89 research outputs found

    Experiences on teaching alloy with an automated assessment platform

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    This paper presents Alloy4Fun, a web application that enables online editing and sharing of Alloy models and instances (including dynamic ones developed with the Electrum extension), to be used mainly in an educational context. By introducing secret paragraphs and commands in the models, Alloy4Fun allows the distribution and automated assessment of simple specification challenges, a mechanism that enables students to learn the language at their own pace. Alloy4Fun stores all versions of shared and analyzed models, as well as derivation trees that depict how they evolved over time: this wealth of information can be mined by researchers or tutors to identify, for example, learning breakdowns in the class or typical mistakes made by Alloy users. Alloy4Fun has been used in formal methods graduate courses for two years and for the latest edition we present results regarding its adoption by the students, as well as preliminary insights regarding the most common bottlenecks when learning Alloy (and Electrum).We would like to thank Daniel Jackson for the helpful comments and suggestions about the design of Alloy4Fun. This work is financed by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, within project UIDB/50014/2020. The third and forth authors were financed by the ERDF – European Regional Development Fund through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation - COMPETE 2020 Programme and by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, within project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016826. The second author was also supported by the FCT sabbatical grant with reference SFRH/BSAB/143106/2018

    Determining factors of functioning in hemodialysis patients using the international classification of functioning, disability and health

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    Background: Hemodialysis (HD) treatment affects functioning, physical activity level, clinical biomarkers, and body composition. However, the association between these variables with functioning, considering International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) domains remains unclear. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the possible association between physical activity, biomarkers, and body composition with functioning in HD patients in reference to the ICF. Methods: Eighty HD patients performed different tests grouped according to ICF domain: Body structure and function – handgrip strength (HS), 5-repetition sit-to-stand test, and 60-s sit-to-stand test (5-STS, 60-STS, respectively); Activity – short physical performance battery (SPPB); and Participation – participation scale questionnaire. Physical activity [Human Activity Profile questionnaire (HAP)], body composition (Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry), Parathormone (PTH), and alkaline phosphatase were analyzed as possible variables associated with ICF domains. Data analyses were performed using simple and multiple regression models adjusted for age, duration of HD, and diuresis volume. Results: In the body structure and function domain, appendicular lean mass, PTH level, and age were associated with HS ( R2 = 0.558); HAP and PTH were associated with 5-STS ( R2 = 0.263); and HAP, PTH, duration of HD, and age were associated with 60-STS ( R2 = 0.337). In the activity domain, HAP, PTH, alkaline phosphatase, duration of HD, age, and body fat were associated with SPPB ( R2 = 0.689). Finally, only HAP was associated with the participation scale ( R2 = 0.067). Conclusion: Physical activity and PTH levels are determinant protagonists of functioning in all ICF domains in hemodialysis patients

    Valor nutritivo de pastagens de capim-elefante manejadas sob sistema convencional e agroecológico.

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    O capim-elefante é utilizado, na sua grande maioria, em sistemas convencionais de produção animal. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar o valor nutritivo do capimelefante em sistemas de manejo agroecológico e convencional, quanto a proteína bruta (PB), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) e digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS). Foram usados quatro piquetes, com 0,12ha cada um. No sistema convencional, o capim-elefante foi estabelecido singularmente. No sistema agroecológico, o plantio foi feito em linhas afastadas de 3m. Nas entrelinhas, estabeleceu-se a aveia e o azevém no período hibernal, enquanto que no período estival permitiu-se o desenvolvimento de espécies espontâneas. A adubação foi feita com fertilizantes orgânicos (150kg ha-1 de N). No sistema agroecológico, foram conduzidos sete pastejos, de 24/04/2004 a 05/05/2005. Na pastagem convencional, usouse a mesma quantidade de N (uréia), sendo conduzidos quatro ciclos de pastejo, de 06/10/2004 a 05/05/2005. Para ambos os sistemas foram utilizadas vacas da raça Holandês, recebendo complementação alimentar de 3,5kg dia-1 de concentrado com 20% de proteína bruta, constituindo-se nos animais experimentais. Nas avaliações, considerou-se a massa de forragem inicial com base na matéria seca (MS), os componentes botânicos da pastagem e estruturais do capimelefante. As análises de qualidade foram feitas em amostras de pastejo simulado. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado com dois tratamentos, convencional e agroecológico, duas repetições (piquetes) e em parcelas incompletas subdivididas no tempo (pastejos). Houve interação (P<0,05) entre tratamentos e pastejos em todas as variáveis. Na pastagem agroecológica, o modelo que melhor se ajustou foi o cúbico para todas as variáveis, em função do tempo de pastejo. Na pastagem convencional, a PB e a DIVMS ajustaram-se melhor ao modelo linear, com taxa positiva de crescimento, sendo observado comportamento inverso para FDN, com o decorrer dos pastejos. Tanto na pastagem convencional quanto na agroecológica encontraram-se associações negativas entre lâmina foliar do capim-elefante com PB e DIVMS e positiva com FDN. Ambos os sistemas apresentaram teores qualitativos elevados das pastagens, considerando-se a adubação, o manejo e o tempo de utilização

    Microbiological quality in the flour and starch cassava processing in traditional and model unit

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade microbiológica de farinha e fécula durante as diferentes etapas do processamento de mandioca, em unidades tradicionais e em uma unidade modelo. Foram determinados índices de coliformes totais e termotolerantes, Bacillus cereus, Salmonela spp., bactérias e fungos nas farinhas e féculas. Não foram observadas presenças de B. cereus e Salmonella spp. na farinha e fécula de mandioca produzidas nas unidades estudadas. A incidência microbiana diminui com o avanço da etapa do processamento para obtenção de farinha e foi menor na unidade modelo. Após o processo de torra, a carga microbiana estava de acordo com os valores preconizados pela legislação brasileira, concluindo-se que essa etapa pode ser considerada como crítica na obtenção de farinha. Na obtenção de fécula, a carga microbiana nas unidades tradicionais são maiores que na modelo, e o aumento do número de extrações promove o aumento da incidência de microrganismos, sendo recomendadas apenas quatro extrações. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT: The objective of this research was to evaluate microbiological contamination in the flour and starch during cassava processing in traditional and model units. The total and fecal coliforms indexes, Bacillus cereus, Salmonella, bacteria, yeast and fungi were determined. Bacillus cereus and Salmonella were not detected in any sample. The incidence of microorganisms decreased along the processing to obtain cassava flour, and is lower in model unit. After the roasting process, the microbial load was below the values established by the Brazilian legislation, and can be regarded as a critical step in obtaining cassava flour. Concerning starch production, the microbial load in the traditional units was higher than in the model units, and the increase of the extraction steps has promoted the growth of microorganisms. It’s recommended the used of only 4 extractions