16 research outputs found

    Penfigo foliaceo no Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, SP

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    BACKGROUND - Pemphigus foliaceus is an autoimmune bullous disease that is endemic in Brazil and in other South American countries such as Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru and Colombia. OBJECTIVES - To compare the observed clinical and epidemiological data with those referred in the literature. METHOD - Retrospective study in patients with pemphigus foliaceus admitted to and treated at University Hospital of the School of Medicine of Botucatu, SP, Brazil, from 1976 to 1993, analyzing the following variables: age, sex, race, origin and onset of disease. RESULTS - From 1976 to 1993, 63 patients were treated, with an average of 3.7 cases/year. Patients within the age range of 20 to 60 years old were the most affected. Most of the patients were white, females being slightly more affected than males. The majority of male patients were rural workers. Some towns presented higher incidence of cases. Most of the patients from rural areas became sick mainly in summer and in autumn. Occurrence of similar cases was observed in blood-related family members and neighbors. CONCLUSIONS - Clinical and epidemiological data were similar to those referred in the literature

    Use of skin graft punch graft type for the healing of leg ulcers in treated Hansen's disease patients

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    Hansen's disease is an infectious illness caused by Mycobacterium leprae. It affects preferentially the skin and the peripheral nervous system leading to incapacities, such as leg ulcers, which happens due to the direct action of the bacillus on the organs or its indirect action on the peripheral nervous system. Leg ulcers can occur by two physiopathologic processes. There are many treatments for general leg ulcers, which include the ones caused by Hansen's disease sequels. Among them, surgical treatment shows to be effective when using skin graft, which can be performed by several techniques. Considering the low number of techniques known for treating leg ulcers in Hansen's disease sequels, the aims of this work were to standardize alternative techniques, to detect the main bacteria found in ulcer secretion cultures, to analyze the patients profile and the ulcers, to describe the histophatologies found, and to correlate these data with those of literature from all over the world. Skin graft punch type was carried out and analyzed; males had a mean age of 59.4 years old and females, 54.2 years old. Patients were 73.6% male and 26.3% female. Lepromatous type was present in 89.4% patients and tuberculoid type was seen in 10.5% of them. Associated systemic diseases were observed in 26.3% patients. Mean time of ulcers evolution was 11.6 years in male and 12.8 years in women. The average diameter of ulcers in the pre-treatment period was 8.5 X 9.5 cm in male and 10.2 X 6.8 cm in women. After the graft, their average diameters were 3.2 X 2.7 cm in male and 5.1 X 5.6 cm in women. Statistical analysis showed that there was no significant correlation between the ulcer diameter and its reduction or not in the post-surgery period (p=0.269732). The mean age of patients whose ulcers diameter did not change or reduced by only 20% was 63.5 years. Using the Spearman's coefficient, it was possible to observe that there was no significant correlation between the patients' age and the ulcers diameter reduction after the skin graft (p=0.222531). Evolution time of ulcers that did not present any satisfactory result in the post-surgery period was 12.1 years. The Spearman's coefficient showed that there was no significant correlation between the ulcers evolution time and the ulcers diameter reduction in the post-surgery period (p=0.191655). Cultures presented 50% of cases with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Statistical analysis showed there is no correlation between the bacterial types found and the ulcer evolution in the post-surgery period (p=0.697531). The average of the ulcers diameter reduction was 42.4%, and in 26.3% of the patients the lesions disappeared after the skin graft

    Sindrome das bandas ou constricoes amnioticas: Relato de caso

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    The authors present a case of constriction band syndrome in a 20-year-old male. There were constriction rings in the interphalangeal joints of hands and in the thigh, shortening of the lower limb and atrophic left gastrocnemius muscle. These findings belong to the described syndrome, which is uncommon and has no genetic implication. Personal antecedent: convulsive syndrome and corrective surgery for congenital bent foot


