8 research outputs found

    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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    Biodiversity loss is one of the main challenges of our time, and attempts to address it require a clear understanding of how ecological communities respond to environmental change across time and space. While the increasing availability of global databases on ecological communities has advanced our knowledge of biodiversity sensitivity to environmental changes, vast areas of the tropics remain understudied. In the American tropics, Amazonia stands out as the world's most diverse rainforest and the primary source of Neotropical biodiversity, but it remains among the least known forests in America and is often underrepresented in biodiversity databases. To worsen this situation, human-induced modifications may eliminate pieces of the Amazon's biodiversity puzzle before we can use them to understand how ecological communities are responding. To increase generalization and applicability of biodiversity knowledge, it is thus crucial to reduce biases in ecological research, particularly in regions projected to face the most pronounced environmental changes. We integrate ecological community metadata of 7,694 sampling sites for multiple organism groups in a machine learning model framework to map the research probability across the Brazilian Amazonia, while identifying the region's vulnerability to environmental change. 15%–18% of the most neglected areas in ecological research are expected to experience severe climate or land use changes by 2050. This means that unless we take immediate action, we will not be able to establish their current status, much less monitor how it is changing and what is being lost

    Mapping wood volume in seasonally dry vegetation of Caatinga in Bahia State, Brazil

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    The Caatinga biome in Brazil comprises the largest and most continuous expanse of the seasonally dry tropical forest (SDTF) worldwide; nevertheless, it is among the most threatened and least studied, despite its ecological and biogeographical importance. The spatial distribution of volumetric wood stocks in the Caatinga and the relationship with environmental factors remain unknown. Therefore, this study intends to quantify and analyze the spatial distribution of wood volume as a function of environmental variables in Caatinga vegetation in Bahia State, Brazil. Volumetric estimates were obtained at the plot and fragment level. The multiple linear regression techniques were adopted, using environmental variables in the area as predictors. Spatial modeling was performed using the geostatistical kriging approach with the model residuals. The model developed presented a reasonable fit for the volume m3 ha with r2 of 0.54 and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 10.9 m3 ha–1. The kriging of ordinary residuals suggested low error estimates in unsampled locations and balance in the under and overestimates of the model. The regression kriging approach provided greater detailing of the global wood volume stock map, yielding volume estimates that ranged from 0.01 to 109 m3 ha–1. Elevation, mean annual temperature, and precipitation of the driest month are strong environmental predictors for volume estimation. This information is necessary to development action plans for sustainable management and use of the Caatinga SDTF in Bahia State, Brazil

    Esterilização em gatas mediante salpingectomia parcial (incluindo prenhes) versus ovariossalpingohisterectomia Sterilization in queens by partial salpingectomy (including pregnant) versus ovariohysterectomy

