2 research outputs found

    Tubercular osteomyelitis of skull, a case report

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    La tuberculosis craneal es una entidad rara, que inicia con una infecci贸n de la m茅dula espinal y se extiende a las placas externas e internas del cr谩neo, provocando la destrucci贸n del hueso y la formaci贸n de tejido de granulaci贸n causando una colecci贸n de secreci贸n purulenta, edema y dolor en la zona afectada. El diagnostico requiere la demostraci贸n de los bacilos 谩cido-resistentes en el frotis de la muestra mediante la tinci贸n de Ziehl-Neelsen y la presencia de un granuloma caseoso histopatol贸gico. El tratamiento puede ser m茅dico o quir煤rgico dependiendo la complejidad de la patolog铆a. Se reporta el caso de un paciente masculino de 45 a帽os, quien acude por presentar herida abierta en la regi贸n parietal izquierda, causado por antecedente de craneotom铆a debido a trauma craneoencef谩lico hace 6 a帽os, en el cultivo de la lesi贸n descrita se report贸 positivo para bacilos acido-resistentes, recibiendo el paciente terapia antituberculosa con buena respuesta cl铆nica. Este es un caso inusual que se reporta para conocimiento y definir conductas diagn贸sticas y terap茅uticas ante una presentaci贸n at铆pica de tuberculosis extrapulmonar.Cranial tuberculosis is a rare entity, which starts with an infection of the spinal cord and spreads to the external and internal plates of the skull, causing destruction of the bone and the formation of granulation tissue causing a collection of purulent discharge, edema and pain in the affected area. Diagnosis requires the demonstration of acid-fast bacilli in the smear specimen by Ziehl-Neelsen staining and the presence of a histopathological caseous granuloma. Treatment may be medical or surgical depending on the complexity of the pathology. We report the case of a 45-year-old male patient, who presented with an open wound in the left parietal region, caused by a history of craniotomy due to cranioencephalic trauma 6 years ago. The culture of the lesion described was positive for acid-fast bacilli, and the patient received antituberculosis therapy with good clinical response. This is an unusual case that is reported for knowledge and to define diagnostic and therapeutic conducts before an atypical presentation of extrapulmonary tuberculosis

    Identificaci贸n de Hipoplasia Cerebelar en gestante de 35,6 semanas, a prop贸sito de un caso

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    Cerebellar hypoplasia is associated with a wide variety of neuro-radiological features, which represents a great challenge for physicians who identify these cases, mainly prenatally. Objective. To describe a clinical case of cerebellar hypoplasia identified prenatally and to analyze the care protocol applied at the first level of health care for high-risk pregnant women. Material and methods. Descriptive and retrospective study, clinical case presentation. Results. A clinical case is presented of a 43-year-old female patient, 35.6 weeks pregnant, with no important history, who attended the first level of health care for her fourth prenatal check-up, asymptomatic, breast score of zero points, grade 1 obesity was evidenced, Physical examination of the pregnant patient, active, afebrile, head and sensory organs without apparent pathology, normal cardiopulmonary, pregnant uterus abdomen, uterine height 32cm, FCF 149 bpm, single pelvic fetus, inguinogenital region no bleeding or vaginal discharge is evidenced. In addition, she presented third trimester ultrasound with pathological morphological findings of cerebellar hypoplasia, she was referred to the second level of care for follow-up and choice of treatment according to the case.Conclusion. The care provided follows the parameters for the recruitment and management of high-risk pregnant women according to the guidelines of the Ministry of Health; however, it is important that the patients decide to comply with the recommendations of the physicians at the first level of care to avoid future complications.La hipoplasia cerebelar se asocia a una amplia variedad de caracter铆sticas neuro-radiol贸gicas, lo cual representa un gran desaf铆o para los m茅dicos que identifican estos casos, principalmente en etapa prenatal. Objetivo. Describir un caso cl铆nico de hipoplasia cerebelar identificado en periodo prenatal y analizar el protocolo de atenci贸n aplicado en el primer nivel de salud para embarazadas de alto riesgo. Material y m茅todos. Estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo, presentaci贸n de caso cl铆nico. Resultados. Se presenta un caso cl铆nico de una paciente femenina de 43 a帽os, gestante de 35,6 semanas, sin antecedentes de importancia, que acude a primer nivel de atenci贸n por su cuarto control prenatal, asintom谩tica, Score mama de cero puntos, se evidencian obesidad grado 1, al examen f铆sico paciente gestante, activa, afebril, cabeza y 贸rganos de los sentidos sin patolog铆a aparente, cardiopulmonar normal, abdomen 煤tero gestante, altura uterina 32cm, FCF 149 lpm, feto 煤nico pelviano, regi贸n inguinogenital no se evidencia sangrado ni secreci贸n vaginal. Adem谩s, presenta ecograf铆a del tercer trimestre con hallazgos morfol贸gicos patol贸gicos de Hipoplasia de cerebelo, es referida a segundo nivel de atenci贸n para seguimiento y elecci贸n de tratamiento acorde al caso. Conclusi贸n. La atenci贸n brindada sigue par谩metros de captaci贸n y manejo de las embarazadas de alto riesgo seg煤n las gu铆as del ministerio de salud, sin embargo, es importante que las pacientes decidan cumplir con las recomendaciones de los m茅dicos en primer nivel, para evitar complicaciones a futuro