251 research outputs found

    The cultural tourism market in Portugal

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    Tourism is increasingly offering a range of cultural products, from visiting monuments and traditional arts and crafts centres, to participating in historical events and discovering unique lifestyles. Tourism creates an interest in these particular forms of culture, often encouraging the preservation of cultural and historical traditions, contributing to the protection of cultural heritage and to a renaissance of local cultures, cultural arts and crafts. The relationship between tourism and the cultural sector is potentially highly complementary. The cultural sector creates attractions for the tourist while tourism supplies extra audiences for cultural events and activities. Market segmentation coupled with target marketing is on the increase and cultural tourism could prove a worthwhile sector (Tighe, 1985). Because culture is the key and many times the primary reason for visiting certain tourist destinations, since 1992 the Association for Tourism and Leisure Education (ATLAS) has conducted surveys and acted as a Eurobarometer for cultural tourism in Europe (see www.geocities.com/atlasproject2004). ATLAS is an international association of higher education institutions and other organisations that promote transnational teaching and research of tourism, leisure and related subjects (www.atlas-euro.org). ATLAS carried out a worldwide survey in 2004, designed to gather information on the visitors to cultural events and attractions, including their holiday motivations, socio-demographic profiles and consumption patterns. In Portugal, the survey was carried out by several partners, under the coordination of the Laboratory of Tourism of the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo. This paper sets out to establish a profile of the cultural tourist in Portugal, based on the ATLAS survey at a wide range of different sites and types of attractions and locations in six of the seven tourism promotional regions of Portugal. The partners that took part in this survey were all volunteers. The Azores was the only region in which the survey was not conducted. Several local organisations were contacted, but none volunteered.8014-1B5A-933A | Goretti SilvaN/

    Pilgrimage Routes as Opportunities for Local Development: Case Study of the Way of St James in the Alto Minho Region, Portugal

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    The policies implemented by the Member States of the Council of Europe have as their main purpose to protect and realise the ideals and principles which are their common heritage and facilitate economic and social development (Statute, 1949). The Council of Europe considers cultural itineraries, including pilgrimage routes, which make a significant contribution to the cultural tourism sector, and a key role in territorial development policies, in economic, social, and cultural terms. The Way of St James (Camino de Santiago), one of the main pilgrimage routes in the world, was the first Cultural Route certified by the Council of Europe in October 1987. Nowadays, the importance and impact of the routes are widely acknowledged, since there are thousands of people, travelling every day towards Santiago, departing from various points of Europe and motivated by different reasons. The present paper aims at highlighting the economic and social impacts of the Way of St James crossing the Alto Minho Region (Camino Central and Camino da Costa), in Portugal. Employment opportunities and the overall economic growth of local communities are perceived by local businesses as examples of direct and indirect benefits, and the routes as an integral part of the territorial tourist development. Data were collected through the collation of secondary data, fieldwork, and questionnaires. Comparisons and analyses of differences and similarities between the different approaches are discussed. Results support the existence of opportunities for small business creation and strengthening; Despite the pandemic situation, and the inherent reduction of pilgrims, particularly during lockdowns, the Way recovered faster than other tourism products, and are perceived as contributing to the development of tourism businesses and related services at a regional level. The increases in jobs and economic gains contribute to the wealth and well-being of local communities

    Tourism related entrepreneurship in rural areas : strategies for facilitation

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    Rural societies in European Union countries are, in the majority of cases, going through a process of irreversible change, due in part to population exodus and economic depression, associated with the decline of traditional activities. In these areas, tourism is frequently advocated as a route for economic diversification. However, small scale, family owned and operating at a local level, rural tourism related SME´s appear to be at a disadvantage when facing the challenges of the global tourism industry. Consequently, over the last decades a diverse range and complex structure of policies have been developed both at the EU and national level, which, in some way or another, are concerned with stimulating and supporting tourism related entrepreneurship in rural areas. This paper reports on results of an EU funded research project, “Opportunities For and Barriers To Tourism-Led Integrated Development Within Rural Regions of Selected European States” (OPTOUR), and will reflect the views of two groups of stakeholders - rural tourism enterprises and the facilitators (governmental and non-governmental organisations) - concerning the existing strategies and their associated frameworks in relation to the process of tourism and regional development, as well as the range of elements that represent both the opportunities and barriers to the development of tourism in selected Portuguese rural areas.8014-1B5A-933A | Goretti Silvainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The role of children in the family's holidays decision-making process

