10,973 research outputs found

    Characterization of curves that lie on a geodesic sphere or on a totally geodesic hypersurface in a hyperbolic space or in a sphere

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    The consideration of the so-called rotation minimizing frames allows for a simple and elegant characterization of plane and spherical curves in Euclidean space via a linear equation relating the coefficients that dictate the frame motion. In this work, we extend these investigations to characterize curves that lie on a geodesic sphere or totally geodesic hypersurface in a Riemannian manifold of constant curvature. Using that geodesic spherical curves are normal curves, i.e., they are the image of an Euclidean spherical curve under the exponential map, we are able to characterize geodesic spherical curves in hyperbolic spaces and spheres through a non-homogeneous linear equation. Finally, we also show that curves on totally geodesic hypersurfaces, which play the role of hyperplanes in Riemannian geometry, should be characterized by a homogeneous linear equation. In short, our results give interesting and significant similarities between hyperbolic, spherical, and Euclidean geometries.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures; comments are welcom

    Characterization of manifolds of constant curvature by spherical curves

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    It is known that the so-called rotation minimizing (RM) frames allow for a simple and elegant characterization of geodesic spherical curves in Euclidean, hyperbolic, and spherical spaces through a certain linear equation involving the coefficients that dictate the RM frame motion (da Silva, da Silva in Mediterr J Math 15:70, 2018). Here, we shall prove the converse, i.e., we show that if all geodesic spherical curves on a Riemannian manifold are characterized by a certain linear equation, then all the geodesic spheres with a sufficiently small radius are totally umbilical and, consequently, the given manifold has constant sectional curvature. We also furnish two other characterizations in terms of (i) an inequality involving the mean curvature of a geodesic sphere and the curvature function of their curves and (ii) the vanishing of the total torsion of closed spherical curves in the case of three-dimensional manifolds. Finally, we also show that the same results are valid for semi-Riemannian manifolds of constant sectional curvature.Comment: To appear in Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicat

    Manipulation of Magnetic Skyrmions by Superconducting Vortices in Ferromagnet-Superconductor Heterostructures

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    Dynamics of magnetic skyrmions in hybrid ferromagnetic films harbors novel physical phenomena and holds promise for technological applications. In this work, we discuss the behavior of magnetic skyrmions when coupled to superconducting vortices in a ferromagnet-superconductor heterostructure. We use numerical simulations and analytic arguments to reveal broader possibilities for manipulating the skyrmion-vortex dynamic correlations in the hybrid system, that are not possible in its separated constituents. We explore the thresholds of particular dynamic phases, and quantify the phase diagram as a function of the relevant material parameters, applied current and induced magnetic torques. Finally, we demonstrate the broad and precise tunability of the skyrmion Hall-angle in presence of vortices, with respect to currents applied to either or both the superconductor and the ferromagnet within the heterostructure

    As novas tecnologias de informação no ensino da biologia: um estudo sobre fotossíntese com alunos do 10º ano de escolaridade

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    Ao longo das duas últimas décadas, investigações desenvolvidas no domínio do ensino da Biologia revelaram que muitos alunos possuíam concepções alternativas. Este facto conduziu ao incremento de uma linha de investigação centrada em estratégias de ensino que pudessem facilitar o desenvolvimento/ reestruturação dessas concepções. Algumas dessas estratégias incluem o recurso às Tecnologias de Informação, nomeadamente, ao Sistema de Aquisição e Tratamento de Dados (SATD), uma vez que este equipamento, ao permitir reduzir o tempo gasto no tratamento de dados, disponibiliza um maior período de tempo para os alunos preverem resultados, reflectirem e discutirem resultados obtidos, bem como compararem resultados discrepantes. Tendo como referência estas investigações, realizou-se um estudo, no tema "Fotossíntese", que incluiu 41 alunos do 10.0 ano de escolaridade, distribuídos por duas turmas - uma experimental e outra de controlo. As duas desenvolveram actividades laboratoriais, com recurso, respectivamente, ao SATD (turma experimental) e a equipamento tradicional (turma de controlo). A análise de resultados mostrou que os alunos da primeira revelaram, relativamente aos alunos da segunda, uma evolução conceptual mais extensa no tópico "Fotossíntese". Estes resultados parecem indicar que o SATD constitui um factor facilitador da aprendizagem dos alunos.During the last two decades, research studies carried out within the domain of biology educacion have shown that many students' hold alternative conceptions. This fact led to the development of another area of research that focuses on teaching strategies aiming at developing/restructuring those conceptions. Some of those strategies are based on information technology, namely on datalloging. Several researchers have argued that datalogging reduces the time usually spent with data handling and therefore releases a longer time interval (that can be used) for prevision of results, reflection upon both discussion of data collected and discrepant results. In order to evaluate the efficacy of datalogging to promote students' conceptual development a research study focusing on photosynthesis was canied out. The research was undertaken with 41 tenth graders that were allocated to a control class and to an experimental class. Both classes carried out the sarne laboratory activities but the former used traditional lab equipment whilst the latter utilised datalogging. The analysis of the results shows that students in the experimental class experienced a deeper conceptual change than their control class counterparts. These results seem to indicare that datalogging facilitares students’ learning on photosynthesis.Des recherches dans le domaine de l'enseignement de la Biologie ont révélé que bien des d'éleves possedent des conceptions alternatives. Ce fait a conduit au développement d'une autre ligne de recherche centrée sur des sLratégies d'enseignement qui facilitem le développement/restructuration de ces conceptions. Certaines de ces stratégies incluent des Technologies de l'Information, notamment "l'expérimentation assistée par ordinateur" (ExAO), vu qu'il permet de réduire le temps gaspillé avec le traitement des données, offre plus de temps pour que les éleves prévoient des résultats, réfléchissent sur les résultats obtenus et en discutent, et qu'ils comparent les résultats discordants. Ayant pour référence ces lignes de recherche, on a réalisé une étude, sur la photosynthese, qui a indu 41 éleves de la lüe année de scolarité, distribués dans deux classes - une expérimentale et une autre de contrôle. Les deux classes ont développé des activités de laboratoire en recourant respectivement au ExAO et à un équipement traditionnel. L'analyse des résultats a montré que les éleves de la classe expérimentale ont révélé, relativement aux éleves de la classe de contôle, une évolution conceptuelle plus large dans la photosynthese. Ces résultats semblent indiquer que le ExAO constitue un facteur qui facilite l'apprentissage des éleves

    Mixed fisheries forecasts for Iberian stocks

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    Spatial Variability of Irrigated Corn Yield in Relation to Field topography and Soil Chemical Characteristics

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    Corn yield, topography and soil characteristics were sampled on a 26 ha area of a centre pivot irrigated cropland. The aim of the study was to determine relationships between corn yield, field topography and soil characteristics. The study was carried out in the Alentejo region of Portugal. Corn yield was measured with a combine harvester fitted with a grain-flow sensor and positioned by means of the Global Positioning System (GPS). A grid-based digital elevation model (DEM) with 1-m resolution was constructed and several topographic attributes were calculated from the DEM: the local slope gradient (S), profile curvature (Curv), specific catchments area (SCa), and a steady-state wetness index (W). Yield and topographical attributes were computed for areas of radius 5, 10, 25 and 50 m, being considered its maximum, minimum, range and average values. The soil was systematically sampled with a mechanical probe for a total of 109 soil profiles used for analysis of the following soil superficial (<0.30 m) characteristics: extractable phosphorous (P2O5) and extractable potassium (K2O), soil pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC) and exchangeable bases. With centre pivot irrigation systems, the Wave50 index was shown to be useful for the identification of field areas in which low corn yields may be due to lack of water. At the same time, SCa was found to be useful for the identification of field areas in which low yields are due to excess water and drainage problems. Higher positive correlation between pH, Ca and Curv were observed; calcium concentration was found on the transition areas between flat surfaces to concave ones, while lower values were detected in convex and concave areas. Topographical indexes, namely Wave50, SCa and Curv, can be especially helpful in site-specific management for delineating areas where crop yields are more sensitive to extreme water conditions

    Soil carbonation processes as evidence of tillage-induced erosion

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    Tillage-induced soil erosion or redistribution increases spatial variation of several soil properties and often reduces the productive capacity of soil resources. Our objectives were to identify the extent of this type of erosion by observing the changes in soil morphological properties in the field and analysing its possible effects on soil productivity. The study was initiated in 2001 and conducted at two irrigated sites located approximately at Terena, Alandrol, 80 km east of Évora, Portugal. They were planted to corn (Zea mays L.) during this study, but have a long history of agricultural use with a trend toward increasing intensity in recent years. Soils in the field studies are classified mainly as Calcaric Regosols, Calcaric Cambisols, Luvisols and small areas of Fluvisols. The amount of erosion was estimated by simulation and verified by describing the lithology and measuring soil carbonates. The presence of carbonates in the superficial Ap horizons of soils that were previously devoid of this compound, provide evidence of soil redistribution: (1) in soils derived from calcareous parent material, this is the result of a re-carbonation process; (2) in soils derived from non-calcareous parent material the presence of carbonates in the superficial Ap horizons results from a carbonation process. On both sites, A and B, approximately 17% of the soils sampled were either carbonated or re-carbonated. Carbonation and re-carbonation of soil profiles confirmed that tillage had redistributed the soil-ploughing layer over time. Decreased corn yield was also observed as slope increase. If current agricultural practices are continued in this area, a decrease in soil quality and maximum yield on higher slopes can be expected

    Towards a simulation-based medical education platform for PVSio-web

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    Interface design flaws are often at the root cause of use errors in medical devices. Medical incidents are seldom reported, thus hindering the understanding of the incident contributing factors. Moreover, when dealing with a use error, both novices and expert users often blame themselves for insufficient knowledge rather than acknowledge deficiencies in the device. Simulation-Based Medical Education (SBME) platforms can provide appropriate training to professionals, especially if the right incentives to keep training are in place. In this paper, we present a new SBME, particularly targeted at training interaction with medical devices such as ventilators and infusion pumps. Our SBME functions as a game mode of the PVSio-web, a graphical environment for design, evaluation, and simulation of interactive (human-computer) systems. An analytical evaluation of our current implementation is provided, by comparing the features on our SBME with a set of requirements for game-based medical simulators retrieved from the literature. By being developed in a free, open source platform, our SBME is highly accessible and can be easily adapted to specific use cases, such a specific hospital with a defined set of medical devices.Jose Campos work was supported by project "NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000016" financed by the North Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, and through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Carlos Silva work was supported by grant no. POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031943, co-financed by COMPETE2020 under the PT2020 programme, and supported by FEDER. The authors wish to thank Paolo Masci, developer of PVSio-web, for extensive support and input

    Determining farmers' willingness to pay for irrigation water in the Alentejo region (Southern Portugal) by residual value method

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    This paper aims to determine farmers’ willingness to pay for irrigation water, using the residual value method, for the most representative crops at six Irrigation Communities from the Alentejo region, southern Portugal. The main objective of this assessment was to determine the value that farmers would be able to pay for the water to irrigate different crops at different locations, and to show that this approach can be used to provide information about farming economic sustainability and provide support on if crop prices need to be revised or if a national policy should be conceived to cover for farming costs. The results show that vegetables and fruit trees have the highest Residual Value ofWater (RVW), while Wheat, Sunflower, Fodder crops, Semi-intensive Olive Orchards and Rice tend to have an RVW lower than the current variable irrigation water price. The results also show that, while, for Melon, Tomato, Onion, Super-high-density Olive Orchards, Peach and Almonds, both yields and price may decrease significantly, allowing one to save for faming inputs, Sunflower and Rice would require an increase in yields or prices to cover for the irrigation water priceinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio