15 research outputs found

    A probable case of cranial osteopenia in aboriginal societies from northern Argentina

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    Osteopenia is a pathological condition that involves a decrease in bone mineral density and consequently a disproportionate loss of bone mass. Such decrease in bone mineral density is the cause of symmetrical biparietal thinning or resorption in the human skulland its precise etiology is considered to be uncertain. This paper aims to present a case of cranial osteopenia which has caused the presence of biparietal thinning in an adult individual from an archaeological site in northern Argentina dated at the time of contact in the area. Age and sex examination and anthropometrical measurements were performed using standard techniques. Macroscopic evaluation was complemented with X-ray images. The affected skull belongs to a male individual of +50 years. Resorption affects symmetrically both parietals. Thinning in both bones extends from the upper temporal line up to 21 mm of the sagittal suture, covering a depressed surface located between the lateral eminence and the coronal suture. The affected areas form two signifiant concavities, appreciable in the superior and the lateral norms of the cranium. Both depressions on the skull exhibit diameters of 60 and 40 mm. Diploe and the outer and inner tables are of equal thickness. Cranial osteopenia, including bilateral resorption of parietal bones, is not a common fiding in ancient skeletal material. The importance of the present study is to add a particular archaeological case in northern Argentina, and consequently in the southern cone of South America, to the geographic distribution of this rare condition in past populations of the world.Fil: Drube, Hilton. Universidad Nacional de Catamarca. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas; ArgentinaFil: Martínez, Susana. Universidad Nacional de Catamarca. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Silvera, Elina. Universidad Nacional de Catamarca. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Salceda, Susana Alicia. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Lamenza, Guillermo Nicolás. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentina88th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical AnthropologistsClevelandEstados UnidosAmerican Association of Physical Anthropologist


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    The present work is a study, quantitative, cross-sectional, which is intended to describe and apply the Nursing Process students Bachelor of Nursing during their clinical experience. We assessed recent Nursing Process, made by each of the students in the period May-November 2011. For data collection instrument was developed that allowed students characterize as the career mode, and identify the first three stages of the Nursing Process and the relationship between them. For the description of nursing diagnoses used the NANDA Taxonomy II2009-2011. Results: Among students 67% corresponds to the mode of 9 semesters. Nurses were evaluated Processes 91. While all medical records used as data source, only 67% do so in full. In 97% of Nursing Process were used for taxonomy NANDA nursing diagnoses. The labels used were more risk of infection, self-care deficit: bathing and impaired physical mobility. In 77% of the PE right priorities were established, according to the valuation. Conclusion: While it has strengthened the use of Nursing Process there are still difficulties in addressing the same.El presente trabajo es un estudio, cuantitativo, retrospectivo de corte transversal, el cual tiene como finalidad describir como aplican el Proceso Enfermero los estudiantes de la Licenciatura de Enfermería durante suexperiencia clínica. Se evaluaron los últimos Proceso Enfermero, realizados por cada uno de los estudiantes en el período Mayo- Noviembre 2011. Para la recolección de los datos se elaboró un instrumento que permitió caracterizar a los estudiantes según la modalidad de la carrera, e identificar las tres primeras etapas del Proceso Enfermero y la relación entre ellas. Para la designaciónde los diagnósticos enfermeros se utilizó la Taxonomía II de la NANDA 2009-2011. Resultados: Del total de los alumnos un 67% corresponde a la modalidad de 9 semestres. Se evaluaron 91 Procesos Enfermeros. Si bien todos utilizaron la historia clínica como fuente de datos, solo un 67% lo hace en forma completa. En el 97% de los Procesos Enfermeros se utilizaron para los diagnósticos enfermeros la taxonomía NANDA. Las etiquetas más utilizadas fueron riesgo de infección, déficit de autocuidado: baño y deterioro de la movilidad física. En el 77% de los PE se establecieron correctamente las prioridades, acorde a la valoración realizada. Conclusión: Si bien se ha fortalecido el uso del ProcesoEnfermero, aún existen dificultades en el abordaje del mismo.O presente trabalho é um estudo, quantitativo, retrospectivo, transversal, que tem como objetivo descrever e aplicar os estudantes do processo de enfermagem do Bacharelado em Enfermagem durante a sua experiência clínica. Foram avaliadas enfermeira processo recente, feita por cada um dos alunos no período de maio a novembro de 2011. Para coletar os dados que caracterizam um instrumento que permitiu que seus alunos sobre o modo de carreira, e identificar as três primeiras etapas do processo de enfermeira e da relação entre eles foi desenvolvido. Do total de alunos 67% corresponde ao modo de 9 semestres para a designação de enfermagem diagnostica Taxonomia II da NANDA 2009- 2011. Resultados foi usado. Foram avaliados 91 Processos de Enfermagem Enquanto todos os registros médicos usados como fonte de dados, apenas 67 % o fazem completamente . Em 97% das Processos de Enfermagem foram utilizados para Diagnósticos de Enfermagem da NANDA taxonomia . As tags mais utilizadas foram o risco de infecção , déficit no autocuidado: banho e mobilidade física prejudicada . Em 77% dos Processos de Enfermagem prioridades estão definidas corretamente , de acordo com a avaliação feita.Conclusão: Embora o uso reforçado Processo de Enfermagem, ainda há dificuldades em lidar com o mesmo


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    The aim of this study is to create a standardized nursing-care plan, based on the best scientific evidence that works as a guide for the care of the neuro-critical patient with intracranial pressure monitoring in the intensive care unit. The methodology used is the revision of 59 clinical cases and the process performed to the patients with monitoring for more than ten years of professional practice experience in the Intensive Care Unit. Five basic altered needs were identified according to the Virginia Henderson model, for which seven diagnostic labels were created with their respective interventions and care. We conclude that the Nursing Process allows the nursing discipline to provide care in a rational, logical, and systematic way, preventing the variability in assistance and establishing a common language in caring for the neuro-critical patients.El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar un plan de cuidados enfermeros estandarizado, basado en la mejor evidencia científica, que sirva de guía para el cuidado del paciente neurocrítico con monitoreo de la presión intracraneana internado en la unidad de cuidados intensivos. La metodología utilizada ha sido la revisión de 59 casos clínicos y los procesos realizados a los pacientes con monitoreo, durante la experiencia práctica profesional de más de diez años en una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Polivalente. Se identificaron cinco necesidades básicas alteradas, según el modelo de Virginia Henderson, para lacuales se enunciaron en orden prioritario siete etiquetas diagnósticas con sus respectivas intervenciones y cuidados. Podemos concluir que el Proceso Enfermero permite a Enfermería brindar cuidados de una forma racional, lógica y sistemática,previniendo la variabilidad de la asistencia y estableciendo un lenguaje común en el cuidado de pacientes neurocríticos.O objetivo desse trabalho é realizar um plano padronizado dos cuidados de enfermagem baseado na melhor evidência científica, que sirva de guia para o cuidado do paciente neurocrítico com monitorização da pressão intracraniana internado na unidade de tratamento intensivo. A metodologia utilizada foi a revisão de 59 casos clínicos e dos procedimentos realizados aos pacientes com monitorização, durante a experiência prática profissional de mais de dez anos em uma unidade de tratamento intensivo polivalente. Foram identificadas cinconecessidades básicas alteradas, segundo o modelo de Virginia Henderson, para as quais se enunciaram, em ordem prioritária, sete etiquetas diagnósticas, com suas respectivas intervenções e cuidados. Podemos concluir que o Processo de Enfermagem lhe permite oferecer cuidados de uma forma racional, lógica e sistemática, prevenindo a variabilidade da assistência e estabelecendo uma linguagem comum o cuidado do paciente neurocrítico

    Anthropological studies of past societies from the Hualfín valley in northern Argentina: A preliminary report

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    The Hualfín valley is located in the province of Catamarca in northwestern Argentina. The valley has been characterized by a significant sequence of prehistoric occupation of different societies during Pre-Columbian times. The earliest agro-pastoralist societies in the area emerged in the valley between BC III and AD IV during the Formative Period. Unlike other Pre-Hispanic societies of northern Argentina, little information has been recorded about their funerary practices and the anthropological characteristics of the populations involved.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse


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    Quantitative study, cross-sectional, performed students in the Bachelor of Nursing.Was performed in order to study the perceptions of nursing students about the difficulties presented in their integration into clinical practice of critical patients during the period from September to November 2012. The sample was given by 26students, who completed a self-administered questionnaire consisting of socio demographic variables and variables that helped identify the main difficulties. The results showed a predominance of females and the main difficulties encounteredwere, insecurity, fear, lack of skills to work with these patients, lack of theoretical knowledge and the various educational criteria used in practice.Estudio cuantitativo, de corte transversal, realizado con estudiantes de la Licenciatura de Enfermería. Se realizó con el objetivo de conocer la percepción de los estudiantes de enfermería sobre las dificultades que presentan en su insercióna la práctica clínica de paciente crítico durante el periodo de setiembre a noviembre del 2012. La muestra estuvo dada por 26 estudiantes, que respondieron un cuestionario auto administrado, compuesto por variables socio demográficas y variables que permitieron identificar las principales dificultades. Los resultados mostraron un predominio del sexo femenino y las principales dificultades encontradas fueron, la inseguridad, el temor, la falta de competencias para trabajar con estos paciente, falta de conocimientos teóricos y los diversos criterios docentes utilizados en la práctica.Estudo quantitativo, de corte transversal, realizado com estudantes da Licenciatura de Enfermagem. O objetivo desse estudo, realizado no período de setembro a novembro de 2012, era conhecer a percepção dos estudantes de enfermagemsobre as dificuldades que apresenta sua inserção na prática clínica de paciente crítico. A amostra se conformou com 26 estudantes, que responderam um questionário autoadministrado constituído por variáveis sócio demográficas evariáveis que permitiram identificar as principais dificuldades. Os resultados mostraram um predomínio do sexo feminino, e as principais dificuldades encontradas foram: insegurança, temor, falta de competência para trabalhar com esses pacientes, falta de conhecimentos teóricos, e a diferença de critérios de ensino utilizados durante a prática

    Anthropological studies of past societies from the Hualfín valley in northern Argentina: A preliminary report

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    The Hualfín valley is located in the province of Catamarca in northwestern Argentina. The valley has been characterized by a significant sequence of prehistoric occupation of different societies during Pre-Columbian times. The earliest agro-pastoralist societies in the area emerged in the valley between BC III and AD IV during the Formative Period. Unlike other Pre-Hispanic societies of northern Argentina, little information has been recorded about their funerary practices and the anthropological characteristics of the populations involved.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Paleopathological studies of pre-Columbian populations from Northwestern Argentina

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    The general aim of this paper is to present the results of studies in the field of paleopathology, which was conducted on human remains from pre-Hispanic aboriginal settlements located in the Hualfín Valley in the province of Catamarca and in the middle basins of the rivers Dulce and Salado in the province of Santiago del Estero, in northwestern Argentina.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Paleopathological studies of pre-Columbian populations from Northwestern Argentina

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    The general aim of this paper is to present the results of studies in the field of paleopathology, which was conducted on human remains from pre-Hispanic aboriginal settlements located in the Hualfín Valley in the province of Catamarca and in the middle basins of the rivers Dulce and Salado in the province of Santiago del Estero, in northwestern Argentina.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Anthropological studies of past societies from the Hualfín valley in northern Argentina: A preliminary report

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    The Hualfín valley is located in the province of Catamarca in northwestern Argentina. The valley has been characterized by a significant sequence of prehistoric occupation of different societies during Pre-Columbian times. The earliest agro-pastoralist societies in the area emerged in the valley between BC III and AD IV during the Formative Period. Unlike other Pre-Hispanic societies of northern Argentina, little information has been recorded about their funerary practices and the anthropological characteristics of the populations involved.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Paleopathological studies of pre-Columbian populations from Northwestern Argentina

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    The general aim of this paper is to present the results of studies in the field of paleopathology, which was conducted on human remains from pre-Hispanic aboriginal settlements located in the Hualfín Valley in the province of Catamarca and in the middle basins of the rivers Dulce and Salado in the province of Santiago del Estero, in northwestern Argentina.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse