127 research outputs found

    Regional expression of tourism development

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    This paper aims to highlight the importance of tourism to strengthen the capacities of the different regions and their resources. With this goal in mind an empirical study was conducted in a tourist destination located in the inner part of Portugal (Beira Interior), which aimed to measure the satisfaction obtained by tourists and also to identify the elements of the supply that the demand considers more important to choose this destination. The research stated that the symbolic aspects related to the specific resources of the region were the most important elements that help tourists to choose their destination and the same elements are also those that make tourists more satisfied. Assuming that the symbolic contents are in fact the underlying identity of the region, one can conclude that the more the identity of the region is reinforced, the more the difference is motivating and the more this identity is a key factor of its attractivenessregional development, differentiation, specific resources, tourist destination, demand-oriented assessment

    A satisfação dos licenciados em turismo: os novos desafios para as Instituções de Ensino Superior e para o setor do turismo.

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    O presente estudo analisa os elementos antecedentes e consequentes da satisfação do diplomado em Turismo em relação à Instituição de Ensino Superior (IES) frequentada, considerando ainda o seu conhecimento do setor do Turismo enquanto profissional desta área. Este encontro de experiências representará uma fonte de informação chave para o posicionamento e gestão estratégicos das IES com oferta formativa em Turismo, bem como para a indústria do Turismo, que reconhecerá as que correspondem de forma mais assertiva às necessidades dos atuais profissionais do Turismo. Utilizando um quadro conceptual baseado na análise da satisfação do consumidor e recorrendo à técnica Partial Least Square – Path Modelling, procurou-se analisar a relação entre as variáveis que integram o processo de formação da satisfação do consumidor considerado, e que se baseia na metodologias dos Índices Nacionais de Satisfação do Consumidor, e algumas caraterísticas da amostra. Os resultados evidenciam a variável imagem como o elemento principal no processo de formação da satisfação dos inquiridos em relação à IES frequentada e indicam ainda distinções relevantes na perceção dos inquiridos ao nível da natureza da IES, ensino universitário ou politécnico

    Determinantes do crescimento económico em Portugal: Uma abordagem sectorial para a região do Algarve

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    Este trabalho procura identificar os sectores de actividade que estiveram na base do crescimento económico da região do Algarve, a região sul de Portugal continental, bem como os estímulos de crescimento que conseguiram transmitir aos sectores endógenos da região no período entre 1995 e 2003. Com a adopção do modelo de Base Económica, aos níveis inter-regional e intra-regional, os resultados sugerem que foram os ramos directamente e indirectamente ligados ao turismo, como o Alojamento e Restauração, a pesca, o Comércio e a Construção que constituíram o motor de crescimento da região. Contudo se registou uma redução do grau de indução destes ramos sobre as actividades não básicas da região. A análise demonstra que a economia regional é bastante tercearizada e o emprego básico encontra-se essencialmente nos concelhos com freguesias litorais, entre as cidades de Lagos e Faro, que possuem uma estrutura económica directamente ligada ao turismo através do ramo do Alojamento e da Restauração e indirectamente, através dos ramos do imobiliário e Alugueres e do comércio e outros

    The European tourism regions: location and economic significance

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    Tourism is one of the largest and fastest growing industries, playing a key role in the economic growth of many European countries, with direct and indirect impacts on other economic sectors through multiplier effects. The national authorities are aware of its role and have given important steps attempting to influence the number of visitors, the timing and duration of visits. Nevertheless, little is known about the relative importance of tourism on a regional basis and little has been done regarding the creation of a truly common european tourism policy. This paper aims at providing an analysis of european regions regarding the importance tourism activities have on their economic structure. For analysis purposes, we consider regions Nuts II from a group of European Union western countries: Portugal, Spain, France, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Belgium, The United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Austria, Greece, Denmark, Ireland and Finland. We start by outlining a quantified analysis of tourism activities structure in each country by building a weighted tourist location index in order to provide a ranking of regions by the importance those activities have on each country’s economic structure. Finally, we analyse the basic trends of tourism policies international framework by focusing the main vectors of national policies, in particular, promotion, direct investment, subsidies, labour market intervention and regulation

    Segmenting graduates consumers of higher education in tourism: An extension of the ECSI Model

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    This research explores the European Consumer Satisfaction Index model applied to higher education in tourism by accounting for unobserved heterogeneity. In particular, it intends to identify segments of Higher Education Institutions’ consumers based on the structural model estimates of the European Consumer Satisfaction Index, enlarged with the employability construct. A model-based segmentation approach in Partial Least Squares path modelling is used. The European Consumer Satisfaction Index was properly adjusted to the educational framework and has shown its effectiveness when assessing students’ satisfaction regarding the attended Higher Education Institution. Two distinctive, graduates’ segments were identified using a sample of 166 Higher Education Institutions’ consumers. Results confirm the assumption of heterogeneity as the relationships differ across segments and the need for Higher Education Institutions to differently target those segments in such a competitive context. These results may be used strategically by Higher Education Institutions and policy makers as segments of graduates are identified according to their perception of employability and the future influence of this on their satisfaction. Deepening the knowledge on their consumers, Higher Education Institutions will be better prepared to adjust their educational performance to graduates’ best interests and to promote their offer

    The tourist experience: Exploring the relationship between tourist satisfaction and destination loyalty

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    Previous studies show that the quality of the tourist experience is aff ected by a large set of factors, many of which not directly related to the acquisition of specifi c products or services. Research also shows that tourist satisfaction is a determinant of destination loyalty. Th is study explores this topic by empirically analysing how the relationship between the satisfaction with the tourist experience and destination loyalty is aff ected by personal factors, such as socio-demographic characteristics and travelling motivations. Th is study is based on a small region representing an important destination in Algarve, Portugal, and uses data from a survey conducted on tourists of diff erent nationalities during peak season. We identify the reasons leading to dissatisfaction with the tourism experience and, based on structural equation modelling, ascertain the relationship between satisfaction levels with the tourism experience and tourist destination loyalty. Th en, a multiple group analysis provides a detailed overview of this relationship by establishing in which groups of tourists the relatedness between satisfaction and destination loyalty is stronger or weaker. In this sense, this study provides an important backdrop for destination managers looking to off er more eff ective and targeted marketing strategies

    The interview: methodological framework in the study of "Tourism and economics: the Faro airport (1946-73)"

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    This methodological paper defines how to interview people regarding the decision-making process, construction and operation of Faro Airport and its role in the Portuguese tourism policy for the Algarve between 1946 and 1973. The interviewee’s age makes these interviews urgent and unique. We will hear retired workers and people who held head positions at the airport or in other relevant public or private organizations. The interviews will allow the access to data otherwise not attainable or not sufficiently evident in other sources, such as documents. The interview consists of hearing the stories of the people, as a narrative, being the interview a semi-structured, guided and unstructured mix. The use of photographs during the interview will help respondents recall events that occurred decades ago. The interviewee will be selected by snowball sampling technique. Content analysis is the method to obtain data from the transcripts of the interviews, in order to construct a coherent narrative and with the contribution of all the interviews and interviewee. As field instruments, we will use an informed consent form, photographs and the confidentiality form after the interview, which responds to the ethical requirement for confidentiality, consequences of the interview and the role of the researcher.FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology partially fund this paper, as R. N. Pereira and J. A. Silva are members of the CIEO – Research Centre for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics (Centro de Investigação sobre o Espaço e as Organizações)

    Arbitragem no turismo: uma oportunidade de lucro?

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    Arbitragem no turismo: uma oportunidade de lucro