15 research outputs found

    Basal and ?-Adrenergic cardiomyocytes contractility dysfunction induced by dietary protein restriction is associated with downregulation of SERCA2a expression and disturbance of endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ regulation in rats.

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    Background: The mechanisms responsible for the cardiac dysfunction associated with dietary protein restriction (PR) are poorly understood. Thus, this study was designed to evaluate the effects of PR on calcium kinetics, basal and ?-adrenergic contractility in murine ventricular cardiomyocytes. Methods: After breastfeeding male Fisher rats were distributed into a control group (CG, n = 20) and a protein-restricted group (PRG, n = 20), receiving isocaloric diets for 35 days containing 15% and 6% protein, respectively. Biometric and hemodynamic variables were measured. After euthanasia left ventricles (LV) were collected for histopathological evaluation, SERCA2a expression, cardiomyocytes contractility and Ca2+ sparks analysis. Results: PRG animals showed reduced general growth, increased heart rate and arterial pressure. These animals presented extracellular matrix expansion and disorganization, cardiomyocytes hypotrophy, reduced amplitudes of shortening and maximum velocity of contraction and relaxation at baseline and after ?-adrenergic stimulation. Reduced SERCA2a expression as well as higher frequency and lower amplitude of Ca2+ sparks were observed in PRG cardiomyocytes. Conclusion: The observations reveal that protein restriction induces marked myocardial morphofunctional damage. The pathological changes of cardiomyocyte mechanics suggest the potential involvement of the ?-adrenergic system, which is possibly associated with changes in SERCA2a expression and disturbances in Ca2+ intracellular kinetics

    Phytosociological survey on native pasture of Paspalum notatum

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    Todos os textos, informa??es e resultados apresentados s?o de inteira responsabilidade dos autores.Coordenador/Orientador do Projeto: M?rcia Vit?ria Santos.Parte da inicia??o cientifica do primeiro autor, financiado pelo Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq), Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG) e Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES).Objetivou-se com esse trabalho, realizar o levantamento fitossociol?gico em pastagem nativa de Paspalum notatum no munic?pio de Couto de Magalh?es de Minas-MG. O levantamento fitossociol?gico foi realizado em pastagem nativa de Paspalum notatum no munic?pio de Couto de Magalh?es de Minas MG. Para a identifica??o das plantas daninhas foi utilizado o m?todo do quadrado invent?rio, lan?ando ao acaso na ?rea 40 vezes um quadro de um metro de lado, totalizando uma ?rea amostral de 40m2. Avaliou-se a frequ?ncia (Fre), densidade (Den) e abund?ncia (Abu) das esp?cies encontradas na pastagem. Foram identificadas esp?cies distribu?das em seis fam?lias, destacando-se a fam?lia das Poaceae com cinco esp?cies. As esp?cies que apresentaram maior frequ?ncia (Fre) foram Sidastrum micranthum (malva-preta), Rhynchelystrum repens (capim-favorito) e Crotalaria incana (xique-xique), respectivamente. As esp?cies Eupatorium maximilianii (mata-pasto), Paspalum notatum (grama batatais) e Brachiaria decumbens (braquiarinha), apresentaram os maiores valores de densidade (Den), respectivamente. Paspalum notatum (grama batatais), Eupatorium maximilianii (mata-pasto) e Brachiaria decumbens (braquiarinha) foram ?s esp?cies que apresentaram maior abund?ncia (Abu). A pastagem de Paspalum notatum encontra-se infestada com esp?cies daninhas necessitando controle e corre??o do manejo do pasto para maior desempenho animal.The aim of this study was to do the phytosociological evaluation on a native pasture of Paspalum notatum in Couto de Magalh?es de Minas-MG. The phytosociological evaluation was made on native pasture of Paspalum notatum in Couto de Magalh?es de Minas-MG. To identification of the weed, the method used was the square inventory, hurled randomly in the area 40 times a square of one meter of side, totaling 40m2 of sample area. It was evaluate the frequency (Fre), density (Den), and abundancy (Abu) of the species found in the area. It was identified species of six families, standing out the family of the Poaceae including five species. The species that presented more frequency (Fre) were Sidastrum micranthum (dainty sandmallow), Rhynchelystrum repens (natal grass), and Crotalaria incana (woolly rattlepod), respectively. The species Eupatorium maximilianii ("mata-pasto"), Paspalum notatum (pensacola), and Brachiaria decumbens (signal grass), presented the higher values of density (Den), respectively. Paspalum notatum (pensacola), Eupatorium maximilianii ("mata-pasto"), and Brachiaria decumbens (signal grass), were the species that presented higher abundancy (Abu). The pasture of Paspalum notatum has found infested by weed, requiring control and correction of the management of the area to increase the animal performance

