441 research outputs found

    Virginia Woolf and her narration of moments of being: an analysis of To the Lighthouse and Mrs.Dalloway

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    openHuman beings are often seeking for something unexpected or incredible, forgetting the importance of life and its essence. Portraying the simplicity of moments of beings is an ability that just few authors were capable of, one of them is Virginia Woolf. Woolf was able in her works to narrate feelings and events that represent the simple life in its depth and expressiveness. This paper examines the role of Virginia Woolf in Modernism and her revolutionary writing. The innovative way of expressing feelings and emotions that Virginia brings to life leads the readers to a different world, making them think about what surrounds them. Her dissatisfaction with the third person led her to what is now called the stream of consciousness, that felt more truthful and real. Woolf had the capacity of putting thoughts in concrete words making her texts rich, different, and innovative. The proposed analysis explains two of the most important Woolf’s novels: Mrs. Dalloway (1925) and To the Lighthouse (1927). The thematic thread shared by the two works reminds us about the simple and concrete events of life that hit us every day. Themes as Death or Family are presented to the reader as more than an uncomplicated accident and, through the characters’ mind, Woolf transmits what is called a moment of being, a sudden revelation that relates to every human being. The character analysis conducted in this work provides us a complete view of the human mind and how everyone has the capacity to experience and understand life in different ways. Virginia Woolf reminds us of what it means to see the world through different eyes, turning the everydayness of an ordinary day or the life of a simple family into points of reflection and inspiration.Human beings are often seeking for something unexpected or incredible, forgetting the importance of life and its essence. Portraying the simplicity of moments of beings is an ability that just few authors were capable of, one of them is Virginia Woolf. Woolf was able in her works to narrate feelings and events that represent the simple life in its depth and expressiveness. This paper examines the role of Virginia Woolf in Modernism and her revolutionary writing. The innovative way of expressing feelings and emotions that Virginia brings to life leads the readers to a different world, making them think about what surrounds them. Her dissatisfaction with the third person led her to what is now called the stream of consciousness, that felt more truthful and real. Woolf had the capacity of putting thoughts in concrete words making her texts rich, different, and innovative. The proposed analysis explains two of the most important Woolf’s novels: Mrs. Dalloway (1925) and To the Lighthouse (1927). The thematic thread shared by the two works reminds us about the simple and concrete events of life that hit us every day. Themes as Death or Family are presented to the reader as more than an uncomplicated accident and, through the characters’ mind, Woolf transmits what is called a moment of being, a sudden revelation that relates to every human being. The character analysis conducted in this work provides us a complete view of the human mind and how everyone has the capacity to experience and understand life in different ways. Virginia Woolf reminds us of what it means to see the world through different eyes, turning the everydayness of an ordinary day or the life of a simple family into points of reflection and inspiration

    Declaration of intangible cultural heritage, market and politics. Reflection based on a State experience

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    Este artigo trata da relação entre patrimônio cultural imaterial e as diferentes dimensões do mercado e da política, tendo como referência a experiência de gestão da política de salvaguarda do patrimônio imaterial criada por meio do Decreto 3.551/2000. A partir da perspectiva de atuação estatal, elabora um panorama das principais questões relacionadas ao tema, com ênfase nos bens culturais reconhecidos como “Patrimônio Cultural do Brasil”. Nesse contexto, a reflexão sobre os impactos do reconhecimento de valor patrimonial pelo Estado é fundamental, assim como o questionamento de pressupostos unilaterais e/ou universais para a compreensão da questão, tendo em vista a complexidade e heterogeneidade das relações estabelecidas pelas comunidades e pelos diferentes atores que participam dos processos de salvaguarda com as dimensões do político e do mercado. Na primeira parte, o artigo apresenta a política de salvaguarda do Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (Iphan). Em seguida, trata do processo de patrimonialização nas suas relações com as dimensões políticas e de mercado. Apresenta, então, dois casos emblemáticos de apropriação de bens culturais pelo mercado, a partir dos quais debate as possibilidades e desafios de atuação na salvaguarda do patrimônio imaterial em relação a este tema e seus possíveis pontos de fuga.This article analyses the relations between intangible cultural heritage, market and politic in its different dimensions. It’s based on the experience of dealing with public policy for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage in Brazil – that was created by Decree 3.551 / 2000. From the state’s point of view, we discusse the main issues related to the subject emphasizing elements recognized as Cultural Heritage of Brazil. Thereby, it’s fundamental to analyse the impacts of the declaration of value by the State, as well as to question unilateral and/or universal assumptions about this action as a way to understand the issue, given the complexity and heterogeneity of the relations established by the communities and the different actors that participate in the safeguarding processes. In the first part, the article presents the safeguarding policy developed by Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional-Iphan (Institute of National Historical and Artistic Heritage-Iphan). It then focuses on the patrimonialisation process in its relations between the political and market dimensions. Then, it presents two emblematic cases of cultural appropriation by the market. To conclude, it debates the possibilities and challenges of intangible cultural heritage’s safeguarding measures and its possible vanishing points