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    8014-1B5A-933A | Goretti SilvaN/

    Rethinking pilgrimage routes within the context of safe environments

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    Safety and security are complex, multidimensional concepts, that have undergone a significant change and are active elements of tourism, with a wide range of components belonging to it: political security, public safety, health and sanitation, personal data safety, legal protection of tourists, consumer protection, safety in communication, disaster protection, environmental security, getting authentic information, quality assurance of services etc. (Hall et al, 2009). Studying problems of safety and security has become vital for the tourism industry as it needs to understand what are the main factors influencing the perception of safety, the key elements that are treated as belonging to security and safety problems nowadays and how do safety problems influence the tourists decision when they are choosing their holiday destination. The aim of this paper is to design a conceptual research framework taking into consideration two fundamental aspects – the changing motivations, needs and consumption patterns by pilgrims seeking lifestyle quality experiences and the identification of factors associated for ensuring that the undertaking of spiritual journeys take place in the context of safe and secure environments

    A conceptual model for assessing the level of development of Pilgrimage Routes

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    This paper proposes an innovative conceptual model based on a hierarchical structure for the assessment of pilgrimage routes, establishing and weighting the different associated elements. Based on a holistic approach, a Diagnostic Matrix was created which structures the surveying of predefined variables and enables the evaluation of pilgrimage routes. This tool allows an understanding of both, material and immaterial elements that comprise part of pilgrimage experiences, and of the respective routes as tourism products. Based on the case of the Portuguese Camino de Santiago, the proposed matrix enables the diagnosis of the entire route, as well as partial analysis, which can be sector specific (e.g. accommodation), or region / locality specific (e.g. municipality level). From the diagnosis, intervention plans can emerge, identifying the needs and actions to be implemented. The Conceptual Model and subsequent Diagnostic Matrix allows the public, private and voluntary sectors, such as local authorities, associations and economic agents, to better comprehend what role to play in the overall improvement and development of the Route based on existing good practices. Although this study is based on a specific route, it is expected that the same methodology can be applied to other pilgrimage routes, after proceeding with necessary adjustments to the specificities of the respective context

    O potencial para a cooperação entre empresas de turismo e produção de vinho na oferta de experiências turísticas : o caso da região do douro, em Portugal

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    The provision of tourism experiences depends on cooperative relationships of businesses operating not only in the same, but also in complementary industries, as it is the case of wine production industry. This paper then focuses on the occurrence, or not, of inter-sectoral and/or diagonal cooperation between businesses operating in wine and tourism industries. The aim is to understand and discuss the current situation of cooperation in the region and its (potential) adoption to the provision of tourism experiences. Data here presented was collected through interviewbased face-to-face questionnaire applied to businesses' decision makers, owners/managers. Results indicate cooperation is already being adopted by many of the owners/ managers of wine and tourism businesses in the region and that although visitor experiences were not clearly indicated by respondents as one of the reasons to cooperate, offering complementary and diversified products/services and activities is one of the main reasons for businesses, particularly for tourism businesses, to cooperate with wine businesses. It was acknowledged by respondents an increasing demand for wine-related activities (as participating in harvests and wine tasting) and the need to offer adequate products/services to meet wine-related demand expectations of tourists when vising the region. The results of this paper indicate that respondents, particularly tourism businesses, recognise that this offer is the result of cooperative relationships with wine businesses. Therefore, one can say that there is a great potential for cooperation between wine and tourism in the provision of tourism experiences in this region.8014-1B5A-933A | Goretti SilvaN/