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    A ligadura ou laqueadura das tubas uterinas é uma forma de contracepção bastante utilizada na medicina humana. Ela consiste na oclusão mecânica e/ou ressecção parcial desta estrutura (salpingectomia parcial). Nesta pesquisa, procurou-se utilizar uma técnica de contracepção definitiva em gatas prenhes, que não comprometesse a gestação em curso, o parto, nem os conceptos, tendo em vista a frequência da visualização de útero gravídico nas campanhas de castração. Avaliou-se também o ganho de peso e mudanças de comportamento das gatas submetidas à salpingectomia parcial, comparando-as com as submetidas à ovariossalpingohisterectomia (OSH), além de comparar o tempo cirúrgico entre os dois procedimentos. Para tal, foram utilizadas 40 gatas, distribuídas em dois grupos de 20 animais, GA: salpingectomia parcial, e GB: OSH; sendo o primeiro subdividido em GA1 contendo 10 gatas prenhes e GA2 contendo 10 não prenhes. Todos os animais foram reavaliados com sete, 60, 180 e 365 dias. O tempo cirúrgico apresentou diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos, sendo o GB mais demorado. Nas gatas do grupo GA1, o curso gestacional e o parto foram normais. No total, foram visualizadas 51 vesículas embrionárias, nasceram 49 fetos vivos e ocorreram duas reabsorções fetais. Dentre os 49 fetos, sete (14,28%) apresentaram a anormalidade genu recurvatum. Quanto à fertilidade, os animais do grupo A que ciclaram e copularam não engravidaram. Apenas o grupo B apresentou aumento de peso médio (20,34%) estatisticamente significativo. Com relação aos parâmetros comportamentais, o grupo B apresentou maiores alterações quanto ao aumento na ingestão de alimentos, aumento da letargia e diminuição do período de vigília. Concluiu-se que a técnica de salpingectomia parcial realizada em gatas é um método contraceptivo 100% eficaz, de rápida execução, que pode ser empregado durante a identificação transcirúrgica do estado de prenhez, com mínimo efeito prejudicial aos conceptos e sem alterações significativas de conduta e ganho de peso, mas com características indesejáveis quanto à aceitação dos proprietários.<br>The tubal occlusion is a form of contraception used in human medicine, which consists of mechanical occlusion and / or partial resection of this structure (partial salpingectomy). In this study, we tried to use a technique for definitive contraception in pregnant queens, that would not compromise the current pregnancy, the birth of kittens, and the concepts, considering the frequency of the visualization of gravid uterus in castration campaigns. Another objective was evaluate weight gain and changes in behavior of queens submitted to partial salpingectomy, comparing them with those submitted to ovariohysterectomy (OSH), and to compare the time between both surgical procedures. Were used 40 queens, divided into two groups of 20 animals, GA: Partial salpingectomy, and GB: OSH. The group GA, was divided in GA1, containing 10 queens pregnant and GA2 containing 10 non-pregnant. All animals were assessed with seven, 60, 180 and 365 days. The surgical times showed statistically significant difference between the groups, with GB slower. The gestacional course and birth of kittens were normal in queens of group GA1. A total of 51 embryonic vesicles were visualized, 49 born live fetuses, and occurring two fetals resorptions. Among the 49 fetuses, seven (14.28%) presented genu recurvatum. With respect to fertility, the animals in group A that cycled and mated, did not get pregnant. Only the Group B showed average weight increase (20.34%) statistically significant. Regarding the behavioral parameters, the group B showed increase in food intake, increase of the lethargy, and decreased in waking period. It is concluded that the technique of partial salpingectomy performed in queens is a 100% effective contraceptive method of rapid execution, which can be employed during the transoperative identification of pregnancy, with minimal adverse effects on fetuses, no significant changes of behavior neither weight gain, but with undesirable characteristics on the acceptance of owners

    Influência da urbanização sobre as assembléias de peixes em três córregos de Maringá, Paraná Influence of urbanization upon fish assemblages in three streams of Maringá, Paraná

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    O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar padrões espaciais na composição, estrutura e distribuição das assembléias de peixes e suas relações com características abióticas em três córregos urbanos da cidade de Maringá, Paraná, Brasil. Peixes foram coletados ao longo de um gradiente longitudinal utilizando pesca elétrica nos meses de maio e novembro de 2004. Temperatura, nitrogênio, pH, oxigênio e fósforo foram as variáveis que mais influenciaram a análise de componentes principais (CPA). Riqueza, eqüitabilidade, índice de diversidade de Shannon-Wiener e o primeiro eixo da análise de correspondência com remoção do efeito do arco (DCA) foram diretamente correlacionados com características ligadas ao impacto químico urbano. Adição de espécies prevaleceu nas estações de amostragem do córrego Miosótis e entre a cabeceira e porção intermediária nos córregos Nazaré e Mandacaru. Substituição ocorreu entre as porções intermediárias e foz desses córregos. A dominância da espécie tolerante Poecilia reticulata Peters, 1859 indicou a influência do impacto do meio urbano sobre as assembléias de peixes.<br>The aim of the present study was to evaluate spatial patterns in composition, structure and distribution of fish assemblages and their relationships with abiotic characteristics in three urban streams of Maringá city, Paraná, Brazil. Fish were collected along the longitudinal gradient by electrofishing in May and November 2004. Temperature, nitrogen, pH, oxygen and phosphorous influenced at most the principal components analysis (PCA). Richness, evenness, Shannon-Wiener index and the first axis of detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) were directly correlated with abiotic characteristics related to chemical urban impact. Species addition prevailed in Miosotis stream sampling stations, and between headwater and intermediary reaches in Nazaré and Mandacarú streams. Replacement occurred between intermediary and lowland reaches of these streams. The dominance of the tolerant species Poecilia reticulata Peters, 1859 indicated the influence of the urban impact on fish assemblages