2,711 research outputs found

    Mineral profile and resilience to low water provision of white and black chickpea varieties (Cicer arietinum)

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    Legumes are of great importance for agriculture and the environment due to their ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen, providing important amounts of minerals, and vitamins, being are an excellent option for a balanced diet (Geraldo et al., 2022). Among the most consumed legumes worldwide, chickpeas (Cicer arietinum) have gained evidence in these past decades, through increased individual production, intercropping with other crops, and formulation of food products, thus improving the resilience of agroecosystems at lower environmental costs (Saget et al., 2020). However, the exploitation of traditional chickpea varieties, such as the black chickpea, has been overlooked, and the recovery of under-exploited traditional varieties could contribute to foster biodiversity, promote environmental sustainability and diversify diets. However, current knowledge on the nutritional profile of commercial and traditional chickpea varieties and their resilience to environmental stresses, such as water scarcity, is very limited, being the focus of this work.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Differential responses of Kabuli and Desi chickpeas (Cicer arietinum) to low water provision and their mineral profiling

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    Legume grains are of great importance for agriculture and the environment due to their ability to symbiotically fix atmospheric nitrogen and provide protein, minerals, vitamins, and other bioactive nutrients (Geraldo et al., 2022). Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) is one of the most consumed legumes worldwide and it has gained even more importance in recent decades. Production levels have increased, their incorporation as intercrops has been promoted, and they have been used in the formulation of novel food products (Saget et al., 2020). Nonetheless, the exploitation of traditional chickpea varieties, such as the Desi type (black coloured chickpea), has been overlooked, and the recovery of under-exploited traditional varieties could contribute to fostering biodiversity, and promoting environmental sustainability and diversifying diets. However, current knowledge on the nutritional profile of commercial and traditional chickpea varieties and their resilience degree to environmental stresses, such as water scarcity, is limited, thus being the focus of this work.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Low water supply differentially affects the growth, yield and mineral profile of kabuli and desi chickpeas (cicer arietinum)

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    The climatic events predicted to increase in intensity and frequency in the near future, including drought, may influence the quality and productivity of several important crops for human nutrition, such as legumes. Herein, two chickpea genotypes (Cicer arietinum) were analysed for their resilience to low water supply: a commercial white chickpea (kabuli), and a black chickpea (desi) with marginal production in occidental countries. Plants were grown under four levels of water supplies (90, 75, 50 and 25% of field capacity), and biometric variables (root, shoot, pods and seeds), proxies of plant fitness (water content and oxidative stress) and the seed nutritional profile (protein and mineral concentrations) were analysed at plant maturity. Results show that water content in shoots and roots decreased with decreasing water supplies, with kabuli plants generally having higher water content in shoots and desi in roots. Shoot length was significantly higher in kabuli compared to desi, while root length increased up to 11% in both species with decreasing water supplies. The root-to-shoot ratio was higher in kabuli and increased with decreasing water supply, being negatively correlated with the number of pods and seeds per plant. Lipid peroxidation increased with decreasing water supply, having slight positive correlations with plant growth parameters while being negatively correlated with plant productivity. No significant effects of plant genotype and water supply were observed on seed K, Ca, and protein, but desi was able to sustain higher P, Mg, Zn, Fe, Mn and B than kabuli, including at lower water supplies. Results suggest that water stress negatively impacts plant growth and productivity and that the two chickpea genotypes have distinct biomass and water allocation strategies to cope with low water supply. These findings may be useful in strategies for improving the productivity and nutritional profile of chickpea crops under water-limited conditions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Chitosan increases Pinus pinaster tolerance to the pinewood nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus) by promoting plant antioxidative metabolism

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    The pine wilt disease (PWD), for which no effective treatment is available at the moment, is a constant threat to Pinus spp. plantations worldwide, being responsible for significant economic and environmental losses every year. It has been demonstrated that elicitation with chitosan increases plant tolerance to the pinewood nematode (PWN) Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, the causal agent of the PWD, but the biochemical and genetic aspects underlying this response have not been explored. To understand the influence of chitosan in Pinus pinaster tolerance against PWN, a low-molecular-weight (327 kDa) chitosan was applied to mock- and PWN-inoculated plants. Nematode population, malondialdehyde (MDA), catalase, carotenoids, anthocyanins, phenolic compounds, lignin and gene expression related to oxidative stress (thioredoxin 1, TRX) and plant defence (defensin, DEF, and a-farnesene synthase, AFS), were analysed at 1, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days post-inoculation (dpi). At 28 dpi, PWN-infected plants elicited with chitosan showed a sixfold lower nematode population when compared to non-elicited plants. Higher levels of MDA, catalase, carotenoids, anthocyanins, phenolic compounds, and lignin were detected in chitosan-elicited plants following infection. The expression levels of DEF gene were higher in elicited plants, while TRX and AFS expression was lower, possibly due to the disease containment-effect of chitosan. Combined, we conclude that chitosan induces pine defences against PWD via modulation of metabolic and transcriptomic mechanisms related with plant antioxidant system.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Impacto da capacidade cognitiva e das atribuições causais no rendimento escolar na matemática

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    A capacidade cognitiva e a motivação académica têm sido frequentemente assumidas como as variáveis do aluno mais determinantes da sua aprendizagem e rendimento escolar. Neste estudo, operacionalizando a capacidade cognitiva através de uma bateria de testes de raciocínio e a motivação através de uma escala de atribuições causais, analisa-se o impacto de ambas as variáveis psicológicas no rendimento dos alunos na disciplina de Matemática. A amostra é formada por todos os alunos do 6.° ano de escolaridade de uma escola privada, com contrato de associação, do distrito de Braga. Os resultados mostram que a capacidade cognitiva se apresenta como o melhor preditor do rendimento escolar, havendo ainda parte da variância do rendimento na matemática associada, em sentido negativo, à atribuição causal do sucesso à sorte. Este dado sugere que alunos que não atribuem o seu rendimento ao acaso apresentam, em geral, melhores classificações escolares.The cognitive ability and academic motivation have often been assumed as the most determinant variables of student learning and their school performance. ln this study, the operationalization of the cognitive ability through a battery of tests of reasoning and motivation through a scale of causal attributions, alIow us analyze the impact of both psychological variables in the student performance in mathematics. The sample consists of all students in the 6th grade at a private school, integrated in public system, in the district of Braga. The results showed that cognitive ability remains on the best predictor of academic performance, and part of students ' mathematics results variance is related negatively to causal attribution of success to luck. This last aspect shows that students who do not attribute their academic performance to random reasons have, in general, better academic results

    Preliminary notes on the reproductive biology of the lizardfish, Synodus saurus (Actynopterygii: Synodontidae) in the Azores

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    Copyright © 2003 Société Française d’Ichtyologie.Between March and November 2000, 307 specimens of the lizardfish Synodus saurus (Linnaeus 1758) were captured on several coastal areas of Terceira Island, Azores. This species is an important coastal epibenthic predator. Although common, its biology, namely its reproduction, is virtually unknown. During the study period, 206 females (155 mm to 460 mm TL) and 101 males (269 mm to 290 mm TL), were captured. Sex ratio was 2:1 with more males in June. Gonados-somatic Index (GSI) for females and males attained its maximum values during Spring and Summer, showing that these are the most intensive reproduction periods. Hepato-somatic Index (HSI) suggests that this species may well recur on body reserves for energy metabolization in gonad development. Nevertheless, more studies are necessary in order to confirm this assumption. Ovarian histology, presenting different oocytarian phases, indicates that this species has an asynchronous posture. The male increment of June, associated to higher GSI values, suggests that this could represent a moment of intense competition for females, within the studied area.RÉSUMÉ: Notes préliminaires sur la reproduction du poisson lézard, Synodus saurus (Actinopterygii : Synodontidae) aux Açores. Entre mars et novembre 2000, 307 poissons lézard, Synodus saurus (Linnaeus, 1758) ont été capturés à divers endroits de la côte de l’île Terceira, aux Açores. Cette espèce est un important prédateur épibenthique. Bien qu’elle soit une espèce assez commune, sa biologie, et surtout sa reproduction, est virtuellement inconnue. Pendant cette étude, 206 femelles (de 155 mm à 460 mm LT) et 101 mâles (de 269 à 290 mm LT) ont été capturés. Le sexe ratio était de 2:1, avec plus de mâles en juin. L’indice gonado-somatique (GSI) pour les femelles et les mâles, a atteint ses valeurs les plus élevées au printemps et en été, ce qui montre que ces mois constituent la période de reproduction la plus intense. L’indice hépato-somatique (HSI), indique que les réserves corporelles sont susceptibles d’être utilisées pour le développement des gonades. Cependant, cette hypothèse doit être confirmée par d’autres études. L’histologie de l’ovaire, qui présente des phases ovocitaires différentes, indique que S. saurus a une ponte asynchrone. L’augmentation du nombre de mâles en juin, associée aux valeurs plus élevées de GSI, suggère l’existence, à cette période, d’une intense compétition pour les femelles

    Non-essential elements and their role in sustainable agriculture

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    Agricultural systems are constantly under environmental pressure, and the continuous rise of the global population requires an increasingly intensification of agronomical productivity. To meet the current global food demand, particularly in depleted ecosystems under adverse climate conditions, the development of novel agronomical practices, which ensure crop productivity while safeguarding minimal impact to the environment, must be encouraged. Since aluminium (Al), cobalt (Co), selenium (Se), silicon (Si) and sodium (Na) are not essential to plant metabolism, their benefits are often neglected or underestimated in agriculture; however, several studies support their advantages in sustainable agriculture when properly employed. The agronomical uses of these elements have been studied in the last decades, delivering important cues for the improvement of food and feed production worldwide due to beneficial effects in plant growth and productivity, nutrient balance, pest and pathogen resistance, water stress management, heavy-metal toxicity alleviation, and postharvest performance. However, their application has not been addressed as part of a holistic conservation strategy that supports the sustainability of agroecosystems. Here, we discuss the potential use of these elements in sustainable agriculture, and the knowledge gaps that hinder their effective integration into agronomical practices, which result in equally profitable applications while supporting environmental sustainability.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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