    Pastures degradation assessment by infestation in plants weeds

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    Parte da inicia??o cientifica do primeiro autor, financiado pelo CNPq, FAPEMIG, CAPES.Todos os textos, informa??es e resultados apresentados s?o de inteira responsabilidade dos autores.Objetivou-se a partir desse trabalho avaliar a degrada??o de uma pastagem nativa de Paspalum notatum a partir da ocorr?ncia de plantas daninhas. O levantamento fitossociol?gico foi realizado em pastagem nativa de Paspalum notatum no munic?pio de Couto de Magalh?es de Minas - MG. Para a identifica??o das plantas daninhas foi utilizado o m?todo do quadrado invent?rio, lan?ando ao acaso na ?rea 40 vezes um quadro de um metro de lado, totalizando uma ?rea amostral de 40m2. Avaliou-se a frequ?ncia relativa (Frr), densidade relativa (Der), abund?ncia relativa (Abr) e o ?ndice de valor de import?ncia (IVI) das esp?cies encontradas na ?rea. Os maiores valores de frequ?ncia relativa (Frr) foram das esp?cies Sidastrum micrathum (malva-preta), Imperata brasiliensis (Sap?), Crotalaria incana (xique-xique) e Mimosa pudica (dormideira), respectivamente. As esp?cies Eupatorium maximilianii (mata-pasto), Paspalum notatum (grama batatais), Brachiaria decumbens (braquiarinha) e Cynodon dactylon (estrela roxa) apresentaram os maiores valores de densidade relativa, abund?ncia relativa e ?ndice de valor de import?ncia. A presen?a de Brachiaria decumbens, Cynodon dactylon, Eupatorium maximilianii e a baixa frequ?ncia relativa da esp?cie nativa s?o indicativos que a pastagem encontrase em est?dio de degrada??o avan?ado.ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate the degradation of a native pasture of Paspalum notatum starting from the weeds occurrence. The phytosociological evaluation was made in native pasture of Paspalum notatum in Couto de Magalh?es de Minas - MG. To identify the weed the method of the inventory square was utilized, hurled randomly in the area 40 times a square of one meter of side, totaling 40m2 of sample area. It was evaluate the relative frequency (Frr), relative density (Der), relative abundancy (Abr), and the value of importance index (IVI) of the species found in the area. The higher values of relative frequency (Frr) were of the species Sidastrum micrathum (dainty sandmallow), Imperata brasiliensis (cogon grass), Crotalaria incana (woolly rattlepod), and Mimosa pudica (sensitive plant), respectively. The species Eupatorium maximilianii ("mata-pasto"), Paspalum notatum (pensacola), Brachiaria decumbens (signal grass), and Cynodon dactylon (bernuda grass) presented the higher values of relative density (Drr), relative abundancy (Abr), and value of importance index (IVI). The presence of the Brachiaria decumbens, Cynodon dactylon, Eupatorium maximilianii and the lower frequency of the native specie, are indicatives that the pasture has found in advanced state of degradation

    Composi??o farmac?utica de nanoemuls?o contendo ?cido retinoico revestida com ?cido hialur?nico associado a amina lipof?lica com atividade antitumoral

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    A presente inven??o descreve um processo de obten??o de nanoemuls?es contendo ?cido retin?ico revestidas com ?cido hialur?nico, a partir da atra??o eletrost?tica entre uma amina lipof?lica cati?nica e o ?cido hialur?nico; a composi??o dessa forma farmac?utica bem como o uso dessa formula??o como um sistema para a??o antineopl?sica

    Protein restriction after weaning modifies the calcium kinetics and induces cardiomyocyte contractile dysfunction in rats.

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    Protein restriction (PR) is associated with cardiovascular diseases. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects on single ventricular cardiomyocyte contractile function of a short-term PR after weaning. Male Fischer rats that were 28 days old were randomly divided into a control group (CG, n = 16) and a protein-restricted group (PRG, n = 16). After weaning, CG and PRG animals received isocaloric diets containing 15 and 6% protein, respectively, for 35 days. Biometric parameters were then measured, and the hearts were removed for the analysis of contractile function and calcium transient in isolated cardiomyocytes of the left ventricule (LV), and the quantification of calcium and collagen fibers in LV myocardium. PRG animals had lower body weight (BW) and LV weight (LVW), an increased LVW to BW ratio and a higher proportion of collagen fibers than CG animals. PRG animals exhibited reduced tissue levels of calcium, reduced the length, width and volume of cardiomyocytes and their sarcomere length compared to CG animals. Cardiomyocytes from PRG animals had a lower amplitude of shortening, a slower time to the peak of shortening and a longer time to half-relaxation than those from the CG. Cardiomyocytes from PRG animals also presented a lower peak of calcium transient and a longer calcium transient decay time than CG animals. Taken together, the results indicate that short-term PR after weaning induces a marked structural remodeling of the myocardium parenchyma and stroma that coexists with contractile dysfunctions in single LV cardiomyocytes of rats, which is probably associated with pathological changes of the intracellular calcium kinetics, rather than inadequate available amounts of this mineral in cardiac tissue

    Bioactive glass containing 90% SiO2 in hard tissue engineering : an in vitro and in vivo characterization study.

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    Bioactive glass has been proved to have many applications in bioengineering due to its bone regenerative properties. In this work, an innovative, highly resorbable bioactive glass containing 90% SiO2 (BG90) to be used as a bone substitute was developed. The BG90 was synthetized by the sol?gel process with the dry step at room temperature. The biomaterial showed in vitro and in vivo bioactivities even with silica content up to 90%. Moreover, the BG90 presented high porosity and surface area due to its homogenously interconnected porous network. In vitro, it was observed to have high cell viability and marked osteoblastic differentiation of rat bone marrow?derived cells when in contact with BG90 ion extracts. The BG90 transplantation into rat tibia defects was analysed at 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, and 10 weeks post?operatively and compared with the defects of negative (no graft) and positive (autogenous bone graft) controls. After 4 weeks of grafting, the BG90 was totally resorbed and induced higher bone formation than did the positive control. Bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP?2) expression at the grafting site peaked at 1 week and decreased similarly after 7 weeks for all groups. Only the BG90 group was still exhibiting BMP?2 expression in the last experimental time. Our data demonstrated that the BG90 could be an attractive candidate to provide useful approaches in hard?tissue bioengineering

    A preliminary exploration of the potential of Eugenia uvalha Cambess juice intake to counter oxidative stress.

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    The ability of foods to aid in the prevention of chronic metabolic diseases, has recently become an area of increased interest. In addition, there is growing interest in exploring the benefits of consuming underutilized fruits as alternatives to commercially available fruits. Eugenia uvalha Cambess (uvaia) is a native fruit of Brazil with great market and phytotherapy potential. The present study was conducted to investigate the effects of uvaia juice (UJ) on the levels of protein carbonyls (PCO) and antioxidant enzymes in the livers of rats fed a highfat diet

    El a?ai mejora la enfermedad de h?gado graso no alcoh?lico (NAFLD) inducida por la fructosa.

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    Introduction: the excessive consumption of fructose can cause liver damage, characteristic of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) associated with changes in lipid metabolism and antioxidant defenses. A?ai, the fruit of Euterpe oleracea Mart., has demonstrated numerous biological activities, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and lipid metabolism modulating action. Objective: we evaluated the benefits of a?ai supplementation on liver damage caused by replacing starch with fructose in rats. Methods: thirty male Fischer rats were divided into two groups, the control group (C, 10 animals), which consumed a standard diet (AIN-93M), and the fructose (F, 20 animals) group, which consumed a diet containing 60% of fructose. After eight weeks, 10 animals from the fructose group received 2% of lyophilized a?ai, and were called the a?ai fructose group (FA). The animals were fed ad libitum with these diets for another ten weeks. Serum, hepatic and fecal lipid profile, antioxidant enzymes and carbonylated protein were assessed and histopathological characterization of the liver was performed. Results: a?ai promoted the reduction of ALT activity in relation to the fructose group (F), reduced alkaline phosphatase to a level similar to that of the control group (C) in relation to the fructose group (F), and reduced catalase activity. The fruit also increased the ratio of total/oxidized glutathione (GSH/GSSG) and reduced the degree of macrovesicular steatosis and the number of inflammatory cells. Conclusion: the replacement of starch by fructose during this period was effective in promoting NAFLD. A?ai showed attenuating effects on some markers of hepatic steatosis and inflammation.Introducci?n: el consumo excesivo de fructosa puede causar da?o hep?tico, caracter?stico de la enfermedad hep?tica grasa no alcoh?lica (EHGNA), asociada con cambios en el metabolismo de los l?pidos y defensas antioxidantes. El a?ai, fruto del Euterpe oleracea Mart., ha demostrado desempe?ar numerosas actividades biol?gicas, incluidas acciones antiinflamatorias, antioxidantes y moduladoras del metabolismo lip?dico. Objetivo: se evaluaron los beneficios de la suplementaci?n con a?ai en el da?o hep?tico causado por la sustituci?n del almid?n por fructosa en ratas. M?todos: se distribuyeron 30 ratas Fischer macho en dos grupos: 10 ratas en el grupo control (C), que consum?a una dieta est?ndar (AIN-93M), y 20 ratas en el grupo fructosa (F), que consum?a una dieta que conten?a un 60% de fructosa. Despu?s de ocho semanas, diez animales del grupo fructosa recibieron un 2% de a?ai liofilizado, por lo que pasaron a integrar el grupo a?ai fructosa (FA). Los animales fueron alimentados ad libitum con estas dietas durante otras diez semanas. Se analizaron el perfil lip?dico hep?tico y fecal, las enzimas antioxidantes y la prote?na carbonilada, y se realiz? la caracterizaci?n histopatol?gica del h?gado. Resultados: el a?ai promovi? la reducci?n de la actividad de ALT en relaci?n al grupo de fructosa (F) y la reducci?n de la fosfatasa alcalina a niveles similares a los hallados en el grupo control (C) en relaci?n con el grupo de fructosa (F). El fruto tambi?n aument? la proporci?n de glutati?n total/oxidado (GSH/GSSG) y redujo el grado de esteatosis macrovesicular y el n?mero de c?lulas inflamatorias. Conclusi?n: la sustituci?n de almid?n por fructosa durante este periodo fue eficaz en la promoci?n de NAFLD. El a?ai mostr? efectos atenuantes en algunos marcadores de esteatosis hep?tica y de inflamaci?n

    Ara?? (Psidium cattleianum Sabine) ameliorates liver damage and reduces hepatic steatosis in rats fed with a high-fat diet.

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    Bioactive compounds, present in some foods, act enhancing the endogenous antioxidant system and are proposed as an effective strategy in preventing the changes induced by free radicals in some diseases, such as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). There has been an increase in the number of studies carried out with the aim of finding natural antioxidant compounds present in fruits, mainly the native fruits of Brazil, because they contain a high content of these compounds. Ara?? (Psidium cattleianum Sabine) is a fruit that is rich in polyphenols and exhibits strong antioxidant, antiproliferative, and anti-inflammatory activities. Therefore, the present study investigated the effects of ara?? flour on oxidative stress, liver injury, and antioxidant defenses in high-fat diet-induced hepatic steatosis in rats. In vitro experiments showed that ara?? contains high concentrations of total polyphenols and exhibits strong antioxidant activity with no cytotoxicity. In vivo experiments indicated that the addition of ara?? to a high-fat diet inhibited the activities of alanine aminotransferase and aspartate enzymes, reduced macrovesicular steatosis, increased the paraoxonase activity, and increased the concentration of the total and reduced forms of glutathione. Therefore, our findings suggested the hepatoprotective role of ara?? against the progression of steatosis

    Two Additions to Lucas's 'Inflation and Welfare'

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