24 research outputs found

    Mineral Nutrition of Two Potato Cultivars Diff ering in Aluminium Tolerance, as Affected by Liming and Soil Acidity

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    Acid soil is one of the most important limitations in agricultural production worldwide. The application of lime and the growth of Al-tolerant genotypes are the most commonly employed strategies for the amelioration of acidic soil constraints. This study evaluates the effect of soil acidity and liming on the growth and mineral nutrition of Al-tolerant potato cv. Tresor and Al-sensitive potato cv. Canberra (Solanum tuberosum L.). Liming increased the total shoot and root dry matter (DM) of cv. Canberra, and the leaf DM of cv. Tresor. ā€˜Tresorā€™ retained a greater ability to acquire nutrients from acidic soil, especially P, Ca, and Mg. In addition, the Al content in the root tips and in other vegetative parts of acidic soil-grown plants indicates, on one hand, the complexity of acidic soil toxicity that was not solely related to Al toxicity and, on the other, the possible involvement of multiple mechanisms of Al tolerance that could be partly related to better nutrient uptake from acidic soil

    Zdravstvena selekcija viÅ”nje Maraske (Prunus cerasus cv. Marasca) u najvećoj Hrvatskoj plantaži ā€œVlačineā€

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    Sour cherry cv. Marasca is considered a native Croatian variety with the best fruit quality in the Northern Dalmatia region. The current production is not sufficient to cover the demand, therefore new orchards should be established with pathogen-tested planting material. To select virus- and bacteria-free mother trees, a survey was conducted in the largest Croatian Marasca plantation "Vlačine". ELISA on 205 trees (51 elite, 103 average, 51 below average) confirmed the presence of prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV) on 101 trees (49.3%); petunia asteroid mosaic virus (PeAMV) and prune dwarf virus (PDV) on 10 trees each (4.9%); raspberry ringspot virus (RpRSV) on 7 trees (3.4%); cherry leafroll virus (CLRV), arabis mosaic virus (ArMV) and plum pox virus (PPV) on 3 trees each (1.5%); and apple mosaic virus (ApMV) on 1 tree (0.5%). For PNRSV, significant ELISA detection sensitivity was found, with twigs in dormant period as more reliable virus source compared to leaves during the growing season. In addition, six trees were positive on little cherry virus 2 (LChV-2) by RT-PCR. Along with very frequent latent infections, following symptoms were observed during pre-harvest period: yellow spots on leaves (ApMV); yellowing, stunted growth, leafless twigs with leaves only at the tip (PDV), bark splitting (PeAMV), reduced leaf size (RpRSV), chlorotic/necrotic ring spots (PNRSV), and uneven fruit ripening (LChV-2). Eleven trees were free of all viruses and bacteria defined by EPPO cherry certification scheme, including PPV. The selected virus- and bacteria-free elite trees represent a valuable genetic source for propagation and further clonal selection.ViÅ”nja Maraska se smatra hrvatskom autohtonom sortom s najboljom kvalitetom plodova na području sjeverne Dalmacije. Trenutna proizvodnja ne zadovoljava potrebe tržiÅ”ta stoga bi trebalo podići nove voćnjake koriÅ”tenjem sadnog materijala testiranog na patogene. S ciljem pronalaska matičnih stabala bez virusa i bakterija istraživanje njihove prisutnosti provedeno je u najvećem hrvatskom nasadu viÅ”nje Maraske ā€žVlačineā€œ. Rezultati testiranja seroloÅ”kom metodom (ELISA) na 205 stabala (51 elitno, 103 prosječna, 51 ispodprosječno) potvrdili su prisutnost virusa nekrotične prstenaste pjegavosti treÅ”nje (PNRSV) u 101 stablu (49.3%); virusa zvjezdastog mozaika petunije (PeAMV) i kržljavosti Å”ljive (PDV) u 10 stabala svaki (4.9%); virusa prstenaste pjegavosti maline (RpRSV) u sedam stabala (3.4%); virusa uvijenosti lista treÅ”nje (CLRV), virusa mozaika guÅ”arke (ArMV) i virusa Å”arke Å”ljive (PPV) u tri stabla svaki (1.5%); virusa mozaika jabuke (ApMV) u jednom stablu (0.5%). Značajna razlika u osjetiljvosti testa zabilježena je kod PNRSV-a prilikom čega su se grančice u mirovanju vegetacije pokazale kao pouzdaniji uzorak u usporedbi sa listovima prikupljenima tijekom vegetacije. Dodatno, Å”est stabala se metodom RT-PCR pokazalo pozitivno na virus sitnih plodova treÅ”nje 2 (LChV-2). Pored vrlo čestih latentnih infekcija, u periodu pred berbu zabilježeni su simptomi: žuta pjegavost listova (ApMV); žućenje, zaostajanje u rastu, gole grane s listovima samo na vrÅ”nom dijelu (PDV); pucanje kore (PeAMV), smanjeni listovi (RpRSV), klorotični/ nekrotični prstenovi (PNRSV) i neujednačeno dozrijevanje (LChV-2). Slobodnim od svih virusa i bakterija definiranih EPPO certifikacijskom shemom za treÅ”nju, uključujući i virus Å”arke Å”ljive, pokazalo se 11 stabala. Izdvojena elitna stabla bez virusa i bakterija predstavljaju vrijedan genetski materijal za razmnožavanje i daljnju klonsku selekciju

    Genetic Diversity in Southeast European Soybean Germplasm Revealed by SSR Markers

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    Breeding material and registered soybean cultivars in Southeast European countries are strongly linked to Western breeding programs, primarily in the USA and Canada. There is little reliable information regarding the source of germplasm introduction, its pedigree and breeding schemes applied. Consequently, use of these genotypes in making crosses to develop further breeding cycles can result in an insufficient level of genetic variability. The objective of this study was to assess genetic diversity and relationships of 23 soybean genotypes representing several independent breeding sources from Southeastern Europe and five plant introductions from Western Europe and Canada using 20 SSR markers. In total 80 alleles were detected among 28 genotypes with an average of four alleles per locus and an average marker diversity of 0.585. Allele frequency distribution was characterised with a high proportion of alleles at very low frequencies with 11 % of unique alleles. Cluster analysis clearly separated all genotypes from each other assigning them into three major clusters, which largely corresponded to their origin. Results of clustering were mainly in accordance with the known pedigrees

    Intracultivar variability of Maraska sour cherry clonal candidates

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    Kvalitetan i sortno čist sadni materijal preduvjet je uspjeÅ”ne voćarske proizvodnje. Glavna sorta viÅ”nje (Prunus cerasus L.) u Dalmaciji je Maraska. S ciljem poboljÅ”anja kvalitete sadnog materijala, pred berbu 2014. godine u najvećem su nasadu viÅ”nje Maraske u Republici Hrvatskoj ā€“ Vlačine (koji je u vlasniÅ”tvu tvrtke Maraska d.d.) odabrana stabla s elitnim fenotipskim karakteristikama (n=50) koriÅ”tenjem metoda masovne klonske selekcije. Uzorci lista i izbojka odabranih stabala testirani na prisutnost svih virusa prema EPPO certifikacijskoj shemi za treÅ”nju i viÅ”nju kao i na prisutnost virusa Å”arke Å”ljive (Plum pox potyvirus). Utvrđeno je da je 11 odabranih stabala slobodno od svih testiranih virusa i neposredno pred berbu 2015. godine stabla su ocijenjena fenotipski, a analizirane su i karakteristike plodova (visina, Å”irina i debljina ploda, duljina peteljke, masa ploda, sadržaj topljive suhe tvari, sadržaj ukupnih kiselina u soku i pH vrijednost soka). Utvrđeno je postojanje velike razine unutarsortne varijabilnosti viÅ”nje Maraske koja bi mogla biti iskoriÅ”tena u programu individualne klonske selekcijeGood quality planting material is a perquisite of a successful fruit production. Main sour cherry (Prunus cerasus L.) cultivar in Dalmatia is Maraska. With the aim of improving the quality of planting material, before harvest in the year 2014 in the largest plantation of Maraska in Croatia, selection of trees with elite phenotypic characteristics (n=50) were selected. Samples of leaves and branches from the selected trees were tested on the presence of all viruses compulsory by the EPPO certification sheme as well as Plum pox potyvirus were tested. Out of 50 selected elite trees, 11 of them were found to be free from all of the tested viruses, and just before harvest in the year 2015 they were evaluated visually and characteristics of fruits (length, height and diameter of fruit, length of the petiole, total soluble solids content, total acidity content, pH value of the juice) were measured. High level of intracultivar variability was detected that can be used in an individual clonal selection program


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    In order to assess the genetic purity of common buckwheat variety ā€˜Darjaā€™ which is the most commonly produced variety of this crop in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 10 SSR markers have been used. Five samples have been collected from different production regions in B&H (Breza, Nisici Plateau, Ustikolina, Bihac and Bosanska Krupa) and compared to the reference ā€˜Darjaā€™ sample obtained from an ex situ seed collection from Slovenia. Seven out of ten primer pairs used managed to amplify SSR alleles. Analyses of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed a significant differentiation between the reference and all analyzed ā€˜Darjaā€™ samples. Furthermore, the factorial correspondence analysis revealed a clear differentiation between the reference and ā€˜Darjaā€™ samples from the most known production regions of common buckwheat in B&H clustering four out of five analyzed samples very close together. The most divergent one among the analyzed samples was the one from Ustikolina. Genetic purity of varieties of all of cross pollinated species produced in Bosnia and Herzegovina is questionable due to the general use of farm-saved seeds

