3,252 research outputs found

    Impressões sobre a instrução protestante no universo de língua portuguesa constantes na biblioteca do padre Odilon Alves Pedrosa (1888-1932)

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a internacionalização das Universidades Federais do Sul do Brasil, considerando o aspecto dos acordos de cooperação internacional para mobilidade de alunos servidores docentes e técnico-administrativos. Inicialmente apresenta-se a contextualização da internacionalização da Educação Superior. A avaliação é realizada utilizando um dos indicadores de internacionalização apontados por Veiga, comparando dados disponíveis nas páginas eletrônicas institucionais de Universidades Federais da Região Sul do Brasil

    Blood pressure and its circadian pattern in obese and lean premenopausal women

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    Background: Obesity is frequently referred to as an independent risk factor for high blood pressure and hypertension is very prevalent among obese people. The aims of this study were: to compare office-based and 24 h blood pressure (BP) and its circadian pattern between lean and obese women; to study correlations between BP, insulin resistance (IR), and markers of subclinical inflammation/early atherosclerosis. Material and methods: Eighty-eight lean and 107 otherwise healthy obese women were characterized for anthropometrics, BP (office-based determinations and 24 h ABPM) and for glucose, insulin, triglycerides, interleukin 6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a), high-sensitivity C reactive protein (hs-CRP), retinol-binding protein 4 (RBP-4), leptin, adiponectin, resistin, monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1), intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1), and vascular-cellular adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1). Insulin resistance was determined by homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), quantitative insulin sensitivity check index (QUICKI), and McAuley indexes (also Matsuda in obese). Results: The obese group presented higher office-based systolic/diastolic BP, systolic ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM), and more non-dippers. HOMA-IR and body fat was correlated to systolic (r2 = 0.176) and glucose to diastolic (p = 0.008; r = 0.256) ABPM. Age, QUICKI, and TNF-a was correlated with dipping (r2 = 0.172); adiponectin, age, BMI, and glucose to systolic (r2 = 0.226) and diastolic (r2 = 0.215) office-based BP. Concerning lean women, MCP-1 was associated with diastolic ABPM (p = 0.013; r = 0.267). Systolic office-based BP was associated with waist-to-hip ratio (p = 0.01; r = 0.273); this and RBP-4 was correlated with office-based diastolic BP (r2 = 0.12). Conclusion: Although relatively healthy, obese women present higher BP than lean. Anthropometrics, IR, and fasting glucose all influence BP in obesity; additionally, IR is involved in non-dipping. No strong correlation exists between BP/dipping and subclinical inflammation in either group of women.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    O acompanhamento de egressos é uma obrigação do SINAES desde 2004, no entanto diversas instituições não conseguiram ainda implementar essa política de forma sistemática, dadas as dificuldades encontradas. Diante desse contexto apresenta-se como questão de pesquisa: Como realizar um acompanhamento de egressos de graduação e quais as contribuições que os resultados dessa pesquisa podem gerar para o curso e a instituição de ensino? Buscamos assim, por meio de pesquisa não-probabilística descritiva de caráter exploratório, identificar formas de realização do acompanhamento de egressos e os resultados que podem ser esperados, mapeando as principais dificuldades na realização do acompanhamento de egressos, bem como verificar o impacto desta ferramenta no desenvolvimento do curso e da instituição. Apresenta-se como estudo de caso os resultados da pesquisa realizada com egressos do Curso de Relações Internacionais da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

