424 research outputs found

    Seasonality of cognitive function in the general population:the Rotterdam Study

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    Seasonal variation in cognitive function and underlying cerebral hemodynamics in humans has been suggested, but not consistently shown in previous studies. We assessed cognitive function in 10,276 participants from the population-based Rotterdam Study, aged 45 years and older without dementia, at baseline and at subsequent visits between 1999 and 2016. Seasonality of five cognitive test scores and of a summary measure of global cognition were determined, as well as of brain perfusion. Using linkage with medical records, we also examined whether a seasonal variation was present in clinical diagnoses of dementia. We found a seasonal variation of global cognition (0.05 standard deviations [95% confidence interval: 0.02–0.08]), the Stroop reading task, the Purdue Pegboard test, and of the delayed world learning test, with the best performance in summer months. In line with these findings, there were fewer dementia diagnoses of dementia in spring and summer than in winter and fall. We found no seasonal variation in brain perfusion. These findings support seasonality of cognition, albeit not explained by brain perfusion. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s11357-021-00485-0

    Porous silicon bragg reflector and 2D gold-polymer nanograting: a route towards a hybrid optoplasmonic platform

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    Photonic and plasmonic systems have been intensively studied as an effective means to modify and enhance the electromagnetic field. In recent years hybrid plasmonic–photonic systems have been investigated as a promising solution for enhancing light-matter interaction. In the present work we present a hybrid structure obtained by growing a plasmonic 2D nanograting on top of a porous silicon distributed Bragg reflector. Particular attention has been devoted to the morphological characterization of these systems. Electron microscopy images allowed us to determine the geometrical parameters of the structure. The matching of the optical response of both components has been studied. Results indicate an interaction between the plasmonic and the photonic parts of the system, which results in a localization of the electric field profile

    Monojet signatures from heavy colored particles: future collider sensitivities and theoretical uncertainties

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    In models with colored particle Q that can decay into a dark matter candidate X, the relevant collider process pp → QQ¯ → X X¯ + jets gives rise to events with significant transverse momentum imbalance. When the masses of Q and X are very close, the relevant signature becomes monojetlike, and Large Hadron Collider (LHC) search limits become much less constraining. In this paper, we study the current and anticipated experimental sensitivity to such particles at the High-Luminosity LHC at √s = 14 TeV with L = 3 ab−1 of data and the proposed High-Energy LHC at √s = 27 TeV with L = 15 ab−1 of data. We estimate the reach for various Lorentz and QCD color representations of Q. Identifying the nature of Q is very important to understanding the physics behind the monojet signature. Therefore, we also study the dependence of the observables built from the pp → QQ¯ + j process on Q itself. Using the state-of-theart Monte Carlo suites MadGraph5_aMC@NLO+Pythia8 and Sherpa, we find that when these observables are calculated at NLO in QCD with parton shower matching and multijet merging, the residual theoretical uncertainties are comparable to differences observed when varying the quantum numbers of Q itself. We find, however, that the precision achievable with NNLO calculations, where available, can resolve this dilemma

    Improved inter-subject alignment of the lumbosacral cord for group-level in vivo gray and white matter assessments: A scan-rescan MRI study at 3T

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    INTRODUCTION: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) enables the investigation of pathological changes in gray and white matter at the lumbosacral enlargement (LSE) and conus medullaris (CM). However, conducting group-level analyses of MRI metrics in the lumbosacral spinal cord is challenging due to variability in CM length, lack of established image-based landmarks, and unknown scan-rescan reliability. This study aimed to improve inter-subject alignment of the lumbosacral cord to facilitate group-level analyses of MRI metrics. Additionally, we evaluated the scan-rescan reliability of MRI-based cross-sectional area (CSA) measurements and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) metrics. METHODS: Fifteen participants (10 healthy volunteers and 5 patients with spinal cord injury) underwent axial T2*-weighted and diffusion MRI at 3T. We assessed the reliability of spinal cord and gray matter-based landmarks for inter-subject alignment of the lumbosacral cord, the inter-subject variability of MRI metrics before and after adjusting for the CM length, the intra- and inter-rater reliability of CSA measurements, and the scan-rescan reliability of CSA measurements and DTI metrics. RESULTS: The slice with the largest gray matter CSA as an LSE landmark exhibited the highest reliability, both within and across raters. Adjusting for the CM length greatly reduced the inter-subject variability of MRI metrics. The intra-rater, inter-rater, and scan-rescan reliability of MRI metrics were the highest at and around the LSE (scan-rescan coefficient of variation <3% for CSA measurements and <7% for DTI metrics within the white matter) and decreased considerably caudal to it. CONCLUSIONS: To facilitate group-level analyses, we recommend using the slice with the largest gray matter CSA as a reliable LSE landmark, along with an adjustment for the CM length. We also stress the significance of the anatomical location within the lumbosacral cord in relation to the reliability of MRI metrics. The scan-rescan reliability values serve as valuable guides for power and sample size calculations in future longitudinal studies

    Lung function impairment and the risk of incident dementia : the Rotterdam study

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    Background: The etiology of dementia may partly be underpinned by impaired lung function via systemic inflammation and hypoxia. Objective: To prospectively examine the association between chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and subclinical impairments in lung function and the risk of dementia. Methods: In the Rotterdam Study, we assessed the risk of incident dementia in participants with Preserved Ratio Impaired Spirometry (PRISm; FEV1/FVC≥0.7, FEV1 <  80%) and in participants with COPD (FEV1/FVC <  0.7) compared to those with normal spirometry (controls; FEV1/FVC≥0.7, FEV1≥80%). Hazard ratios (HRs) with 95%confidence intervals (CI) for dementia were adjusted for age, sex, education attainment, smoking status, systolic blood pressure, body mass index, triglycerides, comorbidities and Apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotype. Results: Of 4,765 participants, 110 (2.3%) developed dementia after 3.3 years. Compared to controls, participants with PRISm, but not COPD, had an increased risk for all-type dementia (adjusted HRPRISm 2.70; 95%CI, 1.53-4.75; adjusted HRCOPD 1.03; 95%CI, 0.61-1.74). These findings were primarily driven by men and smokers. Similarly, participants with FVC%predicted values in the lowest quartile compared to those in the highest quartile were at increased risk of all-type dementia (adjusted HR 2.28; 95%CI, 1.31-3.98), as well as Alzheimer's disease (AD; adjusted HR 2.13; 95%CI, 1.13-4.02). Conclusion: Participants with PRISm or a low FVC%predicted lung function were at increased risk of dementia, compared to those with normal spirometry or a higher FVC%predicted, respectively. Further research is needed to elucidate whether this association is causal and how PRISm might contribute to dementia pathogenesis

    Effects of Soil Biota from Different Ranges on Robinia Invasion: Acquiring Mutualists and Escaping Pathogens

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    The net effects of soil biota on exotic invaders can be variable, in part, because net effects are produced by many interacting mutualists and antagonists. Here we compared mutualistic and antagonistic biota in soils collected in the native, expanded, and invasive range of the black locust tree, Robinia pseudoacacia. Robinia formed nodules in all soils with a broad phylogenetic range of N-fixing bacteria, and leaf N did not differ among the different sources of soil. This suggests that the global expansion of Robinia was not limited by the lack of appropriate mutualistic N-fixers. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) from the native range stimulated stronger positive feedbacks than AMF from the expanded or invasive ranges, a biogeographic difference not described previously for invasive plants. Pythium taxa collected from soil in the native range were not more pathogenic than those from other ranges; however, feedbacks produced by the total soil biota were more negative from soils from the native range than from the other ranges, overriding the effects of AMF. This suggests that escape from other pathogens in the soil or the net negative effects of the whole soil community may contribute to superior performance in invaded regions. Our results suggest that important regional evolutionary relationships may occur among plants and soil biota, and that net effects of soil biota may affect invasion, but in ways that are not easily explained by studying isolated components of the soil biota

    A hybrid column generation and simulated annealing algorithm for direct aperture optimization.

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    The purpose of this work was to develop a hybrid column generation (CG) and simulated annealing (SA) algorithm for direct aperture optimization (H-DAO) and to show its effectiveness in generating high quality treatment plans for intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) and mixed photon-electron beam radiotherapy (MBRT). The H-DAO overcomes limitations of the CG-DAO with two features improving aperture selection (branch-feature) and enabling aperture shape changes during optimization (SA feature). The H-DAO algorithm iteratively adds apertures to the plan. At each iteration, a branch is created for each field provided. First, each branch determines the most promising aperture of its assigned field and adds it to a copy of the current apertures. Afterwards, the apertures of each branch undergo an MU-weight optimization followed by an SA-based simultaneous shape and MU-weight optimization and a second MU-weight optimization. The next H-DAO iteration continues the branch with the lowest objective function value. IMRT and MBRT treatment plans for an academic, a brain and a head and neck case generated using the CG DAO and H DAO were compared. For every investigated case and both IMRT and MBRT, the H-DAO leads to a faster convergence of the objective function value with number of apertures compared to the CG-DAO. In particular, the H DAO needs on average half the apertures to reach the same objective function value as the CG DAO for a specifically selected number of apertures. The average aperture areas are 27% smaller for H-DAO than for CG-DAO leading to a slightly larger discrepancy between optimized and final dose. However, a dosimetric benefit remains. The H-DAO was successfully developed and applied to IMRT and MBRT. The faster convergence with number of apertures of the H-DAO compared to the CG-DAO allows to select a better compromise between plan quality and number of apertures

    Ten-Year Minimum Follow-up Study of First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Fusion in Young vs Old Patients

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    BACKGROUND Painful degenerative joint disease (DJD) of the first metatarsophalangeal joint (MTP I), or hallux rigidus, mainly occurs in later stages of life. For end-stage hallux rigidus, MTP I arthrodesis is considered the gold standard. As young and active patients are affected considerably less frequently, it currently remains unclear, whether they benefit to the same extent. We hypothesized that MTP I arthrodesis in younger patients would lead to an inferior outcome with decreased rates of overall with lower rates of patient postoperative pain and function compared to an older cohort. METHODS All patients aged 60 years. Minimum follow-up was 10 years. Outcome measures were Tegner activity score (TAS), a "Virtual Tegner activity score" (VTAS), the visual analog scale (VAS), and the Foot Function index (FFI). RESULTS Sixty-one MTP I fusions (n = 28 young, n = 33 old) in 46 patients were included in our study at an average of 14 years after surgery. Younger patients experienced significantly more pain relief as reflected by changes in VAS and FFI Pain subscale scores. No difference in functional outcomes was found with change in the FFI function subscale or in the ability to have desired functional outcomes using the ratio of TAS to VTAS. Revision rate did not differ between the two groups apart from hardware removal, which was significantly more likely in the younger group. CONCLUSION In patients below the age of 50 years with end-stage DJD of the first metatarsal joint, MTP I arthrodesis not only yielded highly satisfactory postoperative results at least equal outcome compared to an older cohort of patients aged >60 years at an average 14 years' follow-up. Based on these findings, we consider first metatarsal joint fusion even for young patients is a valid option to treat end-stage hallux rigidus. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE Level III, a case-control study
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