10,592 research outputs found

    Spatial Corrections of ROSAT HRI Observations

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    X-ray observations with the ROSAT High Resolution Imager (HRI) often have spatial smearing on the order of 10 arcsec (Morse 1994). This degradation of the intrinsic resolution of the instrument (5 arcsec) can be attributed to errors in the aspect solution associated with the wobble of the space craft or with the reacquisition of the guide stars. We have developed a set of IRAF/PROS and MIDAS/EXSAS routines to minimize these effects. Our procedure attempts to isolate aspect errors that are repeated through each cycle of the wobble. The method assigns a 'wobble phase' to each event based on the 402 second period of the ROSAT wobble. The observation is grouped into a number of phase bins and a centroid is calculated for each sub-image. The corrected HRI event list is reconstructed by adding the sub-images which have been shifted to a common source position. This method has shown approx. 30% reduction of the full width half maximum (FWHM) of an X-ray observation of the radio galaxy 3C 120. Additional examples are presented.Comment: AandA latex (6 pages with 7 embedded postscript figures). Scheduled for publication in the 1 Dec issue of Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Serie

    Iso-singlet Down Quark Mixing And CP Violation Experiments

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    We confront the new physics models with extra iso-singlet down quarks in the new CP violation experimental era with sin⁥(2ÎČ)\sin{(2\beta)} and Ï”â€Č/Ï”\epsilon'/\epsilon measurements, K+→π+ΜΜˉK^+ \to \pi^+ \nu \bar{\nu} events, and xsx_s limits. The closeness of the new experimental results to the standard model theory requires us to include full SM amplitudes in the analysis. In models allowing mixing to a new isosinglet down quark, as in E6_6, flavor changing neutral currents are induced that allow a Z0Z^0 mediated contribution to B−BˉB-\bar B mixing and which bring in new phases. In (ρ,η)(\rho,\eta), (xs,sin⁥(Îł))(x_s,\sin{(\gamma)}), and (xs,sin⁥(2ϕs))(x_s, \sin{(2\phi_s)}) plots we still find much larger regions in the four down quark model than in the SM, reaching down to η≈0\eta \approx 0, 0≀sin⁥(Îł)≀10 \leq \sin{(\gamma)} \leq 1, −.75≀sin⁥(2α)≀0.15-.75 \leq \sin{(2\alpha)} \leq 0.15, and sin⁥(2ϕs)\sin{(2\phi_s)} down to zero, all at 1σ\sigma. We elucidate the nature of the cancellation in an order λ5\lambda^5 four down quark mixing matrix element which satisfies the experiments and reduces the number of independent angles and phases. We also evaluate tests of unitarity for the 3×33\times3 CKM submatrix.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figures, REVTeX

    Affordances in AI

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    Affordances in AI refer to a design methodology for creating artificial intelligence systems that are designed to perceive their environment in terms of its affordances (Sahin et al. 2007). Affordances in AI are adapted from affordances introduced in The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception by James J. Gibson (1979). Design methodologies in the applied sciences use affordances to represent potential actions that exist as a relationship between an agent and its environment. This approach to artificial intelligence is designed for autonomous agents, making it suitable for robotics and simulation


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    1. (n.) An affordance is an action possibility formed by the relationship between an agent and its environment (J. Gibson 1977; J. Gibson 1979). For any combination of agent or environment, any given affordance either exists or does not exist. There is no middle ground. The most inclusive definition of affordances considers only the physical possibility of an action occurring. An agent does not need to be aware of the afforded action, such as the affordance of opening a secret door. This definition is rooted in perceptual psychology and its primary source is The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception by James J. Gibson (1979). 2. (n.) An affordance may refer to a perceived affordance. Perceived affordances are a subset of affordances. A perceived affordance uses a more restrictive definition that requires an agent to be aware of the affordance, either through direct perception or experience. A perceived affordance is a possible action to an agent (Norman 1988). Unlike the traditional definition, a perceived affordance is primarily a relationship between an agent’s cognition and the environment. This definition is commonly used within the humancomputer interaction (HCI) community. 3. (n.) Affordance may refer to how appealing an action possibility is to an agent, as in “this switch has affordance.” While the other definitions are dichotomous, this definition implies a magnitude (continuum) of affordance. This usage combines the ease of perceiving and/or perceived ease of performing a possible action. Since this usage refers to one or both of these qualities, this form is unclear from a theoretical standpoint

