399 research outputs found

    Overview of Stingless Bees in Brazil (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini)

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    Species richness of stingless bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini) was organized and updated from previously published data. From this research, we found 28 genera with 259 valid species and 62 undescribed species, in addition, brief comments on the classification used and geographical occurrences were included

    Sistemática de Scaura Schwarz, 1938 (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Meliponini), com notas biológicas

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    Systematics of Scaura Schwarz, 1938 (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini), with biological notes. Scaura Schwarz 1938 is a neotropical little diverse and distributed genus. It’s widely composed of workers with hind basitarsus as wide as or wider than their tibia. The genus comprised five valid species, but with evidence that there was a complex of species to be described. It was obtained dry specimens, in various national and foreign collections, and studying this material, a taxonomic revision and a phylogenetic analysis of all species of the genus were proposed, resulting in a total of seven valid species: with three new species and synonymy of Scaura tenuis (Ducke, 1916) under Scaura latitarsis (Friese, 1900). An Illustrated worker identification key was proposed, and each species previously described was redescribed to have a standardized description with the addition of males and queens when possible. Every species had its geographic distribution updated, as well as a compilation of data on nesting biology and behavior. The phylogenetic analysis resulted in Scaura as a monophyletic genus, and Schwarzula Moure, 1946 as its sister group. It is noteworthy that the relationship between the Scaura species with short metasoma still needs to have phylogenetic relationships best established. The Scaura species with short metasoma needs more morphological caracteres and new phylogenetic analyses for suggest better relationships.Scaura Schwarz, 1938 é um gênero neotropical pouco diversificado e amplamente distribuído, composto por operárias com basitarsos metatorácicos tão largos quanto ou mais largos que as respectivas tíbias. O gênero compreendia cinco espécies válidas, mas com indícios de que havia um complexo de espécies a serem descritas. Com a obtenção de espécimes, em via seca, de várias coleções nacionais e estrangeiras, e estudo desse material, foi proposta uma revisão taxonômica, bem como uma análise filogenética de todas as espécies do gênero, resultando assim, em um total de sete espécies válidas: com três novas e a sinonímia de Scaura tenuis (Ducke, 1916) sob Scaura latitarsis (Friese, 1900). Foi proposta uma chave ilustrada de identificação de operárias e cada espécie já descrita foi redescrita para haver uma padronização com a adição da descrição de machos e rainhas, quando possível. Cada uma dessas espécies propostas possui registros geográficos atualizados, bem como uma compilação de dados sobre a biologia de nidificação e comportamento. A análise filogenética constatou o monofiletismo do gênero, tendo como grupo irmão Schwarzula Moure, 1946. Entretanto, as espécies de Scaura com metassoma curto ainda precisam ter as relações filogenéticas melhores estabelecidas

    Transformation of Plastic Waste into Fuel by Pyrolysis

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    Given the scenario of difficulty of equalizing treatment and disposal costs, environmental risks and reduction of mass and volume of waste, the pyrolysis process presents itself as a promising option of heat treatment for the most varied types of waste. The present work aims to enable the transformation of plastic waste into combustion engine fuels. And specifically, perform the pyrolysis process for fuel generation through plastic waste, and describe the benefits generated by the transformation process. The methodology used is the case study, with qualitative approach. To obtain the fuel, it was necessary to use equipment that can degrade the plastic waste by heating it, being possible with the use of a pyrolysis oven. Heating the plastic residue inside the oven without the presence of oxygen causes the residue to melt without burning, releasing vapors, which upon exiting the heating chamber and finding the condensation chamber turns the vapor into liquid, more precisely into fuel oil. However, it was noticed that the transformation of plastic waste into fuel through pyrolysis causes the reduction of the impacts generated by solid waste disposal in the environment, water and air. In addition, it enables a new form of fuel generation, since previously it could only generate fuel from oil

    A “revolução das esperanças crescentes” : Adlai Stevenson, a Teoria da Modernização e a Guerra Fria na América Latina

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em História, 2018.Esta tese tem como objetivo mostrar como a teoria da modernização deixou a academia e entrou no mundo político americano por meio da influência do maior líder do partido democrata nos anos 50, Adlai Stevenson. Quer também evidenciar problemas entre a teoria e a prática desta ideia, que se mostram quando ela é consubstanciada em política externa por meio da Aliança para o Progresso. A hipótese que ela sustenta é a de que vários erros de leitura da conjuntura cultural e da política interna latino-americana, por parte dos norte-americanos, fizeram com que as ideias de modernização, pensadas na teoria, se revelassem inviáveis na prática.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) e Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do Distrito Federal (FAP-DF).This thesis aims to show the way modernisation theory left the academy and entered the American political world through the influence of Adlai Stevenson, the leader of the Democratic Party in the 50’s. It also highlights problems between the theory and practice of this idea, which are shown when it is embodied in foreign policy through the Alliance for Progress. The hypothesis that the thesis maintains is that several errors on how to perceive the cultural conjuncture and the domestic policy of Latin America made the ideas of modernisation, as thought in the theory, infeasible in Latin America

