991 research outputs found

    Women Portrayal in Patriarchal Society Through Female Main Characters in Zemeckis' Beowulf Film (2007)

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    Patriarchy system which forms gender stereotypes and its issues, consciously or not is easily found in daily life. Gender stereotypes are strengthened by patriarchy system which includes judgments of surrounding society, and forms two categories; masculinity (men stereotypes) and femininity (women stereotypes) which referred from the different biological characteristics among men and women, to empower men and disempower women in society. The purposes of this research were to analyze the portrayal of patriarchy system which is portrayed in the Zemeckis' Beowulf film, and to analyze the portrayal of female main characters who break patriarchy system which is portrayed in the film. This research was designed as a qualitative research, and the theory of patriarchy by Allan G. Johnson was used as the ground theory. The results of the research showed that patriarchy system and its four elements such as male dominance, male identification, male centeredness, and obsession with control are promoted in the society which is portrayed in the Zemeckis' Beowulf film (2007). Although the two female main characters of the film live in a society which is patriarchal, but they do not fall into the patriarchy system and the gender stereotypes that are imposed on them as subordinate women, instead they challenge and break the social systems

    A weldability study of AL-CU-LI 2198 alloy

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    Al-Cu-Li alloys, conceived for automotive and aeronautic applications thanks to the high mechanical resistance/density ratio, exhibit weldability issues common to all light alloys. In this paper, the weldability of Al-Cu-Li 2198 alloy was studied by comparing features of welds carried out by two processes, the traditional arc welding and the friction stir welding (FSW). Welded joints were submitted to optical and SEM metallographic examinations with EDS microanalysis measurements. Mechanical characteristics were evaluated through microhardness tests and the instrumented indentation test FIMEC (Flat-top cylinder Indenter for MEchanical Characterization)

    The Psychoanalytical Study on the Characteristics and Causes of Adolescent Deviant Behavior Found in Divergent Novel by Veronica Roth

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    This research investigates how the major character described to get causes of Beatrice's deviant behaviors in Veronica Roth's Divergent Novel. This research used three different theories to answer two research questions. First, used the personality theory by Sigmund Freud and used the four ds of abnormality theory by Ronald J.Comer to define the deviant behavior of the main character, Beatrice Prior. This research also used behavior disorder theory by Harry Gottesfeld to analyzed the causes of deviant behavior which is performed by the main character. The data sources are literary data. The method of data collection of the research is library research. The technique of data analysis is descriptive qualitative method. The researcher served the data in dialogues, and narratives by Beatrice. Based on the analysis, the researcher draws two conclusions: First, this research shows that the failure to control personality can make a person being deviant. It is reflected in the major character's personality when she wants to leave her faction. The second, this research shows that there are four causes of Beatrice deviant behavior in six causes of behavior disorder, they are the physical, biological factors; the family; and the self-concept, and natural support systems

    Evaluasi pembinaan guru melalui program guru pembelajar guna menuju tingkat keterampilan berpikir tinggi (HOTS)

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    Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk mengetahui efektivitas dari penerapan program Guru Pembelajar. Program Guru Pembelajar sudah dilaksanakan di tahun 2016, Namun belum terdapat evaluasi hasil yang dapat memberikan gambaran utuh mengenai keberhasilan atau kekurangberhasilan pelaksanaan program. Sejauhmana mekanisme penerapan program benar-benar mampu mencapai tujuan yang diharapkan, belumlah jelas. Oleh karena itu, tindakan evaluasi masih diperlukan, terutama untuk melihat permasalahan dan hambatan yang muncul dalam pelaksanaan program. Dari hasil evaluasi juga dapat ditarik alternatif pemikiran untuk memperbaiki penerapan program, serta langkah yang diperlukan dalam upaya meningkatkan kompetensi guru

    Corrosion damage and periodic inspections on pressure devices and lifting equipments

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    This paper deals with requirements for service safety conditions of pressure devices and lifting equipments,according to the European and Italian Standards. Periodic controls and inspections are necessary to checkcorrosion damage and determine residual life, as showed for some significant case histories. As concern aspressure device, hydrogen induced cracking phenomena in steel walls of a demister, utilized to enhance the liquiddroplets removal in a vapor stream, were detected by ultrasound measurements. The measured defect sizeswere put in comparison with the required limits to verify if this device can be maintained in service. About liftingequipments, two different corrosion mechanisms were examined by detecting defects and measuring residualplate thickness: crevice, due to aggressive environment, at the interstitial of steel plates overlap in a welded andbolted joint of a gantry crane; lastly, crevice and corrosion fatigue of steel rail and plate in a double girder shipyardbridge crane, that was exposed for some decades to the daily aggressive action of direct solar radiation and seasalt, detrimental for the coating layer. In these two cases both defects size and plates thickness were consideredwith the aim of indicating treatments and restoration procedures of damaged components

    Analisis Mikrotremor Kawasan Palu Barat Berdasarkan Metode Horizontal To Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR)

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    Penelitian menggunakan metode HVSR (Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio) telah dilakukan untuk memetakan daerah yang rawan terhadap gempabumi di Kota Palu khususnya daerah Palu Barat dan Palu Timur. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada 30 titik dengan jarak antar titik 750 meter dari titik satu ke titik yang lainya dengan waktu perekaman selama 60 menit. Data yang diperoleh diolah menggunakan software Datapro, Geopsy,dan Surfer 10. Hasil pengolahan data diperoleh nilai frekuensi dominan (f0) dan amplifikasi (A0). Indeks kerentanan seismik (Kg) dan nilai percepatan getaran tanah maksimum (PGA) dapat diperoleh dengan menggunakan nilai f0 dan A0. Untuk perhitungan PGA menggunakan 9 data gempabumi besar yang pernah terjadi di daerah pengukuran. Hasil analisis f0, A0, perhitungan Kg dan PGA digunakan untuk memetakan daerah yang rawan terhadap gempabumi. Nilai f0 berkisar antara 0,47 hingga 20,01 Hz sedangkan nilai puncak HVSR atau A0 dari 1,45 sampai 3,81. Sebaran indeks Kg berkisar antara 0,28 hingga 43,25 sedangkan sebaran nilai PGA berkisar antara 104.74 gal hingga 2962,31 gal. Dari peta indeks kerentanan seismik terlihat bahwa daerah yang rawan secara seimik dari gempabumi berada di Kelurahan Lere dan Kelurahan Besusu Barat, sedangkanuntuk peta percepatan getaran tanah maksimum yang paling tinggi berada di sekitar Kelurahan Donggala Kodi. Daerah yang rawan terhadap gempabumi yaitu daerah yang mempunyai nilai f0 rendah, nilai A0 tinggi, dan nilai Kg tinggi. Dalam pembangunan di daerah Palu khususnya Palu Barat dan sebagian Palu Timur diharapkan memperhatikan nilai f0, A0, dan nilai Kg dan dianjurkan mengikuti tata cara perencanaan ketahanan gempa untuk struktur bangunan gedung sebagai upaya mitigasi bencana gempabumi. Kata kunci: HVSR, frekuensi dominan, amplifikasi, indeks kerentanan seismik, PGA, Palu Barat, Palu Timur