28 research outputs found

    Figure S1. Biodiversity change and extinction risk in Plio-Pleistocene Mediterranean bivalves: the families Veneridae, Pectinidae and Lucinidae

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    Rarefied species richness through time for shoreface and shelf (inner+outer shelf) occurrences, shown for the entire dataset (a, e); for Veneridae (b, f); Pectinidae (c, g); and Lucinidae (d, h). Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals


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    CT scan original files used to reconstruct Osedax boring in specimens B206000-1. They are two fragmentary bones (rib and costal plate) belonging to a marine turtle, family Cheloniidae, collected from the Cenomanian Grey Chalk Subgroup (Burham, Kent, UK). The specimens are curated at the Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, U

    CT scan data - specimen B56629

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    CT scan original files used to reconstruct Osedax boring in specimen B56629. The bone is a plesiosaur humerus from the Cenomanian Cambridge Greensand Member, UK. B56629 is curated at the Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, U

    Distribution of taxonomic and functional changes through the Werfen Formation.

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    <p><b>A)</b> Changes in taxonomic richness; <b>B)</b> Changes in Simpson Diversity; <b>C)</b> Changes in functional richness; <b>D)</b> Changes in Simpson functional diversity. Stratigraphic framework as in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0172321#pone.0172321.g002" target="_blank">Fig 2</a>. Ch.—Changhsingian, BF—Bellerophon Formation, T–Tesero, A–Andraz, GO—Gastropod Oolite, Val bad.–Val Badia, San L.–San Lucano.</p

    Alpha diversity dynamics through the Werfen Formation.

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    <p><b>A)</b> Changes in taxonomic richness: standing richness (circles), originations (squares) and extinctions (triangles). <b>B)</b> Changes in median sample richness (squares) and Simpson Diversity (triangles), ranges are shown by the vertical lines. <b>C)</b> Number of modes of life recorded in each unit of the Werfen formation. Standing FR–Standing Functional Richness. <b>D)</b> Changes in sample functional richness (squares) and Simpson Functional Diversity (triangles), ranges are shown by the vertical lines. Simpson FD–Simpson Functional Diversity.</p