9 research outputs found

    Studio di alcuni trattamenti illeciti nella fase finale del ciclo d'ingrasso di bovini da carne. Effetto sulle prestazioni produttive infra-vitam e sul comportamento alimentare e sociale degli animali

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    La sperimentazione, svolta nell’ambito di un progetto finanziato dal Ministero della Salute, ha inteso valutare gli effetti di un uso non terapeutico di desametasone e dello stesso principio attivo associato ad estradiolo nella fase finale del ciclo d’ingrasso di 24 bovini da carne. Il protocollo sperimentale ha preso in considerazione indicatori zootecnici come le prestazioni produttive infra-vitam (accrescimento, ingestione) e il comportamento alimentare e sociale, con lo scopo di determinare un criterio di identificazione degli animali trattati. La prova si è svolta nei mesi di novembre e dicembre 2005 e gli animali sono stati assegnati a tre diversi gruppi sperimentali. Il primo gruppo non ha ricevuto nessun trattamento ( tesi C), al secondo gruppo è stato distribuito desametasone per os (tesi D) e al terzo gruppo è stato somministrato desametasone in associazione con estradiolo intramuscolare (tesi DE). Il desametasone è stato distribuito giornalmente in mangaiatoia agli animali (1ml/capo/giorno per 43 giorni) mentre l’estradiolo è stato somministrato tre volte nell’arco della prova ad intervalli di quindici giorni (4ml/capo). Durante la prova gli animali sono stati pesati e sono stati rilevati settimanalmente i consumi alimentari; si sono così determinati gli accrescimenti medi giornalieri. Inoltre sono stati osservati il comportamento e la selezione alimentare, il comportamento sociale e la frequenza respiratoria. Ulteriori rilievi hanno permesso di considerare la consistenza e la composizione particellare delle feci. I dati sperimentali sono stati elaborati mediante un modello statistico lineare. I risultati osservati non hanno messo in evidenza significative differenze tra le tre tesi a confronto praticamente per tutti i parametri considerati. Sulla corrispondenza tra le performance di crescita rilevate per il controllo e i due trattamenti ha sicuramente giocato un ruolo importante il protocollo sperimentale che ha previsto un periodo di trattamento molto breve e ad una fase molto avanzata del processo di accrescimento degli animali. I rilievi del comportamento alimentare e sociale degli animali hanno visto un netta prevalenza della variabilità individuale entro ciascun box. Anche la frequenza respiratoria o l’analisi delle feci si sono dimostrati del tutto inefficaci per individuare gli animali trattati rispetto ai soggetti di controllo. - The study was carried out in the contest of a plan financed by Ministero della Salute. It aimed at evaluating the effects of an illegal dexamethasone treatment and the same compound in association with estradiol in 24 finishing bulls. The experimental protocol considered infra-vitam performances (growth performance and feed intake) and alimentary and social behaviour to determine criteria to identify treated animals. The trial took place in November and December 2005 and animals were assigned to three experimental thesis. One group did not receive any treatment (thesis C), another group received oral dexamethasone (thesis D), and the third was supplied with oral dexamethasone in association with intramuscular estradiol (thesis DE). Dexamethasone was provided to the bulls every day (1ml/calf/day for 43 days) while estradiol was administered three times at fifteen days intervals (4ml/calf). During the experimental period the animals were weighted and dry matter intake were weekly assessed to determinate animals average daily gain. Alimentary behaviour, chemical composition and selection of feed, social behaviour and respiratory frequency were also studied. Moreover consistency and particle composition of feces were analyzed. The experimental data were elaborated through a statistical linear model. Results showed that the treatments did not significantly affect considered parameters. The lack of significant results may be due to short period of administration and the animals that were in a late finishing phase. The outcomes of the alimentary and social behaviour observations have shown a clean prevalence of the individual variability. The study of respiratory frequency and the analysis of the feces have also demonstrated being ineffective criteria to identify treated animalsopenZOO 4

    Organic farming of dairy goats in the Veneto region: feeding management and milk quality

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    The relationship between the quality of goat milk and the feeding management in organic farms located in the Veneto Region was evaluated. Five organic dairy goat farms with Alpine and Saanen breeds were considered. Samples of bulk milk and feeds were collected monthly and analysed for chemical composition. Milk fatty acids profile was also determined. All data were submitted by ANCOVA analysis using breed (B), time of sampling (ST) and B x ST as fixed effects and dry matter intake (DMI), dietary concentrations of crude protein (CPc), NDF (NDFc), starch (starchc), and use of grazing as linear covariates. Milk urea N was positively affected by DMI (r=3.64; P<0.05) and negatively by starchc (r=-5.91; P<0.05) and total bacterial count increased significantly (P<0.05) with the increase of CPc and starchc. DMI affected positively the milk fatty acid (FA) profile by increasing of PUFA (P<0.01), n-3 (P<0.001) and n-6 (P<0.05) acids and decreasing of SFA (P<0.05) levels in milk. Opposite effects on FA profile were observed by CPc, NDFc and starchc. The use of grazing only caused a significant increase (P<0.05) in the content of CLA in milk


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    The aim of this trial was to evaluate the effects of different sources of soybean on the infra-vitam performance of fattening beef cattle. The animals (56 Limousine) were divided, according to BW (287±17 kg), in 4 experimental groups: LAFS (raw full-fat soybean low in antinutritional factors); SBM (soybean meal); TS (toasted full-fat soybean); NTS (non toasted full-fat soybean). The animals were fed a basal diet (TMR) (DM:59.5%; CP:9.3%DM; NDF:33.9%DM; starch:34.9%DM) supplemented as top dressing with different sources of soybeans in order to reach the same amount of additional CP (473 g/d). To obtain isoenergetic diets, calcium soap of palm fat (234 g/d) was also added to SBM group. Animals were weighed monthly, DM intake was calculated daily and two blood samplings were collected. No metabolic disorders or pathological events were observed during the experiment. The daily gains of the first 6 months were not significantly different among the 4 experimental groups (on the average 1.35 ± 0.25 kg/d). DM intake values in the same period were similar (8.57 ± 0.78 kg/d of DM). The soybean supplementation did not affect the metabolic parameters (calculated as differences between the sampling times) except for the *-glutamyl-transferase (P<0.01), the total plasma protein and globulin (P<0.05). The preliminary results of this experiment can indicate no significant effects of soybean antinutritional factors on the infra-vitam performances of beef cattle during the first fattening period


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    This research activity aimed at investigating cow and goat milk and cheese quality, organic beef quality in mountain areas. Experimental trials were set-up to evaluate the chemical, technological, and nutritional characteristics of products obtained in organic and conventional farms located in the Veneto region. From the first study on the quality of milk from organic and conventional farms in mountain areas the milk was found to be substantially similar for chemical composition and technological properties despite two production systems were used. The fatty acid profile, instead was viewed favorably from a nutritional point of view for milk obtained form organic farming. Based on the trial carried out on cheese made from organic and conventional milk the differences in fatty acid profiles were confirmed, once again in favor of organic cheeses. It is possible to use some of the fatty acid profile parameters (saturated, mono-unsaturated, poly-unsaturated fatty acids, and ratio for some fatty acids of nutritional interest), to distinguish cheese based on the production system used and period of production. Special interest is paid for poly-unsaturated fatty acids, n3 and CLA fatty acids, which are found in cheeses produced in summer from organic milk. Organic cheese is more yellow and brighter in colour than conventional cheese because it is richer in a-tocopherols. From the sensory analysis no distinctive characteristics resulted for organic cheeses, so it is not possible to distinguish them from conventional ones through taste trials. In the third study, the investigation carried out on organic dairy goat farms in the Veneto region has shown great variability in feed management in farms. Regarding the fatty acid profile for goat milk, the study has revealed better results when grazing was possible; particularly high concentrations of CLA were found in farms where grazing was allowed in the summertime. In the fourth study, organic calf farming results in leaner animals, with lower cholesterol content, compared to conventionally farmed calves. The quantity of haeminic iron in organic meat almost doubles that found in conventional meat, which causes organic meat to be darker. This aspect is viewed negatively form a commercial point of view: darker meat is not appreciated by consumers who expect it to be slightly pink in colour (“white meat”). Overall, with this thesis it was possible to affirm that organic-farming mountain livestock could be exemplified as the method to use for increase the value of productions and sustainable farming.Questa attività di ricerca ha avuto come obiettivo quello di investigare la qualità del latte bovino e caprino, di formaggi e di carne di vitello ottenuto da allevamenti biologici in zona montana. Sono state impostate quattro prove sperimentali che hanno valutato le caratteristiche chimiche, tecnologiche e nutrizionali di prodotti ottenuti da allevamenti biologici e convenzionali localizzati nella Regione Veneto. Il primo studio sulla qualità del latte ottenuto da allevamenti biologici e convenzionali di vacche da latte in zona montana ha evidenziato una sostanziale similitudine nella composizione chimica e nelle caratteristiche tecnologiche del latte ottenuto con i due diversi sistemi di produzione. Il profilo acidico del grasso del latte, invece, è risultato più favorevole dal punto di vista nutrizionale nel latte ottenuto da allevamenti biologici. Nel secondo studio sui formaggi ottenuti con latte biologico e convenzionale sono state confermate le differenze relative al profilo acidico, risultato ancora una volta più favorevole nei formaggi biologici. E’ stato possibile utilizzare alcuni parametri del profilo acidico per poter discriminare formaggi ottenuti con sistemi di produzione diversi e in mesi diversi. In particolare la quantità di acidi grassi polinsaturi, il contenuto di acidi grassi della serie n3 e i CLA, sono risultati più elevati nei formaggi estivi di produzione biologica. L’elevato contenuto di a-tocoferolo rilevato nel formaggio biologico ha portato a una colorazione brillante e più gialla rispetto ai formaggi convenzionali. Dall’analisi sensoriale non sono emerse particolari caratteristiche del formaggio ottenuto con latte biologico che quindi non è possibile discriminare rispetto ai convenzionali con prove di degustazione. Nel terzo studio, l’indagine riguardante le aziende biologiche di capre da latte presenti nella Regione Veneto, ha evidenziato una grande variabilità nella gestione alimentare delle aziende. Il lavoro ha rilevato concentrazioni elevate di CLA nelle aziende che hanno effettuato pascolo per tutti i mesi estivi. Nel quarto studio la carne di vitello ottenuta con metodo biologico è risultata più magra e con un più basso contenuto di colesterolo rispetto alla carne di vitello convenzionale. Il quantitativo di ferro eminico nella carne biologica è risultato quasi il doppio rispetto alla carne convenzionale causando una colorazione più rossa della carne biologica. Questo aspetto può penalizzare la commerciabilità del prodotto in quanto una colorazione rossa della carne di vitello non è apprezzata dal consumatore che desidera una carne rosata (carne “bianca”). Nel complesso questa attività di ricerca ha permesso di affermare che la zootecnia biologica in montagna si può proporre come metodo per la valorizzazione di alcune produzioni e la sostenibilità degli allevamenti