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    In 1956, Africanized bees began to spread in the American continent from southern Brazil, where original African bees mated with European bees. A few years later, in 1990, these Africanized bees reached the United States and were found in Texas. Currently, these hybrid bees are found in several North American states and will probably reach the Canadian border in the future. Although the presence of Africanized bees had produced positive effects on Brazilian economy, including improvement in crop pollination and in honey production, turning Brazil into a major exporter, the negative impacts-such as swarming, aggressive behavior, and the ability to mass attack-resulted in serious and fatal envenomation with humans and animals. Victims of bee attacks usually develop a severe envenomation syndrome characterized by the release of a large amount of cytokines [interleukins (IL) IL-1, IL-6, IL-8], and tumor necrosis factor (TNF). Subsequently, such cytokines produce an acute inflammatory response that triggers adverse effects on skeletal muscles; bone marrow; hepatic and renal functions; and cardiovascular, central nervous, and immune systems. Finally, the aim of the present review is to study historical characteristics and current status of Africanized bees' spread, the composition of their venom, the impact of the bees on the Brazilian economy and ecology, and clinical aspects of their stings including immune response, and to suggest a protocol for bee sting management since there is no safe and effective antivenom available

    Uso da telemedicina na elaboração de um sistema de apoio virtual à pesquisa clínica

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    Este projeto teve por objetivos construir e disponibilizar um Sistema de Apoio Virtual à Pesquisa Clínica (SAVPC), desenvolvido na Unidade de Pesquisa Clínica (UPECLIN) da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu – UNESP, integrante da Rede Nacional de Pesquisa Clínica (RNPC) juntamente com outros 31 centros do Brasil. A montagem da proposta tornou-se necessária para harmonizar ações em ensino e boas práticas entre os envolvidos em ensaios clínicos, além de inserir socialmente os sujeitos de pesquisa e os profissionais de saúde distantes dos centros de excelência. Assim, foi construído e customizado um portal (http://www.savpc.com.br/novo) contendo material de apoio ao pesquisador com informações conceituais de pesquisa clínica; conceitos éticos, bioéticos e de teleassistência destinados aos sujeitos de pesquisa, bem como módulos de ensino para capacitação on-line de profissionais da saúde. Houve a integração do Grupo de Interesses Especiais da Rede Universitária de Telemedicina (SIG-RUTE), colaborando com as ações implementadas pela RNPC, bem como acesso ao ambiente Moodle já em utilização pelos profissionais da rede. Além disto, foram disponibilizadas salas de webconferência para capacitação, reuniões e interatividade on-line dos centros de pesquisa e pesquisadores. Foram desenvolvidos sistemas de formulários eletrônicos para cadastro de sujeitos de pesquisa e pesquisadores, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento de um banco de dados nacional. As informações referentes a sujeitos de pesquisas foram criptografados, com acesso por login e senha distribuídos pelo administrador do sistema, trazendo a garantia do uso ético deste conteúdo. O desfecho primário do projeto foi o de construir, customizar e disponibilizar o respectivo ambiente e o secundário integrar os centros componentes da RNPC para alcançar níveis de excelência em Pesquisa Clínica.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Low-level laser therapy on the treatment of oral and cutaneous pemphigus vulgaris: case report

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    Pemphigus vulgaris is a chronic autoimmune mucocutaneous disease that initially is manifested by painful intraoral erosions and ulcers which spread to other mucosa and the skin, generally more than 5 months after oral lesion manifestation. The treatment consists of prednisone alone or in combination with an immunosuppressive agent, and the clinical response is perceived within 2 to 4 weeks. Low-level laser therapy has been effective in accelerating the healing of injured tissue, thus inducing cell proliferation and increasing ATP, nucleic acid, and collagen synthesis. We reported two cases of pemphigus vulgaris that received systemic treatment associated with low-level laser therapy for oral and cutaneous lesions. We observed prompt analgesic effect in oral lesions and accelerated healing of oral and cutaneous wounds. Therefore, the present report suggests LLLT as a noninvasive technique that should be considered as an adjuvant therapy in oral and skin disorders in patients with PV

    Quality of life index in autoimmune bullous dermatosis patients

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    Background: Autoimmune bullous dermatoses are complex diseases triggered by autoantibodies action against epidermal antigens or the dermoepidermal junction. Blisters and vesicles that evolve with erosion areas characterize them. Although rare, they present high morbidity, affecting the quality of life of patients.Objectives: To assess the magnitude of autoimmune bullous dermatoses on life quality of patients treated in a public university service in countryside of Brazil. Methods: This cross-sectional study was based on an inquiry with autoimmune bullous dermatoses patients assisted at outpatient university referral service. Elements related to quality of life were evaluated by the Dermatology Life Quality Index, as well as clinical and demographic data. Results: The study evaluated 43 patients with pemphigus foliaceus, 32 with pemphigus vulgaris, 6 with bullous pemphigoid and 3 with dermatitis herpetiformis. The average age was 48 +/- 16 years and 34 (40%) were female. The median score (p25-p75) of the Dermatology Life Quality Index was 16 (9-19), classified as "severe impairment" of life quality, in which the greater impact was related to symptoms and feelings, daily and leisure activities. Conclusions: Autoimmune bullous dermatoses inflict severe impairment of quality of life for patients followed by a public outpatient clinic in the countryside of Brazil

    Low-level laser therapy for the treatment of epidermolysis bullosa: A case report

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    Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is a rare group of diseases characterized by skin fragility. There is no specific treatment, short of protection from trauma, currently available for these patients. Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) was effective as an analgesic and in accelerating cutaneous wound healing after six sessions of therapy in a child with dystrophic EB with cutaneous scarring and blisters on the limbs and trunk

    Evaluation of nutritional status in patients with endemic pemphigus foliaceus

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    A avaliação nutricional foi realizada em dezesseis doentes portadores de pênfigo foliáceo endêmico, sendo dez portadores da forma localizada da doença (Grupo G1) e seis portadores da forma disseminada da mesma (Grupo G2). Foram realizadas avaliações antropométricas (peso, altura, índice de Quetelét, prega cutânea tricipital, prega cutânea subescapular, circunferência braquial, circunferência muscular do braço, área do braço, área muscular do braço, área adiposa do braço) e laboratorial (eletroforese de proteínas séricas). Quanto aos parâmetros antropométricos, observaram-se as seguintes alterações: a circunferência do braço, área do braço, e área muscular do braço mostraram valores mais baixos nos doentes do grupo G2 que nos do grupo G1. O peso e a circunferência muscular do braço, por sua vez, mostraram tendência a valores mais baixos nos doentes do grupo G2 que nos do grupo G1. A eletroforese de proteínas revelou valores de albumina diminuídos em ambos os grupos, e menores nos doentes do grupo G2. Quanto às demais frações, com exceção das beta globulinas, não foram evidenciadas alterações. A análise global dos resultados permite concluir que os doentes com pênfigo foliáceo endêmico apresentam um quadro de desnutrição proteica, mas não calórica. Esta desnutrição mostrou-se mais acentuada no pênfigo foliáceo disseminado.Sixteen patients with endemic pemphigus foliaceus were submitted to nutritional evaluation. Ten had the localized form of the disease (Group G1) and six the disseminated form (Group G2). The patients were submitted to anthropometric measurements (weight, height, Quetelét index, tricipital skin fold, subscapular skin fold, arm circumference, arm muscle circumference, arm area, arm muscle area, and arm adipose area) and to laboratory evaluation by protein electrophoresis. Arm circumference, arm area and arm muscle area showed lower values in G2 than in G1. Weight and arm muscle circumference tended to the lower in G2 than in G1. Protein electrophoresis showed decreased albumin levels in both groups, with lower values in G2. Overall analysis of the results permits us to conclude that patients with endemic pemphigus foliaceus present signs and symptoms of protein, but not calorie, malnutrition and that this malnutrition is more marked in patients with disseminated pemphigus foliaceus