    Blood pressure and its circadian pattern in obese and lean premenopausal women

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    Background. Obesity is frequently referred to as an independent risk factor for high blood pressure and hypertension is very prevalent among obese people. The aims of this study were: to compare office-based and 24 h blood pressure (BP) and its circadian pattern between lean and obese women; to study correlations between BP, insulin resistance (IR) and markers of subclinical inflammation/early atherosclerosis. Material and methods. Eighty-eight lean and 107 otherwise healthy obese women were characterized for anthropometrics, BP (office-based determinations and 24 h ABPM) and for glucose, insulin, triglycerides, inteleukin 6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a), high-sensitivity C reactive protein (hs-CRP), retinol-binding protein 4 (RBP-4), leptin, adiponectin, resistin, monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1), intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1), and vascular-cellular adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1). Insulin resistance was determined by homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), quantitative insulin sensitivity check index (QUICKI), and McAuley indexes (also Matsuda in obese). Results. Obese group presented higher office-based systolic/diastolic BP, systolic ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM), and more non-dippers. HOMA-IR and body fat was correlated to systolic (r2 = 0.176) and glucose to diastolic (p = 0.008; r = 0.256) ABPM. Age, QUICKI, and TNF-a was correlated with dipping (r2 = 0.172); adiponectin, age, BMI, and glucose to systolic (r2 = 0.226) and diastolic (r2 = 0.215) office-based BP. Concerning lean women, MCP-1 was associated with diastolic ABPM (p = 0.013; r = 0.267). Systolic office-based BP was associated with waist-to-hip ratio (p = 0.01; r = 0.273); this and RBP-4 was correlated with office-based diastolic BP (r2 = 0.12). Conclusion. Although relatively healthy, obese women present higher BP than lean. Anthropometrics, IR, and fasting glucose all influence BP in obesity; additionally, IR is involved in non-dipping. No strong correlation exists between BP/dipping and subclinical inflammation in either group of women.

    Waist-to-height ratio is independently related to whole and central body fat, regardless of the waist circumference measurement protocol, in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease patients

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Pimenta N.M., Cortez-Pinto H., Melo X., Silva-Nunes J., Sardinha L.B. & Santa-Clara H. (2017) Waist-to-height ratio is independently related to whole and central body fat, regardless of the waist circumference measurement protocol, in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease patients. J Hum Nutr Diet. 30, 185–192, which has been published in final form atdoi: 10.1111/jhn.12410. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.Background: Waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) has been reported as a prefer-able risk related body fat (BF) marker, although no standardised waistcircumference measurement protocol (WCmp) has been proposed. Thepresent study aimed to investigate whether the use of a different WCmpaffects the strength of relationship between WHtR and both whole andcentral BF in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) patients.Methods: BF was assessed with dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in28 NAFLD patients [19 males, mean (SD) 51 (13) years and nine females,47 (13) years]. All subjects also underwent anthropometric evaluationincluding height and waist circumference (WC) measurement using fourdifferent WCmp (WC1, minimal waist; WC2, iliac crest; WC3, mid-distancebetween iliac crest and lowest rib; WC4, at the umbilicus) and WHtR wascalculated using each WC measurements (WHtR1, WHtR2, WHtR3 andWHtR4, respectively). Partial correlations were conducted to assess the rela-tion of WHtR and DXA assessed BF.Results: All WHtR were particularly correlated with central BF, includingabdominal BF (r = 0.80, r = 0.84, r = 0.84 and r = 0.78, respectively, forWHtR1, WHtR2, WHtR3 and WHtR4) and central abdominal BF (r = 0.72,r = 0.77, r = 0.76 and r = 0.71, respectively, for WHtR1, WHtR2, WHtR3and WHtR4), after controlling for age, sex and body mass index. There wereno differences between the correlation coefficients obtained between allstudied WHtR and each whole and central BF variable.Conclusions: Waist-to-height ratio was found a suitable BF marker in thepresent sample of NAFLD patients and the strength of the relationshipbetween WHtR and both whole and central BF was not altered by usingdifferent WCmp in the present sample of NAFLD patients.FUNDING SOURCES The first author of this paper was supported by a research grant (PhD scholarship) from the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), Ministry of Education and Science of Portugal (grant: SFRH/ BD/ 70515/ 2010). The present study was funded by: the Centre for the Study of Human Performance, Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, Lisbon, Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Juventudes Rurais e Agroecologia: um diálogo imprescindível