    Developing Pilgrimage Tourism in Latin America: Lessons Learned from the Camino de Santiago

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    The Camino of Santiago has demonstrated its role as a strategic factor in the socio-economic development of territories. This paper presents a ‘tool kit’ based on Best Practice, aiming at designing, developing and operating pilgrimage routes in Latin America, inspired by the lessons learned from the Camino de Santiago strategies and policies. The methodology of the research for this paper is open-ended questionnaires to experts and institutions and online surveys to pilgrims. It also builds on a review of academic literature. The findings show that Latin America is a traditionally religious territory, with a high percentage of the population belonging to religious groups. Pilgrimages have a great potential to bring economic benefits to communities around existing routes and to enhance the development of new ones, which already take place organically but are not fully developed. There is a lack of involvement of the public sector in the design, planning and operation of these routes. Governance in creating policies and in their management is critical to success. Last but not least, strategic and focused marketing is needed where not all tools are valuable and efficient. The Way of Saint James is an inspiring example, but not all practices can be replicated or adapted. Further investigations could analyse other realities (such as Rome, Lourdes, Fátima, etc.) to provide a complete range of benchmarking and enrich the conclusions of this work. The proposed recommendations could be implemented in territories where primary conditions exist and significantly impact the improvement of existing pilgrimage tourism routes or contribute to the development of existing ones. In this work, the Camino has been subjectively considered (as suggested in certain scientific and academic work) as the master model for the development of pilgrimage tourism in territories where the potential for this product exists or can be improved. In this paper, these learnings are suggested in the context of Latin America

    A conceptual model for assessing the level of development of pilgrimage routes

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    This paper proposes an innovative conceptual model based on a hierarchical structure for the assessment of pilgrimage routes, establishing and weighting the different associated elements. Based on a holistic approach, a Diagnostic Matrix was created which structures the surveying of predefined variables and enables the evaluation of pilgrimage routes. This tool allows an understanding of both, material and immaterial elements that comprise part of pilgrimage experiences, and of the respective routes as tourism products. Based on the case of the Portuguese Camino de Santiago, the proposed matrix enables the diagnosis of the entire route, as well as partial analysis, which can be sector specific (e.g. accommodation), or region / locality specific (e.g. municipality level). From the diagnosis, intervention plans can emerge, identifying the needs and actions to be implemented. The Conceptual Model and subsequent Diagnostic Matrix allows the public, private and voluntary sectors, such as local authorities, associations and economic agents, to better comprehend what role to play in the overall improvement and development of the Route based on existing good practices. Although this study is based on a specific route, it is expected that the same methodology can be applied to other pilgrimage routes, after proceeding with necessary adjustments to the specificities of the respective context.8014-1B5A-933A | Goretti SilvaN/


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    Objetivo: analisar a caracterização dos casos de tuberculose notificados na região Centro-Oeste, no período de 2010 a 2019. Método: estudo ecológico, longitudinal, que utilizou, para análise estatística, o programa Microsoft Excel 2010 (cálculo das frequências) e o teste Chi quadrado (X2) (verificar se as frequências diferiam). Resultados: observou-se maior prevalência da tuberculose em pacientes do sexo masculino (70,8%), pertencentes à faixa etária entre 25-34 anos (23,6%), da raça/cor parda (53%), moradores da zona urbana (83%) e que não tiveram sua escolaridade declarada (28,6%). Ao considerar aspectos epidemiológicos, destacaram-se casos novos (82,6%), na forma pulmonar (85,6%), com soropositividade negativa ao HIV (60,4%) e que não tiveram declarado o hábito de tabagismo (51,1%). Conclusão: os casos de tuberculose notificados na região Centro-Oeste assemelham-se aos encontrados na literatura, reforçando que a tuberculose é uma doença infecciosa atual e sua erradicação ainda exige muito trabalho e políticas públicas efetivas