18,751 research outputs found

    Disturbance of patterns in EEG spatial correlations

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    In the study of epileptic seizure or epileptic attack, a strategy receiving increased attention is the use of nonlinear methods in detecting the earliest dynamical changes preceding seizures. The methods usually consider continuous EEG measurements from epileptic patients to predict and ultimately control seizures. As part of the inquiry into the structure of the dynamics of the brain activity we investigate changes amongst the EEG signals being recorded at different locations on the scalp. Patterns emerging from the correlation coefficients between the EEG channels seem to be disturbed with the approach of a crisis. Results show that those patterns are often disturbed 10 to 15 minutes before the beginning of crises, helping to detect the earliest dynamical changes preceding seizures.EEG spatial correlations; epileptic seizures

    Complex evolution of the electronic structure from polycrystalline to monocrystalline graphene: generation of a new Dirac point

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    First principles calculations, employed to address the properties of polycrystalline graphene, indicate that the electronic structure of tilt grain boundaries in this system displays a rather complex evolution towards graphene bulk, as the tilt angle decreases, with the generation of a new Dirac point at the Fermi level, and an anisotropic Dirac cone of low energy excitations. Moreover, the usual Dirac point at the {\bf K} point falls below the Fermi level, and rises towards it as the tilt angle decreases. Further, our calculations indicate that the grain-boundary formation energy behaves non-monotonically with the tilt angle, due to a change in the the spatial distribution and relative contributions of the bond-stretching and bond-bending deformations associated with the formation of the defect.Comment: 4 pages (+ a few references on 5th page). Contains text (.tex) file + 4 figures + pdf fil

    Finiteness results for subgroups of finite extensions

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    We discuss in the context of finite extensions two classical theorems of Takahasi and Howson on subgroups of free groups. We provide bounds for the rank of the intersection of subgroups within classes of groups such as virtually free groups, virtually nilpotent groups or fundamental groups of finite graphs of groups with virtually polycyclic vertex groups and finite edge groups. As an application of our generalization of Takahasi's Theorem, we provide an uniform bound for the rank of the periodic subgroup of any endomorphism of the fundamental group of a given finite graph of groups with finitely generated virtually nilpotent vertex groups and finite edge groups.Comment: 20 pages; no figures. Keywords: finite extensions, Howson's Theorem, Hanna Neumann Conjecture, Takahasi's Theorem, periodic subgroup


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    Resumo É no interesse de compreender o comportamento humano, no tocante das relações sociais, nota-se a existência da moral, enquanto normas de comportamento, e a ética, reflexão sobre essas normas. É abstração dessa convivência em que se pode refletir criticamente sobre a realidade humana e por consequência os desvelamento das problemáticas sociais. O presente estudo pretende analisar a conceituação e diferenciação da moral e da ética, como também os elementos que fundamentam a ética, inserindo a categoria da liberdade como um valor ético central, possibilitando aos profissionais de Serviço Social, compreender e inserir tais reflexões em seu cotidiano profissional, tendo em vista o aprimoramento de suas intervenções e do seu projeto profissional

    Genetic, Epigenetic and Inflammation Influences on Pregnancy Maintenance

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    Background: Early pregnancy loss (EPL) is defined as a nonviable intrauterine pregnancy diagnosed up to the first trimester (12 weeks) of gestation. There are about 23 million miscarriages every year worldwide, and 12% happen in the first trimester. In 50% to 82% of cases, EPL is due to genetic alteration, mostly abnormal foetal karyotypes (e.g., aneuploidies). Other risk factors such as female and male age, smoking, alcohol, stress, and previous miscarriages have been also reported as underlying causes of EPL. Pregnancy problems may share similar aetiologic processes overlapping with genetic variations. Understanding pathogenetic processes and finding potential genetic variants that result in miscarriages is important to identify possible common molecular pathways that lead to this outcome. Aims: To identify risk factors to investigate several potential methods of exposure assessment during pregnancy and to better understand the causes of spontaneous abortion and recurrent spontaneous abortions. Results: cases were in general older than controls (P=0.0001), with lower DNA methylation (Mean: 82.49%, SD± 3.46) (P=0.0001) and higher systemic inflammatory profile for all the cytokines studied IL-10 (Mean: 19.67 pg/mL vs 14.63 pg/mL; P=0.038), IL-17a (Mean: 12.69 pg/mL vs 9.77 pg/mL; P=0. 025), IL-23 (Mean: 506.3 pg/mL vs 397.7 pg/mL; P=0.018), and IL-6 (Mean: 3.93 pg/mL vs 3.36 pg/mL; P=0.018). Our results showed that the wild-type variants rs5985 (G/G genotype), rs6003 (C/C genotype), and rs2285666 (G/G genotype) in the F13A1, F13B and ACE2 genes, respectively, were associated with a crude OR ranging from 2.72 to 3.94-fold risk increase for early pregnancy risk. We also found that the polymorphic allele for the variant rs1042522 in the TP53 gene had a significant 1.3-fold (38% vs 50%) (OR: 0.57, CI: 0.33 to 0.98) (P=0.032) decrease among our cases compared to controls, representing a protective factor against EPL. Our findings showed an increased frequency of ApoE4 compared non- ApoE4 carriers among cases and controls (19% vs 16%) representing a 3.17-fold increase in risk for early pregnancy loss (OR: 3.17, CI: 1.03 to 8.78) (P=0.029). In our secondary analysis, we stratified cases by EPL and Recurrent Pregnancy Loss (RPL), we observed a very interesting fact in which no significant variants reported before followed cases stratification showed significant differences. For instance, a 3-34-fold increased risk for RPL women with C/C genotype for the CFH gene variant compared to EPL. Interestingly, both major alleles (C and T, respectively) for the CRP gene rs876538 and rs2808630 variants showed a similar protective role (OR: 0.13, CI: 0.01 to 0.98) (P=0.018; P=0.015); Simultaneously, an 8-fold risk increase was associated with the minor allele for both variants (P=0.010; P=0.010). FGA and FGB genes variants' minor alleles (C and T alleles, respectively) were less represented among RPL cases than in EPL cases (P=0.028; P=0.019). Our fibrin bio-polymerization in vitro model demonstrated important architectural differences across cases and controls. Regarding the scaffold fibrin gel, our results suggested that controls had finer meshwork fibres with larger pores, this can be explained by the more regulated inflammatory process among controls. Conclusions: This thesis provided evidence of distinct genetic, epigenetic and systemic variables that can interact with each other and be a risk factor for early pregnancy loss and recurrent pregnancy loss. The genetic diversity observed in cases group versus intracase is a major highlight of how the clinical history of patients/individuals is essential to understand the differences observed, most importantly to use them as a prognostic tool.La perdita precoce della gravidanza (EPL) è definita come una gravidanza intrauterina non vitale diagnosticata fino al primo trimestre (12 settimane) di gestazione. Sono circa 23 milioni aborti spontanei ogni anno in tutto il mondo e 12% succede nel primo trimestre. Nel 50% al 82% di casi, l'EPL è dovuto ad alterazioni genetiche, per lo più cariotipi fetali anormali (ad es. aneuploidie). Altri fattori di rischio come età femminile e maschile, fumo, alcol, stress e precedenti aborti spontanei sono stati segnalati anche come cause sottostanti di EPL. Identificare il fattori di rischio e diversi potenziali metodi di valutazione durante la gravidanza e per meglio comprendere le cause dell'aborto spontaneo e aborti spontaneo ricorrente. I casi erano in generale con una età più avazzanta dei controlli ( P = 0, 0001), con metilazione del DNA inferiore (media: 82, 49%, SD ± 3, 46) ( P = 0, 0001) e un profilo infiammatorio sistemico più elevato per tutte le citochine studiate IL-10 (Media: 19,67 pg/ml vs 14,63 pg/ml; P=0,038), IL-17a (Media: 12,69 pg/ml vs 9,77 pg/ml; P=0. 025), IL-23 (media: 506,3 pg/mL vs 397,7 pg/mL; P=0,018) e IL-6 (media: 3,93 pg/ml rispetto a 3,36 pg/ml; P=0,018). I nostri risultati hanno mostrato che le varianti wild type rs5985 (G/G genotipo), rs6003 (genotipo C/C) e rs2285666 (genotipo G/G) in F13A1, F13B e I geni ACE2, rispettivamente, erano associati a un OR compreso tra 2,72 e 3,94 risulanto nell’aumento del rischio di aborto precoce. Abbiamo anche demonstrato che l'allele polimorfico per le variante rs1042522 nel gene TP53 era 1,3 volte (38% vs 50%) (OR: 0,57, CI: da 0,33 a 0,98) (P=0,032) di minore frequenza tra i nostri casi rispetto ai controlli, rappresentando un fattore protettivo contro EPL. I nostri risultati hanno mostrato una maggiore frequenza di ApoE4 tra casi (19% vs 16%) rappresentando un 3,17- aumento del rischio di aborto precoce (OR: 3,17, CI: da 1,03 a 8,78) (P=0,029). Nella nostra analisi secondaria, abbiamo stratificato i casi per EPL e RPL, abbiamo osservato un fatto molto interessante in cui alcune varianti riportate prima come no significative dopo stratificazione dei casi ha mostrato differenze significative. Ad esempio, un rischio aumentato di 3-34 volte per le donne RPL con genotipo C/C per la variante del gene CFH rispetto a EPL. È interessante notare che entrambi i principali alleli (rispettivamente C e T) per il gene CRP (rs876538 e rs2808630) hanno mostrato un ruolo protettivo simile (OR: 0,13, CI: da 0,01 a 0,98) (P=0,018; P=0,015, rispettivamente); Allo stesso tempo, un aumento del rischio di 8 volte è stato associato all'allele minore per entrambe le varianti (P=0,010; P=0,010). Alleli minori delle varianti dei geni FGA e FGB (C e T alleli, rispettivamente) erano meno rappresentati tra i casi RPL che nei casi EPL (P=0,028; P=0,019). Il nostro modello in vitro di biopolimerizzazione della fibrina ha dimostrato un'importante architettura differenze tra casi e controlli. Per quanto riguarda il gel di fibrina dell'impalcatura, i nostri risultati hanno suggerito che i controlli avevano fibre reticolari più fini con pori più grandi, questo può essere spiegato da più processo infiammatorio regolato tra i controlli. Questa tesi ha fornito evidenza di variabili genetiche, epigenetiche e sistemiche distinte che possono interagire con ciascuna altri ed essere un fattore di rischio per aborti precoci e aborti ricorrenti. Il genetico la diversità osservata nel gruppo di casi rispetto all'intracaso è uno dei principali punti salienti di come il clinico storia dei pazienti/individui è essenziale per comprendere le differenze osservate, la maggior parte importante utilizzarli come strumento prognostico