3 research outputs found

    Registros destacados de Spilogale angustifrons en la Reserva de la Biosfera Calakmul

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    Spilogale angustifrons has a wide distribution in southeastern Mexico, however, knowledge is scarce for the Calakmul region. New spotted records are reported S. angustifrons in the Calakmul region, Campeche, Mexico. With a cumulative effort of 9000 trap-nights, 18 photographs of southern spotted skunks corresponding to 15 independent events were obtained at four photo-trapping stations in the Calakmul region. At the photo-trapping stations, four photographic events were recorded in which solitary male individuals were observed, but it was not possible to identify whether the records correspond to one or more individuals. The few records of S. angustifrons in the Yucatan Peninsula may be due to the lack of mastozoological surveys in the region. The records reported in this note provide knowledge on the distribution, habitat, use of artificial watering places and interspecific relationships of S. angustifrons. Being a carnivore, it is likely that the ecological role of S. angustifrons in the Calakmul region is relevant, however the population and ecological aspects of the species are unknown, so it is necessary to conduct studies focused on the status of the populations of S. angustifrons.Spilogale angustifrons cuenta con una amplia distribución en el sureste de México, sin embargo, para la región de Calakmul el conocimiento es escaso. Se reportan nuevos registros de S. angustifrons en la región de Calakmul, Campeche, México. Con un esfuerzo acumulado de 9000 noches-trampa, se obtuvieron 18 fotografías de S. angustifrons que corresponden a 15 eventos independientes, en cuatro estaciones de fototrampeo colocadas en la región de Calakmul. En las estaciones de fototrampeo se registraron cuatro eventos fotográficos en los que se observan a individuos machos, solitarios, pero no fue posible identificar si los registros corresponden a uno o más individuos. Los pocos registros de S. angustifrons en la Península de Yucatán puede deberse a la falta de prospecciones mastozoológicas en la región. Los registros reportados en esta nota, aportan conocimiento sobre la distribución, hábitat, uso de bebederos artificiales y relaciones interespecíficas de S. angustifrons. Al ser un carnívoro es probable que el papel ecológico de S. angustifrons en la región de Calakmul sea relevante, sin embargo los aspectos poblacionales y ecológicos de la especie se desconocen, por lo que es necesario realizar estudios enfocados a conocer el estado de las poblaciones de S. angustifron

    Perception of ranchers about the predator attack insurance in the Calakmul region, Campeche, Mexico

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    Evaluate the operation and effectiveness of the Cattle Insurance Fund for Attack of Predators to the livestock through the perception of ranchers in the zone of influence of the Calakmul´s Biosphere Reserve. Visits to the communities were made taking as a reference the center of the police station, where the streets of each community were walked to find the ranchers in schedules from 15:00 to 20:00 hours from October 2019 to January 2020. A total of 70 surveys were conducted among ranchers from 18 communities in the influence area of the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve. From the information obtained through the surveys, the perception of the operation of Insurance for Predator Attacks was identified. The Direction of the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve (RBC) plays a fundamental role in the management, protection and conservation of the jaguar through several strategic lines such as biological monitoring, including monitoring carried out by local groups through which sporadically offers techniques and financial support from the RBC Directorate to the communities to implement mitigation measures, such as electric fences, to minimize the risk of predation by wild carnivores and also implementing the strategy of artificial drinkers near livestock areas.Objective: To evaluate the operation of the Fondo de Aseguramiento Ganadero and its effectiveness regarding predator attacks, through the perception of ranchers who operate in the area of influence of the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve. Design/Methodology/Approach: The communities were visited in order to contact and ask the permission of the ejido authorities, as well as to inform ranchers about the activities. The streets of the communities were randomly covered by our team and a survey was carried out with all the available producers. The snowball method was used to identify producers who have been impacted by predator attacks. Results: Seventy surveys were carried out with ranchers of 18 communities from the northern, central, and southern regions of the area of influence of the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve (RBC), from October 2019 to January 2020. All the interviewed ranchers have been impacted by predator attacks; however, only 27% of them have reported the attacks to the Seguro de Ataques por Depredadores (Predator Attacks Insurance, SAD) and have obtained a compensation for their losses. Eighty-eight percent of the ranchers have received an immediate answer from the technician in charge of the insurance. Fifty-six percent of the ranchers mentioned that SAD has beneficial effects, 28% said they are not aware of its potential benefits, and 13% think that SAD does not have beneficial effects. Study Limitations/Implications: Although producers who have requested the insurance were identified, many other producers who have been impacted by predator attacks have not reported them. In many cases, the producers hunt the predator. Hunting these predators is illegal; therefore, producers decided not to provide the required information. Findings/Conclusions: as

    Interacciones de dos mamíferos medianos con el olor del puma en la Reserva de la Biosfera de Calakmul, México

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    Scent marking through urine, glands, or the fur itself is an integral aspect of communication for many species, in this note we recorded through the use of camera traps within the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, Mexico, that Didelphis marsupialis and Dasyprocta punctata are rubbed on Puma concolor scratchers to acquire the scent of the predator. This photographic record shows that the two prey species seek to capture the scent of the Puma, which could represent survival advantages by camouflaging its scent which represents an advantage against possible predators that occupy the same habitat.El marcado con el olor es un aspecto integral de la comunicación para muchas especies, en esta nota registramos que Didelphis marsupialis y Dasyprocta punctata se frotan en los rascaderos de Puma concolor. En este registro fotográfico se evidencia que las dos especies de presas  buscan captar el olor del Puma lo que podría brindarles ventajas de supervivencia al camuflar su olor ante sus depredadores usando el mismo hábitat