramente no lineal, ya que la rigidez de las pilas depende de su grado de fisuración. Además, también influye cómo las afecta la no linealidad geométrica que, para la misma carga, aumenta la flexión de segundo orden de cada pila. En este documento se define cuánto vale esta coacción, cómo hay que calcularla y se comprueba su ajuste a los resultados obtenidos en el l modelo no lineal completo. The piers of the bridges are vertical elements where axial loads and bending moments are to be considered. They are often high and also the strength of the materials they are made of (concrete and steel) is also high. This means that slender piers are very common and, so, the instabilities produced by the second order effects due to the geometrical non linear effects are to be considered. In addition to this, the piers are usually made of reinforced concrete and, so, the effects of the cracking of the concrete should also be evaluated. That is, the analysis of the instabilities of te piers of a bridge should consider both the mechanical and the geometrical non linearities. Additionally, the pier of a bridge is not a single element, but just the opposite; the connection of the pier to the deck of the bridge means that the movements of the top of the pier are reduced compared to the situation of having a free end at the top of the pier. The connection between the pier and the deck is the reason why the instability of the pier cannot be analysed using “the buckling of a compressed single element method”. So, the question of defining an approximate method for analysing the buckling of the slender piers of a bridge but using a software less complex than what it is needed for analysing the “ global buckling of a multibeam structure considering all t”, is arisen. Then, the goal should be trying to find a procedure for analysing the said complex problem of the buckling of the slender piers of a bridge using a simplified method. This method could be an iterative (step by step) procedure, being accurate enough, using “normal” software having the following capabilities: - Related to the calculation of the global structure o Ability for calculating a multibesam strucutre using elastic analysis. - Related to the calculation of a single beam strcuture:: o Ability for taking into account the geometrical and mechanical () non linearities o Ability for taking into account the cracking of the concrete. o Ability for using partial stiff constraints (elastic springs) at the end of the elements One of the objectives of this document is just defining this simplified methodology, justifying the accuracy of the proposed procedure by using it on some different bridges and presenting the exclusions and limitations of the propose method. In addition to this, some new charts have been created for calculating the reduction of the stiffness of hollow cross sections made of reinforced concrete. Also, new charts for calculating the reinforcing of hollow cross sections under biaxial bending moments are also included in the document. Finally, it is to be said that another aim of the document – as it is stated on the title on the document – is defining the value of the constraint on the top of the pier because of the connection of the pier to the deck .. and to the other piers. That is, the top of the pier is not a free end of a beam and so the buckling resistance of the pier is significantly improved. This constraint is a non-elastic constraint because the stiffness of each pier depends on the level of cracking. Additionally, the geometrical non linearity is to be considered as there is an amplification of the bending moments due to the increasing of the movements of the top of the pier. This document is defining how this constraints is to be calculated; also the accuracy of the calculations is evaluated comparing the final results with the results of the complete non linear calculation

    Launching the Vicario Viaduct: Andalucia, Spain

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    The Vicario Viaduct is located in the A-44 motorway, in the South-East part of Spain. It crosses a natural gorge, near the town of Ízbor in the province of Granada. A single continuous steel concrete composite deck, 24 m wide and 175 m long, divided in two 87,5 m spans, has been built. The cross section is a single structural steel box, 8,00 m wide and 4,52 m deep. The total width of 24 m is reached adding a strut and tie system each 4,375 m on both sides of the box. The steel parts of the deck were entirely constructed in the workshop and then they were erected on site just behind one of the abutments. Finally a 27.5 m long steel nose was connected to launch the deck. The main problems have been the curved shape of the deck (1420 m radius in plan) producing a non symmetric transverse distribution of reactions on each support and the cantilever reaching 87,5 m long, producing a maximum deflection of 1500 m

    Doubling the width of the platform of the San Pedro bridge in Spain

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    The San Pedro Bridge has six spans and is 750 m (2460 ft) long, 88 m (290 ft) high, 12 m (39 ft) wide, and curved with a radius of 700 m (2300 ft). It was built in 1993 using the cantilever method. Its super - structure is a prestressed concrete box girder with main spans of 150 m (490 ft). In 2008 and 2009, the width of the platform was enlarged to 23 m (75 ft) using five movable sets of scaffolding. The bridge remained open to traffic during construction. The original platform was widened 6 m (20 ft) on each side by connecting a new lightweight concrete cantilever to the original upper slab. These cantilevers were supported by steelstruts. The tie into the upper slab was made with new transverse post-tensioned tendons. The original superstructure was strengthened to resist the additional dead load of the expansion and live loads of the extra traffic. An additional new central web and a composite concrete-steel section were constructed and connected to the concrete box and central web using vertical high-strength post-tensioning bars. Also, external post-tensioning cables were implemented. It was also necessary to strengthen the connection of the original concrete box section to the piers. Detailed calculations were performed to evaluate the load distribution transmitted to the piers by the webs and by the original inclined concrete walls of the box girder. Finally, a detailed second-order-analysis of the complete structure was made to guarantee the resistance of the piers compared with actual load

    Can Polyolefin Fibre Reinforced Concrete Improve the Sustainability of a Flyover Bridge?

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    The use of polyolefin fibre reinforced concrete (PFRC) as an alternative for reducing the reinforcing steel bars employed in reinforced concrete has become real in the past years. This contribution analyses the improvements in sustainability that a change in the aforementioned reinforcement configuration might provide in a flyover bridge. Economic, environmental and social parameters of both possibilities were studied by means of the integrated value model for sustainable assessment. Such model, which acronym is MIVES (Modelo Integrado de Valor para una Evaluaci&#243;n Sostenible, MIVES), is a multi-criteria decision-making method based on the value function concept and the seminars delivered by experts. The results of the MIVES method showed that the use of PFRC in combination with reinforced concrete (RC) has a sustainability index 22% higher. An analysis of the parameters that form this evaluation shows that there are no remarkable differences in the financial costs between the two possibilities studied. Nevertheless, social and environmental aspects provide with a better qualification the option of building a bridge by using PFRC combined with RC