337 research outputs found

    Occurrence of some Lejeuneaceae (Jungermanniophyta) in Bahia, Brazil

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    Five species of Lejeuneaceae, tribe Lejeuneae from state of Bahia, Brazil are described and illustrated. Data on geographic distributions, distribution in Brazil and habitat in Bahia are also given

    Bryophytes from some Caatinga areas in the state of Bahia (Brazil)

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    The caatinga is a deciduous and xerophilous vegetation that covers large areas in Brazil. An irregular rainfall with a marked dry period is a characteristic feature. This paper represents the first contribution to the knowledge of the bryoflora from caatinga vegetation in the State of Bahia. The survey was carried out in several areas from Bahia in which eigthteen species of bryophytes were found (15 mosses and 3 liverworts). The bryoflora from caatinga is composed mainly of generalists and xerophilous taxa, but even some hygrophilous species can be found. A number of species including Hyophiladelphus agrarius, Hyophila involuta, Calymperes palisotii ssp. richardii, Bryum argenteum, Entodontopsis leucostega, Octoblepharum albidum, Frullania ericoides also occur in other vegetation types. However, there are a number of species restricted to this type of vegetation, such as Helicophyllum torquatum and Riccia vitalii, at least in Bahia. Most moss species were acrocarpous with erect and short (short-turf) growth-form, whereas the foliose hepaticae were of incubous, and thallose forms

    Additional contribution to the bryophyte flora of Chapada Diamantina National Park, State of Bahia, Brazil

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    This paper represents an additional contribution toward the knowledge of a bryophyte flora of Chapada Diamantina National Park in the State of Bahia, Brazil, in which are reported 27 species of mosses belonging to 22 genera and 14 families, and four species of liverworts belonging to four genera and three families. Most of these species seem to be restricted to this high altitude geomorphological complex area

    Accident victim of domestic child under the look of nursing theories

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    Objective: to show, from the scientific production, domestic accidents with children and relate them to Nursing Theories. Method: this is an integrative review, held in July 2013 in the databases: LILACS, SciELO, BDENF and MEDLINE. As inclusion criteria there was research working with the theme; available in its entirety; in Portuguese, Spanish or English, published between 2000 and 2013 and the exclusion criteria was monographs and abstracts. Results: domestic accidents have revealed an important cause of assistance, hospitalizations, disabilities and deaths in children, especially males, aged 1-4 years old. Nursing Theories to corroborate these findings, showing that these accidents are justified by the changes taking place in the individual at every stage of life were used. Conclusion: nursing must establish strategies to minimize the risk of accidents through protective actions and health promotion

    Adições à brioflora (Bryopsida) do Estado da Bahia, Brasil

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    The moss flora of the state of Bahia is represented by 208 species distributed in 88 genera and 34 families. Of these, 188 have already been recorded for the Bahia. In this paper are reported 18 species of mosses belonging to 16 genera and 12 families (Archidiaceae, Orthotrichaceae, Bartramiaceae, Bryaceae, Thuidiaceae, Sematophyllaceae, Pterobryaceae, Meteoriaceae, Hookeriaceae, Pottiaceae, Calymperaceae and Fissidentaceae) for Bahia and represent an additional contribution to the knowledge of the bryophyte flora of this state

    Una mirada a los cambios y percepciones sobre la alimentación y la calidad de vida en la población desplazada de el Milagro (Santa Marta)

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    El objetivo general de esta investigación es el resultado del trabajo etnográfico realizado en el barrio ‘El Milagro’ ubicado en la ciudad de Santa Marta, donde se han instalado familias en situación de desplazamiento víctimas de la violencia, provenientes de distintos Departamentos de la Costa Caribe Colombiana; entre estos Magdalena, Cesar, La Guajira y Bolívar. En este trabajo también observamos una monografía que estudia la alimentación, no desde su entramado nutricional, sino desde el entramado cultural se centra en el tema de las prácticas alimenticias dando a conocer cómo las familias afectadas por el fenómeno del desplazamiento forzado al llegar a un “nuevo lugar” de residencia se reconfiguran socialmente, económica y culturalmente. Metodológicamente se evidencia un antes del desplazamiento y un después

    A Formação, a Atuação e as Práticas do Intérprete Educacional: um mapeamento sistemático no período de 2010 a 2020

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Comunicação e Expressão. Letras LibrasO presente trabalho tem como motivação a percepção das indefinições sobre a formação, a prática e a atuação dos profissionais que realizam tradução e interpretação do par linguístico Libras e Língua Portuguesa no contexto educacional. A partir da questão norteadora “que nomenclaturas, funções, práticas e critérios de formação definem o perfil do intérprete educacional no período de 2010 a 2020?”, realizamos pesquisa bibliográfica, qualitativa, descritiva, com metodologia de mapeamento sistemático em quinze (15) produções científicas. Da referida análise resultou um quadro em que percebemos que, quanto à prática, às ações e à formação deste profissional, permanecem as mesmas evidências apresentadas nas pesquisas realizadas entre os anos de 1990 e 2000.The motivation for the realization of the actual work emerged from the indefinitions about the formation, practice and actuation of the professionals that executed translation and interpretation of the languages Libras and portuguese on the educational context. With the guiding question “what nomenclatures, functions and practices and formations criteria define the educacional interpreting profile in the period of 2010 and 2020?” We condutect a qualitative, descriptive survey with methodology of systematic mapping in fifteen (15) scientific productions. With the analysis we noticed that, as for the practices, for the actions and the formation of this professional, remain the same evidences in the researchs made between the years of 1990 and 2000

    Instrument for evaluating child hearing health services: construction and validity

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    Objective: To validate a matrix of indicators to assess the structure and process of child hearing health services. Method: A study of semantic and content validation with specialists in the area of Nursing and Speech therapy. The instrument contained 20 indicators with scores to be analyzed by experts. The condition for the validity suitability of each indicator and scores were an Item-level Content Validity Index (I-CVI) of 0.80 and a Scale-level CVI (S-CVI) of 0.80. Results: Twenty-two (22) specialists participated in the study, with 59% being nurses and 41% speech therapists, of which 32% had specializations, 45% had a Master’s degree, 18% had a Doctorate degree and 5% had a Post-doctorate degree. The mean I-CVI and S-CVI of the indicators evaluated as suitable were 0.96, while for the suggested scores the I-CVI was 0.80 and the S-CVI was 0.82. Conclusion: The matrix of indicators was considered valid for evaluating child hearing health service

    Saúde auditiva infantil: prática dos enfermeiros da Estratégia Saúde da Família

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    Objetivo Evaluar la práctica de los enfermeros de la Estrategia Salud de la Familia en la atención a la salud auditiva infantil. Método Evaluación normativa de la estructura y el proceso, con 37 enfermeros en las Unidades de Salud de la Familia del municipio de Recife, Pernambuco. El instrumento de recolección de datos se originó del modelo lógico de la atención a la salud auditiva infantil prestada por el enfermero de la Estrategia Salud de la Familia y la matriz de indicadores para evaluación de la práctica de los enfermeros. Resultados Todos los enfermeros identificaron los marcos del desarrollo auditivo, el 94,5%, por lo menos, dos factores de riesgo, y el 21,6% realizaron actividades educativas. Conclusión La evaluación normativa fue considerada adecuada a pesar de haber limitaciones en la estructura y el procedimiento.Objective Avaliar a prática dos enfermeiros da Estratégia Saúde da Família na atenção à saúde auditiva infantil. Método Avaliação normativa, da estrutura e processo, com 37 enfermeiros nas Unidades de Saúde da Família, no município de Recife, Pernambuco. O instrumento de coleta de dados originou-se do modelo lógico da atenção à saúde auditiva infantil prestada pelo enfermeiro da Estratégia Saúde da Família e da matriz de indicadores para avaliação da prática dos enfermeiros. Resultados Todos os enfermeiros identificaram os marcos do desenvolvimento auditivo, 94,5%, pelo menos, dois fatores de risco, e 21,6% realizaram atividades educativas. Conclusão A avaliação normativa foi considerada adequada apesar de haver limitações na estrutura e no processo.
Objective Evaluating the practice of nurses of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in child hearing health care. Method A normative assessment of structure and process, with 37 nurses in the Family Health Units, in the city of Recife, Pernambuco. The data collection instrument originated from the logical model of child hearing health care provided by nurses of the Family Health Strategy, and the matrix of indicators for evaluation of nursing practice. Results All the nurses identified the hearing developmental milestones. At least two risk factors were identified by 94.5% of the nurses, and 21.6% of them carried out educational activities. Conclusion The normative assessment was considered adequate despite existing limitations in the structure and process.

    Evaluación de la fermentación del lactosuero para la obtención de una bebida probiótica utilizando Streptococcus thermophilus y Lactobacillus casei.

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    El presente trabajo investigativo tuvo como finalidad la elaboración de una bebida probiótica mediante la fermentación láctica del lactosuero con el uso de bacterias ácido lácticas probióticas. Los microorganismos seleccionados fueron Streptococcus thermophilus y Lactobacillus casei debido a los beneficios que proveen al ser ingeridos por el ser humano. Se evaluó bromatológicamente y microbiológicamente al lactosuero, se prepararon 4 tipos de formulaciones para la fermentación usando la temperatura y la cantidad de inóculo como parámetros de evaluación. Las muestras se sometieron a reconteo microbiológico para evaluar la supervivencia de las cepas utilizadas y se determinó la mejor formulación para la elaboración de la bebida, siendo la resultante la elaborada con Streptococcus thermophilus a 42 C y 0,09 g/L, dando un reconteo final de 2,8x109 UFC/g. Se utilizó los aditivos necesarios para realizar la bebida y se realizó tres tipos de bebida, las cuales fueron sometidas a encuesta para identificar su grado de aceptación ante potenciales consumidores y se determinó estadísticamente la bebida con más aceptación. La bebida escogida fue la 2062 (mora), de la cual se realizó los análisis microbiológicos y bromatológicos para asegurar la calidad e inocuidad del producto final. Además, se estableció la línea de proceso y el análisis de costos de la implantación del proyecto por parte de la planta láctea. La presente investigación puede servir de modelo para el estudio de otro tipo de fermentaciones usando bacterias probióticas, debido a los beneficios potenciales que estas brindan para elaborar otro tipo de productos.The purpose of this research work was to prepare a probiotic beverage by lactic acid fermentation with the use of probiotic lactic acid bacteria. The selected microorganisms were Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus casei due to the benefits they provide when ingested by humans. The whey was evaluated bromatologically and microbiologically; 4 types of formulations were prepared for the fermentation using the temperature and the inoculum quantity as evaluation parameters. The samples were subjected to microbiological counting to evaluate the survival of the strains used and the best formulation for the elaboration of the drink was determined, the resulting one being elaborated with Streptococcus thermophilus at 42°C and 0,09g/L, giving a recount end of 2,8x109 CFU/g. The necessary additives were used to identify their degree of acceptance before potential consumers and the most popular drink was statistically determined. The chosen beverage was 2062 (blackberry), from which the microbiological and bromatological analyses were carried out to ensure the quality and safety of the final product. Besides, the process line and cost analysis of the implementation of the project was established by the dairy plant. This research can serve as a model for the study of other types of fermentation using probiotic bacteria, due to the potential benefits that they offer to elaborate a different kind of products