    Social Learning and Adoption of New Behavior in a Virtual Agent Society

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    Social learning and adoption of new behavior govern the rise of a variety of behaviors: from actions as mundane as dance steps to those as dangerous as new ways to make IED detonators. However, agents in immersive virtual environments lack the ability to realistically simulate the spread of new behavior. To address this gap, a cognitive model was designed that represents the well-known socio-cognitive factors of attention, social influence, and motivation that influence learning and the adoption of a new behavior. To explore the effectiveness of this model, simulations modeled the spread of two competing memes in Hamariyah, an archetypal Iraqi village developed for cross-cultural training. Diffusion and clustering analyses were used to examine adoption patterns in these simulations. Agents produced well-defined clusters of early versus late adoption based on their social influences, personality, and contextual factors, such as employment status. These findings indicate that the spread of behavior can be simulated plausibly in a virtual agent society and has the potential to increase the realism of immersive virtual environments

    Searching for the expelled hydrogen envelope in Type I supernovae via late-time H-alpha emission

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    We report the first results from our long-term observational survey aimed at discovering late-time interaction between the ejecta of hydrogen-poor Type I supernovae and the hydrogen-rich envelope expelled from the progenitor star several decades/centuries before explosion. The expelled envelope, moving with a velocity of ~10 -- 100 km s−1^{-1}, is expected to be caught up by the fast-moving SN ejecta several years/decades after explosion depending on the history of the mass-loss process acting in the progenitor star prior to explosion. The collision between the SN ejecta and the circumstellar envelope results in net emission in the Balmer-lines, especially in H-alpha. We look for signs of late-time H-alpha emission in older Type Ia/Ibc/IIb SNe having hydrogen-poor ejecta, via narrow-band imaging. Continuum-subtracted H-alpha emission has been detected for 13 point sources: 9 SN Ibc, 1 SN IIb and 3 SN Ia events. Thirty-eight SN sites were observed on at least two epochs, from which three objects (SN 1985F, SN 2005kl, SN 2012fh) showed significant temporal variation in the strength of their H-alpha emission in our DIAFI data. This suggests that the variable emission is probably not due to nearby H II regions unassociated with the SN, and hence is an important additional hint that ejecta-CSM interaction may take place in these systems. Moreover, we successfully detected the late-time H-alpha emission from the Type Ib SN 2014C, which was recently discovered as a strongly interacting SN in various (radio, infrared, optical and X-ray) bands.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, accepted in Ap

    Hard X-ray emitting Active Galactic Nuclei selected by the Chandra Multi-wavelength Project

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    We present X-ray and optical analysis of 188 AGN identified from 497 hard X-ray (f (2.0-8.0 keV) > 2.7x10^-15 erg cm^-2 s^-1) sources in 20 Chandra fields (1.5 deg^2) forming part of the Chandra Multi-wavelength Project. These medium depth X-ray observations enable us to detect a representative subset of those sources responsible for the bulk of the 2-8 keV Cosmic X-ray Background. Brighter than our optical spectroscopic limit, we achieve a reasonable degree of completeness (77% of X-ray sources with counter-parts r'< 22.5 have been classified): broad emission line AGN (62%), narrow emission line galaxies (24%), absorption line galaxies (7%), stars (5%) or clusters (2%). We find that most X-ray unabsorbed AGN (NH<10^22 cm^-2) have optical properties characterized by broad emission lines and blue colors, similiar to optically-selected quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey but with a slighly broader color distribution. However, we also find a significant population of redder (g'-i'>1.0) AGN with broad optical emission lines. Most of the X-ray absorbed AGN (10^22<NH<10^24 cm^-2) are associated with narrow emission line galaxies, with red optical colors characteristically dominated by luminous, early type galaxy hosts rather than from dust reddening of an AGN. We also find a number of atypical AGN; for instance, several luminous AGN show both strong X-ray absorption (NH>10^22 cm^-2) and broad emission lines. Overall, we find that 81% of X-ray selected AGN can be easily interpreted in the context of current AGN unification models. Most of the deviations seem to be due to an optical contribution from the host galaxies of the low luminosity AGN.Comment: 26 pages; 13 figures (7 color); accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa
