92 research outputs found

    Lojas com história – Lisboa: conheça Lisboa pelo seu comércio tradicional e histórico

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    As cidades têm enfrentado, ao longo das últimas décadas, um conjunto alargado de tendências de recomposição socioeconómica com evidentes repercussões espaciais. Apesar destas transformações, o binómio cidade-comércio constituiu um casamento perfeito, sendo a atividade comercial indissociável da construção da imagem urbana. Contudo, as transformações mais recentes que têm ocorrido no espaço urbano, quer económica e socialmente, quer espacialmente, tendem a evidenciar uma propensão para a progressiva neoliberalização das políticas públicas e a livre circulação e acumulação do capital. Estas novas formas de governança urbana e da economia capitalista parecem estar a imprimir uma nova produção do espaço urbano, que tem contribuído para o desmoronamento de um espaço produtivo e, ao mesmo tempo, possibilitado a emancipação de um espaço-mercadoria que se transforma em função de oportunidades de investimento e de estímulos capitalistas (Harvey, 1989). Estas recomposições urbanas têm originado um intenso debate sobre o contributo que o comércio tradicional e de proximidade teve, tem e poderá vir a ter na nova paisagem urbana do século XXI (Ozuduru & Goldmann, 2013; Cachinho & Barata-Salgueiro, 2016) [...]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Places of Phygital Shopping Experiences? The New Supply Frontier of Business Improvement Districts in the Digital Age

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    Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) have flourished as local governance structures to foster the vitality and viability of traditional shopping districts that have struggled to adapt to retail changes. This paper examines the evolution of placemaking activities that former UK governmentfunded pilot BIDs have delivered over the last 15 years. Drawing on an exploratory sequential research design that combines a qualitative and quantitative thematic analysis of 72 BIDs’ business plans, the findings suggest that UK BIDs have described a non-hierarchical operational framework as services providers considering that: (i) elementary placemaking services, such as ‘clean, green and safe’, have regained thematic relevance due to recent environmental sustainability concerns; (ii) higher-tier lobbying and advocacy services have been an operational priority since BIDs’ inception; (iii) while consumer and place marketing/branding services have seen continual thematic reductions, digital presence and marketing services have emerged as a new category of operational activities. These results extend place management and BID-related literature by discussing the growing role that digital marketing services may perform in the management of town centers and high streets and are relevant to practitioners as it discusses how place management organizations should reposition their operational strategies towards the creation of places of phygital shopping experiences.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mobilidade e mutação de políticas urbanas: compromissos ontológicos e epistemológicos de uma abordagem geográfica recente

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    Este artigo discute a necessidade de reconceptualizar os fundamentos ontológicos e epistemológicos no estudo da circulação internacional de políticas contemporâneas. Através do diálogo com as literaturas dos estudos comparativos tradicionais e relacionais e da análise, apoiada em técnicas de seguimento, de uma política urbana em movimento–os Business Improvement Districts–este estudo mostra que a (re-)territorialização de políticas não constitui um processo de transferência racional e sequencial entre lugares e que a dialética relacional/territorial representa uma abordagem mais completa na análise da circulação de políticas contemporâneas ao reconhecer que a mobilidade e a mutação são processos mutuamente constitutivos.This article discusses the need to reconceptualize the ontological and epistemological foundations in the study of the international circulation of contemporary policies. Through the dialogue with the literature of traditional comparative and relational studies and the analysis of an urban policy in motion using “following techniques”–the Business Improvement Districts–this study shows that the (re-)territorialization of policies does not constitute a process of rational and sequential transference between places and that the relational/territorial dialectic represents a better approach in the analysis of the circulation of contemporary policies by recognizing that mobility and mutation are mutually constitutive processes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    La géographie des régions tropicales dans la production scientifique de la revue Finisterra, 1966-2021: une analyse bibliométrique

