274 research outputs found

    Seipin oligomers can interact directly with AGPAT2 and lipin 1, physically scaffolding critical regulators of adipogenesis

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    This work was supported by a Merit Scholarship from the Islamic Development Bank (to M.M.U.T.), The Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Singapore (A*STAR) (M.F.M.S), the Medical Research Council (MRC) [NIRG GO800203 and Research Grant MR/L002620/1 (to J.J.R.), Program GrantG09000554 (to S.O.R)], The Wellcome Trust [078986/Z/06/Z (to S.O.R.)], the MRC Centre for Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders (MRC-CORD) [GO600717] and the NIHR Comprehensive Biomedical Research Centre [CG50826].Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Nucleotide Excision Repair Genes are Upregulated by Low-Dose Artificial Ultraviolet B: Evidence of a Photoprotective SOS Response?

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    Nucleotide excision repair is a major mechanism of defense against the carcinogenic effects of ultraviolet light. Ultraviolet B causes sunburn and DNA damage in human skin. Nucleotide excision repair has been studied extensively and described in detail at the molecular level, including identification of many nucleotide excision repair-specific proteins and the genes encoding nucleotide excision repair proteins. In this study, normal human keratinocytes were exposed to increasing doses of ultraviolet B from fluorescent sunlamps, and the effect of this exposure on expression of nucleotide excision repair genes was examined. An RNase protection assay was performed to quantify transcripts from nucleotide excision repair genes, and a slot blot DNA repair activity assay was used to assess induction of the nucleotide excision repair pathway. The activity assay demonstrated that cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers were removed efficiently after exposure to low doses of ultraviolet B, but this activity was delayed significantly at higher doses. All nucleotide excision repair genes examined demonstrated a similar trend: ultraviolet B induces expression of nucleotide excision repair genes at low doses, but downregulates expression at higher doses. In addition, we show that pre-exposure of cells to low-dose ultraviolet protected keratinocytes from apoptosis following high-dose exposure. These data support the notion that nucleotide excision repair is induced in cells exposed to low doses of ultraviolet B, which may protect damaged keratinocytes from cell death; however, exposure to high doses of ultraviolet B downregulates nucleotide excision repair genes and is associated with cell death

    Increasing Colonoscopy Compliance Using a Blood-Based Risk Assessment Test for Colorectal Cancer

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    ColonSentry® is a minimally invasive, blood-based risk assessment test for colorectal cancer. The test is used to increase patient compliance with colonoscopy. Many physicians have inquired about the incidence of non-malignant lesions found in patients after colonoscopy prompted by an increased risk score on the ColonSentry test. Here we report on the colonoscopy results of five patients with increased ColonSentry risk scores. Of those five patients, three were determined to have polyps, one of which was pre-malignant

    Oligomers of the lipodystrophy protein seipin may co-ordinate GPAT3 and AGPAT2 enzymes to facilitate adipocyte differentiation

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    Abstract: Seipin deficiency causes severe congenital generalized lipodystrophy (CGL) and metabolic disease. However, how seipin regulates adipocyte development and function remains incompletely understood. We previously showed that seipin acts as a scaffold protein for AGPAT2, whose disruption also causes CGL. More recently, seipin has been reported to promote adipogenesis by directly inhibiting GPAT3, leading to the suggestion that GPAT inhibitors could offer novel treatments for CGL. Here we investigated the interactions between seipin, GPAT3 and AGPAT2. We reveal that seipin and GPAT3 associate via direct interaction and that seipin can simultaneously bind GPAT3 and AGPAT2. Inhibiting the expression of seipin, AGPAT2 or GPAT3 led to impaired induction of early markers of adipocyte differentiation in cultured cells. However, consistent with normal adipose mass in GPAT3-null mice, GPAT3 inhibition did not prevent the formation of mature adipocytes. Nonetheless, loss of GPAT3 in seipin-deficient preadipocytes exacerbated the failure of adipogenesis in these cells. Thus, our data indicate that GPAT3 plays a modest positive role in adipogenesis and argue against the potential of GPAT inhibitors to rescue white adipose tissue mass in CGL2. Overall, our study reveals novel mechanistic insights regarding the molecular pathogenesis of severe lipodystrophy caused by mutations in either seipin or AGPAT2

    Ex vivo 18F-fluoride uptake and hydroxyapatite deposition in human coronary atherosclerosis

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    Early microcalcification is a feature of coronary plaques with an increased propensity to rupture and to cause acute coronary syndromes. In this ex vivo imaging study of coronary artery specimens, the non-invasive imaging radiotracer, 18F-fluoride, was highly selective for hydroxyapatite deposition in atherosclerotic coronary plaque. Specifically, coronary 18F-fluoride uptake had a high signal to noise ratio compared with surrounding myocardium that makes it feasible to identify coronary mineralisation activity. Areas of 18F-fluoride uptake are associated with osteopontin, an inflammation-associated glycophosphoprotein that mediates tissue mineralisation, and Runt-related transcription factor 2, a nuclear protein involved in osteoblastic differentiation. These results suggest that 18F-fluoride is a non-invasive imaging biomarker of active coronary atherosclerotic mineralisation

