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    AbstractThe Learning Process of a Deaf Kid Through Photo Story Approach. Photo storyis a subsidiary of photojournalism. Photo story is an arrangement of photos that canconvey a strong message, arouse enthusiasm, present a moving message, entertain, andprovoke debate. Photo stories are an approach to storytelling by using several photosand additional text to explain context or background. The photo technique taken is blackand white to symbolize the silent world of deaf children that is different from the othernormal world. The purpose of this research is to document Justin’s learning process andsocial life at SD-LB Pangudi Luhur, West Jakarta, and to visualize Justin as a student ofSLB PL in narrative photo stories. The method used in this research is observation andalso study literature. Based on the results of the research, the photo stories in this paperare a collection of more than 10 photos arranged in such a way and are interrelatedto tell a phenomenon or an event from the author’s point of view. This story photois narrative. The author takes a candid photoshoot of Justin to capture the essenceof Justin’s person and behavior. In black and white photo techniques, recognizing thecharacter of the light to show the gradation of the photo is very important. Black andwhite photos are taken by the author to depict a world that is quiet, a little gloomy,without color, for most deaf children to live their lives.Keywords: journalism, black and white, deaf, photo stories, narrativeAbstrakProses Belajar Seorang Anak Tunarungu Melalui Pendekatan Photo Story. Photostory merupakan genre foto cabang dari foto jurnalistik. Photo story merupakan fotosusunan foto yang mampu menyampaikan pesan yang kuat, membangkitkan semangat,menghadirkan pesan haru, menghibur, hingga memancing perdebatan. Foto cerita adalahpendekatan bercerita dengan menggunakan beberapa foto dan tambahan teks untukmenjelaskan konteks atau latar belakang. Teknik foto yang diambil adalah hitam-putihuntuk melambangkan dunia sunyi dari anak-anak tunarungu yang berbeda dengan dunianormal yang lain. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendokumentasikan prosesbelajar dan kehidupan sosial Justin di SD-LB Pangudi Luhur Jakarta Barat dan untukmemvisualisasikan Justin sebagai pelajar dari SLB PL dalam photo story. Metode yangdigunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan observasi dan juga studi literatur. Berdasarkanhasil penelitian, foto cerita dalam tulisan ini adalah merupakan kumpulan lebih dari10 foto yang disusun sedemikian rupa dan saling terkait menceritakan fenomena atausuatu peristiwa dari sudut pandang penulis. Foto cerita ini bersifat foto naratif. Penulismelakukan pemotretan secara candid terhadap Justin untuk menangkap esensi daripribadi dan perilaku Justin. Dalam teknik foto hitam putih, mengenali karakter cahayauntuk menampilkan gradasi foto sangatlah penting. Foto warna hitam dan putih diambiloleh penulis untuk menggambarkan dunia yang sunyi, sedikit suram, tanpa warna, bagisebagian besar anak tunarungu dalam menjalani hidupnya.Kata kunci: foto cerita, available lighting, hitam dan putih, tunarung

    Urban Catwalk

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    Dalam tulisan ini mengungkapkan bahwa jalanan merupakan arena yang menarik, terutama dalam kontes ruang urban, ruang yang menjadi studio bagi fotografer, sekaligus menjadi catwalk bagi penggemar mode. Pada tesis ini, Jl. Sudirman menjadi tema utama, yang merupakan salah satu pusat kesibukan dan jalanan yang terkenal di kota Jakarta. Selain sebagai sentra bisnis dan ekonomi, di jalanan juga merupakan tempat terbaik untuk berbelanja. Keunikannya terletak pada keberagamannya. Jalanan ini adalah tempat berkumpul yang disukai oleh masyarakat Jakarta yang memiliki bermacam latar belakang, pendidikan, ekonomi. Oleh karenanya jalanan ini adalah tempat yang mampu menunjukan gaya hidup, termasuk fashion, dari warga kota Jakarta

    Public Space as an Urban Cultural and Tourism Education Facility with a Historical Atmosphere (Case Study: Old City Area of Jakarta)

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    <p>The Old City area, which is a part of Jakarta City has become the symbol of Batavia'shistorical greatness. Batavia is also known as the Queen of The East due to its beauty (Brill, 1993). From its long historical record and the abundant number of historical heritages, Old City area revitalization efforts have become a priority in DKI Jakarta Governor's work programs. Based on Law Number 26 Year 2007 regarding Landscapes, Jakarta should own 30% of green open spaces inits administrative area. However, Jakarta only provides 10% of green open(Hariyawan et al., n.d.). The small amount can also be seen in the Old City area with a small portion of green open space or public area. The Old City area of Jakarta is now filled with illegal dwellings and abandoned buildings which are often used by migrant communities as their residences. This situation creates irregularity and discomfortfor the people. Old City area is a cultural heritage area, which is often utilized as a gathering area for artists with routine activities such as photographers, mural artists, and theatrical actors. However, these communities often face difficulties due to limited facilities in the area. Based on the policy analysis ofhistorical cultural heritage preservation of the Old City area in Jakarta, we can conclude that revitalization efforts aimto provide public open spaces by optimizing their functions, and comforts, while also bringing back the historical heritage atmosphere. The goal of this design is to shape interaction space patternsthatarein accordance with the local art communities so that they can have their own working spaces. The method utilized in this research was a qualitative descriptive and case study methods, which were implemented inthe Old City area. The revitalization of the Old City area in Jakarta has the potential to improve it as urban tourism and art education, which is also integrated with green open space that functions as social space. The involvement of communities in the area is also important in assistingthe organizing, driving, and supervising efforts of public areas.</p&gt