2,156 research outputs found

    Frequent Oomycotic Infections in Eggs of Cultured Species

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    In aquaculture farms, incubation is a one crucial stage, as frequently shows high percentage of mortality. In fish and amphibians, egg oomycosis is a common infection during the early stages of embryonic development. Infection is usually promoted by unfertilized or damaged eggs that provide a medium for the zoospores to establish and grow, resulting in colonization and spread of the infection to nearby viable eggs. Numerous essential oils have been shown to have anti-oomycotic activity and to inhibit production and spore germination of Oomycetes species of the order Saprolegniales.Fil: Di Cesare, Luca Sebastian Guido. LABORATORIO DE HISTOLOGIA Y EMBRIOLOGIA DESCRIPTIVA, EXPERIMENTAL Y COMPARADA (LHYEDEC) ; DEPARTAMENTO DE CS.BASICAS ; FACULTAD DE CS.VETERINARIAS ; UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE LA PLATA; . Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Plaul, Silvia Elena. LABORATORIO DE HISTOLOGIA Y EMBRIOLOGIA DESCRIPTIVA, EXPERIMENTAL Y COMPARADA (LHYEDEC) ; DEPARTAMENTO DE CS.BASICAS ; FACULTAD DE CS.VETERINARIAS ; UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE LA PLATA

    Lymphoid EVA1 Expression Is Required for DN1-DN3 Thymocytes Transition

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    Background: Thymus organogenesis and T lymphocyte development are accomplished together during fetal life. Proper development and maintenance of thymus architecture depend on signals generated by a sustained crosstalk between developing thymocytes and stromal elements. Any maturation impairment occurring in either cellular component leads to an aberrant thymic development. Gene expression occurring during T lymphocyte differentiation must be coordinated in a spatio-temporal fashion; one way in which this is achieved is through the regulation by cell-cell adhesion and interactions. Principal Findings: We examined the role played by Epithelial V-like Antigen 1 (EVA1), an Ig adhesion molecule expressed on thymus epithelial cells (TEC) and immature thymocytes, in T cell development by employing RNA interference in vitro and in vivo models. Fetal liver derived haematopoietic progenitors depleted of Eva1, displayed a delayed DN1-DN3 transition and failed to generate CD4CD8 double positive T cells in OP9-DL1 coculture system. In addition, we could observe a coordinated Eva1 up-regulation in stromal and haematopoietic cells in coculture control experiments, suggesting a possible EVA1 involvement in TEC-haematopoietic cells crosstalk mechanisms. Similarly, Rag2-cc double knock out mice, transplanted with Eva1 depleted haematopoietic progenitors displayed a 10-fold reduction in thymus reconstitution and a time delayed thymocytes maturation compared to controls. Conclusions: Our findings show that modulation of Eva1 expression in thymocytes is crucial for lymphocyte physiological developmental progression and stromal differentiation

    Evaluation of an oral transmucosal administration of dexmedetomidine-butorphanol and dexmedetomidine-methadone in dogs.

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    Oral transmucosal (OTM) delivery is a simple and painless method for sedative administration in veterinary medicine and allows a rapid absorption without a first-pass metabolism by the liver (Porters et al. 2014.). OTM is particularly useful in aggressive animals (Santos et al. 2010). The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of the OTM route in dogs for sedative administration in comparison with intramuscular (IM) injection. 24 mix-bread dogs undergoing soft tissue surgery or diagnostic procedures were randomly divided in 4 groups (n = 6): two groups received OTM administration of dexmedetomidine (10 µg/kg-1) together with butorphanol (0.2 mg/kg-1, BTF-OTM group) or methadone (0.2mg/kg-1, MTD-OTM group); two groups received intramuscular (IM) administration of dexmedetomidine (5 µg/kg-1) together with butorphanol (0.2 m/kg-1, BTF-IM group) or methadone (0.2 mg/kg-1, MTD-IM). Heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), sedation score (Gruney et al. 2009) and side effects were recorded 10 (T10), 20 (T20) and 30 (T30) minutes after premedication. Induction was performed at T30 with titrate-to-effect propofol administration and the dosage required was recorded. At each time point BTF-IM group showed a statistically lower HR compared to BTF-OTM; RR was statistically lower at T10 in MTD-OTM group (21.33 ± 8.64 pm) compared to BTF-OTM (46.16 ± 17.98); Dogs in group MTD-IM reached a higher sedation scores at each time point compared to MTD-OTM. The induction dose of propofol appears comparable among groups. Marked vasoconstriction was observed after OTM administration, as probably related to α2-agonists use. Emesis and sialorrhea occurred in two subjects of MTD-OTM group while only one dog presented sialorrhea in BTF-OTM group. In conclusion, OTM administration appears effective and easy to perform; it takes a longer time to achieve a good sedation score, probably related to a gradual absorption of drugs that also leads to a more gradual hemodynamic effects.

    Clinical effects of dexmedetomidine combined with methadone after intranasal and intramuscular administration in dogs

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    The intranasal (IN) route shows promise for chemical restraint given the large area offered for drugs absorption. The nasal turbinates increase nasal mucosa surface, which have a greater blood flow than muscle, brain and liver tissue . Aim of the study is to compare the clinical effects and sedation scores following either IN or intramuscular (IM) administration of dexmedetomidine-methadone in dogs. Twenty mixed-breed, client-owned, healthy dogs, undergoing soft tissue surgery or diagnostic procedures, were randomly allocated in two groups (n = 10) to receive dexmedetomidine (0.01 mg kg-1) together with methadone (0.4 mg kg-1) IN (IN-group) or IM (IM-group). Temperament was evaluated before premedication (1 = calm and friendly, 4 = very excitable or nervous) (Maddern et al. 2010). Heart rate (HR), respiratory frequency (fR), body temperature, and side effects were recorded before (T0) and 10 (T10), 20 (T20) and 30 (T30) minutes after premedication. Sedation was scored 3 times (every 10 minutes) after drugs administration using a descriptive sedation scale (0 = no sedation, 13 = extremely sedated). Induction was performed at T30 with titrate-to-effect propofol and the dosage was recorded. Student T-test was performed. Weight, age, temperament, body temperature and propofol dose were not different between groups. At each time point, excluding T0, IM-group showed a statistically lower HR and fRcompared to IN-group. No undesirable effects were observed in both groups. Sedation score in IM-group was significantlyhigher compared to IN-group at each time point. In conclusion, despite statistical differences, IN administration produces a satisfactory clinical sedation with more gradual hemodynamic effects compared to IM injection; this is probably due to a direct transport of drugs from cranial nerves (I-V) to brain with limited systemic absorption. However, the high variability recorded in sedation score between subjects in IN-group (min 1/13; max 13/13 at T30) probably arises from a variable drugs conveyance from nasal mucosae to target cell in CNS by IN administration. 

    Towards an e-Publishing library service in Humanities and Social Sciences: A feasibility study

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    The paper describes a methodology used to analyze the editorial production of CNR Institutes belonging to the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS). This analysis is considered a pre-requisite to design a feasibility study to develop an e-Publishing service tailored to HSS. To reach this aim the paper describes in particular the characteristics of currently published products defining a set of quality indicators that can help designing a future e-Publishing service


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    Una amplia variedad de parásitos en su estado larvario puede infectar a los peces, pero un número reducido es considerado zoonótico. Entre ellos se encuentra el género Ascocotyle cuyas metacercarias se enquistan en los órganos y tejidos de peces de todos los ambientes. Estos parásitos están asociados a factores socioculturales y comportamentales como el hábito de comer pescado crudo o deficientemente cocido. El riesgo de infección en los animales domésticos es importante, ya que las vísceras son ofrecidas a las mascotas. En varios países, incluido el nuestro, se están utilizando los subproductos y desperdicios de la pesca para la alimentación de cerdos y aves de producción, porque son una fuente calórica/proteica de bajo costo. Actualmente, varios actores, incluidos organismos estatales, fomentan el consumo de carne y subproductos de la pesca, pero existe escasa información y concientización en la población de los posibles riesgos sanitarios de su ingesta. El objetivo del presente proyecto es identificar las especies de Ascocotyle presentes en peces de diferentes ambientes, analizar las lesiones producidas por las metacercarias y su posible potencial zoonótico. Para ello, se obtendrán ejemplares juveniles y adultos de peces autóctonos de los cuerpos de agua de la ciudad de La Plata, de las lagunas situadas en Chascomús y Lezama, en Punta Lara y dos sitios de la bahía de Samborombóm. Los peces de menor tamaño serán trasladados al laboratorio en bolsas plásticas con agua y O2. Los peces de tallas mayores se obtendrán de la pesca artesanal y comercial, todos los ejemplares serán fijados en formaldehido al 10%. Luego se procederá a la inspección externa de los peces bajo microscopio estereoscópico o a ojo desnudo en busca de lesiones y se realizará la necropsia para examinar la presencia de endoparásitos en la musculatura y órganos internos. Los parásitos se identificarán utilizando marcadores nucleares y mitocondriales. El procesamiento de las muestras para microscopía óptica se realizará según la técnica tradicional de inclusión en parafina. Los cortes se colorearán con técnicas histológicas e histoquímicas y además, se determinará el índice de proliferación celular y muerte celular. Por último, se inspeccionará la musculatura de peces frescos y ahumados de tallas comerciales en búsqueda de metacercarias, aquellas que presenten movimientos serán administradas junto con el alimento a ratones de laboratorio (hospedadores definitivos). A la semana, se revisarán los ratones para evaluar la eficacia de la infección experimental. A partir de los resultados se realizarán charlas de divulgación sobre la importancia de los parásitos de la fauna silvestre y la necesidad de cocinar bien los alimentos y de no alimentar a las mascotas, a las aves de corral y porcinos con vísceras crudas en economías familiares o de subsistencia. &nbsp
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