66 research outputs found

    Desafios da Ciência e Tecnologia

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    Faz um breve apanhado histórico do desenvolvimento de ferramentas tecnológicas e da ciência. Reflete sobre políticas pública necessárias ao futuro desenvolvimento da ciência e da tecnologia. Assinado por Nádya Pesce da Silveira, Diretora do Instituto de Química da UFRGS.Homem branco, vestido com jaleco cinza e usando óculos de proteção, utiliza um martelo para colocar um parafuso em uma máquina. Colorida.Ideia

    Synthesis of magnetic nanoparticles functionalized with histidine and nickel to immobilize His-tagged enzymes using β-galactosidase as a model

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    The aim of this study was to synthesize iron magnetic nanoparticles functionalized with histidine and nickel (Fe3O4-His-Ni) to be used as support materials for oriented immobilization of His-tagged recombinant enzymes of high molecular weight, using β-galactosidase as a model. The texture, morphology, magnetism, thermal stability, pH and temperature reaction conditions, and the kinetic parameters of the biocatalyst obtained were assessed. In addition, the operational stability of the biocatalyst in the lactose hydrolysis of cheese whey and skim milk by batch processes was also assessed. The load of 600 Uenzyme/gsupport showed the highest recovered activity value (~50%). After the immobilization process, the recombinant β-galactosidase (HisGal) showed increased substrate affinity and greater thermal stability (~50×) compared to the free enzyme. The immobilized β-galactosidase was employed in batch processes for lactose hydrolysis of skim milk and cheese whey, resulting in hydrolysis rates higher than 50% after 15 cycles of reuse. The support used was obtained in the present study without modifying chemical agents. The support easily recovered from the reaction medium due to its magnetic characteristics. The iron nanoparticles functionalized with histidine and nickel were efficient in the oriented immobilization of the recombinant β-galactosidase, showing its potential application in other high-molecular-weight enzymes

    Determinação da atividade beta total na "pescada" das vizinhanças do porto do rio grande, Rio Grande do Sul

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    O presente trabalho determina o teor da atividade beta total, estranha ao 40K, na pele, músculo, fígado e ossos da "pescada" (Cynoscion striatus) do litoral do Rio Grande do Sul, porto de Rio Grande. As amostras foram tomadas mensalmente, por um período de doze meses, de novembro de 1987 a outubro de 1988. Para mineralização das amostras, fez-se o ataque úmido, com peróxido de hidrogênio a 30%, na presença de ferro (Fe2+) o catalisador. Para a contagem da atividade beta das amostras, utilizou-se u m contador Geiger-Müller de janela delgada. Os resultados obtidos indicam a ausência de contaminação radioativa na espécie considerada, e fornecem valores compatíveis com números citados na literatura , para outras espécies de peixes.The present paper determines the contents of the total beta activity in the skin, muscle, bone and liver of the "pescada" fish (Cynoscion striatus ) found on the coast of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, more precisely near the Port of Rio Grande. The samples were collected monthly for a period of twelve months, from November 1987 to October 1988. The mineralization was done by wet ashing the samples with hydrogen peroxide at 30%, in the presence of iron (Fe2+) as catalyst. To count the beta activity of the samples, a thin window Geiger-Muller countier was used. The results obtained indicate the absence of radioactive contamination in the considered species, and the values found are compatible with the literature, for other species of fish

    Determinação da atividade beta total na "pescada" das vizinhanças do porto do rio grande, Rio Grande do Sul

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    O presente trabalho determina o teor da atividade beta total, estranha ao 40K, na pele, músculo, fígado e ossos da "pescada" (Cynoscion striatus) do litoral do Rio Grande do Sul, porto de Rio Grande. As amostras foram tomadas mensalmente, por um período de doze meses, de novembro de 1987 a outubro de 1988. Para mineralização das amostras, fez-se o ataque úmido, com peróxido de hidrogênio a 30%, na presença de ferro (Fe2+) o catalisador. Para a contagem da atividade beta das amostras, utilizou-se u m contador Geiger-Müller de janela delgada. Os resultados obtidos indicam a ausência de contaminação radioativa na espécie considerada, e fornecem valores compatíveis com números citados na literatura , para outras espécies de peixes.The present paper determines the contents of the total beta activity in the skin, muscle, bone and liver of the "pescada" fish (Cynoscion striatus ) found on the coast of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, more precisely near the Port of Rio Grande. The samples were collected monthly for a period of twelve months, from November 1987 to October 1988. The mineralization was done by wet ashing the samples with hydrogen peroxide at 30%, in the presence of iron (Fe2+) as catalyst. To count the beta activity of the samples, a thin window Geiger-Muller countier was used. The results obtained indicate the absence of radioactive contamination in the considered species, and the values found are compatible with the literature, for other species of fish
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