4,920 research outputs found

    Explaining global increases in water use efficiency: why have we overestimated responses to rising atmospheric CO(2) in natural forest ecosystems?

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    BackgroundThe analysis of tree-ring carbon isotope composition (δ(13)C) has been widely used to estimate spatio-temporal variations in intrinsic water use efficiency (iWUE) of tree species. Numerous studies have reported widespread increases in iWUE coinciding with rising atmospheric CO(2) over the past century. While this could represent a coherent global response, the fact that increases of similar magnitude were observed across biomes with no apparent effect on tree growth raises the question of whether iWUE calculations reflect actual physiological responses to elevated CO(2) levels.Methodology/resultsHere we use Monte Carlo simulations to test if an artifact of calculation could explain observed increases in iWUE. We show that highly significant positive relationships between iWUE and CO(2) occur even when simulated data (randomized δ(13)C values spanning the observed range) are used in place of actual tree-ring δ(13)C measurements. From simulated data sets we calculated non-physiological changes in iWUE from 1900 to present and across a 4000 m altitudinal range. This generated results strikingly similar to those reported in recent studies encompassing 22 species from tropical, subtropical, temperate, boreal and mediterranean ecosystems. Only 6 of 49 surveyed case studies showed increases in iWUE significantly higher than predicted from random values.Conclusions/significanceOur results reveal that increases in iWUE estimated from tree-ring δ(13)C occur independently of changes in (13)C discrimination that characterize physiological responses to elevated CO(2). Due to a correlation with CO(2) concentration, which is used as an independent factor in the iWUE calculation, any tree-ring δ(13)C data set would inevitably generate increasing iWUE over time. Therefore, although consistent, previously reported trends in iWUE do not necessarily reflect a coherent global response to rising atmospheric CO(2). We discuss the significance of these findings and suggest ways to distinguish real from artificial responses in future studies

    Integrating effects of species composition and soil properties to predict shifts in montane forest carbon-water relations.

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    This study was designed to address a major source of uncertainty pertaining to coupled carbon-water cycles in montane forest ecosystems. The Sierra Nevada of California was used as a model system to investigate connections between the physiological performance of trees and landscape patterns of forest carbon and water use. The intrinsic water-use efficiency (iWUE)-an index of CO2 fixed per unit of potential water lost via transpiration-of nine dominant species was determined in replicated transects along an ∼1,500-m elevation gradient, spanning a broad range of climatic conditions and soils derived from three different parent materials. Stable isotope ratios of carbon and oxygen measured at the leaf level were combined with field-based and remotely sensed metrics of stand productivity, revealing that variation in iWUE depends primarily on leaf traits (∼24% of the variability), followed by stand productivity (∼16% of the variability), climatic regime (∼13% of the variability), and soil development (∼12% of the variability). Significant interactions between species composition and soil properties proved useful to predict changes in forest carbon-water relations. On the basis of observed shifts in tree species composition, ongoing since the 1950s and intensified in recent years, an increase in water loss through transpiration (ranging from 10 to 60% depending on parent material) is now expected in mixed conifer forests throughout the region

    Iron: the forgotten driver of nitrous oxide production in agricultural soil.

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    In response to rising interest over the years, many experiments and several models have been devised to understand emission of nitrous oxide (N2O) from agricultural soils. Notably absent from almost all of this discussion is iron, even though its role in both chemical and biochemical reactions that generate N2O was recognized well before research on N2O emission began to accelerate. We revisited iron by exploring its importance alongside other soil properties commonly believed to control N2O production in agricultural systems. A set of soils from California's main agricultural regions was used to observe N2O emission under conditions representative of typical field scenarios. Results of multivariate analysis showed that in five of the twelve different conditions studied, iron ranked higher than any other intrinsic soil property in explaining observed emissions across soils. Upcoming studies stand to gain valuable information by considering iron among the drivers of N2O emission, expanding the current framework to include coupling between biotic and abiotic reactions

    Carbon dioxide level and form of soil nitrogen regulate assimilation of atmospheric ammonia in young trees.

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    The influence of carbon dioxide (CO2) and soil fertility on the physiological performance of plants has been extensively studied, but their combined effect is notoriously difficult to predict. Using Coffea arabica as a model tree species, we observed an additive effect on growth, by which aboveground productivity was highest under elevated CO2 and ammonium fertilization, while nitrate fertilization favored greater belowground biomass allocation regardless of CO2 concentration. A pulse of labelled gases ((13)CO2 and (15)NH3) was administered to these trees as a means to determine the legacy effect of CO2 level and soil nitrogen form on foliar gas uptake and translocation. Surprisingly, trees with the largest aboveground biomass assimilated significantly less NH3 than the smaller trees. This was partly explained by declines in stomatal conductance in plants grown under elevated CO2. However, unlike the (13)CO2 pulse, assimilation and transport of the (15)NH3 pulse to shoots and roots varied as a function of interactions between stomatal conductance and direct plant response to the form of soil nitrogen, observed as differences in tissue nitrogen content and biomass allocation. Nitrogen form is therefore an intrinsic component of physiological responses to atmospheric change, including assimilation of gaseous nitrogen as influenced by plant growth history

    Tree growth acceleration and expansion of alpine forests: The synergistic effect of atmospheric and edaphic change.

