28 research outputs found
Alignments of cytochrome b and RAG 1 sequences in fasta format. Both genes are in the same file, one after the othe
Phylogenetic tree based on the nuclear S7 gene.
<p>Bootstrap values for ML analysis below branches. Posterior probability values for Bayesian inference above branches.</p
Hypothetical biogeographical scenarios explaining the mitochondrial capture event from <i>Squalius keadicus</i> to <i>Squalius peloponensis</i>.
<p>Each rectangle symbolizes a hypothetical individual within the analysed population. The two squares within each rectangle symbolize the mitochondrial and the nuclear genome of this hypothetical individual in the population. Colours indicate populations: Blue = <i>S</i>. <i>peloponensis</i> lineage; Red = <i>S</i>. <i>keadicus</i> lineage; Green = <i>S</i>. <i>keadicus</i>-like mitochondrial lineage (Miras and Pamissos populations).</p
Specimens of the four analysed populations.
<p>Voucher specimen numbers: <i>Squalius peloponensis</i> from Alfios River (MNCN_ICTIO 94.982); <i>Squalius peloponensis</i> from Pamissos River (NMP PV6 F1227); <i>Squalius peloponensis</i> from Miras River (MNCN_ICTIO 94.747); <i>Squalius keadicus</i> from Evrotas River (MNCN_ICTIO 123.875).</p
Box-plot of meristic variables.
<p>The 25–75 percent quartiles are drawn inside the box. Short horizontal lines represent minimal and maximal values.</p
Specimens used in molecular and morphological analyses and their voucher numbers.
<p>GenBank accession numbers for all analysed genes and labels in phylogenetic trees. All these specimens except those marked with an * symbol, proceeding from GenBank database, have been used in morphological analyses.</p
Canonical Variate Analysis of the four <i>Squalius</i> populations.
<p>A) Morphometric measurements. B) Meristic measurements. Red: Evrotas population (<i>S</i>. <i>keadicus</i>), blue: Alfios population (<i>S</i>. <i>peloponensis</i>); light blue: Miras population (<i>S</i>. <i>peloponensis</i>); green: Pamissos population (<i>S</i>. <i>peloponensis</i>).</p
Chronogram obtained for the <i>MT-CYB</i> gene for several <i>Squalius</i> species.
<p>Divergence time estimates and their HPD 95% confidence intervals, in Ma, for the main cladogenetic events between <i>Squalius</i> species above branches. Posterior probability values of Bayesian inference below branches (** indicates posterior probability = 1). Black arrow highlights the divergence time estimated for the separation of mitochondrial lineages of <i>S</i>. <i>keadicus</i> and the introgressed populations. Red asterisk indicates the position of fossil ages used to calibrate the molecular clock.</p
Canonical Variate Analysis values for the first three canonical axes of analyses of morphometric and meristic variables.
<p>Acronyms of variables are defined in the Material and Method section.</p
Morphometric variables measured in the <i>Squalius</i> populations analysed.
<p>Morphometric variables measured in the <i>Squalius</i> populations analysed.</p