23,662 research outputs found

    Semantic variation operators for multidimensional genetic programming

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    Multidimensional genetic programming represents candidate solutions as sets of programs, and thereby provides an interesting framework for exploiting building block identification. Towards this goal, we investigate the use of machine learning as a way to bias which components of programs are promoted, and propose two semantic operators to choose where useful building blocks are placed during crossover. A forward stagewise crossover operator we propose leads to significant improvements on a set of regression problems, and produces state-of-the-art results in a large benchmark study. We discuss this architecture and others in terms of their propensity for allowing heuristic search to utilize information during the evolutionary process. Finally, we look at the collinearity and complexity of the data representations that result from these architectures, with a view towards disentangling factors of variation in application.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, GECCO 201

    PerturbaçÔes Miccionais da Esclerose MĂșltipla

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    A esclerose mĂșltipla apresenta-se sob diversas formas clĂ­nicas tendo um percurso muito variĂĄvel e prognĂłstico pouco previsĂ­vel. Mesmo antes do diagnĂłstico, as manifestaçÔes urinĂĄrias podem ser aparentes e sĂŁo habitualmente relegadas para um segundo plano quando predominam as outras manifestaçÔes neurolĂłgicas, porventura mais graves. Os mĂ©todos terapĂȘuticos das disfunçÔes urinĂĄrias tĂȘm evoluĂ­do nos Ășltimos anos, justificando uma avaliação e caracterização o mais pormenorizada possĂ­vel

    Hiperactividade de Esforço. Uma Forma de IncontinĂȘncia

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    A incontinĂȘncia urinĂĄria de esforço Ă© geralmente diagnosticada segundo bases clĂ­nicas em que a perda resultante do esforço Ă© a chave. Os mecanismos geralmente implicados sĂŁo deficiĂȘncia do suporte uretral e a insuficiĂȘncia esfincteriana. No entanto, estas perdas podem surgir por verdadeiras contracçÔes do detrusor desencadeadas pelo esforço. O reconhecimento desta causa Ă© urodinĂąmico e tem implicaçÔes fisiopatolĂłgicas e terapĂȘuticas importantes. Revimos uma sĂ©rie de exames urodinĂąmicos de mulheres incontinentes e encontrĂĄmos 16% de casos de contracçÔes induzidas pelo esforço (hiperactividade de esforço) sendo a causa da incontinĂȘncia em 6%

    Overactive Bladder Syndrome Costs

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    Objectivo: A sĂ­ndrome de bexiga hiperactiva Ă© um problema crescente. Reconhece-se agora que tem um impacto bastante relevante na qualidade de vida dos doentes, que se agrava com a idade. Os custos para a comunidade nĂŁo sĂŁo e mais ainda, nĂŁo serĂŁo negligenciĂĄveis no futuro. Material e MĂ©todos: Foi realizada uma pesquisa numa base de dados de publicaçÔes mĂ©dicas (Pubmed, Medline), limitada aos Ășltimos 10 anos e com as palavras-chave: “overactive bladder” e “costs”. Todas as publicaçÔes que cumpriam os critĂ©rios desta pesquisa foram contabilizadas, tendo-se registado as suas conclusĂ”es, com vista ao cĂĄlculo dos custos presumĂ­veis no futuro, relativos Ă  bexiga hiperactiva e aos seus efeitos secundĂĄrios estudados nestes Ășltimos anos. Resultados: Foram seleccionados 109 artigos, 31 dos quais, artigos de revisĂŁo. É interessante verificar que apenas um foi encontrado com data anterior ao ano 2000. Foram identificados vĂĄrios efeitos secundĂĄrios associados Ă  bexiga hiperactiva, que se somam aos custos directamente relacionados com esta situação. ConclusĂ”es: Este problema Ă© objecto de estudo desde hĂĄ pouco tempo. O nĂșmero crescente de publicaçÔes reflecte uma maior consciencialização da parte dos profissionais de saĂșde. Os custos associados ao tratamento da bexiga hiperactiva bem como os custos associados ao tratamento das complicaçÔes associadas sugerem a necessidade urgente de considerar melhores polĂ­ticas de tratamento

    Simulation of Electric Vehicles Combining Structural and Functional Approaches

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    In this paper the construction of a model that represents the behavior of an Electric Vehicle is described. Both the mechanical and the electric traction systems are represented using Multi-Bond Graph structural approach suited to model large scale physical systems. Then the model of the controllers, represented with a functional approach, is included giving rise to an integrated model which exploits the advantages of both approaches. Simulation and experimental results are aimed to illustrate the electromechanical interaction and to validate the proposal.Fil: Silva, Luis Ignacio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto. Facultad de Ingeniería. Grupo de Electronica Aplicada; ArgentinaFil: Magallån, Guillermo Andrés. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto. Facultad de Ingeniería. Grupo de Electronica Aplicada; ArgentinaFil: de la Barrera, Pablo Martin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto. Facultad de Ingeniería. Grupo de Electronica Aplicada; ArgentinaFil: de Angelo, Cristian Hernan. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto. Facultad de Ingeniería. Grupo de Electronica Aplicada; ArgentinaFil: Garcia, Guillermo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto. Facultad de Ingeniería. Grupo de Electronica Aplicada; Argentin

    Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) Prevents the Downregulation of the Cholinergic Phenotype in Axotomized Motoneurons of the Adult Rat

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    Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) was initially characterized by its activity on the vascular system. However, there is growing evidence indicating that VEGF also acts as a neuroprotective factor, and that its administration to neurons suffering from trauma or disease is able to rescue them from cell death. We questioned whether VEGF could also maintain damaged neurons in a neurotransmissive mode by evaluating the synthesis of their neurotransmitter, and whether its action would be direct or through its well-known angiogenic activity. Adult rat extraocular motoneurons were chosen as the experimental model. Lesion was performed by monocular enucleation and immediately a gelatine sponge soaked in VEGF was implanted intraorbitally. After 7 days, abducens, trochlear, and oculomotor nuclei were examined by immunohistochemistry against choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), the biosynthetic enzyme of the motoneuronal neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Lesioned motoneurons exhibited a noticeable ChAT downregulation which was prevented by VEGF administration. To explore whether this action was mediated via an increase in blood vessels or in their permeability, we performed immunohistochemistry against laminin, glucose transporter-1 and the plasmatic protein albumin. The quantification of the immunolabeling intensity against these three proteins showed no significant differences between VEGF-treated, axotomized and control animals. Therefore, the present data indicate that VEGF is able to sustain the cholinergic phenotype in damaged motoneurons, which is a first step for adequate neuromuscular neurotransmission, and that this action seems to be mediated directly on neurons since no sign of angiogenic activity was evident. These data reinforces the therapeutical potential of VEGF in motoneuronal diseases.España, MINECO and FEDER BFU2015-64515-PJunta de Andalucía and FEDER : P10-CVI605
