335 research outputs found

    PIBID y una nueva forma de ver la enseñanza de lengua extranjera

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    Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014Este trabalho relata as experiências e atividades desenvolvidas no Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência – PIBID, subprojeto espanhol da UFPR, e o impacto que elas causam dentro da sala de aula. O projeto busca a inserção dos estudantes de licenciatura no âmbito escolar, através de debates e reflexões sobre temas que interferem nas questões de ensino e aprendizagem de língua estrangeira. Os bolsistas vivenciam na prática o desafio de ensinar espanhol com novos métodos, o que não é fácil, porém necessário para motivar o aprendizado, e demonstrar para os alunos a importância de aprender uma segunda língua, para que possam usá-la principalmente fora do âmbito escolar, no seu dia-a-dia, não com um fim acadêmico, e sim com o objetivo de que descubra novos horizontes, culturas e conhecimento

    Integrated bioprocess approach for the production of xylooligosaccharides

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    The demand of prebiotic ingredients has been growing over the years as consumers pay more attention to their health. Xylooligosaccharides (XOS) are considered emergent and competitively priced prebiotics, presenting high potential as food ingredients. As a result, the industry is focused on developing new approaches to improve their production efficiency to meet the increasing demand while reducing costs. Hence, the main purpose of this work was to develop an integrated bioprocess, based on one-step fermentation, for the production of prebiotic XOS, towards the simplification and cost reduction of the process. The one-step fermentation of 13 agro-residues was done using two Trichoderma species. The most promising results were found for T. reesei using brewers spent grain (BSG) as substrate. BSG is an inexpensive and abundant agroindustrial residue that was proven interesting for the production of arabino-xylooligosaccharides (AXOS). In order to reduce the production time obtained with T. reesei (3 d), the Bacillus subtilis 3610 wild type (wt) was successfully used to produce AXOS through direct fermentation of BSG, reducing the production time to 12 h. Genetic engineering was used to further optimize the microorganism performance, by cloning the T. reesei xylanase gene coupled with a secretion tag into the B. subtilis chromosome (B. subtilis 3610 clone 2). This strategy led to a yield increase of 33 % comparing to the wt, and 29 % comparing to the T. reesei. B. subtilis 3610 clone 2 was also selected for downscale production of XOS by direct fermentation of commercial beechwood xylan. The maximum production yield, 306 ± 4 mg/g (XOS/xylan), was achieved after 8 h of fermentation operating under one-time impulse fed-batch regimen. In vitro studies using human fecal inocula were performed to evaluate and compare the potential prebiotic effect of commercial lactulose and the XOS herein produced. The significant increase in the production of short chain fatty acids and CO2, added to the reduction of pH and ammonia concentration suggest that the XOS hold potential functional properties for human health. The results gathered provide important insights for the development of new integrated strategies for XOS production from agro-residues.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Screening of fungal sources of -galactosidase with potential for the synthesis of prebiotics

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    Book of Abstracts of CEB Annual Meeting 2017[Excerpt] β-Galactosidases (EC, also known as lactases, are a family of enzymes able to catalyse two different types of reactions, namely hydrolysis and transgalactosylation. The hydrolytic activity is commonly applied in the food industries to reduce the lactose content of dairy products, preventing lactose crystallization problems and increasing sweetness, flavour and solubility. On the other hand, transgalactosylation reactions have been explored in the synthesis of lactose-based prebiotics, such as galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS), lactosucrose [1] and lactulose [2], with potential application in the pharmaceutical and food industry. These prebiotics are enzymatically produced through the hydrolysis of lactose and further transfer of a galactosyl residue to a suitable acceptor, i.e. fructose for the disaccharide lactulose; sucrose for the trisaccharide lactosucrose; and lactose for GOS. The sources of βgalactosidase are extensively distributed in nature, namely in microorganisms, plants and animal organs. [...]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Produção de lipase a partir de Candida rugosa NRRL Y-95 utilizando meio de cultura contendo resíduos agroindustriais

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    As lipases (E.C. são um grupo de enzimas capazes de catalisar a hidrólise da ligação éster de triacilgliceróis, gerando ácidos graxos livres e glicerol. As lipases microbianas são muito utilizadas nas aplicações industriais nas áreas de alimentos, síntese orgânica e farmacêutica. Neste trabalho, visando à produção de lipase a partir da levedura Candida rugosa foram utilizados meios de cultura alternativos compostos por melaço, milhocina e águas russas. As fermentações foram conduzidas em agitador rotatório a 30 °C e 170 rpm. Testaram-se quatro meios contendo diferentes combinações dos resíduos acima mencionados. O meio contendo melaço 10 g/L, milhocina 4 g/L e águas russas 1,0 %(v/v) foi o que propiciou a produção de enzima com maior atividade intracelular 269 ± 10 U/L frente ao substrato pNFL (p-nitrofenil laurato). Esses resultados demonstram que o referido meio alternativo contendo resíduos agroindustriais é adequado para a produção de lipase

