32 research outputs found

    O paradoxo epidemiológico do baixo peso ao nascer no Brasil

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    OBJECTIVE: To examine whether the low birth weight (LBW) paradox exists in Brazil. METHODS: LBW and cesarean section rates between 1995 and 2007 were estimated based on data from SINASC (Brazilian Live Births Database). Infant mortality rates (IMRs) were obtained using an indirect method that correct for underreporting. Schooling information was obtained from census data. Trends in LBW rate were assessed using joinpoint regression models. The correlations between LBW rate and other indicators were graphically assessed by lowess regression and tested using Spearman's rank correlation. RESULTS: In Brazil, LBW rate trends were non-linear and non-significant: the rate dropped from 7.9% in 1995 to 7.7% in 2000, then increased to 8.2% in 2003 and remained nearly steady thereafter at 8.2% in 2007. However, trends varied among Brazilian regions: there were significant increases in the North from 1999 to 2003 (2.7% per year), and in the South (1.0% per year) and Central-West regions (0.6% per year) from 1995 to 2007. For the entire period studied, higher LBW and lower IMRs were seen in more developed compared to less developed regions. In Brazilian States, in 2005, the higher the IMR rate, the lower the LBW rate (p=0.009); the lower the low schooling rate, the lower the LBW rate (p=0.007); the higher the number of neonatal intensive care beds per 1,000 live births, the higher the LBW rate (p=0.036). CONCLUSIONS: The low birth weight paradox was seen in Brazil. LBW rate is increasing in some Brazilian regions. Regional differences in LBW rate seem to be more associated to availability of perinatal care services than underlying social conditions.OBJETIVO: Identificar la presencia de la paradoja de bajo peso al nacer (BPN) en Brasil. MÉTODOS: Las tasas de BPN y de cesárea, de 1995 a 2007, fueron estimadas a partir del Sistema de Informaciones sobre Nacidos Vivos. Las tasas de mortalidad infantil fueron calculadas por métodos indirectos, con corrección para subregistro. La tasa de escolaridad fue obtenida de datos de censos. Las tendencias de la tasa de bajo peso al nacer fueron evaluadas utilizándose modelos de regresión joinpoint. Las asociaciones entre la tasa de bajo peso al nacer con otros indicadores fueron evaluadas por regresión lowess y correlación de Spearman. RESULTADOS: En Brasil, las tendencias en la tasa de BPN fueron no lineares y no significativas: la tasa disminuyó de 7,9% en 1995 a 7,7% en 2000, aumentando a 8,2% en 2003, y permaneciendo estable en 8,2% en 2007. Mientras, las tendencias variaron en las regiones brasileras: hubo aumentos significativos en el Norte (2,7% por año), de 1999 a 2003, y en el Sur (1,0% por año) y Centro-Oeste (0,6% por año), de 1995 a 2007. Las tasas de BPN fueron más altas y las tasas de mortalidad infantil más bajas en las regiones más desarrolladas en comparación con las menos desarrolladas. En 2005, cuanto más elevada la tasa de mortalidad infantil, menor fue la tasa de BPN (p=0,009); cuanto más alta la tasa de baja escolaridad, menor la tasa de BPN (p=0,007); cuanto mayor el número de lechos de terapia intensiva neonatal por 1000 nacidos vivos, más elevada la tasa de BPN (p=0,036). CONCLUSIONES: La paradoja del BPN fue detectado en Brasil. La tasa de BPN está aumentando en algunas regiones brasileras. Diferencias regionales en la tasa de BPN parecen estar más relacionadas con la disponibilidad de asistencia perinatal que con las condiciones sociales.OBJETIVO: Identificar a presença do paradoxo do baixo peso ao nascer (BPN) no Brasil. MÉTODOS: As taxas de BPN e de cesárea, de 1995 a 2007, foram estimadas a partir do Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos. As taxas de mortalidade infantil, foram calculadas por métodos indiretos, com correção para sub-registro. A taxa de escolaridade foi obtida de dados censitários. As tendências da taxa de BPN foram avaliadas utilizando-se modelos de regressão joinpoint. As associações entre a taxa de BPN com outros indicadores foram avaliadas por regressão lowess e correlação de Spearman. RESULTADOS: No Brasil, as tendências da taxa de BPN foram não lineares e não significantes: a taxa caiu de 7,9% em 1995 para 7,7% em 2000, aumentando para 8,2% em 2003 e permanecendo estável em 8,2% em 2007. Entretanto, as tendências variaram nas regiões brasileiras: houve aumentos significantes no Norte (2,7% por ano), de 1999 a 2003, e no Sul (1,0% por ano) e Centro-Oeste (0,6% por ano), de 1995 a 2007. As taxas de BPN foram mais altas e as taxas de mortalidade infantil mais baixas nas regiões mais desenvolvidas do que nas menos desenvolvidas. Em 2005, quanto mais elevada a taxa de mortalidade infantil, menor foi a taxa de BPN (p = 0,009); quanto mais alta a taxa de baixa escolaridade, menor foi a taxa de BPN (p = 0,007); quanto maior o número de leitos de terapia intensiva neonatal por 1.000 nascidos vivos, mais elevada foi a taxa de BPN (p = 0,036). CONCLUSÕES: O paradoxo do BPN foi detectado no Brasil. A taxa de BPN está aumentando em algumas regiões brasileiras. Diferenças regionais na taxa de BPN parecem estar mais relacionadas à disponibilidade de assistência perinatal do que às condições sociais

    A genetic study of a Brazilian cohort of patients with X-linked hypophosphatemia reveals no correlation between genotype and phenotype

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    AimX-linked hypophosphatemia (XLH) is the most common inherited form of rickets, and it is caused by pathogenic inactivating variants of the phosphate-regulating endopeptidase homolog X-linked (PHEX) gene. The main purpose of this study is to identify the presence of a genotype–phenotype correlation in a cohort of XLH patients.MethodsThis is a retrospective study including patients diagnosed with hypophosphatemic rickets, confirmed by clinical, radiological, and laboratory findings. Medical records were reviewed for phenotypic analyses. Genomic DNA was extracted from the peripheral blood lymphocytes, and PHEX sequencing was performed by exomic NGS sequencing. The Wilcoxon rank-sum test and the two-tailed Fisher's exact test were employed for the statistical analyses of this study.ResultsA total of 41 patients were included in this study, and 63.41% (26/41) of the patients were female. The mutation analyses identified 29.27% missense variants and 29.72% nonsense variants, most of them were considered deleterious (66.41%). Six novel deleterious variants in the PHEX gene were detected in seven patients. The median concentrations of pretreatment serum calcium, phosphorus, and parathyroid hormone (PTH) were not significantly different among patients with different genotypes. An orthopedic surgery due to bone deformity was required in 57.69%.ConclusionsOur analysis did not identify any specific genotype as a predictor. No significant genotype–phenotype correlation was found, suggesting that the recognition of subjacent pathogenic mutation in the PHEX gene may have limited prognostic value. Despite this finding, genetic testing may be useful for identifying affected individuals early and providing appropriate treatment

    Biomarcadores renais de lesão glomerular em pacientes submetidos à anestisia para cirurgia arterial

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    Estudar a função renal de pacientes arteriopatas submetidos a cirurgia vascular, avaliando a concordância entre as estimativas do ritmo de filtração glomerular (RFG) obtidos pela aferição da creatinina e cistatina C plasmática, verificando se diabetes, hipertensão e função renal pré-operatórias apresentam relação com função tubular no pós-operatório e investigando a possível influência da hemodiluição na avaliação da função renal por meio da cistatina C. Trata-se de estudo de coorte, prospectivo, incluindo 144 pacientes consecutivos submetidos à anestesia para cirurgia arterial e distribuídos em 4 grupos, sendo (GDH), diabéticos e hipertensos, (GD), diabéticos, (GH), hipertensos e (GN), sem hipertensão ou diabetes. Foram obtidos urina para dosagens laboratoriais de creatinina urinária (Ucr) (mmol⁄L), fosfatase alcalina (FA) (U⁄L), -glutamiltransferase ( GT) (U⁄L) e sangue para dosagem de albumina (g/dL), globulina (g/dL) uréia (mg/dL), creatinina (mg/dL), cistatina C (mg/L) e aferida a osmolaridade plasmática (mOsm/L) no pré-operatórios (M1) e após 24 horas do término da cirurgia (M2). As estimativas do RFG foram comparadas pelo método de Bland-Altman. Os limites de concordância entre as equações para estimativa do RFG pela creatinina e cistatina C estudadas foram amplos tanto no pré como no pós-operatório e a diferença entre as médias das equações analisadas aumentou no período pós-operatório. Em 76,39 % dos pacientes analisados houve diminuição dos valores de cistatina C no pós-operatório. Houve correlação moderada entre a variação de cistatina C e a variação da osmolaridade plasmática (r=0,41; p 90mL/min/1,73m2) presented increased GT/Ucr and AP x GT/Ucr values at M2 and those with slightly compromised renal function (60-90mL/min/1,73m2)... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Emergence agitation in pediatric anesthesia: current features

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    Objective: Postoperative agitation in children is a well-documented clinical phenomenon with incidence ranging from 10% to 67%. There is no definitive explanation for this agitation. Possible causes include rapid awakening in unfamiliar settings, pain (wounds, sore throat, bladder distension, etc.), stress during induction, hypoxemia, airway obstruction, noisy environment, anesthesia duration, child's personality, premedication and type of anesthesia. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the possible causes of postoperative agitation in children, providing a foundation for better methods of identifying and preventing this problem.Sources: MEDLINE and PubMed were searched using the following words: emergence, agitation, incidence, etiology, diagnosis, treatment, children, pediatric, anesthesia.Summary of the findings: This study includes a review of potential agitation trigger factors and a proposal for a standardized diagnostic score system, in addition to measures to improve prevention and treatment.Conclusion: No single factor can identified as the cause of postoperative agitation, which should therefore be considered a syndrome made up of biological, pharmacological, psychological and social components, and which anesthesiologists and pediatric intensive care specialists should be prepared to identify, prevent and intervene appropriately as necessary

    Patient perceptions about anesthesia and anesthesiologists before and after surgical procedures

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    CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: A relação anestesiologista-paciente é estabelecida no pré-operatório e intraoperatório, oportunidades que proporcionam informações corretas sobre anestesia/anestesiologista, melhorando seus resultados. O objetivo foi avaliar a percepção dos pacientes sobre o anestesiologista antes da anestesia e se os cuidados anestésicos poderiam mudar essa percepção. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Estudo prospectivo transversal com dados em 2007-2008, em hospital universitário terciário. MÉTODOS: Foram entrevistados 518 pacientes com 16 anos ou mais antes e depois da exposição à anestesia. Um questionário determinou as características do paciente e da percepção da anestesia/anestesiologista. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes tinham entre 16 e 89 anos e 59,8% possuíam ensino fundamental, 79,1% responderam que o anestesiologista é um médico especializado. O papel do anestesiologista foi associado à perda de consciência (35,5% pré-anestesia, 43,5% pós-anestesia), alívio de dor (29,7% pré-anestesia, 31,7% pós-anestesia), monitorização dos sinais vitais (17,6% pré-anestesia, 35% pós-anestesia; P < 0,05), e administração de medicamentos (10,8% pré-anestesia, 43,9% pós-anestesia; P < 0,05). O nível de confiança no médico foi considerado alto (82,2% e 89,8% no pré e pós-anestesia, respectivamente, P < 0,05) ou intermediário (5,8% e 6,6% no pré e pós-anestesia, respectivamente, P < 0,05). A assistência prestada pelo anestesiologista foi classificada como: elucidativa (52,8%), encorajadora (52,6%), indiferente (10,2%) e displicente (0,8%). CONCLUSÃO: A percepção sobre o papel do anestesiologista foi satisfatória, mas as melhorias nessa relação ainda são necessárias para se conseguirem melhores resultados. O atendimento anestésico foi importante para a informação, confiança e segurança do paciente sobre essa percepção. O anestesiologista não deve perder oportunidades de exercer excelentes cuidados profissionais para os pacientes, melhorando os resultados de sua anestesia e sua imagem.CONTEXT and OBJECTIVE: Anesthesiologist-patient relationships are established preoperatively and intraoperatively. These are opportunities for providing correct information about anesthesia/anesthesiologists, thereby improving outcomes. The aim here was to evaluate patients' perceptions about anesthesiologists before anesthesia and to identify whether the anesthetic care would change such perceptions. DESIGN and SETTING: Prospective cross-sectional study using data obtained in 2007-2008, at a tertiary university hospital. METHODS: 518 patients aged 16 years or over were interviewed before and after anesthesia exposure. A questionnaire was used to determine patient characteristics and perceptions of anesthesia/anesthesiologists. RESULTS: The patients were 16-89 years of age and 59.8% had attended elementary school. 79.1% said that anesthesiologists were specialized physicians. Anesthesiologists' roles were associated with loss of consciousness (35.5% pre-anesthesia; 43.5% post-anesthesia), pain relief (29.7% pre-anesthesia, 31.7% post-anesthesia), vital sign monitoring (17.6% pre-anesthesia, 35% post-anesthesia; P < 0.05); and drug administration (10.8% pre-anesthesia, 43.9% post-anesthesia; P < 0.05). The level of confidence in the physician was rated high (82.2% and 89.8% pre- and post-anesthesia, respectively; P < 0.05) or intermediate (5.8% and 6.6% pre- and post-anesthesia, respectively; P < 0.05). The care provided by anesthesiologists was classified as: elucidating (52.8%), encouraging (52.6%), neutral (10.2%) and careless (0.8%). CONCLUSION: Patients' perceptions of anesthesiologists' roles were fairly good, but improvements in this relationship still need to be pursued, to achieve better outcomes. Anesthetic care was important in providing information, confidence and reassurance among patients, regarding their perceptions. Anesthesiologists should not miss opportunities to provide excellent professional care for patients, thereby improving anesthesia outcomes and their image.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Patient perceptions about anesthesia and anesthesiologists before and after surgical procedures

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    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Anesthesiologist-patient relationships are established preoperatively and intraoperatively. These are opportunities for providing correct information about anesthesia/anesthesiologists, thereby improving outcomes. The aim here was to evaluate patients' perceptions about anesthesiologists before anesthesia and to identify whether the anesthetic care would change such perceptions. DESIGN AND SETTING: Prospective cross-sectional study using data obtained in 2007-2008, at a tertiary university hospital. METHODS: 518 patients aged 16 years or over were interviewed before and after anesthesia exposure. A questionnaire was used to determine patient characteristics and perceptions of anesthesia/anesthesiologists. RESULTS: The patients were 16-89 years of age and 59.8% had attended elementary school. 79.1% said that anesthesiologists were specialized physicians. Anesthesiologists' roles were associated with loss of consciousness (35.5% pre-anesthesia; 43.5% post-anesthesia), pain relief (29.7% pre-anesthesia, 31.7% post-anesthesia), vital sign monitoring (17.6% pre-anesthesia, 35% post-anesthesia; P < 0.05); and drug administration (10.8% pre-anesthesia, 43.9% post-anesthesia; P < 0.05). The level of confidence in the physician was rated high (82.2% and 89.8% pre- and post-anesthesia, respectively; P < 0.05) or intermediate (5.8% and 6.6% pre- and post-anesthesia, respectively; P < 0.05). The care provided by anesthesiologists was classified as: elucidating (52.8%), encouraging (52.6%), neutral (10.2%) and careless (0.8%). CONCLUSION: Patients' perceptions of anesthesiologists' roles were fairly good, but improvements in this relationship still need to be pursued, to achieve better outcomes. Anesthetic care was important in providing information, confidence and reassurance among patients, regarding their perceptions. Anesthesiologists should not miss opportunities to provide excellent professional care for patients, thereby improving anesthesia outcomes and their image