9 research outputs found

    The Impact of the Functional Layer Composition of Glucose Test-Strips on the Stability of Electrochemical Response

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    Herein, the impact of the chemical stability of RedOx mediator ferricyanide, K3 [Fe(CN)6 ] (FC), a type of buffer solution used for bioreceptor preparation, gel composition (carboxymethylcellulose, CMC, Aerosile, AS, and alginate, ALG) on the long term stability of glucose test-strips and their analytical performance was examined. By simple addition of ALG to the functional gel aiming to improve its viscosity, we managed to enhance the sensitivity of conventional CMC-containing amperometric glucose test-strips from 3.3 µA/mM to 3.9 µA/mM and extend their shelf life from 8 months to 1.7 years. Moreover, during the course of investigations, it was revealed that the activity of enzyme in dependence with the used buffer did not linearly correlate with its activity in a dried functional layer, and the entire long-term electrochemical signal of glucose test-strips was determined by RedOx mediator FC chemical stability. The most stable and sensitive test-strips were obtained by the screen-printing approach from a gel containing 24 mg/mL GOx prepared in citrate buffer with pH 6, 200 mg/mL of FC and 10 mg/mL of CMC supplemented with 25 mg/mL of ALG

    Regression in the Symptoms and Discal Hernia in Case of Lumbar Radiculopathy

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    BACKGROUND: Discogenic lumbar radiculopathy has a favorable potential for survival; the regression of clinical symptoms may outpace the subsidence of discal hernia. AIM: The objective of the study is comparing the clinical data and the results of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in patients with discogenic lumbar radiculopathy over 1 year of observation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-two patients (13 males at the average age of 39.1 ± 11.8 years) with discogenic lumbar radiculopathy confirmed by MRI were examined in the study. The intensity of pain condition was assessed using the numerical rating scale; disability was assessed using the Oswestry disability index. Sixteen patients were subjected to repeated MRI. RESULTS: Statistically significant (p < 0.01) reduction of the average pain intensity and intensity of disability more than 2 times was observed as early as in the first 2 weeks. Gradual reduction of pain and disability was observed during the year. Reduction of discal hernia by more than 50% was observed on average after 8.7 ± 4.7 months. CONCLUSION: In the case of discogenic radiculopathy, the reduction of pain and related disability far outstrips the regression of the herniation of intervertebral disk

    Efficacy of A Novel Smart Polymeric Nanodrug in the Treatment of Experimental Wounds in Rats

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    High-quality and aesthetic wound healing, as well as effective medical support of this process, continue to be relevant. This study aims to evaluate the medical efficacy of a novel smart polymeric nanodrug (SPN) on the rate and mechanism of wound healing in experimental animals. The study was carried out in male Wistar rats (aged 8–9 months). In these animals, identical square wounds down to the fascia were made in non-sterile conditions on the back on both sides of the vertebra. SPN was used for the treatment of one wound, and the other wound was left without treatment (control group). Biocompatible citrate-stabilized cerium oxide nanoparticles integrated into a polysaccharide hydrogel matrix containing natural and synthetic polysaccharide polymers (pectin, alginate, chitosan, agar-agar, water-soluble cellulose derivatives) were used as the therapeutic agent. Changes in the wound sizes (area, volume) over time and wound temperature were assessed on Days 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, and 14. Histological examination of the wounds was performed on Days 3, 7, and 14. The study showed that the use of SPN accelerated wound healing in comparison with control wounds by inhibiting the inflammatory response, which was measured by a decreased number of white blood cells in SPN-treated wounds. It also accelerated the development of fibroblasts, with an early onset of new collagen synthesis, which eventually led to the formation of more tender postoperative scars. Thus, the study demonstrated that the use of SPN for the treatment of wounds was effective and promising

    Влияние условий обитания на активность ферментов и содержание метаболитов аскорбат-глутатионового цикла в листьях Plantago media

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    The ascorbate-glutathione cycle (AGC) is a metabolic pathway that detoxifies H2O2, which is a reactive oxygen species produced as a waste product in metabolism. The cycle involves the antioxidant metabolites – ascorbate, glutathione, and NADPH, as well as enzymes linking them. We studied the effect of habitat conditions on the activity of enzymes and contents of metabolites of the ascorbate-glutathione cycle in Plantago media leaves. The experimental plants grew on the floodplain meadow: on the sparsely vegetated coastal edge (Site 1) and in the grass stand in the central part of the meadow (Site 2). The hoary plantain plants growing in Site 1 received twice more light than the plants in Site 2. The ascorbate and glutathione concentrations in leaves of the well-lit plants were 2–3 times higher than in shaded plants. The maximal levels of these metabolites were observed at midday, when light intensity and air temperature were increased, and relative humidity was decreased. The activity of AGC enzymes was changing similarly to the metabolite contents. As a result, the leaves of hoary plantain plants from the sites with different light levels did not significantly differ in their hydrogen peroxide concentrations. Our data suggest that the environmental conditions and, above all, the light intensity fine-tune the operation of AGC in plant leavesАскорбат-глутатионовый цикл (АГЦ) представляет собой метаболический путь, осуществляющий детоксификацию H2O2 в растительных клетках. В цикле участвуют низкомолекулярные антиоксиданты аскорбат и глутатион, НАДФН и ряд ферментов (аскорбатпероксидаза, дегидроаскорбатредуктаза, глутатионредуктаза). Мы исследовали закономерности изменения активности ферментов и содержания метаболитов АГЦ в листьях Plantago media (подорожник средний) в зависимости от условий местообитания. Растения произрастали на пойменном лугу: на слабо покрытой растительностью песчаной бровке ближе к реке (участок 1) и в травостое в центре луга (участок 2). Растения участка 1 получали вдвое больше света, чем растения участка 2. Выявили, что листья хорошо освещаемых растений содержали в 2–3 раза больше аскорбата и глутатиона, чем листья затененных растений. Максимальное накопление фонда этих метаболитов наблюдалось в полдень, когда освещенность и температура среды повышались, а относительная влажность воздуха снижалась. Уровень активности ферментов в течение дня изменялся комплементарно содержанию метаболитов. В результате хорошо освещенные и затененные растения не различались существенно по содержанию пероксида водорода в листьях. В целом наши данные показывают, что функционирование метаболического пути, участвующего в поддержании редокс-состояния фотосинтезирующих клеток, зависит от условий среды и, прежде всего, интенсивности света, тонко регулирующего активность ферментов и накопление метаболитов АГ

    Влияние УФ-B‑радиации на антиоксидантную систему лишайников Peltigera aphthosa и Peltigera rufescens

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    Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is the short wavelength region of the solar spectrum. The high-energy photons of UV-B (280–315 nm) are potentially dangerous for all living organisms. The effect of UV-B radiation on lichens has not been studied sufficiently. We conducted a comparative study of the effects of the long-term (10 d) exposure to the environmentally realistic dose of UV-B radiation on the accumulation of lipid peroxidation products (TBARS), H2O2 content, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, and respiration rate in Peltigera aphthosa from the forest community and Peltigera rufescens from the open spaces of floodplain meadow. The H2O2 content and the SOD activity were found to increase in the thalli of P. rufescens. The TBARS content in the UV-B treated thalli of P. rufescens did not differ from the control thalli and was 2.5 times higher than in P. aphthosa. In P. aphthosa thalli, SOD activity did not change after UV-B exposure, and TBARS content increased by 33 % with an increase in the total UV-B dose. Both lichens exhibited an increase in the alternative respiratory pathway (AP) activity and a decrease in the ratio of the main (cytochrome) pathway to the energy low efficient AP. The AP involvement was more pronounced in P. aphthosa. The results of our study indicate the species-specific response in lichens and differences in their resistance to oxidative stress, which were due to adaptation to the light conditions in the typical habitats of these speciesУльтрафиолетовая (УФ) радиация относится к коротковолновой части солнечного спектра. Высокоэнергетические фотоны УФ-B‑излучения (280–315 нм) потенциально опасны для всех живых клеток. Реакция лишайников на УФ-В‑излучение исследована недостаточно. Мы провели сравнительное изучение влияния длительного действия экологически обоснованной дозы УФ-B‑радиации на накопление продуктов перекисного окисления липидов (ПОЛ), содержание Н2О2, активность cупероксиддисмутазы (СОД) и дыхание талломов Peltigera aphthosa из лесного сообщества и Peltigera rufescens, обитающей на хорошо инсолируемых участках пойменного луга. Выявили повышение содержания Н2О2 и активности СОД в талломах P. rufescens, экспонированных к УФ-В. Содержание продуктов ПОЛ в импактных талломах P. rufescens не отличалось от контроля и было в 2,5 раза выше по сравнению с P. aphthosa. Уровень активности СОД в талломах P. aphthosa не изменялся, но содержание продуктов ПОЛ возрастало на 33 % с увеличением суммарной дозы УФ-В. У обоих видов лишайников отмечали повышение активности альтернативного пути (АП) дыхания, что приводило к изменению соотношения основного (цитохромного) и энергетически малоэффективного АП. Вовлечение АП было сильнее выражено у P. aphthosa. Результаты исследования свидетельствуют о видовой специфичности реакции лишайников на воздействие УФ-В‑излучения, а также указывают на различия в их устойчивости к окислительному стрессу, обусловленные приуроченностью видов к местообитаниям с разным режимом освещенност

    Cerium Dioxide–Dextran Nanocomposites in the Development of a Medical Product for Wound Healing: Physical, Chemical and Biomedical Characteristics

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    Purpose of the study: the creation of a dextran coating on cerium oxide crystals using different ratios of cerium and dextran to synthesize nanocomposites, and the selection of the best nanocomposite to develop a nanodrug that accelerates quality wound healing with a new type of antimicrobial effect. Materials and methods: Nanocomposites were synthesized using cerium nitrate and dextran polysaccharide (6000 Da) at four different initial ratios of Ce(NO3)3x6H2O to dextran (by weight)—1:0.5 (Ce0.5D); 1:1 (Ce1D); 1:2 (Ce2D); and 1:3 (Ce3D). A series of physicochemical experiments were performed to characterize the created nanocomposites: UV-spectroscopy; X-ray phase analysis; transmission electron microscopy; dynamic light scattering and IR-spectroscopy. The biomedical effects of nanocomposites were studied on human fibroblast cell culture with an evaluation of their effect on the metabolic and proliferative activity of cells using an MTT test and direct cell counting. Antimicrobial activity was studied by mass spectrometry using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry against E. coli after 24 h and 48 h of co-incubation. Results: According to the physicochemical studies, nanocrystals less than 5 nm in size with diffraction peaks characteristic of cerium dioxide were identified in all synthesized nanocomposites. With increasing polysaccharide concentration, the particle size of cerium dioxide decreased, and the smallest nanoparticles (−2 M, the proliferative activity of fibroblasts was statistically significantly enhanced only when co-cultured with Ce2D, but decreased with Ce3D. The metabolic activity of fibroblasts after 72 h of co-cultivation with nano composites increased with increasing dextran concentration, and the highest level was registered in Ce3D; from the dextran group, differences were registered in Ce2D and Ce3D sols. As a result of the microbiological study, the best antimicrobial activity (bacteriostatic effect) was found for Ce0.5D and Ce2D, which significantly inhibited the multiplication of E. coli after 24 h by an average of 22–27%, and after 48 h, all nanocomposites suppressed the multiplication of E. coli by 58–77%, which was the most pronounced for Ce0.5D, Ce1D, and Ce2D. Conclusions: The necessary physical characteristics of nanoceria–dextran nanocomposites that provide the best wound healing biological effects were determined. Ce2D at a concentration of 10−3 M, which stimulates cell proliferation and metabolism up to 2.5 times and allows a reduction in the rate of microorganism multiplication by three to four times, was selected for subsequent nanodrug creation

    Synthesis, Characterization, Hirshfeld Surface Analysis, Crystal Structure and Molecular Modeling Studies of 1-(4-(Methoxy(phenyl)methyl)-2-methylphenoxy)butan-2-one Derivative as a Novel α-Glucosidase Inhibitor

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    The crystal compound was synthesized and characterized using conventional analytical techniques. The compound C19H21O3 crystallizes in a monoclinic crystal system with the space group P21/c. The crystal structure is stabilized by C-H…O interactions. The structure is further reinforced by π-π interactions. During in vitro inhibition of α-glucosidase, the crystal compound exhibited a significant inhibition of the enzyme (IC50: 10.30 ± 0.25 µg/mL) in comparison with the control, acarbose (IC50: 12.00 ± 0.10 µg/mL). Molecular docking studies were carried out for the crystal compound with the α-glucosidase protein model, which demonstrated that the crystal molecule has a good binding affinity (−10.8 kcal/mol) compared with that of acarbose (−8.2 kcal/mol). The molecular dynamics simulations and binding free energy calculations depicted the stability of the crystal molecule throughout the simulation period (100 ns). Further, a Hirshfeld analysis was carried out in order to understand the packing pattern and intermolecular interactions. The energy difference between the frontier molecular orbitals (FMO) was 4.95 eV

    Laboratory Tests in Diagnosis of Mastocytosis: Literature Review and Case Report

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    Мastocytosis is a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by abnormal growth and accumulation of mast cells (MCs) in the skin and/or other organ systems. Mastocytosis is a rare disease. The annual incidence is 5-10 cases per 1 million people. However, the majority of cases stay undiagnosed due to the lack of specific tests and a wide variety of clinical features of the disease. In mastocytosis, somatic mutations of KIT gene lead to autocrine dysregulation and constitutive c-KIT activation in the absence of its ligand SCF. Clinical symptoms of the disease are determined by MC mediator release and/or infiltration of tissues by MCs. According to the World Health Organisation classification updated in 2016 mastocytosis is divided to cutaneous mastocytosis (CM), indolent systemic mastocytosis (ISM), smoldering systemic mastocytosis (SSM), SM with an associated hematologic (non-MC-lineage) neoplasm (SMAHN), aggressive SM (ASM), MC leukemia (MCL) and MC sarcoma (MCS). The CM and ISM prognosis is excellent with (almost) normal life expectancy, unlike aggressive forms (ASM and MCL) with poor prognosis. In this paper the key aspects of clinical features and diagnostic criteria of mastocytosis are discussed. We present a case report of a patient with mastocytosis in the skin following psoralen plus ultraviolet A (PUVA) therapy with good response