    Exploitation of olive oil mil wastewater for esterase production

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    [Excerpt] Development of bio-sustainable and renewable resource technologies is extremely important on environmental contexts. Waste can contain many valuable substances and, through a suitable process or technology, this material can be converted into value-added products or raw materials that can be used in secondary processes. To reduce the environmental problems caused by olive oil mill wastewater (OOMW), which is the liquid effluent produced during the extraction process of olive oil, this waste can be applied to bioproducts production. (...

    Perspectives on the biotechnological production and potential applications of lactosucrose: A review

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    Lactosucrose is a synthetic trisaccharide composed of galactose, glucose and fructose. This compound is obtained through enzymatic synthesis using lactose and sucrose as substrates. The enzymes involved in the process are able to catalyse both hydrolysis and transfer reactions. The yield and productivity of the process are usually affected by the occurrence of parallel hydrolysis of the newly formed product (lactosucrose). Therefore, it is important to find efficient strategies to avoid or minimize product degradation. Furthermore, in the last decades the demand for lactosucrose has significantly increased. This compound is considered a potential prebiotic and several beneficial effects associated to its consumption have been described. As a result, it has been included in the formulations of functional foods. This review covers the most relevant information about lactosucrose, including its synthesis and purification, beneficial effects at physiological level, and also its potential applications.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) Strategic Project of UID/BIO/04469/2013 unit, the project RECI/BBB-EBI/0179/2012 (FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-027462) and the project “BioInd – Biotechnology and Bioengineering for im- proved Industrial and Agro-Food processes”, REF. NORTE-07- 0124-FEDER-000028 co-funded by the Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (ON. 2–ONovo Norte), QREN, FEDER

    Biocatalytic approaches using lactulose: end product compared with substrate

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    Lactulose is a lactose-based carbohydrate with well-known prebiotic effect and recognized medical applications. Currently, the commercially available lactulose is chemically synthesized. Nevertheless, the process leads to low yields and high levels of by-products. Alternatively, lactulose can be produced by enzymatic synthesis, which provides a cleaner production under mild conditions. Two different enzymatic routes were reported for lactulose production. Lactulose can be obtained through hydrolysis and transfer reactions catalyzed by a glycosidase. Alternatively, lactulose can be produced by direct isomerization of lactose to lactulose catalyzed by cellobiose-2-epimerase. An interesting characteristic of lactulose is also its capacity to act as substrate in additional enzymatic synthesis which leads to the formation of attractive compounds, such as lactulose-based oligosaccharides and lactulose esters. Besides increasing the interest and potential of lactulose, these lactulose-based compounds can also offer new and promising functionalities and applications. Herein, we review the enzymes involved in the synthesis of lactulose, as well as the reaction conditions and yields. The potential of different enzymes is discussed and it is shown that reaction conditions and composition of products depend on the type of enzyme and its microbial source. The conversion of lactulose into lactulose-based compounds is also covered, describing in detail the biocatalysts involved, the reaction conditions used, and the potential of the final products obtained.This study was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469/2013 unit and COMPETE 2020 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006684). The authors also thank the FCT for the financial support under the scope of the Project RECI/BBB-EBI/0179/2012 (FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-027462). SCS also acknowledges her post doc grant (SFRH/BPD/88584/2012) from FCT

    Simultaneous synthesis of prebiotic mixtures containing GOS and FOS

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    FCT (UID/BIO/04469/2013 unit); COMPETE 2020 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER- 006684); project BioTecNorte (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) and project MultiBiorefinery (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016403) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020. SCS acknowledges her grant (SFRH/BPD/88584/2012) from FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Proposta para automatizar o mapa de telefonema interurbano para a Embrapa.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever uma proposta de Mapas de Telefonemas Interurbanos (MTIs) automatizada, a qual foi implementada com sucesso na Embrapa Informática Agropecuária e pode, com algumas adaptações, servir para outras unidades da Embrapa usarem.bitstream/CNPTIA/9873/1/comuntec19.pdfAcesso em: 29 maio 2008
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