    A Framework for Imbalanced Time-Series Forecasting

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    Drag-free and attitude control for the GOCE satellite

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    The paper concerns Drag-Free and Attitude Control of the European satellite Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) during the science phase. Design has followed Embedded Model Control, where a spacecraft/environment discrete-time model becomes the realtime control core and is interfaced to actuators and sensors via tuneable feedback laws. Drag-free control implies cancelling non-gravitational forces and all torques, leaving the satellite to free fall subject only to gravity. In addition, for reasons of science, the spacecraft must be carefully aligned to the local orbital frame, retrieved from range and rate of a Global Positioning System receiver. Accurate drag-free and attitude control requires proportional and low-noise thrusting, which in turn raises the problem of propellant saving. Six-axis drag-free control is driven by accurate acceleration measurements provided by the mission payload. Their angular components must be combined with the star-tracker attitude so as to compensate accelerometer drift. Simulated results are presented and discusse

    Soybean Production in Brazil: Main Determinants of Property Sizes

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    Economies of scale are present in soybean production. In Brazil, the two largest producing regions have properties with different dimensions. In particular, the average size of properties in the South is much smaller than those in the country´s Mid West region. This study analyzes the characteristics that favor smallscale soybean producing properties in the country’s Southern region. Its theoretical framework is based on the Neoclassical theory and in Transaction Cost Economics. Questionnaires were applied to producers from the State of Rio Grande do Sul. A regression analysis shows the relation between the selected factors and property size. Results show that a greater use of labor, particularly of family employees, and the greater diversity of crops contribute to explain the existence of small soybean properties in South Brazil

    Gentleman Jack em 25 minutos – a incrível história de Miss Lister!

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    O artigo apresenta uma introdução ao mundo de Anne Lister, proprietária de terras inglesa lésbica que viveu no início do século XIX e registrou sua existência em diários metodicamente escritos durante toda sua vida, partir da série Gentleman Jack, produzida pelaBBC/HBO, que estreou no Brasil em abril de 2019. Reunindo dados de seus diários, pesquisas acadêmicas, material produzido por fandons e jornalistas, procura-se construir uma narrativa sobre a vida de Lister que articule informações biográficas com o processo de produção da série, sua recepção e impacto junto à comunidade LGBTQIA+. São realizadas, ainda, análises de diferentes aspectos de Gentleman Jack relevantes para a sua compreensão como produto de entretenimento, ao mesmo tempo em que se aborda as possibilidades de acerto de contas com certas dimensões do passado e com as formas de representação do amor lésbico tradicionais desse suporte. Entende-se que a construção da biografia de Lister em linguagem televisiva estabelece uma delicada e potente relação não só entre o ficcional e o real, mas sobretudo entre as diferentes temporalidades implicadas no modo como sua existência chega até nós, e na apropriação e elaboração de novos sentidos para os passados que elegemos como parte de nosso presente

    Revisiting the Robustness of the Minimum Error Entropy Criterion: A Transfer Learning Case Study

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    Coping with distributional shifts is an important part of transfer learning methods in order to perform well in real-life tasks. However, most of the existing approaches in this area either focus on an ideal scenario in which the data does not contain noises or employ a complicated training paradigm or model design to deal with distributional shifts. In this paper, we revisit the robustness of the minimum error entropy (MEE) criterion, a widely used objective in statistical signal processing to deal with non-Gaussian noises, and investigate its feasibility and usefulness in real-life transfer learning regression tasks, where distributional shifts are common. Specifically, we put forward a new theoretical result showing the robustness of MEE against covariate shift. We also show that by simply replacing the mean squared error (MSE) loss with the MEE on basic transfer learning algorithms such as fine-tuning and linear probing, we can achieve competitive performance with respect to state-of-the-art transfer learning algorithms. We justify our arguments on both synthetic data and 5 real-world time-series data.Comment: Manuscript accepted at ECAI-23. Code available at https://github.com/lpsilvestrin/mee-finetun

    A Ética do comum e sua construção pelo agir da multidão

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    This article aims to understand the concept of the commonwealth, and its proposition as the ethical project of the multitude for the construction of a fairer and more solidary society. The commonwealt will be analyzed as a product and production of the multitude, a new contemporary political subject with a new emancipatory subjectivity, based on the exchange of affections, languages ​​and cooperation, placing itself in an antagonistic way to the exploration of singularities in its biopolitical processes of production of its own commonwealth. To deal with this theme, we will use the thought of the contemporary Italian philosopher, Antonio Negri, as a theoretical reference.O presente artigo tem por objetivo compreender o conceito do comum, e sua proposição como o projeto ético da multidão para a construção de uma sociedade mais justa e solidária.  O comum será analisado como produto e produção da multidão, um novo sujeito político contemporâneo com uma nova subjetividade emancipatória, baseada na troca de afetos, linguagens e cooperação, colocando-se de forma antagônica à exploração das singularidades em seus processos biopolíticos de produção do próprio comum. Para dar conta dessa temática, utilizaremos como referencial teórico o pensamento do filósofo italiano contemporâneo, Antonio Negri