6,773 research outputs found

    An analytical solution for the analysis of zero-length-column experiments with heat effects

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    An analytical solution for the analysis of zero-length-column (ZLC) experiments with heat effects is developed. The model is an extension of the original one developed by Eic and Ruthven with the inclusion of the energy balance. Two additional parameters are obtained, beta = (DeltaH/C-p) (partial derivativeq/partial derivativeT)\ (c0),(T0) and alpha = (ha/C-p)(r(c)(2)/D-c). A criterion for negligible heat effects, 3L beta/alpha < 0.1, is derived from the analytical solution based on ZLC operating parameters. ZLC desorption curves in nonisothermal operation are discussed. The model reduces to the original solution of isothermal operation developed by Eic and Ruthven when heat effects are negligible. ZLC experiments with heat effects are analyzed, and trends are in good agreement with theory. Because of its simplicity, the model is a valuable tool for the analysis of ZLC experiments with heat effects

    Can the distributional impacts of macroeconomic shocks be predicted? A comparison of the performance of macro-micro models with historical data for Brazil

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    What was the impact of Brazil's 1998-99 currency crisis-which resulted in a change of exchange rate regime and a large real devaluation-on the occupational structure of the labor force and the distribution of incomes? Would it have been possible to predict such effects ahead of the crisis? The authors present an integrated macro-micro model of the Brazilian economy in 1998. The model consists of an applied general equilibrium macroeconometric component, connected through a set of linkage aggregate variables to a microeconomic model of household incomes. The authors use this framework to predict the employment and distributional consequences of the 1999 Brazilian currency crisis, based on 1998 household survey data. They then test the predictive performance of the model by comparing its simulated results with the actual household survey data observed in 1999. In addition to the fully integrated macro-micro model, the authors also test the performances of the microeconometric model on its own, and of a"representative household groups"approach. They find that the integrated macro-micro econometric model, while still inaccurate on many dimensions, can actually predict the broad pattern of the incidence of changes in household incomes across the distribution reasonably well, and much better than the alternative approaches. The authors conclude that further experimentation with these tools might be of considerable potential usefulness to policymakers.Labor Policies,Payment Systems&Infrastructure,Economic Theory&Research,Banks&Banking Reform,Environmental Economics&Policies,Economic Theory&Research,Environmental Economics&Policies,Macroeconomic Management,Inequality,Economic Stabilization


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    Universities are reference when the subject is research and innovation. So much research creates a lot of related material (papers and videos for example), mostly this material is not shared with the community (of any nature: academic, scientific or public) because there is not a means with easy access and use. Don’t just researches create academic resources, the environment of a university by itself offer a wide range of activities that create academic resources: classes, scientific initiations, symposia, congress and others. The biggest problem of this scenario is that such a wealth of subjects doesn’t have any value when they are saved. As every university has a good IT infrastructure, the hosting and providing of such resources on Internet is trivial, the problem is that should know where the resources are to get them. This work pretends to take place in this context, allow the search of such resources in a transparent way to the final use

    Perovskite thin film synthesised from sputtered lead sulphide

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    CNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOIn the last few years, research on dye-sensitised devices has been focused on the development of solar cells, based on CH3NH3PbX3 (X = I-, Br-, Cl-) composites with perovskite structure. The deposition of perovskite thin films is usually carried out by solution-based processes using spincoating techniques that result in the production of high quality films. Solar cells made by this method exceed 20% efficiency, with the potential for use in large scale production through ink print or screen printing techniques. As an alternative route, perovskite thin films can be deposited through thermal evaporation. A new method is proposed to produce CH3NH3PbI3, based on a radio-frequency (rf) -sputtering technique that results in a high reproducibility of the films and is compatible with roll-toroll processes. We deposited thin films of lead-sulphide (PbS) and converted them into perovskite by placing the films in an iodine atmosphere, followed by dipping in a solution of methylammonium iodide (CH3NH3I). The conversions to PbI2 and CH3NH3PbI3 were confirmed by elemental analyses, absorption, and photoluminescence spectroscopy. Structural properties were revealed by X-ray diffraction and infrared and Raman spectroscopy.818CNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO554336/2010-3407887/2013-0165756/2014-4465423/2014-02012/10127-52013/26385-

    Financial compensation due to municipalities that host radioactive waste deposits