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    Arguments from different areas of knowledge (Economics, Philosophy, Sociology, among others) point to a civilization crisis experienced by humanity in our day. In order to solve this crisis, it is necessary to mobilize different social and political actors, many of them invisibility by the model of current capitalist societies. Among these subjects are the rural youths, who have sought in agroecology (as science, practice and movement) contributions to build more harmonious relations between societies and nature. It is from a set of experiences that brings together the dialogue between rural youth and agroecology that deals with this article, presenting, finally, some challenges, but affirming that the dialogue is ongoing but will never be unidimensional, without recognizing the specificities of this collective subject (Social and political), who are very willing to produce in the Brazilian countryside, building struggles and squandering rebellion.Argumentos de diferentes áreas do conhecimento (Economia, Filosofia, Sociologia, dentre outras) apontam para uma crise civilizatória vivenciada pela humanidade em nossos dias. Para buscar solucionar tal crise é preciso mobilizar diferentes atores sociais e políticos, muitos deles invizibilizados pelo modelo de sociedades capitalistas atuais. Dentre estes sujeitos destacam-se as juventudes rurais, que têm buscado na agroecologia (como ciência, prática e movimento) aportes para construção de relações mais harmoniosas entre sociedades e natureza. É de um conjunto de experiências que aproxima o diálogo entre juventudes rurais e agroecologia que trata o presente artigo, apresentando, por fim, alguns desafios, mas afirmando que o diálogo está em curso, mas jamais será unidimensional, sem reconhecer as especificidades deste sujeito coletivo (social e político), que tem muita disposição para produzir no campo brasileiro, construindo lutas e esbanjando rebeldia

    Waist circumference in Liver Disease

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    Background Central fat accumulation is important in Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) etiology. It is unknown weather any commonly used waist circumference (WC) measurement protocol (mp), as whole and central fat accumulation marker, is preferable for patients with NAFLD. The present study sought to find a preferable WC mp to be used in patients with NAFLD, based on three-fold criterion. Material and methods Body fat (BF) was assessed through Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) in 28 patients with NAFLD (19 males, 51 + 13 yrs, and 9 females, 47 + 13 yrs). WC was measured using four different WC mp (WC1-narrowest torso, WC2- just above iliac crest, WC3- mid-distance between iliac crest and last rib and WC4- at the umbilicus). Results All WC measurements were highly correlated particularly with central BF depots, including trunk BF (r=0.78; r=0.82; r=0.82; r=0.84; respectively for WC1, WC2, WC3 and WC4) abdominal BF (r=0.78; r=0.78; r=0.80; r=0.72; respectively for WC1, WC2, WC3 and WC4) and central abdominal BF (r=0.76; r=0.77; r=0.78; r=0.68; respectively for WC1, WC2, WC3 and WC4), controlling for age, sex and body mass index. There were no differences between the correlation coefficients obtained between all studied WC measurements and each whole and central analyzed BF variable. Conclusion All studied WC mp seem suitable for use in patients with NAFLD, particularly as central BF clinical assessment tool, though not interchangeably. Hence biological and precision criteria alone did not sanction the superiority of any WC mp. Practical criteria may endorse WC measured at the iliac crest.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Waist-to-Hip Ratio is Related to Body Fat Content and Distribution Regardless of the Waist Circumference Measurement Protocol, in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Patients

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    Central accumulation and distribution of body fat (BF) is an important cardiometabolic risk factor. Waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), commonly elevated in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) patients, has been endorsed as a risk related marker of central BF content and distribution, but no standardized waist circumference measurement protocol (WCmp) has been proposed. We aimed to investigate whether using different WCmp affects the strength of association between WHR and BF content and distribution in NAFLD patients. BF was assessed with Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) in 28 NAFLD patients (19 males, 51 ± 13 yrs, and 9 females, 47 ± 13 yrs). Waist circumference (WC) was measured using four different WCmp (WC1: minimal waist; WC2: iliac crest; WC3: mid-distance between iliac crest and lowest rib; WC4: at the umbilicus) and WHR was calculated accordingly (WHR1, WHR2, WHR3 and WHR4, respectively). High WHR was found in up to 84.6% of subjects, depending on the WHR considered. With the exception of WHR1, all WHR correlated well with abdominal BF (r=0.47 for WHR1; r=0.59 for WHR2 and WHR3; r=0.58 for WHR4) and BF distribution (r=0.45 for WHR1; r=0.56 for WHR2 and WHR3; r=0.51 for WHR4), controlling for age, sex and body mass index (BMI). WHR2 and WHR3 diagnosed exactly the same prevalence of high WHR (76.9%). The present study confirms the strong relation between WHR and central BF, regardless of WCmp used, in NAFLD patients. WHR2 and WHR3 seemed preferable for use in clinical practice, interchangeably, for the diagnosis of high WHR in NAFLD patients.co-financed by national funds through the Programa Operacional do Alentejo (ALENT-07-0262-FEDER-001883)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio