7 research outputs found


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    O presente trabalho tem por objetivo fazer discussões acerca das paisagens e seus elementos naturais do Cerrado em Matrinchã-Goiás por meio do conceito de patrimônio natural, avaliando quais impactos do turismo no município. Pretende-se apresentar as transformações ocorridas nesse espaço que fora modelada pela globalização e modernização, no qual vem sendo recriada uma natureza humanizada. A intenção é contribuir para a importância de discutir sobre as paisagens naturais do cerrado como potencialidades turísticas, aproximar as comunidades do Cerrado, levando-os a fazer uma reflexão e promover novas discussões e abrir novos olhares em relação a sensibilização para a importância das paisagens e suas características naturais e culturais. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam que o grande desafio em relação a estrutura e dinâmica do cerrado goiano e da região de Matrinchã é conseguir alcançar uma harmonia entre o desenvolvimento econômicos e sociais e manter os quadros naturais e culturais de forma sustentável

    A influência do relevo no processo de uso e ocupação do solo no município de Niquelândia/Goiás

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo avaliar a relação entre a ocupação e uso do solo, influenciada pelo relevo, no município de Niquelândia. Para tanto, foram realizados levantamentos de diversas bases de dados, tais como: mapas de relevo e de cobertura e uso do solo, os quais foram processadas utilizando-se de técnicas de processamento de dados no SIG. O município possui uma economia diversificada, destacam-se: a mineração, agropecuária, serviços e mais recentemente apodera-se o mercado de turismo, principalmente voltado ao turismo de pesca no lago Serra da Mesa. O bioma Cerrado no município se encontra parcialmente preservado nas áreas de relevo mais acentuado e altitudes mais elevadas, percebe-se então a intrínseca influência da geomorfologia na preservação do bioma e em contrapartida no uso e ocupação do solo. Isto é refletido na utilização das áreas mais planas para agropecuária e ocupação urbana. Palavras chave: Niquelândia; uso; ocupação; Cerrado; SIG. The influence of relief on the process of land use and occupation in the municipality of Niquelândia, Goiás, Brazil Abstract: This article aims to evaluate the relationship between land use and influenced by relief in the municipality of Niquelândia. For that, surveys of several databases were carried out such as: Maps of relief and cover and land use, which were processed using data processing techniques in the GIS. The municipality has a diversified economy, the most notable are: mining, agriculture, services and more recently the tourism market has taken over, mainly focused on fishing tourism on Lake Serra da Mesa. The Cerrado biome in the municipality is partially preserved in the areas of greater relief and at higher altitudes, it is possible to perceive the intrinsic influence of geomorphology in the preservation of the biome and in contrast in the use and occupation of the soil. This is reflected in the use of the flatter areas for agriculture and urban occupation. Keywords: Niquelândia; land use; Cerrado; GIS. L'influence du relief sur le processus d'utilisation et d'occupation des sols dans la commune de Niquelândia, Goiás, Brésil Résumé: Cet article vise à évaluer la relation entre l'utilisation des terres et des influencées par le relief dans la municipalité de Niquelândia. Pour cela, des enquêtes sur plusieurs bases de données ont été réalisées telles que: Des cartes du relief et du couvert et de l'occupation des sols, qui ont été traitées à l'aide des techniques de traitement des données dans le SIG. La municipalité a une économie diversifiée, les plus notables sont: l'exploitation minière, l'agriculture, les services et plus récemment le marché du tourisme a pris le dessus, principalement le tourisme de pêche sur le lac Serra da Mesa. Le biome Cerrado dans la commune est partiellement préservé dans les zones de plus grand relief et à des altitudes plus élevées, il est possible de percevoir l'influence intrinsèque de la géomorphologie dans la préservation du biome et en contraste dans l'utilisation et l'occupation du sol. Cela se reflète dans l'utilisation des zones plus plates pour l'agriculture et l'occupation urbaine. Mot-clé: Niquelândia; utilisation des terres; Cerrado; SIG.Cet article vise à évaluer la relation entre l'utilisation des terres et des influencées par le relief dans la municipalité de Niquelândia. Pour cela, des enquêtes sur plusieurs bases de données ont été réalisées telles que: Des cartes du relief et du couvert et de l'occupation des sols, qui ont été traitées à l'aide des techniques de traitement des données dans le SIG. La municipalité a une économie diversifiée, les plus notables sont: l'exploitation minière, l'agriculture, les services et plus récemment le marché du tourisme a pris le dessus, principalement le tourisme de pêche sur le lac Serra da Mesa. Le biome Cerrado dans la commune est partiellement préservé dans les zones de plus grand relief et à des altitudes plus élevées, il est possible de percevoir l'influence intrinsèque de la géomorphologie dans la préservation du biome et en contraste dans l'utilisation et l'occupation du sol. Cela se reflète dans l'utilisation des zones plus plates pour l'agriculture et l'occupation urbaine.  This article aims to evaluate the relationship between land use and influenced by relief in the municipality of Niquelândia. For that, surveys of several databases were carried out such as: Maps of relief and cover and land use, which were processed using data processing techniques in the GIS. The municipality has a diversified economy, the most notable are: mining, agriculture, services and more recently the tourism market has taken over, mainly focused on fishing tourism on Lake Serra da Mesa. The Cerrado biome in the municipality is partially preserved in the areas of greater relief and at higher altitudes, it is possible to perceive the intrinsic influence of geomorphology in the preservation of the biome and in contrast in the use and occupation of the soil. This is reflected in the use of the flatter areas for agriculture and urban occupation. &nbsp

    O uso de imagens CBERS HRC e o MDT para a delimitação de trilhas no Parque Nacional Chapada dos Veadeiros (GO)

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    This paper propose to present a methodology for make delimitation of an alternative track for the National Park of the Chapada dos Veadeiros. This park is a reserve of the biodiversity inside of Cerrado Biome, on the northeast of the Goiás. Comprises an area of the intense visitation because his natural beauty and the countless of attractive as waterfall, canyon and river rapids. The south-west part of the park is where there where there are most of these attractions and therefore the largest number of tracks. The big flood of the visitors has been provoking some impacts as soil compression, deepening of the ways and the process of the linear erosion. The methodology to delimitation of new tracks was made through the use of CBERS HRC Images and the slope map elaborated by the SRTM. The delimitate of new tracks, was base in the images, and from this shape, we proceeded a buffer of 30 meters for created a zone to elaborated alternatives ways, this buffer put on the slope map made possible to define possible areas to be covered by walks.Pages: 4333-433

    Caracterização das áreas desmatadas no bioma Cerrado via sensoriamento remoto: uma análise sobre a expansão de culturas agrícolas e pastagens cultivadas

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    This article aims to analyze, in a preliminary way, the land use from newly deforested areas across the Cerrado biome, in the periods 2004/2005 and 2006/2007, using satellite data (medium-high and moderate resolution) and remote sensing techniques to characterize the current land use in these areas (agriculture/sugarcane and cultivated pasture expansion). For this analysis we used data from the Deforestation Alert Integrated System (SIAD) for the respective periods, Landsat-TM - 2006 and 2008 imagery, and data from CANASAT and PROBIO projects. Among the main results, we verified a predominance of agricultural expansion in the states of Sao Paulo, Piauí, Maranhão and Bahia, while there is an expansion of pastures in the states of Tocantins, Goiás, and Minas Gerais. Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul are listed as states where the expansion of pasture and agriculture occur in a balanced way, but continuous. Finally, we emphasize the need for further studies, including comparative analysis with the census data, as well as the use of new techniques of remote sensing and GIS, aiming more accurate and dynamics land use analysis in the Cerrado biome.Pages: 6727-673

    Monitoring of Carbon Stocks in Pastures in the Savannas of Brazil through Ecosystem Modeling on a Regional Scale

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    In 2020, Brazil was the seventh largest emitter of GHG (greenhouse gases), releasing ~2.16 GtCO2e (gigatons of carbon dioxide equivalent) into the atmosphere. Activities related to land use contributed approximately 73% of national emissions in that year. Considering that pastures represent the primary land use in the country, occupying approximately 20% of the territory, the mapping and monitoring of C stocks in these areas is essential to determine their contribution to national emissions. In this study, based on the integrated use of the CENTURY model, georeferenced databases, and the R environment, we mapped and analyzed, for the first time, the C stocks dynamics associated with the pasture areas of the Cerrado biome between 2000 and 2019. The average C stocks in the soil (0–20 cm) and in the aboveground biomass estimated by modeling were ~31 MgC·ha−1 and ~4 MgC·ha−1, respectively, values close to those observed in the literature for the region. Furthermore, the model results corresponded to the edaphic patterns of the region, with the highest average estimated C stocks in Cambisols (~34 MgC·ha−1) and the lowest in Neosols (~29 MgC·ha−1). The temporal dynamics of soil C stocks in these areas are directly related to the age of the pastures. In fact, stocks tend to be reduced in recently converted areas and stabilized in areas that have been under this land use for a longer time (≥30 years). As a result, a loss of ~103 MtC (millions of tons of carbon) was estimated in the Cerrado pasture soils in twenty years. The mapping and monitoring of C stocks in this land use type through approaches such as the one presented in this study is essential to support the Brazilian government’s efforts to mitigate C emissions


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    <div><p>ABSTRACT This study analyzed the productive strategies and technology of beef producers in the Vermelho basin in Goiás, Brazil. The data were used to develop a technological index, applicable to the local beef production systems. The data were obtained using questionnaires. A set of 60 properties was selected to provide a representative sample of the relief and soil quality within the study area. The data were analyzed using multiple correspondence, cluster analysis, and beta regression procedures. The variables that most contributed to the definition of the technological level were identified. The variables and production units each formed three clusters, corresponding to three levels of technology: low, mid, and high. The data were used to calculate a predictive index for the analysis and mapping of the technology used in the study area. High cattle densities were found in systems with low technology, indicating low productivity and profitability, and reduced environmental sustainability.</p></div