6 research outputs found

    Supporting children’s social play with peer-based intervention and instruction in four inclusive Swedish preschools

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    This multiple case study investigated a peer-based intervention and instruction (PBII) for social play, Play Time/Social Time (PT/ST), in four inclusive Swedish preschools. PT/ST contains 28 learning activities where children playfully practice six social skills with significance for social play and friendships. One teacher in each preschool was trained and instructed to implement PT/ST, two with coaching early in the implementation, and two without. At each preschool, one child with special educational needs (SEN) in social play (n = 4) and one or two socially skilled peers (n = 6) participated. The study aimed to explore how the teachers perceived the influence of PT/ST on social engagement and social play skills in the children with SEN, with/without coaching, and if PT/ST supported social play between the children with and without SEN. It also aimed to examine the feasibility of PT/ST and the influence on preschool inclusion quality in the preschools, with/without coaching. Observational assessments and video observations were used. The results indicate that PT/ST was beneficial for the children with SEN to engage in social play with peers and practice social skills, and for the preschool’s inclusion quality regarding involvement in peer interactions and guidance in play, both with/without coaching for the teachers. However, the coaching strengthened the intervention fidelity. Social play occurred between the children with and without SEN in activities where they seemed similarly attracted by the toys and play materials and when they all could engage in the play goals, tasks, and roles. For this, they sometimes needed instructions and encouragement from the teachers

    Recognition and Counter power

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    The aim of this study was to describe, explain and understand the importance of preschool and leisure pedagogy for special education. Knowledge was therefore generated concerning teacher’s reflection on three themes: 1) the view of knowledge, people and society, 2) special education as organisation, activity and content, 3) a gender perspective and its implication for their realisation of a professional practice. An analytical aim was to understand the content of the teachers’ reflection process in a critical social perspective. The group included 14 persons. The empirical material consists of eleven analysed group meetings, two sets of interviews with the participants, educational policy documents, archive material and two background interviews. The study is based on a participatory research approach and on democratic knowledge processes guided by critical social theory. The participants formulate the importance of sensory experiences, multiple forms of knowledge and on all people’s equal value. The qualification structure of the group includes overview as well as direct work with an interior and exterior organisation. The participants associate questions from the field with revealed opportunities and obstacles, relations, processes and contexts. The analysis shows that solely acceptance of the different child is not enough. Recognition precedes the appreciation of the unique and absolute Subject. The analysis by the group reveals a reproduction of subordination. The qualification structure of salaried employee and service production demands critical consciousness to avoid exploitation and control in a capitalist and market-oriented society. The double subordination of the group in the school world contains the power of recognising this partly as an opportunity for a counter power based on the justified participation on equal terms, partly as a counter power to the current tendency to split pedagogical and collective work on value issues

    Preschool teachers and special educators - a shared democratic mandate?

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    Pre-school teachers create a qualitative context aroundchildren with special needs (Siljehag, 2012). But areall voices heard? A critical scientific special pedagogyneeds to analyze and describe different kinds ofperspectives (Siljehag, 2007, 2010; Helldin, 2010).What does this mean?In Sweden pre-schools have had their own nationalcurriculum since 1998..

    Structured observation of children’s play with Teacher Impression Scale : a test among Swedish preschool teachers

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    Children with special educational needs (SEN) are often less socially engaged than their typically developing peers. To design intervention programs to support social engagement in early intervention programs, it is important to have an assessment that is reliable and feasible for teacher to use in classrooms. The Teacher Impression Scale (TIS) is a 16 item scale (McConnell & Odom, 1999) designed to measure social engagement. The aim of the present study was to test the reliability of a Swedish version of the TIS for identifying children who might be in need of a social competence intervention and to assess its acceptability among teachers. Teachers (N=16) rated children (N=32) with and without SEN with TIS and rated the acceptability of the assessment. The results showed that TIS has high internal validity (α = 0.97), supported identification of suitable participants, and was perceived positively by teachers

    Language skills and well-being in early childhood education and care: a cross-sectional exploration in a Swedish context

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    Language skills play a vital role in academic achievement and support reading and writing acquisition. Language skills also enable children to interact with others and develop social abilities. Given the predictive value of early language skills for academic attainment and their connection to social interaction, they have been suggested to be an indicator of well-being as well. However, children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds present lower scores than their peers with a majority language background on standardized language tests, such as vocabulary assessment. In the current study, we examined the relationship between language and self-reported well-being in the school context, based on data from a community sample of 85 five-year-old children attending eight preschools in three Swedish municipalities. Language skills were assessed through measures of vocabulary (receptive and expressive) and narrative skills (MAIN) and were analyzed using structural equation modeling. Narrative ability and vocabulary skills were correlated, but they appear to be distinct constructs. Exposure at home to the majority language was positively associated with vocabulary skills, while narrative ability was not strongly associated with language background. Language skills and well-being were not significantly correlated in the total sample, but post hoc analysis revealed that language background may affect the association. A novel contribution of this study is empirical data on language performance from a community sample with a large proportion of children with diverse language backgrounds. The relationship between subjective well-being and language skills warrants further investigation