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    Os debates académico-institucionais de maior projeção internacional acerca do conhecimento geográfico produzido sobre regiões tropicais têm privilegiado os discursos e práticas dos mundos anglófono e francófono e silenciado os contributos de outras comunidades epistémicas semiperiféricas que também se destacam pela sua atividade científica no «mundo tropical», como a «Escola Geográfica de Lisboa». Mobilizando métodos bibliométricos, este artigo revela uma dessas «histórias alternativas» ao examinar a produção científica publicada sobre regiões tropicais na Finisterra: Revista Portuguesa de Geografia entre 1966 e 2021. Os resultados sugerem que essa produção científica: (i) foi mais significativa entre 1966 e 1985, período em que predominaram estudos anteriores à descolonização da «África tropical portuguesa»; (ii) tem-se revalorizado devido à recente incorporação editorial das problemáticas académicas da América Latina; (iii) caracterizou-se inicialmente pela relevância de estudos geomorfológicos e de geografia urbana, regional e da população assinados por duas gerações de geógrafos associados à «Escola Geográfica de Lisboa» , enquanto atualmente predominam publicações de geografia política/geopolítica, urbana e económica produzidas, sobretudo, por autores brasileiros; (iv) experienciou, em particular no domínio disciplinar da geografia humana, reconfigurações epistemológicas que originalmente se apoiam na tradição vidaliana e que na atualidade assentam em discursos e práticas relativas ao desenvolvimento desigual e à crítica colonial. Este artigo constitui a primeira abordagem sistemática do «conhecimento geográfico tropical» publicado numa revista académica portuguesa e os seus resultados pretendem alargar os debates académico-institucionais sobre a circulação dos saberes geográficos de um campo disciplinar até aqui silenciado.Los debates académico-institucionales de mayor proyección internacional sobre el conocimiento geográfico producido sobre las regiones tropicales han privilegiado los discursos y prácticas de los mundos anglófono y francófono y silenciado los aportes de otras comunidades epistémicas semiperiféricas que también se destacan por su actividad científica en el «mundo tropical», como la «Escuela Geográfica de Lisboa». Movilizando métodos bibliométricos, este artículo revela una de estas «historias alternativas» al examinar la producción científica publicada sobre las regiones tropicales en Finisterra: Revista Portuguesa de Geografía entre 1966 y 2021. Los resultados sugieren que esta producción científica: (i) fue más significativa entre 1966 y 1985, período en el que predominaron los estudios previos a la descolonización del «África tropical portuguesa»; (ii) ha sido revalorizada debido a la reciente incorporación editorial de temas académicos de América Latina; (iii) se caracterizó inicialmente por la relevancia de los estudios geomorfológicos y de geografía urbana, regional y poblacional firmados por dos generaciones de geógrafos asociados a la «Escuela Geográfica de Lisboa», mientras que actualmente predominan las publicaciones sobre geografía política/geopolítica, urbana y económica producidas principalmente por autores brasileños; (iv) experimentó, en particular en el dominio disciplinario de la geografía humana, reconfiguraciones epistemológicas que se basaron originalmente en la tradición vidaliana y que actualmente se basan en discursos y prácticas relacionados con el desarrollo desigual y la crítica colonial. Este artículo es el primer acercamiento sistemático al «conocimiento geográfico tropical» publicado en una revista académica portuguesa y sus resultados pretenden ampliar los debates académico-institucionales sobre la circulación del conocimiento geográfico en un campo disciplinario hasta ahora silenciado.Academic and institutional debates of greater international projection on geographic knowledge produced about tropical regions have privileged the discourses and practices of the Anglophone and Francophone worlds while silencing the contributions of other semi-peripheral epistemic communities that also stand out for their scientific activity in the «tropical world» such as the «Lisbon School of Geography». Drawing on bibliometric methods, this paper uncovers one of these «hidden stories» by examining the scientific production published on tropical regions in Finisterra: Portuguese Journal of Geography between 1966 and 2021. Findings suggest that this scientific production: (i) was particularly significant between 1966 and 1985 when studies before the decolonization of «Portuguese tropical Africa» succeeded; (ii) has recently increased due to the editorial interest in academic issues based in Latin America; (iii) it was first known by the prominence of geomorphological studies and urban, regional, and population geography studies authored by two generations of geographers associated with the «Lisbon School of Geography» while publications on political/geopolitical, urban, and economic geography produced mainly by Brazilian authors have recently emerged; (iv) experienced particularly within human geography epistemological shifts that were originally based on the Vidalian tradition towards discourses and practices related to unequal development and colonial criticism. This article constitutes the first systematic approach to «tropical geographic knowledge» published in a Portuguese academic journal and its results aim to broaden the academic-institutional debates on the circulation of geographical knowledge in a disciplinary field hitherto silenced.Les débats académiques-institutionnels de plus grande projection internationale sur les savoirs géographiques produits dans les régions tropicales ont privilégié les discours et les pratiques des mondes anglophone et francophone et passé sous silence les apports d'autres communautés épistémiques semi-périphériques qui se distinguent également par leur activité scientifique dans le «monde tropical», comme la «École Géographique de Lisbonne». Mobilisant les méthodes bibliométriques, cet article révèle l'un de ces «récits alternatifs» en examinant la production scientifique sur les régions tropicales publiés à Finisterra: Revue Portugaise de Géographie entre 1966 et 2021. Les résultats suggèrent que cette production scientifique: (i) a été plus significative entre 1966 et 1985, période où prédominaient les études antérieures à la décolonisation de «l'Afrique tropicale portugaise» ; (ii) a été revalorisée en raison de la récente incorporation éditoriale des questions académiques en Amérique latine; (iii) se caractérise initialement par la pertinence des études géomorphologiques et des études de géographie urbaine, régionale et de la population signées par deux générations de géographes associés à «l’École de Géographie de Lisbonne», tandis que se distinguent les publications sur la géographie politique/géopolitique, urbaine et économique produites principalement par des auteurs brésiliens; (iv) a enregistré, notamment dans le domaine disciplinaire de la géographie humaine, des reconfigurations épistémologiques qui s’appuyaient à l’origine sur la tradition vidalienne et qui reposent actuellement sur des discours et pratiques liés au développement inégal et à la critique coloniale. Cet article est la première approche systématique des «savoirs géographiques tropicaux» publiée dans une revue académique portugaise et ses résultats visent à élargir les débats académiques-institutionnels sur la circulation des savoirs géographiques dans un champ disciplinaire jusqu'ici passé sous silence.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Researching comparatively urban policymaking processes has become an ordinary praxis within urban policy mobilities studies. While it has been broadly accepted that thinking through relational dualisms, such as that of policy presence/absence, is useful to examine urban policymaking processes across multiple spatialities and temporalities, rather less attention has been paid to how we comparatively study such arenas. This article stands as an invitation to reflect on the methodological issues and implications of studying through sites and situations of policy presence and absence within urban policy mobilities. Building on a reflexive learning ontology that emerged out of an academic project that examines the relational and territorial (un)making of Business Improvement Districts across four English town centers, the article discusses how access to, navigation through and thickness of the evidence obtained from the research field is sensitive to the sites and situations of policy presence and absence where the research takes place. It is argued that studying such dissimilar policy arenas should encapsulate flexible research strategies to better attune to the situated processes and politics that engendered such policy outcomes. To address this concern, the article reflects on how positionality, institutional memory and chronopolitics should inform methodological praxis when researching sites and situations of policy presence and absence

