2 research outputs found

    Análise de coliformes totais e termotolerantes em vegetais minimamente processados comercializados em um supermercado de Montes Claros, Minas Gerais

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    To be considered minimally processed food, vegetables and fruits must be subjected to one or more physical or chemical changes, such as washing, peeling, slicing, cutting and sanitation, making them ready for consumption or preparation . The presence of coliforms in this type of product is indicative of inadequate sanitary conditions during processing, storage, transport or commercialization; which can reduce the lifespan of the food and also cause food poisoning. In this context, the aim of this study was the quantification of total and thermotolerant coliforms in minimally processed foods sold in a supermarket of Montes Claros/ MG. A total of 5 samples of minimally processed vegetables were acquired. Each sample was composed of a soupkit which contained pumpkin, potatoes, carrots and chayote. Based on the Brazilian legislation, the minimally processed foods analyzed were unsuitable for consumption as 100% of the samples presented results for thermotolerant coliforms greater than 10² MPN/g. The high level of total and thermotolerant coliforms detected indicated poor sanitary quality of the products analyzed.Para hortaliças e frutos serem considerados produtos minimamente processados, estes devem ser submetidos a um ou mais métodos físico-químicos, como lavagem, descascamento, fatiamento e corte e sanitização, tornando-os prontos para o consumo ou preparo. A presença de coliformes nesse tipo de produto é um indicativo de condições sanitárias inadequadas durante o processamento, armazenamento, transporte ou comercialização; podendo assim reduzir a vida útil do alimento e também causar toxinfecção alimentar. Diante deste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar a quantificação de coliformes totais e coliformes termotolerantes em produtos minimamente processados comercializados em um supermercado de Montes Claros/MG. Um total de 5 amostras de produtos hortícolas minimamente processados foram adquiridas. Cada amostra era constituída por um kit para sopa onde continha abóbora, batata-inglesa, cenoura e chuchu. Com base na legislação brasileira os produtos minimamente processados analisados estavam inadequados para o consumo uma vez que 100% das amostras apresentaram resultados para coliformes termotolerantes maior que 10² NMP/g. O nível elevado de coliformes totais e termotolerantes detectados indicou má qualidade higiênico-sanitária dos produtos analisados

    Assessment of the risk of pressure ulcer development among hospitalized HIV/Aids patients

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    ABSTRACT Objective: to assess the risk of pressure ulcer development among hospitalized HIV/Aids. Metod: study quantitative descriptive with 35 patients admitted to an infectious diseases hospital in Curitiba-PR-BR. Characterized clinical and epidemiological of patients using a data collection instrument and the Braden Scale. Data was compiled using Excel® and a simple descriptive analysis. Results: two patients were found to have pressure ulcers and the most common comorbidities associated with HIV/Aids were pneumocystis pneumonia, caused by pneumocisti cariini (16), and pulmonary tuberculosis (13). The lowest scores were obtained in the friction and shear subscale, followed by the activity, nutrition, mobility and moisture subscales. The highest score was obtained in the sensory perception subscale. Two patients were classified as 'very high risk', six as 'high risk', three as 'low risk', and the rest as 'no risk'. Conclusion: risk assessment using scales provides objective information to assist with systemized and targeted nursing decision-making