17 research outputs found

    Analysis of contemporary migration within and among catchments (software GeneClass2).

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    <p>*In addition, one event between catchments (from Inn to Ticino).</p><p>The table gives the number of migrants and the direction of migration in each catchment, assessing migration between the sampling sites and listing migrants that had a high likelihood to originate from outside of the sampled sites.</p

    Linear regression models of allelic richness A<sub>R</sub> (response), inbreeding coefficient <i>F</i><sub>IS</sub> (response), cluster affiliation, elevation, and log<sub>10</sub>-transformed population size (log10<sub>.</sub>Pop.size).

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    <p>The table gives the degrees of freedom (df), the sum of squares (SS), mean square (MS), the <i>F</i>-value (<i>F</i>), the significance of the respective parameter (<i>p</i>-value) and Akaike's information criterion (AIC).</p

    Allelic richness and population-specific inbreeding coefficients (<i>F</i><sub>IS</sub>) of 20 nuclear SSR in <i>Myricaria germanica</i>.

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    <p><b>A and E.</b> Relationship with elevation. B and F. Relationship with log10-transformed census population size. D. Relationship between allelic richness and <i>F</i><sub>IS</sub>. C and G. Boxplots of allelic richness, grouped by affiliation to genetic clusters (see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0099400#pone-0099400-g001" target="_blank">Fig. 1B</a>). H. Boxplots of FIS, grouped by affiliation to catchment. The values plotted for census population size are midpoints of the estimated intervals of population size. Lines represent linear regressions. Cluster 1: Rhine, Rhone, Ticino. Cluster 2: Inn.</p

    Log Bayes factors and model parameters from analysis of migration (software Migrate-n) in the riparian shrub <i>Myricaria germanica</i> collected from four catchments in Switzerland.

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    <p>Bayes Factors were constructed in comparison with the model with the largest log likelihood (Bayes Factor zero). Model probability was calculated by dividing the marginal likelihood of a given model by the sum of the marginal likelihoods of all models. Model probabilities:</p><p>*0.01<<i>s</i><sub>i</sub><0.05;</p><p>**0.05<<i>s</i><sub>i</sub><0.10;</p><p>***0.95<<i>s</i><sub>i</sub><1.00.</p><p>NC, no convergence of model, thus excluded for calculation of Bayes Factors. Migration rate estimates and population sizes of transformed data are shown in the lower panel. Populations were sorted in downstream order with increasing number, i.e. Pop1 was the most upstream. M<sub>1→2</sub> denotes the migration rate from population 1 to population 2.</p

    Allelic richness and cluster affiliations of the studied sites of <i>Myricaria germanica</i> (Tamaricaceae) in Switzerland.

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    <p>A. Allelic richness. The shading of the map shows biogeographic regions of Switzerland, as used in analysis of molecular variance. B. Results from Bayesian analysis of population structure. Map data: modified from Vector25 © 2011 swisstopo (contract number 5704000000); biogeographic regions: modified following data from BAFU, CH-3003 Bern, Switzerland.</p

    Population graphs showing the genetic relationships between <i>Myricaria germanica</i> sites, with catchments shown in different colors (Inn: blue; Rhine, orange; Rhone, red; Ticino, yellow); the size of circles is proportional to effective population size.

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    <p>Population graphs showing the genetic relationships between <i>Myricaria germanica</i> sites, with catchments shown in different colors (Inn: blue; Rhine, orange; Rhone, red; Ticino, yellow); the size of circles is proportional to effective population size.</p

    Analysis of molecular variance in populations of the threatened riparian shrub <i>Myricaria germanica</i>, grouping sites by river.

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    <p>The table gives the source of variability, the degrees of freedom, the sum of squares, the variance component, the percentage of variation, and the value of the <i>F</i>-statistic.</p><p>*, p<0.001.</p

    Log10 () plotted against log10(geographic distance in km) for the threatened riparian shrub <i>Myricaria germanica</i> based on samples from 31 sites in Switzerland.

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    <p>The linear regression equation used to plot the line was log10() = 0.93−0.74×log10(geographic distance), with an adjusted <i>R</i><sup>2</sup> of 0.314.</p

    Aligned, phased elongation factor 1-alpha DNA sequences

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    Aligned, phased elongation factor 1-alpha (ef1a) DNA sequences in NEXUS format

    Aligned, phased glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase DNA sequences

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    Aligned, phased glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (g3pdh) DNA sequences in NEXUS forma