    Functional characterization of Cyberlindnera jadinii carboxylate transporters in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Introduction In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, two permeases are responsible for the uptake of carboxylates (CA) at the plasma membrane, Jen1p a monocarboxylate proton symporter (Major Facilitator Superfamily) and Ady2p an acetate permease (AceTr Family). In Cyberlindnera jadinii, different uptake systems for CAs were functionally characterized however until now the genes encoding these transporters remain unidentified. In this work, CA transporter homolog genes from C. jadinii were identified and expressed in S. cerevisiae. Materials and Methods The S. cerevisiae strain W303-1A jen1Δ ady2Δ, lacking carboxylate uptake capacity, was used to express C. jadinii ScJEN1 and ScADY2 homologs. Genes were identified through sequence alignment and homology prediction and cloned in the p416GPD vector, under the control of a GPD constitutive promoter. GFP-fusions versions were used to determine protein expression and localization. Transport activity was determined through growth on different carbon sources and measurement of the uptake of labelled CAs, namely D,L-[U-14C] lactic acid, [2,3-14C] succinic acid and [1-14C] acetic acid. Results In C. jadinii, 6 genes homolog to ScJEN1 (Cjj23088, Cjj21966, Cjj22358, Cjj21989, Cjj21602, Cjj25129) and 4 genes homolog to ScADY2 (Cja24587, Cja20823, Cja20690, Cja20822) were identified. All proteins were expressed and localized at the plasma membrane. Regarding transporter specificity CJJEN1-6 and CJAD3 encode lactate transporters, CJAD1 and 4, lactate and acetate transporters, and CJAD2 encodes a lactate, acetate and succinate transporter. Conclusions In this work, we identified 6 CjJEN1 and 4 CjADY2 homologs that are functional carboxylate transporters in S. cerevisiae. All the CjJEN1 homologs are lactate transporters and CjADY2 homologs present different specificities. Further studies are underway to fully characterize these ten new plasma membrane transporters from C. jadinii. References Soares-Silva, I., et al. (2007). Mol Membr Biol. 24(5-6), 464-474.PTDC/BIAMIC/5184/2014. NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000009. NORTE-08-5369-FSE-00006

    Characterization of Cyberlindnera jadinii carboxylate transporters by heterologous expression in S. cerevisiae

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    Concerning the global problems of resource scarcity and environmental damage, new technologies based on renewable biological sources are needed as the current model of natural resource exploitation is unsustainable. Cell factories with specific genetic and physiological traits, namely suitable protein transporters, may be key players in the bio-based production of organic acids, as an alternative approach to the production of these chemical building-blocks from petrochemical derivatives. The present work focused on the identification and characterization of novel organic acid transporters from the Cyberlindnera jadinii yeast. C. jadinii homologues of the monocarboxylate proton symporter Jen1p (Major Facilitator Superfamily) and the acetate permease Ady2p (AceTr Family) were identified and expressed in S. cerevisiae. The S. cerevisiae strain W303-1A jen1Δ ady2Δ, lacking carboxylate uptake capacity, was used as an expression host. Genes were identified through sequence alignment and homology prediction and cloned in the p416GPD vector, under the control of a GPD constitutive promoter. GFP-fusions versions were used to determine protein expression and localization. Transport activity was determined through growth on different carbon sources and measurement of the uptake of CAs, namely [1-14C] acetic acid, D,L-[U-14C] lactic acid and [2,3-14C] succinic acid. Molecular docking of these transporters was performed to unveil the amino acids that play a major role in the substrate binding of CAs tested. In this study, 4 CjADY2 and 6 CjJEN1 homologs were identified and revealed to be functional carboxylate transporters in S. cerevisiae. Further studies are underway to fully characterize these ten new plasma membrane transporters.PTDC/BIAMIC/5184/2014. NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000009. NORTE-08-5369-FSE-00006

    Identification of novel carboxylate transporters encoded in the Cyberlindnera jadinii transportome by heterologous expression in S. cerevisiae