    Genetic structure of apple accessions maintained ex situ in Bosnia and Herzegovina examined by microsatellite markers

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    In order to identify possible mislabeling of the apple accession maintained ex situ in Srebrenik and to gain insight into the genetic structure of the conserved germplasm, 14 accessions from the collection were genotyped using 10 SSR (Simple Sequence Repeats) markers. Obtained SSR profiles were then added to an existing database constructed for previously characterized 24 traditional and 13 international, reference apple cultivars maintained at the same collection. Bayesian analysis implemented in the STRUCTURE program grouped 42 out of 51 analyzed apple accessions (38 traditional and 13 international) into three RPPs (reconstructed panmictic populations) with probability of membership qI higher than 75%. Almost all international, reference cultivars grouped in RPP3, whereas traditional B&H cultivars from the Srebrenik collection grouped in all three RPPs. Large and significant differentiations between all three individual RPPs were detected through the analyses of molecular variance and confirmed with FCA (factorial correspondence analyses). NJ cluster analysis, based on the Bruvo genetic distance, revealed that out of 38 traditional B&H apple cultivars, analyzed in the study, ā€˜Ljepocvjetkaā€™, ā€˜Bobovecā€™ and ā€˜Bobovec Jā€™ grouped closest to the international reference cultivars. Available date indicates that unlike a large number of B&H apple cultivars which were introduced during the reign of the Ottoman Empire, ā€˜Ljepocvjetkaā€™ and ā€˜Bobovecā€™ were probably introduced at a later date. Cluster analyses also enabled the detection of one synonym and three homonyms within the collection. In four cases, previously conducted identification based on phenotypic analyses was confirmed by genetic analyses. Results of the structure analyses indicate a heterogeneous genetic structure of the analyzed accessions. This characteristic of the B&H apple germplasm could be useful for future breeding programs

    Grapevine Intravarietal Variability Research in Croatia and Clonal Selection

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    U Hrvatskoj se tradicionalno uzgaja veliki broj sorata vinove loze, od kojih se većina smatra autohtonima. Kako do sada nije provedena sustavna selekcija autohtonih sorata, pretpostavlja se da je danas kod većine njih izražena visoka razina unutarsortne varijabilnosti. Naime, poznato je da kod dugotrajnog uzgoja neke sorte vinove loze (Vitis vinifera L.) bez sustavne selekcije unatoč vegetativnom razmnožavanju dolazi do pojave izražene unutarsortne varijabilnosti. NajčeŔće je tome razlog pojava mutacija koje mogu pozitivno ili negativno utjecati na gospodarski važna svojstva sorata vinove loze. Klonska selekcija je postupak kojim se nastoje izdvojiti genotipovi unutar sorte kod kojih je doÅ”lo do mutacija, a koje su rezultirale u pozitivnoj promjeni nekih od gospodarski važnih svojstava. Provođenje selekcije nužan je preduvjet za proizvodnju kvalitetnog sadnog materijala poboljÅ”anih sortnih svojstava i garantirane zdravstvene čistoće. Znanstvena istraživanja unutarsortne varijabilnosti i unaprjeđenje metoda klonske selekcije mogu znatno doprinijeti razvoju vinogradarske proizvodnje, a posredno su važni i za očuvanje genetskih resursa vinove loze. To je posebno važno za zemlje bogate autohtonim sortama, čime se potiče i njihova gospodarska revitalizacija. U ovom radu daje se pregled metoda i istraživanja unutarsortne varijabilnosti posljednjih godina, kao i oplemenjivanja sorata vinove loze kroz sustav klonske selekcije. Posebna pozornost usmjerena je na istraživanja hrvatskog sortimenta posljednjih desetak godina, a prikazani rezultati ukazuju na visoku razinu unutarsortne varijabilnosti kod većine sorata te potrebu provedbe klonske selekcije.A high number of grapevine varieties have been traditionally grown in Croatia, most of them considered autochthonous. Because of the lack of systematic selection within them so far, it is supposed that a high level of intravarietal variability is present. The result of longterm growing of grapevine and vegetative propagation without systematic selection is high level of intravarietal variability. It is mostly caused by mutations, which can positively or negatively influence the growing characteristics of grapevine varieties. Clonal selection is a process of genotype (mutant) selection within variety populations, which are modified by some important variety characteristics. Clonal selection process is required in quality plant material production, with improved variety characteristics and guaranteed healthy conditions. Scientific researches of intravarietal variability and the improvement of clonal selection methods can highly contribute to the viticulture production development, and they are indirectly important for genetic resources preservation. This is essential for countries with high number of autochthonous varieties, in order to encourage their revitalisation process. In this paper, we give an overview of methods and recent research of intravarietal variability, as well as grape varieties improvement through clonal selection processes. Special attention is paid to Croatian grapevine research in the last ten years; the results point out a high level of intravarietal variability, and the necessity of clonal selection procedure for most of them

    Genetic variability within and among generative dog rose (Rosa spp.) offsprings

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    Divlja ruža (Rosa canina L.) je kozmopolitska biljna vrsta koja zbog svoje prehrambene, medicinske i kozmetičke vrijednosti zaslužuje veću pažnju. Divlja ruža uzgaja se u Hrvatskoj na vrlo malim povrÅ”inama, a plodovi za preradu uglavnom se uvoze. U ovom istraživanju kroz dvije vegetacije praćena su F1 potomstva (populacije) triju elitnih biljaka porijeklom iz Korčule (P1), MaleÅ”nice (P2) i Prigorja Brdovečkog (P3) porijeklom iz dvije regije (mediteranska i kontinentalna) radi procjene genetske varijabilnosti pomoloÅ”kih i agronomskih svojstava. Dodatno, genetska varijabilnost unutar i između tri ispitivane populacije divlje ruže analizirana je i primjenom 6 polimorfnih SSR (Simple Sequence Repeats) markera. Najveća varijabilnost, kao i najpoželjnija agronomska svojstva ustanovljena su unutar populacije P3 dok su najniže vrijednosti istih svojstava utvrđene u populaciji P1. Genotip RC29 (P3) za većinu važnih svojstava pokazao je najviÅ”e vrijednosti. Molekularni podaci omogućili su potpuno razdvajanje populacija, ali ne i svih jedinki unutar pojedinih populacija. Selekcijom i hibridizacijom perspektivnih genotipova divljih ruža iz Hrvatske bilo bi moguće kreirati vegetativno razmnožene populacije i sorte prikladne za komercijalni uzgoj.Dog rose (Rosa canina L.) is a cosmopolitan plant species that due to its nutritional, medical and cosmetic values deserves more attention. Dog roses are cultivated in Croatia on very small scale and most of the rose hip used in the domestic processing industry is imported. In this study, three dog rose F1 progeny populations developed from selected plants collected in Korčula, MaleÅ”nica and Prigorje Brdovečko, originating from two climatic regions (P1 - Mediterranean and P2 and P3 - continental) have been studied as a part of a field experiment for two growing seasons, in order to assess the level of genetic variability for pomological and agronomic traits. In addition, genetic variation within and among examined three dog rose populations has been assessed using 6 polymorphic SSR (Simple Sequence Repeats) markers. The highest variability, as well as the most desirable agronomic traits were found within the P3 population, while the lowest ones were present in the P1 population. Most desirable properties and highest values for commercially important traits were detected in the genotype RC29 (P3). Molecular data was sufficient to separate three studied populations but not all individuals within the populations. Through selection and hybridization of perspective genotypes of dog roses from Croatia, it would be possible to create clonally propagated varieties suitable for commercial cultivation

    Distribution of nine viruses in Croatian autochthonous grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivars from Dalmatian region included in clonal selection

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    The investigation of virus incidence was conducted on 14 autochthonous Croatian grapevine cultivars on vines from 51 vineyard located in the Dalmatian region. A total of 1,116 vines were tested by ELISA on nine viruses: Arabis mosaic virus (ArMV), Grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV), Grapevine fleck virus (GFkV), Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 1, 2, 3 and 7 (GLRaV-1, GLRaV-2, GLRaV-3 and GLRaV-7), Grapevine virus A and B (GVA and GVB). ELISA confirmed presence of eight viruses: GLRaV-3 in 888 vines (79.6%), GVA 685 (61.4%), GLRaV-1 455 (40.8%), GFkV 223 (19.9%), GFLV 219 (19.6%), GLRaV-2 46 (4.1%), ArMV 36 (3.2%) and GVB 35 (3.1%). Altogether 93 vines (8.3%) were free of all tested viruses, 168 (15.1%) were infected with a single virus, 368 (32.9%) with two, 314 (28.1%) with three, 127 (11.4%) with four, 43 (3.9%) with five, and 3 (0.3%) vines with six viruses. Symptoms of premature leaf color change and downward curling of leaf blades were common, while abnormal branching, short internodes, double nodes and irregular ripening were detected sporadically. The investigation confirms deteriorated sanitary status of all cultivars except Grk and Plavina and indicates the necessity of intensifying grapevine clonal and sanitary selection programs