37 research outputs found

    Ökonomische, ökologische und Tierwohlaspekte der Weidehaltung von HochleistungskĂŒhen

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    Dieses Projekt zielte darauf ab, die GrĂŒnlandnutzung durch Weidehaltung fĂŒr MilchkĂŒhe mit zu untersuchen. Vor dem Hintergrund, dass der Energiebedarf durch alleinige Weidehaltung in den Sommermonaten nicht gedeckt werden kann und Weidehaltung mit einem höheren Arbeits-aufwand verbunden sein kann, jedoch gleichwohl positive Effekte auf die Tiergesundheit dokumentiert wurden, war es das Ziel zu untersuchen, ob ein ökonomisch messbarer Weideeffekt besteht und welche Rolle das Tierwohl sowie die ökologischen Landschaftsfunktionen des GrĂŒnlandes spielen. Die Ergebnisse der on-farm Analyse zeigten, dass bei kombinierter Stall- und Weidehaltung Ă€hnlich hohe Milchleistungen wie bei ganzjĂ€hriger Stallhaltung möglich sind. AuffĂ€lligkeiten am Integument der Tiere resultieren hauptsĂ€chlich aus MĂ€ngeln in der Haltungsumwelt und können das Tierwohl erheblich beeintrĂ€chtigen. Die Haltung auf der Weide bringt unter diesem Aspekt deutliche Vorteile, allerdings werden die Regenerationseffekte im folgenden Winter grĂ¶ĂŸtenteils wieder neutralisiert. Die BerĂŒcksichtigung dieser Aspekte in der Effizienzmessung zeigte, dass das mitunter grĂ¶ĂŸte Einsparpotential im Sinne einer Verbesserung der technischen Effizienz bei den Lahmheiten liegt. Es lĂ€sst sich kein Arbeitsmehraufwand bei den Weidebe-trieben im Saisonwechsel feststellen, da durch Einsparungen bei anderen ArbeitsvorgĂ€ngen der Mehraufwand der Weidearbeiten ausgeglichen wurde. Das grĂ¶ĂŸte Potenzial bietet die Futterversorgung ĂŒber die Weide. HierfĂŒr ist ein eng aufeinander abgestimmtes Weide- und Herdemanagement essentiell, da unangepasstes Weidemanagement zu unterschiedlich ausgeprĂ€gten TrittschĂ€den und in der Konsequenz zu ErtragsausfĂ€llen und VerĂ€nderungen der FutterqualitĂ€t infolge von Verschieben der Artenzusammensetzung fĂŒhrt. Die Ergebnisse zeigten weiterhin, dass GrĂŒnlandnutzung als Weide zu einer erhöhten Humusspeicherung und somit zu einer echten klimawirksamen Kohlenstoffsequestrierung fĂŒhrt

    Novel Human Parvovirus 4 Genotype 3 in Infants, Ghana

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    Human parvovirus 4 has been considered to be transmitted only parenterally. However, after novel genotype 3 of parvovirus 4 was found in 2 patients with no parenteral risks, we tested infants in Ghana. A viremia rate of 8.6% over 2 years indicates that this infection is common in children in Africa

    Assessment of the ecological functionality of anthropogenically created habitats in the impoundment of the hydropower plant Freudenau (Vienna, Austria) with bi- and multivariate statistical analyses

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    The construction of the hydropower plant Freudenau was accompanied by the introduction of new structures and habitats. This study processes and evaluates the ecological fish data for the periods 1999/2000 and 2003/2004. The area was subdivided into five sections and 19 habitats (stream kilometer 1914.50 to 1994.60). Bi- and multivariate analyses were inducted with SPSS© (SPSS 2007). The CPUE values show that most fish remain in the Transition Zone and in the Head of Reservoir. The cluster analyses of the individual habitats show that these can be characterized primarily by abiotic factors. There was a strong statistical relationship between the individual habitats and the Danube mainstream. We conclude that fish have access to the habitats and that there is interconnectivity between these habitats. In general, the habitats were highly accepted by the fish species: all contained both juvenile and adult fish. The differentiated spectrum of species points to complex relationships. In principle the newly created habitats can be considered to be good replacement environments

    Fish ecological assessment of an Austrian impoundment (HEPP Freudenau, Vienna) with cluster and discriminant analysis implicating dominances after Tischler (1949)

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    According to the demands of the European Union Water Framework Directive, natural structures and habitats were implemented during the construction of the hydropower plant Freudenau. Ecological data were processed and evaluated from the years 1999 to 2000 as well as from the years 2003 till 2004. The study area was divided into five parts, which were further divided into 19 habitats. The statistical software SPSS (© SPSS Inc. 2007) was used for statistical analysis. The dominances after Tischler were calculated and consulted for further analysis. In the context of this project an increase in the number of fish species from 1993 to 2004, showing a peak before and after the power station construction, was demonstrated. The CPUE values proved high magnitudes in the habitats B, D and I. The lowest number of individuals shows the Free Flowing Stretches. Both juvenile and adult fish could be proved in many habitats. A more exact analysis with the dominances after Tischler confirmed previous results. Nevertheless the change in the current spectrum of fish species points out interventions to the habitats. Anthropogenically created habitats are only substitutes for natural habitats

    Growth and Nutrient Removal Efficiency of Sweet Wormwood (<i>Artemisia annua</i>) in a Recirculating Aquaculture System for Nile Tilapia (<i>Oreochromis niloticus</i>)

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    The maintenance of optimal water quality for fish production is one of the major challenges in aquaculture. Aquaponic systems can improve the quality of water for fish by removing the undesirable wastes and in turn produce a second marketable crop. However, there is no information on the growth and nutrient removal capability of Artemisia annua in aquaponic systems. This study evaluated the effect of plant density on water quality, the growth of A. annua and Oreochromis niloticus in a small scale aquaponic system in Kenya. The aquaponic system consisted of three treatments representing different plant densities (D1: 48 plants/m2, D2: 24 plants/m2 and D3:0 plants/m2). The high plant density system contributed significantly (p &lt; 0.05) to the removal of all nutrients. The removal efficiency of ammonia was significantly higher in D1 (64.1 &#177; 14.7%) than in D2 (44.5 &#177; 6.8%) and D3 (38.0 &#177; 12.1%). Nitrates and nitrites were inconsistent, whereas phosphorus increased gradually in all treatments. The productivity of plants was higher in D1 than D2. Fish growth rates were significantly higher in D1 (0.35 &#177; 0.03 g/d) and D2 (0.32 &#177; 0.02 g/d) than in D3 (0.22 &#177; 0.04 g/d). The results show that A. annua can be cultivated in aquaponic systems due to its nitrogen removal capabilities

    The Role of Citrate Homeostasis in Merkel Cell Carcinoma Pathogenesis

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    Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a rare but highly aggressive tumor of the skin with a poor prognosis. The factors driving this cancer must be better understood in order to discover novel targets for more effective therapies. In the search for targets, we followed our interest in citrate as a central and critical metabolite linked to fatty acid synthesis in cancer development. A key to citrate uptake in cancer cells is the high expression of the plasma membrane citrate transporter (pmCiC), which is upregulated in the different adenocarcinoma types tested so far. In this study, we show that the pmCiC is also highly expressed in Merkel cell carcinoma cell lines by western blot and human tissues by immunohistochemistry staining. In the presence of extracellular citrate, MCC cells show an increased proliferation rate in vitro; a specific pmCiC inhibitor (Na+-gluconate) blocks this citrate-induced proliferation. Furthermore, the 3D in vivo Chick Chorioallantoic Membrane (CAM) model showed that the application of Na+-gluconate also decreases Merkel cell carcinoma growth. Based on our results, we conclude that pmCiC and extracellular citrate uptake should be considered further as a potential novel target for the treatment of Merkel cell carcinoma

    Effects of aerated and non-aerated biofilters on effluent water treatment from a small-scale recirculating aquaculture system for Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.)

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    Most recirculation aquaculture systems (RAS) use aerated biofilters to maintain suitable water quality for fish production. However, application of non-aerated biofilters may provide opportunities to lower aeration costs, water usage and concentration of all nitrogenous wastes in the effluent water. Our study aimed at comparing the biofiltration performance characteristics of two biofilters: a conventional aerated biofilter and a non-aerated biofilter receiving the same effluent water from a small-scale RAS. The two biofilters were evaluated in triplicate and tested concurrently for seven months. Water quality parameters were monitored at the biofilter inlets and outlets and in the fish tanks. At the beginning of the experiment, the concentration of ammonia at the two biofilter outlets were not significantly different. However, the concentrations decreased with time reaching mean values of 1.33 ± 0.02 mg L−1 and 1.23 ± 0.21 mg L−1 N-NH4 in the aerated and non-aerated biofilters, respectively. Whereas phosphorus and nitrate levels were significantly high in the aerated biofilter. There was no significant difference in the growth of fish between the aerated and non-aerated biofilters. The results suggest that non-aerated biofilters can be as effective as aerated biofilters in maintaining suitable water quality for O. niloticus production