83 research outputs found


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    Objectives: To identify the perception and the sentiments of the nurses, in relation to death and dying, who work with the harvesting of organs for transplant. Methods: This is a descriptive research utilizing a qualitative approach. Ten (10) semi-structured interviews were performed, recorded on video-cassette, and the data were analyzed following the analysis of the speeches according to Bardin. Results: Three categories emerged: Category 1 – The significance of death is represented by the following subcategories: Finality, Rebirthing and Contradiction; Category 2 – The significance of donation, is represented by the following subcategories: Solidarity and Generosity, Chance of Life and Contradiction; Category 3 – Existing conflicts among nurses who work in the process of harvesting organs is represented by the following subcategories: Interpersonal relations with the family of the donator, caring for the donor in detriment of the donation, suffering at work, trying to maintain control, criticizing the process of harvesting organs and searching for meaning in their work. Conclusion: From analyzing the content according to the Bardin’s method of processing data, it can be inferred that professionals involved in harvesting organs need to be fully aware that they can compromise their own mental and physical health when encountering these frequent existential conflicts and moral dilemmas.Objetivo: Identificar la percepción y los sentimientos de los enfermeros que trabajan en la captación de órganos para trasplantes en relación a la muerte y al morir. Método: Trátase de una investigación descriptiva con abordaje cualitativo. Fueron realizadas 10 entrevistas semi-estructuradas, grabadas en cinta-cassette, y los datos discutidos a partir del análisis de los discursos según Bardin. Resultados: Emergieron tres categorías: Categoría 1 - El significado de la muerte, constituida por las subcategorías: Finitud, Renacimiento y Contradicción; Categoría 2 – El significado de la donación, con las subcategorías: Solidaridad y desprendimiento, Oportunidad de vida e Contradicción; Categoría 3 – Conflictos vivenciados por el enfermero en el proceso de trabajo en la captación de órganos, teniendo como subcategorías: Estando con la familia del donador, Cuidando del donador en detrimento de la donación, Sufriendo en el trabajo, Intentando preservarse, Criticando el proceso de captación y Buscando el sentido del trabajo. Conclusión: A partir del análisis de los contenidos según las orientaciones del método de proceso de datos de Bardin, podemos inferir que los profesionales de captación de órganos necesitan ser cuidados por vivenciar conflictos existenciales y dilemas morales con mucha frecuencia en sus quehaceres, pudiendo comprometer su propia salud mental y física.Objetivo: identificar a percepção e os sentimentos dos enfermeiros que trabalham na captação de órgãos para transplante em relação à morte e o morrer. Método: trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva com abordagem qualitativa. Foram realizadas 10 entrevistas semi-estruturadas, gravadas em fita cassete, e os dados analisados a partir da análise dos discursos. Resultados: emergiram três categorias: Categoria 1 – O significado da morte, constituída pelas subcategorias: Finitude, Renascimento e Contradição; Categoria 2 – O significado da doação, com as subcategorias: Solidariedade e desprendimento, Chance de vida e Contradição; Categoria 3 – Conflitos vivenciados pelo enfermeiro no processo de trabalho na captação de órgãos, tendo como subcategorias: Estando com a família do doador, Cuidando do doador em detrimento a doação, Sofrendo no trabalho, Tentando preservar-se, Criticando o processo de captação e Buscando o sentido do trabalho. Conclusão: os profissionais de captação de órgãos necessitam ser cuidados por vivenciarem conflitos existenciais e dilemas morais com grande freqüência em seu fazer, podendo comprometer sua saúde mental e física

    Molecular mapping in tropical maize (Zea mays L.) using microsatellite markers. 1. Map construction and localization of loci showing distorted segregation

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    Microsatellites have become the most important class of markers for mapping procedures. Primarily based on restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers, several molecular genetic maps of maize have been developed, mainly using temperate inbred maize lines. To characterize the level of polymorphism of microsatellite loci and construct a genetic map in tropical maize, two elite inbred lines, L-08-05F and L-14-4B, were crossed to produce 400 F-2 individuals that were used as a mapping population. A survey of 859 primer pair sequences of microsatellites was used. The polymorphism screens of each microsatellite and genotype assignment were performed using high-resolution agarose gels. About 54 % of the primer sets gave clearly scorable amplification products, 13 % did not amplify and 33% could not be scored on agarose gels. A total of 213 polymorphic markers were identified and used to genotype the mapping population. Among the polymorphic markers, 40 showed loci deviating from expected Mendelian ratios and clusters of deviating markers were located in three chromosome regions. Non-Mendelian scoring was present in 19 markers. The final genetic map with 117 markers spanned 1634 cM in length with an average interval of 14 cM between adjacent markers.13929610

    Functional markers for gene mapping and genetic diversity studies in sugarcane

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The database of sugarcane expressed sequence tags (EST) offers a great opportunity for developing molecular markers that are directly associated with important agronomic traits. The development of new EST-SSR markers represents an important tool for genetic analysis. In sugarcane breeding programs, functional markers can be used to accelerate the process and select important agronomic traits, especially in the mapping of quantitative traits loci (QTL) and plant resistant pathogens or qualitative resistance loci (QRL). The aim of this work was to develop new simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers in sugarcane using the sugarcane expressed sequence tag (SUCEST database).</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>A total of 365 EST-SSR molecular markers with trinucleotide motifs were developed and evaluated in a collection of 18 genotypes of sugarcane (15 varieties and 3 species). In total, 287 of the EST-SSRs markers amplified fragments of the expected size and were polymorphic in the analyzed sugarcane varieties. The number of alleles ranged from 2-18, with an average of 6 alleles per locus, while polymorphism information content values ranged from 0.21-0.92, with an average of 0.69. The discrimination power was high for the majority of the EST-SSRs, with an average value of 0.80. Among the markers characterized in this study some have particular interest, those that are related to bacterial defense responses, generation of precursor metabolites and energy and those involved in carbohydrate metabolic process.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These EST-SSR markers presented in this work can be efficiently used for genetic mapping studies of segregating sugarcane populations. The high Polymorphism Information Content (PIC) and Discriminant Power (DP) presented facilitate the QTL identification and marker-assisted selection due the association with functional regions of the genome became an important tool for the sugarcane breeding program.</p

    Fatores associados a atividade fisica, comportamento sedentario e participacao na Educacao Fisica em estudantes do Ensino Medio em Santa Catarina, Brasil

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    Abstract published in English and Portuguese English title: Factors associated with physical activity, sedentary behavior, and participation in physical education among high school students in Santa Catarina State, BrazilThe objectives of this study were to estimate the prevalence of insufficient physical activity, sedentary behavior, and absence from physical education and associated factors. The Santa Catarina State Adolescents' Questionnaire (COMPAC, in Portuguese) was applied to a sample of 5,028 adolescents (15-19 years of age) attending public high schools in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Information included demographic and socioeconomic indicators. Poisson regression analyses were used to test associations. The proportion of students with insufficient physical activity was 28.5%, associated with low consumption of fruits and vegetables (PR = 1.27; 95%CI: 1.15; 1.40) and enrollment in night classes (PR = 1.44; 95%CI: 1.34; 1.54). Absence from physical education was reported by 48.6%; employment and older age were negatively associated with absence from physical education. Sedentary behavior was reported by 38.4%, but was less frequent in rural areas (PR = 0.52; 95%CI: 0.31; 0.83) and among those enrolled in absence from physical education (RP = 0.73; 95%CI: 0.56; 0.95). The results suggest interventions with specific strategies aimed at ameliorating each contributing factor. = O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as prevalências e fatores associados à atividade física insuficiente, comportamento sedentário e ausência nas aulas de Educação Física em escolares do Ensino Médio. O questionário COMPAC (Comportamento do Adolescente Catarinense) foi respondido por 5.028 estudantes (15 a 19 anos), de escolas públicas de Santa Catarina, Sul do Brasil. Foram analisados comportamentos de risco, informações demográficas e sócio-econômicas. Utilizou-se regressão de Poisson para análises das associações. A prevalência de atividade física insuficiente foi de 28,5% e associou-se a um menor consumo de frutas/verduras (RP = 1,27; IC95%: 1,15-1,40) e estudo noturno (RP = 1,44; IC95%: 1,34-1,54). A prevalência de ausência nas aulas de Educação Física foi de 48,6% e associou-se negativamente à idade e com estar trabalhando (RP = 1,52; IC95%: 1,18-2,19). A prevalência de comportamento sedentário foi de 38,4%, atingindo menos os residentes de áreas rurais (RP = 0,52; IC95%: 0,31-0,83) e que participavam de uma ausência nas aulas de Educação Física semanal (RP = 0,73; IC95%: 0,56-0,95). Os resultados sugerem intervenções com estratégias específicas para cada comportamento analisado.Kelly Samara da Silva, Markus Vinícius Nahas, Karen Glazer Peres, Adair da Silva Lope