    High prevalence of new clinically significant findings in patients with embolic stroke of unknown source evaluated by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging

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    Background: Embolic stroke of unknown source (ESUS) accounts for one in six ischaemic strokes. Current guidelines do not recommend routine cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging in ESUS and, beyond the identification of cardio-embolic sources, there are no data assessing new clinical findings from CMR in ESUS. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of new cardiac and non-cardiac findings and to determine their impact on clinical care in patients with ESUS.Methods and Results: In this prospective, multicentre, observational study, CMR was performed within 3-months of ESUS. All scans were reported according to standard clinical practice. A new clinical finding was defined as one not previously identified through prior clinical evaluation. A clinically significant finding was defined as one resulting in further investigation, follow-up or treatment. A change in patient care was defined as initiation of medical, interventional, surgical or palliative care. From 102 patients recruited, 96 underwent CMR. One or more new clinical findings were observed in 59 patients (61%). New findings were clinically significant in 48 (81%) of these patients. Of 40 patients with a new clinically significant cardiac finding, 21 (53%) experienced a change in care (medical therapy, n=15; interventional/surgical procedure, n=6). In 12 patients with a new clinically significant extra-cardiac finding, 6 (50%) experienced a change in care (medical therapy, n=4; palliative care, n=2). Conclusions: CMR imaging identifies new clinically significant cardiac and non-cardiac findings in half of patients with recent ESUS. Advanced cardiovascular screening should be considered in patients with ESUS.<br/

    Recruiting and retaining GPs and patients in intervention studies: the DEPS-GP project as a case study

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    Background: Recruiting and retaining GPs for research can prove difficult, and may result in sub-optimal patient participation where GPs are required to recruit patients. Low participation rates may affect the validity of research. This paper describes a multi-faceted approach to maximise participation of GPs and their patients in intervention studies, using an Australian randomised controlled trial of a depression/suicidality management intervention as a case study. The paper aims to outline experiences that may be of interest to others considering engaging GPs and/or their patients in primary care studies. Methods: A case study approach is used to describe strategies for: (a) recruiting GPs; (b) encouraging GPs to recruit patients to complete a postal questionnaire; and (c) encouraging GPs to recruit patients as part of a practice audit. Participant retention strategies are discussed in light of reasons for withdrawal. Results: The strategies described, led to the recruitment of a higher than expected number of GPs (n = 772). Three hundred and eighty three GPs (49.6%) followed through with the intent to participate by sending out a total of 77,820 postal questionnaires, 22,251 (28.6%) of which were returned. Three hundred and three GPs (37.0%) participated in the practice audit, which aimed to recruit 20 patients per participating GP (i.e., a total of 6,060 older adults). In total, 5,143 patients (84.9%) were represented in the audit. Conclusion: Inexpensive methods were chosen to identify and recruit GPs; these relied on an existing database, minor promotion and a letter of invitation. Anecdotally, participating GPs agreed to be involved because they had an interest in the topic, believed the study would not impinge too greatly on their time, and appreciated the professional recognition afforded by the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points associated with study participation. The study team established a strong rapport with GPs and their reception staff, offered clear instructions, and were as flexible and helpful as possible to retain GP participants. Nonetheless, we experienced attrition due to GPs' competing demands, eligibility, personnel issues and the perceived impact of the study on patients. A summary of effective and ineffective methods for recruitment and retention is provided.Michelle K Williamson, Jane Pirkis, Jon J Pfaff, Orla Tyson, Moira Sim, Ngaire Kerse, Nicola T Lautenschlager, Nigel P Stocks and Osvaldo P Almeid

    Morphogenesis of Strongyloides stercoralis Infective Larvae Requires the DAF-16 Ortholog FKTF-1

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    Based on metabolic and morphological similarities between infective third-stage larvae of parasitic nematodes and dauer larvae of Caenorhabditis elegans, it is hypothesized that similar genetic mechanisms control the development of these forms. In the parasite Strongyloides stercoralis, FKTF-1 is an ortholog of DAF-16, a forkhead transcription factor that regulates dauer larval development in C. elegans. Using transgenesis, we investigated the role of FKTF-1 in S. stercoralis' infective larval development. In first-stage larvae, GFP-tagged recombinant FKTF-1b localizes to the pharynx and hypodermis, tissues remodeled in infective larvae. Activating and inactivating mutations at predicted AKT phosphorylation sites on FKTF-1b give constitutive cytoplasmic and nuclear localization of the protein, respectively, indicating that its post-translational regulation is similar to other FOXO-class transcription factors. Mutant constructs designed to interfere with endogenous FKTF-1b function altered the intestinal and pharyngeal development of the larvae and resulted in some transgenic larvae failing to arrest in the infective stage. Our findings indicate that FKTF-1b is required for proper morphogenesis of S. stercoralis infective larvae and support the overall hypothesis of similar regulation of dauer development in C. elegans and the formation of infective larvae in parasitic nematodes