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    Many forest ecosystems have experienced recent declines in productivity; however, in some alpine regions, tree growth and forest expansion are increasing at marked rates. Dendrochronological analyses at the upper limit of alpine forests in the Tibetan Plateau show a steady increase in tree growth since the early 1900s, which intensified during the 1930s and 1960s, and have reached unprecedented levels since 1760. This recent growth acceleration was observed in small/young and large/old trees and coincided with the establishment of trees outside the forest range, reflecting a connection between the physiological performance of dominant species and shifts in forest distribution. Measurements of stable isotopes (carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen) in tree rings indicate that tree growth has been stimulated by the synergistic effect of rising atmospheric CO2 and a warming-induced increase in water and nutrient availability from thawing permafrost. These findings illustrate the importance of considering soil-plant-atmosphere interactions to understand current and anticipate future changes in productivity and distribution of forest ecosystems

    Embedded shear layers in turbulent boundary layers of a NACA0012 airfoil at high angles of attack

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    An investigation of turbulent boundary layers (TBLs) is presented for a NACA0012 airfoil at angles of attack 9 and 12 deg. Wall-resolved large eddy simulations (LES) are conducted for a freestream Mach number M = 0.2 and chord-based Reynolds number Re = 4x10^5, where the boundary layers are tripped near the airfoil leading edge on the suction side. For the angles of attack analyzed, mild, moderate and strong adverse pressure gradients (APGs) develop over the airfoil. Despite the strong APGs, the mean flow remains attached along the entire airfoil suction side. Similarly to other APG-TBLs investigated in the literature, a secondary peak appears in the Reynolds stress and turbulence production profiles. This secondary peak arises in the outer layer and, for strong APGs, it may overcome the first peak typically observed in the inner layer. The analysis of the turbulence production shows that other components of the production tensor become important in the outer layer besides the shear term. For moderate and strong APGs, the mean velocity profiles depict three inflexion points, the third being unstable under inviscid stability criteria. In this context, an embedded shear layer develops along the outer region of the TBL leading to the formation of two-dimensional rollers typical of a Kelvin-Helmholtz instability which are captured by a spectral proper orthogonal decomposition (SPOD) analysis. The most energetic SPOD spatial modes of the tangential velocity show that streaks form along the airfoil suction side and, as the APG becomes stronger, they grow along the spanwise and wall-normal directions, having a spatial support along the entire boundary layer

    Stabilizer Quantum Error Correction with Qubus Computation

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    In this paper we investigate stabilizer quantum error correction codes using controlled phase rotations of strong coherent probe states. We explicitly describe two methods to measure the Pauli operators which generate the stabilizer group of a quantum code. First, we show how to measure a Pauli operator acting on physical qubits using a single coherent state with large average photon number, displacement operations, and photon detection. Second, we show how to measure the stabilizer operators fault-tolerantly by the deterministic preparation of coherent cat states along with one-bit teleportations between a qubit-like encoding of coherent states and physical qubits.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Asteroseismic properties of solar-type stars observed with the NASA K2 mission: results from Campaigns 1-3 and prospects for future observations

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    We present an asteroseismic analysis of 33 solar-type stars observed in short cadence during Campaigns (C) 1-3 of the NASA K2 mission. We were able to extract both average seismic parameters and individual mode frequencies for stars with dominant frequencies up to ~3300{\mu}Hz, and we find that data for some targets are good enough to allow for a measurement of the rotational splitting. Modelling of the extracted parameters is performed by using grid-based methods using average parameters and individual frequencies together with spectroscopic parameters. For the target selection in C3, stars were chosen as in C1 and C2 to cover a wide range in parameter space to better understand the performance and noise characteristics. For C3 we still detected oscillations in 73% of the observed stars that we proposed. Future K2 campaigns hold great promise for the study of nearby clusters and the chemical evolution and age-metallicity relation of nearby field stars in the solar neighbourhood. We expect oscillations to be detected in ~388 short-cadence targets if the K2 mission continues until C18, which will greatly complement the ~500 detections of solar-like oscillations made for short-cadence targets during the nominal Kepler mission. For ~30-40 of these, including several members of the Hyades open cluster, we furthermore expect that inference from interferometry should be possible.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figures, 4 tables; accepted for publication in PAS

    Sub-micrometer epitaxial Josephson junctions for quantum circuits

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    We present a fabrication scheme and testing results for epitaxial sub-micrometer Josephson junctions. The junctions are made using a high-temperature (1170 K) "via process" yielding junctions as small as 0.8 mu m in diameter by use of optical lithography. Sapphire (Al2O3) tunnel-barriers are grown on an epitaxial Re/Ti multilayer base-electrode. We have fabricated devices with both Re and Al top electrodes. While room-temperature (295 K) resistance versus area data are favorable for both types of top electrodes, the low-temperature (50 mK) data show that junctions with the Al top electrode have a much higher subgap resistance. The microwave loss properties of the junctions have been measured by use of superconducting Josephson junction qubits. The results show that high subgap resistance correlates to improved qubit performance
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