23 research outputs found

    Three bells of civization : the life of an Italian hill town

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    Pathways of power: building an anthropology of the modern world

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    This collection of twenty-eight essays by renowned anthropologist Eric R. Wolf is a legacy of some of his most original work, with an insightful foreword by Aram Yengoyan. Of the essays, six have never been published and two have not appeared in English until now. Shortly before his death, Wolf prepared introductions to each section and individual pieces, as well as an intellectual autobiography that introduces the collection as a whole. Sydel Silverman, who completed the editing of the book, says in her preface, "He wanted this selection of his writings over the past half-century to serve as part of the history of how anthropology brought the study of complex societies and world systems into its purview.

    From the point of view of the scribe : the history of anthropology through the eyes of its practitioners : conversations with Andre Gingrich, Gérald Gaillard, Sydel Silverman, Adam Kuper, Anna Engelking, and Zbigniew Jasiewicz

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    Artykuł jest zapisem i analizą rozmów autorki z wybitnymi przedstawicielami europejskiej i amerykańskiej antropologii, którzy zajmują się także badaniem dziejów swej dyscypliny. Wyłania się z nich obraz historii antropologii jako osobnej subdyscypliny, gdzie podejmowane są ciekawe i ważne projekty badawcze. Jest to także dziedzina, której praktycy wykazują się coraz większą świadomością metodologiczną. W dodatku w czasach kryzysów tożsamościowych dotykających antropologów, to historia ich dyscypliny staje się istotnym czynnikiem stabilizującym i zwiększającym poziom refleksyjności.The article is a record and analysis of conversations of the author with prominent representatives of European and American anthropology, who also study the history of their discipline. They paint a picture of the history of anthropology as a separate sub-discipline, where interesting and important research projects are carried out. It is also an area where practitioners demonstrate a growing methodological awareness. In addition, in times of crisis affecting the identity of anthropologists, it is the history of their discipline that becomes an important stabilizing factor, that also increases the level of reflexivity

    Santos e contrabandistas: a nacionalização de São Sebastião e a fronteira austral argentino-chilena

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    Este texto analisa relatos que giram em torno de como e por que uma imagem de São Sebastião teve de ser importada do Chile para ser instalada em uma capela do norte neuquino (Argentina). Este fato nos permitirá apreciar uma das maneiras como a conformação do Estado-nação argentino e a implantação de suas fronteiras nacionais foi percebida, significada e vivenciada pelos habitantes fronteiriços. Em particular, iluminará as relações existentes em alguns contextos entre religião e nacionalismo, assim como o fenômeno da invisibilidade/visibilidade das relações intercordilheira.<br>This article analises how and why an image of San Sebastian had to be imported from Chile and settled in a church of north Neuquén (Argentina). This fact will allow us to understand how the emergence of the nation-state in Argentina was perceived, signified and lived by the frontier's inhabitants. Particulary, it will throw some light on the relations between religion and nationalism and on the invisivility/visibility of the relations across the Andean mountains