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    This work aims to perform calculation about the financial compensation due to municipalities where there is viability for construction of radioactive waste deposits from low and medium activity. Were used like base structure de Resolution No. 96 of August, 10, 2010, entitled “Model of Calculation For Financial Compensation to Municipalities” where are determinate those principal characteristics by the waste and deposits, such as the half-life, activity level, type of deposits (initial, intermediate or final), costs for construction and maintenance of deposits, demography, between others. The calculation was made according to the temporally or definitive storage for solids waste like personal protection equipment (gloves, shoes, masks, etc) resins and filters used in wastewater treatment, between others, from of nuclear and radioactivity facilities. There are presented some countries that do the compensation, financial or not, for some municipalities for the construction of waste deposits and in some cases, the way that occurred the negotiation between the stakeholders, in other words, the local population and the companies. Also are presented others forms of financial compensation in Brazil in consequence of activities in large scale which result in potential risk for the surrounding population and for the environment, like compensation for oil and natural gas, hydropower plants and mining. Were used on methodology the inventory of waste presented on RMBN project (Repository of Waste of Low and Medium Activity) developed by the CDTN which present the implementation of a repository for final storage to radioactive waste. With this was possible to develop a case study with the creation of four scenarios. Values were found which initially range from R2,6miltoR2,6 mil to R79,8 mil for month. Finally are analyzed the possible influences which that values may have on the municipality budget revenue and som

    Flow dynamics of vitreous humour during saccadic eye movements

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    In this work, we reveal the flow dynamics of Vitreous Humour (VH) gel and liquid phases during saccadic movements of the eye, considering the biofluids viscoelastic character as well as realistic eye chamber geometry and taking into account the saccade profile. We quantify the differences in the flow dynamics of VH gel and liquid phases using viscoelastic rheological models that are able to model the VH shear rheology, considering different amplitudes of saccadic movements (10 ∘, 20 ∘, 30 ∘ and 40 ∘). For this purpose, the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) open source software OpenFOAMŸ was used. The results portray a distinct flow behaviour for the VH gel and liquid phases, with inertial effects being more significant for the VH liquid phase. Moreover, the Wall Shear Stress (WSS) values produced by the VH gel phase are more than twice of those generated by the VH liquid phase. Results also show that for different amplitudes of eye movement both the velocity magnitude in the vitreous cavity and the shear stresses on the cavity walls rise with increasing saccadic movement displacement

    Hematopoietic stem cells: uses and perspectives

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    As cĂ©lulas-tronco hematopoĂ©ticas (CTH) sĂŁo cĂ©lulas que possuem a capacidade de se autorrenovar e se diferenciar em cĂ©lulas especializadas do tecido sanguĂ­neo e do sistema imune. Na medicina, sua importĂąncia pode ser evidenciada por seu uso rotineiro do tratamento de doenças onco-hematolĂłgicas e imunolĂłgicas. A dificuldade de se encontrarem doadores compatĂ­veis de medula Ăłssea tem estimulado a busca por fontes alternativas de CTH, notadamente o sangue de cordĂŁo umbilical e placentĂĄrio (SCUP) e o sangue perifĂ©rico. O nĂșmero de unidades de SCUP armazenadas no mundo tem sido crescente desde a dĂ©cada de 1990. Em 2004 foi criada a rede BrasilCord, estabelecendo uma rede nacional de bancos de SCUP com o objetivo de aumentar as chances de localização de doadores e ampliar o nĂșmero de bancos de SCUP no paĂ­s. A despeito do baixo volume coletado e do maior tempo necessĂĄrio para regenerar o tecido hematopoĂ©tico, as CTH de SCUP vĂȘm em alta concentração sanguĂ­nea, sua utilização como fonte de CTH para transplante apresenta menor risco de causar doença enxerto versus hospedeiro e possuem maior facilidade de obtenção do que as CTH provenientes de medula Ăłssea.Hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) are cells capable of self-renewal and differentiation into specialized blood tissue and immune system cells. In medicine, their importance is evidenced by their routine use in the treatment of onco-hematological and immunologic diseases. The difficulty of finding compatible bone marrow donors has motivated the search for alternative sources of HSC, notably placental/umbilical cord blood (PUCB). The number of PUCB units stored worldwide has been increasing since 1990. In 2004, the BrasilCord network was created, establishing a national network of PUCB banks with the aim of increasing the chances of finding donors and expanding the number of PUCB banks in the country. Despite the small volume collected and the greater amount of time required for the regeneration of the hematopoietic tissue, the blood concentration of HSC in PUCB is higher, their use as a source for HSC for transplantation presents a lower risk of causing graft versus host disease and they are more easily obtained compared to HSC originating from the bone marrow