    Science Mapping the Academic Knowledge on Business Improvement Districts

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    Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) are a contemporary urban revitalization policy that has been set in motion through international policymaking circuits. They have been presented as a panacea to the economic and social challenges facing many cities and traditional shopping districts. However, a comprehensive overview of the academic literature on this form of local governance remains to be conducted. Drawing on bibliometric methods and bibliometrix R-tool, this paper maps and examines the state-of-the-art of academic knowledge on BIDs published between 1979 and 2021. Findings suggest that (i) scientific production has increased since the early 2000s, has crossed US borders but remains highly Anglo-Saxon-centered; (ii) academic knowledge on BIDs is multidisciplinary and has been published in high-impact journals; (iii) influential documents on BIDs have centered on three issues: urban governance/politics, policy mobilities–mutation and impacts assessment and criticisms; (iv) while author collaboration networks exist, the interaction between them is limited; (v) the conceptualization of BIDs has changed over time, both in thematic and geographical focus. These results constitute the first science mapping on the academic literature on BIDs, and we argue they should inform future scientific debates about the studying of this form of local governance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Experimental testing of a resistive sensor for monitoring frost formation in refrigeration systems

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    An experimental study of a resistive sensor is developed. Its performance is evaluated in function of the temperature and relative humidity of air, the temperature of the refrigerant and the relative position of the sensor on the evaporator’s surface. A resistive sensor that include two electrodes measures the electrical resistance of the medium. The experimental study was developed in an experimental facility where different air and refrigerant conditions were set up. The results of the experimental study allowed analyzing the propagation of the frost layer and determining the existence of ice on the evaporator’s surface. The results agreement is satisfactory for water detection and high for the detection of the frost layer. The ice behavioral characteristics plays a key role in frost detection using resistive sensors.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Dinâmicas do desenvolvimento urbano e estratégias espaciais da distribuição alimentar na Área Metropolitana de Lisboa

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    As profundas mudanças das dinâmicas urbanas nas áreas metropolitanas e a crescente concentração do capital da distribuição alimentar, registadas nas últimas décadas, apelam para uma análise da evolução da relação cidade e comércio. Com a difusão das grandes cadeias de distribuição, essas mudanças caracterizaram-se inicialmente por transições espaciais que, descurando a cidade-centro, privilegiaram modelos de abastecimento descentralizados, decorrentes da suburbanização metropolitana, para, mais recentemente, apostarem em formatos comerciais com padrões espaciais ancorados na proximidade. Neste contexto, a investigação teve como objetivo central relacionar a evolução da organização espacial da distribuição de dominante alimentar com as dinâmicas espaciais do desenvolvimento urbano na Área Metropolitana de Lisboa (AML). Considerando que as transições espácio-temporais se intensificaram com o advento das cadeias de distribuição, que desenvolvem, também nas áreas metropolitanas, vigorosas estratégias de seletividade territorial, adotou-se como caso de estudo a cadeia Sonae MC, líder no mercado nacional da distribuição alimentar, que explora distintos formatos na AML. Metodologicamente, através da reconstrução das dinâmicas demográficas centro-periferia, analisou-se a evolução espácio-temporal do desenvolvimento urbano na AML. Construíram-se, seguidamente, instrumentos relativos às estratégias espaciais da distribuição alimentar. A partir de métricas espaciais, discutiu-se a reconfiguração do padrão e da morfologia espaciais desenvolvidos pela Sonae MC. Posteriormente, através de medidas de densidade e de proximidade, caracterizaram-se os atributos espaciais privilegiados pelos distintos formatos comerciais explorados pela cadeia. Finalmente, mobilizando a linguagem coremática, elaborou-se um modelo gráfico das relações entre as dinâmicas urbanas e a recomposição das estratégias espaciais da Sonae MC na AML. Os resultados demonstraram que as estratégias espaciais da distribuição alimentar na AML decorrem, em parte, das dinâmicas do desenvolvimento urbano. Em períodos de forte crescimento suburbano, a Sonae MC desenvolveu estratégias espaciais descentralizadas, investindo em estabelecimentos de grande dimensão, como os hipermercados e os grandes supermercados, localizados em áreas de elevada acessibilidade. Contudo, mais recentemente, observaram-se tendências de abrandamento da robustez demográfica da periferia metropolitana e de reversão do declínio acentuado da cidade-centro, dinâmica urbana também decalcada pela cadeia, que, pela primeira vez, desenvolveu uma estratégia espacial mais centralizada, resultante do investimento em pequenos estabelecimentos de proximidade em áreas residenciais consolidadas e do progressivo ou total desinvestimento em formatos de grande dimensão na periferia. As conclusões da investigação permitem afirmar que, para se ajustar às diferentes dinâmicas do desenvolvimento urbano e continuar a crescer, a Sonae MC foi mobilizando o espaço e desenvolvendo novos formatos comerciais como estratégias adaptativas face às novas exigências do mercado.The deep changes in urban dynamics in metropolitan areas and the growing concentration of capital concentration in food distribution sector in the last decades call for an analysis of the evolution of the relationship between city and retail. With the diffusion of large distribution chains, these changes were initially characterized by spatial switchings that, overlooking city-center, favored decentralized supply models, resulting from metropolitan suburbanization, to more recently focus on retail formats based on proximity spatial patterns. In this context, this research had as a main goal to establish a relation between the evolution of food distribution spatial organization and the dynamics of urban development in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area (AML). Considering that spatial and temporal switchings intensified with the arrival of food distribution chains, which also developed strong territorial selectivity strategies in metropolitan areas, it was used as a case study the chain Sonae MC, which is the current leader of Portuguese food distribution market and which explores different retail formats in AML. Methodologically, through the reconstruction of center-periphery demographic dynamics, it was possible to understand the spatial and temporal evolution of dynamics of urban development in AML. Subsequently, empirical instruments related to spatial strategies of the food distribution were built. Using spatial metrics, the reconfiguration of the spatial pattern and morphology developed by Sonae MC was analyzed. Later, through density and proximity spatial measurements, the spatial attributes privileged by the different retail formats explored by the chain were characterized. Finally, by mobilizing the chorematic language, a graphic model of the relationship between urban dynamics and the recomposition of Sonae MC’s spatial strategies in AML was elaborated. The results demonstrated that spatial strategies of food distribution are derived, in part, from the urban development dynamics. In periods of strong suburban growth, Sonae MC developed decentralized spatial strategies, investing in large retail formats, such as hypermarkets and big supermarkets, located in areas of high accessibility. However, more recently, there has been a slowing down of the demographic robustness of the metropolitan periphery and a reversal of the sharp decline of the city center. This urban dynamic has also been displaced by the chain, which, for the very first time, developed a more centralized spatial investment in small and proximity retail formats, located in consolidated residential areas. At the same time, Sonae MC has been disinvesting in large retail formats in the periphery. The research findings allow us to state that to adjust to the different dynamics of urban development and to continue to grow, Sonae MC has been mobilizing space and developing new food retail formats in response to the new demands of the market

    Thermal performance, usage behaviour and food waste of domestic refrigerators in a university student community

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    Food safety and quality as well as storage conditions leading to food waste are related to the reduced thermal performance of domestic refrigerators, the mismanagement of food stored in it or the misuse of the equipment. This paper analyses the operative conditions of refrigerators in the student community of the University of Beira Interior (Covilhã, Portugal). A test sample of 51 appliances in the student households was instrumented with temperature dataloggers. Simultaneously, surveys on the use of refrigerator and food waste were applied to the students, ultimate users of the appliances. The students, with an average of 23 years old, mostly female (65.9%), live alone (6%), with their parents (24%), or with other students (71%). The test sample of appliances had, on average, a nominal electrical power of 126 W and an inner volume of 205 liters. It was found that the average storage temperature was 5.5ºC. The storage temperature in the appliances increased with the number of people who used it. This figure was largely due to improper use behaviour, in particular the number of times that the refrigerator door was open unnecessarily. The joint analysis of these data allows relating the use behaviour of with food waste. The comparison with similar studies conducted in the past shows that the average storage temperature in the current study is lower, mainly due to the technological evolution of appliances as well as the global awareness concerning food safety and food waste. The results of this work, apart from offering results about the performance of the operative conditions of refrigerators in a community not studied so far, highlights the need for further awareness of good practices to reduce food waste and simultaneously ensure food safety of the perishable food products stored in domestic refrigerators. These results could be extrapolated to the remaining people in order to develop strategies to improve cities sustainability.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Improving airflow and thermal distribution in a real data centre room through Computational Fluid Dynamics modeling

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    A Data Centre is a physical space that groups together computer equipment such as servers, storage arrays, among other equipment. It can be used for storage, processing and data protection. The majority of data centres operate 24 hours a day, and must provide the user with guarantees in terms of security and performance. Energy consumption is therefore permanent and the level of assistance and maintenance high. Data Centres have an ecological impact that is almost invisible to many users. In this paper a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model of the airflow and thermal distribution of a real data centre room with 208 racks is proposed. Two case studies are presented and simulated with a high thermal load subjected to the minimum and maximum air flow velocity, respectively. The objective is to assess if the computer room air conditioning unit (CRAC) can cool the racks of the data centre in order to efficiently refrigerate all the hot spots.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio