31 research outputs found


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    Nosocomial infection is an infection found in hospitals, which are caused by microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. Factor is the lack of nursing knowledge, attitudes or behavior that is not good, facility maintenance, and supervision of nurses can also become one of the medium of transmission of nosocomial infections. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence the incidence of nosocomial infections in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and the 3rd floor inpatient unit Sari Mutiara Hospital Medan. This research is a descriptive cross sectional pendenkatan. Where populations are all nurses in the ICU and inpatient unit on the 3rd floor which amounted to 30 people as well as sample. The results showed that factors associated dengen incidence of nosocomial infections is not knowledge that is 56.7% majority, the majority is not a good attitude as much as 76.7%, fasitas not good nursing supervision 53.3% and 53.3% which is not good. The results using the Spearman rank statistical test showed that the incidence of infection associated with the knowledge noskomial with p = 0.003, p = 0.21 attitudes, facilities with p = 0.030 and p = 0.002 supervision. Suggested to the hospital to be able to improve education and training for nurses


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    Nosocomial infection is an infection found in hospitals, which are caused by microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. Factor is the lack of nursing knowledge, attitudes or behavior that is not good, facility maintenance, and supervision of nurses can also become one of the medium of transmission of nosocomial infections. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence the incidence of nosocomial infections in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and the 3rd floor inpatient unit Sari Mutiara Hospital Medan. This research is a descriptive cross sectional pendenkatan. Where populations are all nurses in the ICU and inpatient unit on the 3rd floor which amounted to 30 people as well as sample. The results showed that factors associated dengen incidence of nosocomial infections is not knowledge that is 56.7% majority, the majority is not a good attitude as much as 76.7%, fasitas not good nursing supervision 53.3% and 53.3% which is not good. The results using the Spearman rank statistical test showed that the incidence of infection associated with the knowledge noskomial with p = 0.003, p = 0.21 attitudes, facilities with p = 0.030 and p = 0.002 supervision. Suggested to the hospital to be able to improve education and training for nurses

    Perawatan Payudara Dalam Masa Puerperium Untuk Memperlancar Pengeluaran ASI

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    Masa nifas atau peurperium berasal dari bahasa latin yaitu puer yang artinya bayi dan paraous yang artinya melahirkan atau berarti masa sesudah melahirkan. Masa nifas merupakan masa pemulihan dari sembilan bulan kehamilan dan proses kelahiran. Pada masa ini terjadi perubahan-perubahan fisiologis yaitu salah satunya adalah laktasi atau pengeluaran air susu. Air Susu Ibu (ASI) merupakan cairan kehidupan terbaik yang mengandung zat dan sangat dibutuhkan oleh bayi karena baik untuk pertumbuhan dan dapat meningkatkan imun bayi. Untuk menjamin pemenuhan ASI bagi bayi secara optimal, maka faktor yang sangat menentukan dalam pemberian ASI salah satunya ialah perawatan payudara sejak kehamilan dan setelah melahirkan. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dihadiri oleh 10 orang peserta, dengan urutan kegiatan memberikan penjelasan tehnik perawatan payudara dan kemudian melakukan pelatihan payudara yang dilakukan oleh ibu-ibu nifas. Hasil evaluasi didapatkan bahwa peserta mampu memahami dan menjelaskan serta melakukan perawatan payudara untuk memperlancar pengeluaran ASI secara mandiri.  


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    Patient Safety is the avoidance, prevention, and repair of unexpected events or overcome injuries from the health care process. Lack of understanding about patient safety can lead to patient safety events due to a lack of knowledge and attitudes of nurses with nurses' actions about patient safety. Knowledge and attitude are needed to improve patient safety and improve the quality of hospital services. This study aims to determine the relationship between nurses' knowledge and attitudes with actions about patient safety in the Datu Beru Takengon Regional General Hospital. The design of this research is the descriptive correlation with the cross-sectional approach. The study population was implementing nurses, amounting to 273 people and the sample in this study amounted to 67 people using Simple Random Sampling sampling techniques. The statistical test used by Spearman-rho. The results obtained there is a relationship of knowledge with the actions of nurses about patient safety where the value (p = 0.033; p <0.05), with a value of r = 0.261 which means that the strength of the relationship is weak and there is a relationship between attitude and nurses' actions about patient safety where the value of p = 0.047; p <0.05 with a value of r = 0.243 which means the strength of the relationship is weak. In conclusion, there is a significant relationship between the knowledge and actions of nurses and there is a significant relationship between attitudes and actions of nurses about patient safety


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    AbstrakAsuhan keperawatan merupakan salah satu indikator dalam menentukan kualitas pelayanan dari suatu Rumah Sakit, perawat merupakan profesi yang memberikan pelayanan keperawatan kepada pasien sampai pada proses pendokumentasian asuhan keperawatan. Proses pendokumentasian  asuhan keperawatan dipimpin oleh servant leadership. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan servant leadership dengan kelengkapan dokumentasi asuhan keperawatan. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh populasi dijadikan sampel berjumlah 95 perawat pelaksana yang bertugas di ruang rawat inap. Teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini adalah menggunakan teknik Total Sampling. Tehnik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner dan lembar observasi. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah uji Chi-square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa servant leadership yang diberikan oleh kepala ruangan sebagian besar cukup yaitu 73,7%, dan sebagian besar kelengkapan dokumentasi asuhan keperawatan lengkap yaitu 71,6%. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan ada hubungan yang signifikan antara servant leadership dengan kelengkapan dokumentasi asuhan keperawatan (p= 0,017 ; p 0,05). Kepala ruangan harus memberikan servant leadership kepada perawat pelaksana terkait dengan proses asuhan keperawatan dan kelengkapan dokumentasi asuhan keperawatan agar semakin lengkap.Kata kunci : Servant Leadership, Kelengkapan Dokumentasi Askep ABSTRACTNursing care is one of the indicators in determining the quality of service of a Home nurse, Hospital is a profession that provides nursing services to patients to the nursing care of the documentation process. The process of documenting the care of nursing led by Servan leadership. Type of this research is a descriptive correlation design with study cross sectional. This research aims to know the relationship between bear the leadership with the completeness of the documentation of nursing care in the General Hospital of the Sari Mutiara Medan. The sample in this research is the Foundation of the entire population of the sample numbered 95 implementing nurse on duty at the Public hospital inpatient Sari Mutiara Medan. Sampling techniques in the research is using the technique of Total Sampling. The method of data collection on these studies use questionnaires and observation sheets. Statistical tests used was Chi-square test. The results showed that bear the leadership given by the head of the room most of the pretty namely 73.7%, and most of the completeness of the documentation for the complete nursing care namely 71.6%. The results of statistical tests showed there was a significant relationship between bear the leadership with the completeness of the documentation of nursing care (p = 0.017; p 0.05). The head of the room must bear the leadership paint to managing nurses associated with the process of nursing care and completeness of documentation in order to complete the more nursing care.                                                                                                                                                              Keywords: Servant Leadership, Completeness Of Nursing Care Documentatio


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    Triage merupakan cara pemilahan penderita korban gawat darurat berdasarkan skala prioritas yang didasarkan kepada kebutuhan terapi korban dan sumber daya yang tersedia. Kebutuhan terapi korban didasarkan pada penilaian kondisi pasien tersebut dimana penilaian tersebut akan menggambarkan derajat keparahannya. Oleh karena itu setiap perawat pelaksana di IGD membutuhkan peningkatan pendidikan tentang triage yang secara terus menerus. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendidikan dengan media (leaflet) terhadap tingkat pengetahuan perawat tentang triage. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pre test - post test quasi eksperiment design. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 7 orang dengan menggunakan purposive sampling. Hasil Uji statistic dengan Paired t-test didapatkan nilai p value 0,023 <0,05, yang artinya adalah terdapat perbedaan tingkat pengetahuan yang signifikan sebelum dan sesudah diberikan pendidikan triage dengan media leaflet. Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa setelah diberikan pendidikan triage dengan media leaflet perawat mengalami peningkatan pengetahuan. Disarankan kepada perawat IGD untuk selalu mengupgrade pendidikannya tentang triage melalui pelatihan sehingga kualitas pelayanan kegawatdaruratan akan meningkat

    Edukasi Kesehatan Pentingnya Sarapan Bagi Anak Sekolah di SD Negeri 173328 Kec. Pangasean Lintongnihuta, Kab. Humbahas

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    Sarapan pagi merupakan asupan makanan pertama yang masuk ke dalam tubuh setelah puasa saat tidur di malam hari. Saat sarapan, otak kembali mendapatkan asupan nutrisi. Sarapan yang sehat harus memenuhi sekurangnya seperempat dari kebutuhan nutrisi harian. Jadi, setidaknya menu sarapan pagi harus mengandung karbohodrat, protein, lemak, vitamin, mineral dan serat, serta air yang cukup untuk membantu proses pencernaan, meningkatkan energi juga konsentrasi dan daya ingat. Tujuan pengabdian  masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan informasi kepada siswa tentang sarapan pagi sebelum berangkat ke sekolah agar pada saat proses pembelajaran siswa dapat berkonsentrasi penuh dalam menerima pelajaran yang ditujukan kepada siswa/i. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dalam bentuk pemberian edukasi kesehatan bagi siswa/i kelas V dan VI SD Negeri 173328 Kec. Pangasean Lintongnihuta, Kabupaten Humbahas dengan jumlah peserta yang hadir sebanyak 20 orang. Kegiatan dilaksanakan pada 10 November 2023. Hasil pre test sebelum edukasi kesehatan didapatkan bahwa tingkat pengetahuan pentingnya sarapan pagi mayoritas kurang yaitu sebanyak 90%, dan setelah diberikan edukasi kesehatan didapatkan bahwa tingkat pengetahuan pentingnya sarapan pagi mayoritas baik yaitu sebanyak 80%


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    Kecemasan umumnya muncul pada ibu yang sedang dalam tahap menanti kelahiran karena dibenak mereka dihinggapi oleh rasa khawatir akan kelahirannya, seperti khawatir pendarahan, bayi cacat, serta khawatir terjadi komplikasi. Terapi hipnotis lima jari juga merupakan salah satu cara untuk mengatasi kecemasan pada ibu hamil dan dapat mempengaruhi pernafasan, denyut jantung, denyut nadi, tekanan darah, mengurangi ketengangan otot dan kordinasi tubuh, memperkuat ingatan, meningkatkan produktivitas suhu tubuh dan mengatur hormon-hormon yang berkaitan dengan stress. Tingkat kecemasan ibu pre partum di peroleh dengan nilai 21-34 yaitu berada diantara kecemasan sedang sampai berat, sedangkan sesudah diberikan terapi hipnotis lima jari tingkat kecemadan ibu pre partum diperoleh dengan  nilai 7-20 yaitu berada diantara tidak ada kecemasan dan kecemasan ringan. Pengaruh terapi hipnotis lima jari terhadap kecemasan ibu pre partum diperoleh hasil p.value = 0,001 (p.value < 0,005)


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    Diabetes Mellitus is a long-term disease characterized by abnormal blood glucose levels. DM can cause several complications, one of which is Diabetic neuropathy which contributes to the occurrence of wounds, causing dry skin, anhidrosis; which makes it easier for the skin to become damaged and wounds that are difficult to heal and can cause infections that contribute to gangrene. To overcome this problem, people with diabetes mellitus must have knowledge about diabetic wounds which include early detection and prevention of diabetic foot wounds. This type of research is analytic with a cross sectional study design with the aim of knowing the relationship between knowledge about diabetic wounds and wound prevention measures in patients with diabetes mellitus at Puskesmas Kenangan. The population in this study were all DM patients who were treated at the Puskesmas Kenangan who had not experienced gangrene complications as many as 25 people with a sample of 25 people, the sample was taken by total sampling. The results of the study. Knowledge of the majority of diabetic wounds was less as many as 15 people (60%) and the majority of wound prevention measures were bad as many as 19 people (76%). The conclusion is that there is a relationship between the knowledge of people with diabetes mellitus about diabetic wounds and wound prevention measures, indicated by the P value = 0.000 (p <0.05), meaning that there is a relationship between the respondent's knowledge and wound prevention measures. To add insight and knowledge about diabetic wounds and how to prevent injuries, it is recommended for DM patients to take part in counseling about diabetic wounds held both at the puskesmas and other health facilities. It is recommended for nurses to provide health education to DM patients in order to increase knowledge about diabetic wounds by attaching posters of wound prevention measures


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    Diabetes Mellitus is a long-term disease characterized by abnormal blood glucose levels. DM can cause several complications, one of which is Diabetic neuropathy which contributes to the occurrence of wounds, causing dry skin, anhidrosis; which makes it easier for the skin to become damaged and wounds that are difficult to heal and can cause infections that contribute to gangrene. To overcome this problem, people with diabetes mellitus must have knowledge about diabetic wounds which include early detection and prevention of diabetic foot wounds. This type of research is analytic with a cross sectional study design with the aim of knowing the relationship between knowledge about diabetic wounds and wound prevention measures in patients with diabetes mellitus at Puskesmas Kenangan. The population in this study were all DM patients who were treated at the Puskesmas Kenangan who had not experienced gangrene complications as many as 25 people with a sample of 25 people, the sample was taken by total sampling. The results of the study. Knowledge of the majority of diabetic wounds was less as many as 15 people (60%) and the majority of wound prevention measures were bad as many as 19 people (76%). The conclusion is that there is a relationship between the knowledge of people with diabetes mellitus about diabetic wounds and wound prevention measures, indicated by the P value = 0.000 (p <0.05), meaning that there is a relationship between the respondent's knowledge and wound prevention measures. To add insight and knowledge about diabetic wounds and how to prevent injuries, it is recommended for DM patients to take part in counseling about diabetic wounds held both at the puskesmas and other health facilities. It is recommended for nurses to provide health education to DM patients in order to increase knowledge about diabetic wounds by attaching posters of wound prevention measures