    Studio di alcuni trattamenti illeciti nella fase finale del ciclo d'ingrasso di bovini da carne. Effetto sulle prestazioni produttive infra-vitam e sul comportamento alimentare e sociale degli animali

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    La sperimentazione, svolta nell’ambito di un progetto finanziato dal Ministero della Salute, ha inteso valutare gli effetti di un uso non terapeutico di desametasone e dello stesso principio attivo associato ad estradiolo nella fase finale del ciclo d’ingrasso di 24 bovini da carne. Il protocollo sperimentale ha preso in considerazione indicatori zootecnici come le prestazioni produttive infra-vitam (accrescimento, ingestione) e il comportamento alimentare e sociale, con lo scopo di determinare un criterio di identificazione degli animali trattati. La prova si è svolta nei mesi di novembre e dicembre 2005 e gli animali sono stati assegnati a tre diversi gruppi sperimentali. Il primo gruppo non ha ricevuto nessun trattamento ( tesi C), al secondo gruppo è stato distribuito desametasone per os (tesi D) e al terzo gruppo è stato somministrato desametasone in associazione con estradiolo intramuscolare (tesi DE). Il desametasone è stato distribuito giornalmente in mangaiatoia agli animali (1ml/capo/giorno per 43 giorni) mentre l’estradiolo è stato somministrato tre volte nell’arco della prova ad intervalli di quindici giorni (4ml/capo). Durante la prova gli animali sono stati pesati e sono stati rilevati settimanalmente i consumi alimentari; si sono così determinati gli accrescimenti medi giornalieri. Inoltre sono stati osservati il comportamento e la selezione alimentare, il comportamento sociale e la frequenza respiratoria. Ulteriori rilievi hanno permesso di considerare la consistenza e la composizione particellare delle feci. I dati sperimentali sono stati elaborati mediante un modello statistico lineare. I risultati osservati non hanno messo in evidenza significative differenze tra le tre tesi a confronto praticamente per tutti i parametri considerati. Sulla corrispondenza tra le performance di crescita rilevate per il controllo e i due trattamenti ha sicuramente giocato un ruolo importante il protocollo sperimentale che ha previsto un periodo di trattamento molto breve e ad una fase molto avanzata del processo di accrescimento degli animali. I rilievi del comportamento alimentare e sociale degli animali hanno visto un netta prevalenza della variabilità individuale entro ciascun box. Anche la frequenza respiratoria o l’analisi delle feci si sono dimostrati del tutto inefficaci per individuare gli animali trattati rispetto ai soggetti di controllo. - The study was carried out in the contest of a plan financed by Ministero della Salute. It aimed at evaluating the effects of an illegal dexamethasone treatment and the same compound in association with estradiol in 24 finishing bulls. The experimental protocol considered infra-vitam performances (growth performance and feed intake) and alimentary and social behaviour to determine criteria to identify treated animals. The trial took place in November and December 2005 and animals were assigned to three experimental thesis. One group did not receive any treatment (thesis C), another group received oral dexamethasone (thesis D), and the third was supplied with oral dexamethasone in association with intramuscular estradiol (thesis DE). Dexamethasone was provided to the bulls every day (1ml/calf/day for 43 days) while estradiol was administered three times at fifteen days intervals (4ml/calf). During the experimental period the animals were weighted and dry matter intake were weekly assessed to determinate animals average daily gain. Alimentary behaviour, chemical composition and selection of feed, social behaviour and respiratory frequency were also studied. Moreover consistency and particle composition of feces were analyzed. The experimental data were elaborated through a statistical linear model. Results showed that the treatments did not significantly affect considered parameters. The lack of significant results may be due to short period of administration and the animals that were in a late finishing phase. The outcomes of the alimentary and social behaviour observations have shown a clean prevalence of the individual variability. The study of respiratory frequency and the analysis of the feces have also demonstrated being ineffective criteria to identify treated animal

    "Looking for Life on Mars": Subtitling a documentary

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    reservedThe present thesis examines the world of Audiovisual Translation with a primary focus on subtitling. It also proposes a detailed study of the specialized languages of science, astronomy, and the language of astronomical popularization as the aim of the thesis is to offer a translation proposal for subtitling the astronomical documentary "Looking for Life on Mars” into Italian. The work is therefore at the crossroads of specialized popularizing translation and subtitling. The study followed a three-phase method. The first phase was devoted to the full transcription of the dialogues in the original language. In the next step, the translation was produced paying specific attention to rendering it appropriate for the target audience, that is, an inexpert audience in this subject. The third and final stage was dedicated to the creation of the subtitles using the software Aegisub. A final commentary is provided to explain and outline the translation macro-strategies adopted and the strategic choices made to comply with the spatial and temporal constraints of subtitling. In the analysis, the main differences in conveying the content in the two target languages are also highlighted. Moreover, this reflection includes a comparison of how certain concepts within the documentary are expressed using the popularizing language of astronomy to fulfill the purpose of the documentary and how instead they should be communicated through LSP.The present thesis examines the world of Audiovisual Translation with a primary focus on subtitling. It also proposes a detailed study of the specialized languages of science, astronomy, and the language of astronomical popularization as the aim of the thesis is to offer a translation proposal for subtitling the astronomical documentary "Looking for Life on Mars” into Italian. The work is therefore at the crossroads of specialized popularizing translation and subtitling. The study followed a three-phase method. The first phase was devoted to the full transcription of the dialogues in the original language. In the next step, the translation was produced paying specific attention to rendering it appropriate for the target audience, that is, an inexpert audience in this subject. The third and final stage was dedicated to the creation of the subtitles using the software Aegisub. A final commentary is provided to explain and outline the translation macro-strategies adopted and the strategic choices made to comply with the spatial and temporal constraints of subtitling. In the analysis, the main differences in conveying the content in the two target languages are also highlighted. Moreover, this reflection includes a comparison of how certain concepts within the documentary are expressed using the popularizing language of astronomy to fulfill the purpose of the documentary and how instead they should be communicated through LSP

    Characteristics of dairy farms in the North-Eastern part of Italy: rations, milk yield and nutrients excretion

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    This survey was aimed to evaluate the characteristics of dairy farms in the North- Eastern part of Po valley in terms of ration composition, milk yield and N and P excretions. Eightynine farms, with Italian Holstein Friesian cows, were selected in order to cover different situations in term of farm size and milk yield (MY). MY and quality were obtained from the national database of functional controls. Each farm was visited in order to collect information about ingredients and chemical composition of rations used. Farms were classified in four groups differing for dietary crude protein density (LCP<15.3% DM; HCP>15.3% DM) and for MY (LMY<30 kg/d; HMY>30 kg/d). N and P excretions were quantified by following a mass balance approach. Dietary crude protein content (CP) was not correlated to milk yield (MY) and quality. The estimated amounts of N excreted, discounted for 28% of N losses in atmosphere, were 78.5, 78.2, 87.2 and 89.1 kg/cow/year, and P excreted were 20.2, 18.6, 18.7 and 19.8 kg/cow/year for the LCPLMY, LCPHMY, HCPLMY, HCPHMY groups, respectively. On corn silage and cereals based rations, a dietary CP of 14.3% DM can support 31 kg MY/cow/day