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    Novel strategies to boost bio-based production of organic acids are focused in the expression of specific transporter proteins, to improve adequate uptake and export mechanisms. This study focused on the identification and characterization of novel carboxylate (CA) transporters in the yeast Cyberlindnera jadinii. Transporters homologous to Jen1p and Ady2p, the lactate and acetate permeases from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, were identified and expressed in the S. cerevisiae W303-1A jen1Δ ady2Δ strain. Genes were identified by homology prediction and expressed under the control of a GPD constitutive promoter. GFP-fusions were used to determine protein expression and localization. The transformants were characterized physiologically by growth tests in different carbon sources, and evaluation of mediated transport systems for CAs. Molecular docking studies were performed, to unveil the residues involved in substrate binding in these transporters. We have identified 4 CjADY2 and 6 CjJEN1 homologs that are functional carboxylate transporters in S. cerevisiae. All permeases transport CAs, presenting different specificities. The full characterization of these plasma membrane transporters is underway.PTDC/BIAMIC/5184/2014. NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000009. NORTE-08-5369-FSE-00006

    Characterization of Cyberlindnera jadinii carboxylate permeases by heterologous expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Background: The wide applicability of organic acids for direct use as commodity chemicals and as polymer building blocks has evidenced their importance in diverse types of industries. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, two permeases are responsible for the uptake of carboxylates (CA) at the plasma membrane, Jen1p a monocarboxylate proton symporter (Major Facilitator Superfamily) and Ady2p an acetate permease (AceTr Family). Objectives: In Cyberlindnera jadinii, different uptake systems for CAs were functionally characterized however until now the genes encoding these transporters remain unidentified. In this study, CA transporter homolog genes from C. jadinii were identified and expressed in S. cerevisiae. Methods: The S. cerevisiae strain W303-1A jen1Δ ady2Δ, lacking carboxylate uptake capacity, was used to express C. jadinii ScADY2 homologs. Genes were identified through sequence alignment and homology prediction and cloned in the p416GPD vector, under the control of a GPD constitutive promoter. GFP-fusions versions were used to determine protein expression and localization. Transport activity was determined through growth on different carbon sources and measurement of the uptake of labelled CAs, namely D,L-[U14C] lactic acid, [2,3-14C] succinic acid and [1-14C] acetic acid. Results: In C. jadinii, 4 genes homolog to ScADY2 were identified. These are functional carboxylate transporters in S. cerevisiae, localized at the plasma membrane, presenting different specificities for the mono- and di-carboxylates. Further studies are underway to fully characterize these four new plasma membrane transporters, including molecular docking of these transporters to unveil the amino acids that play a major role in the substrate binding of CAs tested.PTDC/BIAMIC/5184/2014. NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000009. UMINHO/BD/25/201

    The Cyberlindnera jadinii carboxylate transporters Ady2 and Jen1 homologs are functional in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, two permeases are responsible for the uptake of carboxylates (CA) at the plasma membrane, Jen1p a monocarboxylate proton symporter (Major Facilitator Superfamily) and Ady2p an acetate permease (AceTr Family). In Cyberlindnera jadinii, different uptake systems for CAs were functionally characterized however until now the genes encoding these transporters remain unidentified. In this work, CA transporter homolog genes from C. jadinii were identified and expressed in S. cerevisiae. The S. cerevisiae strain W303-1A jen1Δ ady2Δ, lacking carboxylate uptake capacity, was used to express C. jadinii ScJEN1 and ScADY2 homologs. Genes were identified through sequence alignment and homology prediction and cloned in the p416GPD vector, under the control of a GPD constitutive promoter. GFP-fusions versions were used to determine protein expression and localization. Transport activity was determined through growth on different carbon sources and measurement of the uptake of labelled CAs, namely D,L-[U-14C] lactic acid, [2,3-14C] succinic acid and [1-14C] acetic acid. In C. jadinii, 6 genes homolog to ScJEN1 (Cjj23088, Cjj21966, Cjj22358, Cjj21989, Cjj21602, Cjj25129) and 4 genes homolog to ScADY2 (Cja24587, Cja20823, Cja20690, Cja20822) were identified. All proteins are being expressed to uncover their subcellular localization and the characterization of transporter specificity is currently underway. In this work, we identified 6 CjJEN1 and 4 CjADY2 homologs that are functional carboxylate transporters in S. cerevisiae. All the CjJEN1 homologs are lactate transporters and CjADY2 homologs present different specificities. Further studies are underway to fully characterize these ten new plasma membrane transporters from C. jadinii.PTDC/BIAMIC/5184/2014. NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000009. NORTE-08-5369-FSE-00006